asyncwrAsynchronous writer package for GoYorhel12 years
binspectBencode inspection toolYorhel4 years
bintelSource code of years
bpasteSource code of p.blicky.netYorhel3 years
camstuffSurveilance camera stuffYorhel17 months
capnzigCap'n Proto implementation in ZigYorhel15 months
compllCompressed memory allocatorYorhel14 years
dbushConvenient D-Bus debugging shellYorhel11 years
dcstatsSome Measurements on Direct Connect File ListsYorhel10 years
fcgyFastCGI MiddlewareYorhel3 years
geldCrappy financial program written in QtYorhel15 years
globsterModular and Flexible Direct Connect ClientYorhel8 years
globster-depsDependencies for GlobsterYorhel11 years
globster-goModular and Flexible Direct Connect Client Framework attempt in GoYorhel12 years
logstatLog analysis tool for the CLIYorhel6 years
mannedSource code of manned.orgYorhel5 days
mldemoSome demo experiments in OCamlYorhel14 years
multisockUnified types for TCP & Unix sockets in RustYorhel4 years
ncdcNCurses Direct Connect (...client)Yorhel10 days
ncduNCurses Disk UsageYorhel2 months
ncsautilHTTP log file parsing and filtering utilityYorhel9 years
nginx-confgenNginx configuration file macro language and preprocessorYorhel5 months
poco-pgPOE::Component::Pg - Asynchronous PostgreSQL interface for POEYorhel14 years
pwlookupExperiments with a small B-tree implementation for word lookups in a password di...Yorhel5 years
seentlSEEN#.utf file editor written in Qt - never made it into a working stateYorhel15 years API Testing & Debugging ClientYorhel13 years
sql-interpSimplified interpolation of variables into SQL statements in Perl. Yorhel3 years
sqlbinWeb-based querying and data sharing platform for PostgreSQL.Yorhel3 months
tanjaA Flexible Communications SystemYorhel12 years
tanja-cTanja implementation in CYorhel12 years
tanja-goTanja implementation in GoYorhel12 years
tanja-perlTanja implementation in PerlYorhel12 years
tor-staticStatically linked binaries for TorYorhel5 years
torctlRust crate to interact with the Tor networkYorhel5 years
torreasTorrent file reassemblerYorhel4 months
tuwfTUWF - The Ultimate Website FrameworkYorhel8 weeks
vndbSource code of VNDB.orgYorhel7 min.
vndbapi-rustSome lazy experiments with using the VNDB API from Rust. Do not use.Yorhel6 years
websIntended to be a super flexible web server in RustYorhel8 years
yawfYorhels Awesome Website Framework - the old TUWFYorhel14 years
ylibA collection of small, reusable C librariesYorhel8 years
yorhel-devSource code of dev.yorhel.nlYorhel5 months
ypcAn experimental IPC/RPC mechanismYorhel10 years
yxmlA small, fast and mostly-correct XML parserYorhel3 years