tanjaA Flexible Communications SystemYorhel12 years
ylibA collection of small, reusable C librariesYorhel8 years
yxmlA small, fast and mostly-correct XML parserYorhel3 years
ypcAn experimental IPC/RPC mechanismYorhel10 years
asyncwrAsynchronous writer package for GoYorhel12 years
binspectBencode inspection toolYorhel4 years
capnzigCap'n Proto implementation in ZigYorhel15 months
compllCompressed memory allocatorYorhel14 years
dbushConvenient D-Bus debugging shellYorhel11 years
geldCrappy financial program written in QtYorhel15 years
globster-depsDependencies for GlobsterYorhel11 years
pwlookupExperiments with a small B-tree implementation for word lookups in a password di...Yorhel5 years
fcgyFastCGI MiddlewareYorhel3 years
ncsautilHTTP log file parsing and filtering utilityYorhel9 years
websIntended to be a super flexible web server in RustYorhel8 years
logstatLog analysis tool for the CLIYorhel7 years
globsterModular and Flexible Direct Connect ClientYorhel8 years
globster-goModular and Flexible Direct Connect Client Framework attempt in GoYorhel12 years
ncdcNCurses Direct Connect (...client)Yorhel11 days
ncduNCurses Disk UsageYorhel3 months
nginx-confgenNginx configuration file macro language and preprocessorYorhel5 months
poco-pgPOE::Component::Pg - Asynchronous PostgreSQL interface for POEYorhel14 years
torctlRust crate to interact with the Tor networkYorhel5 years
seentlSEEN#.utf file editor written in Qt - never made it into a working stateYorhel15 years
sql-interpSimplified interpolation of variables into SQL statements in Perl. Yorhel3 years
dcstatsSome Measurements on Direct Connect File ListsYorhel10 years
mldemoSome demo experiments in OCamlYorhel14 years
vndbapi-rustSome lazy experiments with using the VNDB API from Rust. Do not use.Yorhel6 years
vndbSource code of VNDB.orgYorhel25 hours
bintelSource code of years
yorhel-devSource code of dev.yorhel.nlYorhel5 months
mannedSource code of manned.orgYorhel6 days
bpasteSource code of p.blicky.netYorhel3 years
tor-staticStatically linked binaries for TorYorhel5 years
camstuffSurveilance camera stuffYorhel17 months
tuwfTUWF - The Ultimate Website FrameworkYorhel8 weeks
tanja-cTanja implementation in CYorhel12 years
tanja-goTanja implementation in GoYorhel12 years
tanja-perlTanja implementation in PerlYorhel12 years
torreasTorrent file reassemblerYorhel4 months
multisockUnified types for TCP & Unix sockets in RustYorhel4 years API Testing & Debugging ClientYorhel13 years
sqlbinWeb-based querying and data sharing platform for PostgreSQL.Yorhel3 months
yawfYorhels Awesome Website Framework - the old TUWFYorhel14 years