#!/usr/bin/perl use v5.10; use strict; use warnings; use POSIX 'strftime', 'ceil', 'floor'; use Socket 'inet_pton', 'inet_ntop', 'AF_INET', 'AF_INET6'; use TUWF ':html5', 'html_escape', 'mkclass'; my @syntax = sort map /([^\/]+)\.vim$/?$1:(), glob("/usr/share/vim/{vim??,vimfiles}/syntax/*.vim"); # IP-based throttling on invalid passcodes and paste codes. sub throttle_interval () { 10 }; sub throttle_burst () { 10 }; # The first two matches are legacy paste codes, will not be generated anymore. my $code_re = qr/([a-z0-9]{5}|[a-zA-Z0-9\.-]{32}|[a-zA-Z0-9]{12})/; TUWF::set( logfile => $ENV{TUWF_LOG}, max_post_body => 1024*1024, # 1MiB # let DBI figure out the login details from the DBI_ environment variables db_login => [undef, undef, undef], ); TUWF::hook before => sub { return 0 if tuwf->{_TUWF}{http} && tuwf->resFile('.', tuwf->reqPath); tuwf->dbh->sqlite_busy_timeout(10000); tuwf->dbExec(q( CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS pastes ( code TEXT PRIMARY KEY, syntax TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'nosyntax', wrap INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, parse_urls INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, raw TEXT NOT NULL, html TEXT, date INTEGER NOT NULL, lastvisit INTEGER NOT NULL, passcode TEXT ) )); tuwf->dbExec(q( CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS pastes_passcode ON pastes (passcode) WHERE passcode IS NOT NULL )); tuwf->dbExec(q( CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS syntaxes AS SELECT syntax, count(*) as cnt FROM pastes GROUP BY syntax )); tuwf->dbExec(q( CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS throttle ( key TEXT PRIMARY KEY, timeout INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ) )); return 1; }; TUWF::post '/' => sub { my $f = tuwf->formValidate( { post => 's', required => 0, default => 'nosyntax', enum => \@syntax }, { post => 'w', required => 0, default => 0 }, { post => 'c', required => 0, default => 0 }, ); return msg('Unknown syntax code', 'backform') if $f->{_err} && grep $_->[0] eq 's', @{$f->{_err}}; my $code = getcode(); # create redirect response first, so that any Set-Cookie headers set in # passcode() aren't forgotten. msg() calls resInit() anyway tuwf->resRedirect("/$code", 'post'); my $p = passcode('p', 'ps'); return if !defined $p; require Encode; my $dat = Encode::encode_utf8(tuwf->reqPost('f')||'') || tuwf->reqUploadRaw('u') || ''; $dat =~ s/\x0D\x0A?/\n/g; return msg("Only UTF-8 encoded data is allowed!\nMake sure you're not uploading a binary file.", 'backform') if !eval { $dat = Encode::decode_utf8($dat, 1); 1; }; return msg("You don't have much to paste, do you?", 'backform') if $dat =~ /^[ \n\s\t]*$/s && $f->{s} ne 'whitespace'; my $html = $f->{s} eq 'nosyntax' ? undef : get_html({ raw => $dat, syntax => $f->{s}, parse_urls => $f->{c}}); tuwf->dbExec( 'INSERT INTO pastes (code, syntax, wrap, parse_urls, passcode, raw, html, date, lastvisit) VALUES(!l)', [ $code, $f->{s}, $f->{w}?1:0, $f->{c}?1:0, $p||undef, $dat, $html, time, time] ); my $cnt = tuwf->dbRow('SELECT cnt FROM syntaxes WHERE syntax = ?', [ $f->{s} ])->{cnt}; tuwf->dbExec($cnt ? 'UPDATE syntaxes SET cnt = cnt+1 WHERE syntax = ?' : 'INSERT INTO syntaxes (syntax, cnt) VALUES (?, 1)', $f->{s}); }; TUWF::get '/' => sub { template(['mypastes'], \&html_upload_form); }; TUWF::get qr{/copy/$code_re} => sub { template(['mypastes'], sub { html_upload_form(tuwf->capture(0)) }); }; TUWF::post '/mypastes' => sub { my $p = passcode('pc','psp'); my $f = tuwf->formValidate({ post => 'p', required => 0, template => 'uint', min => 1, max => 100, default => 1}); return msg('Invalid passcode or page number') if !$p || $f->{_err}; my $th = throttle_get(); return if $th == 1; my($pl) = tuwf->dbPage({page => $f->{p}, results => 100}, q| SELECT code, date, syntax, substr(raw, 1, 150) AS preview, length(raw) AS size FROM pastes WHERE passcode = ? ORDER BY date DESC|, $p ); if(!@$pl) { throttle_update($th); return msg('No pastes with that passcode!'); } my $cnt = ceil(tuwf->dbRow('SELECT count(*) AS cnt FROM pastes WHERE passcode = ?', $p)->{cnt} / 100); template(['mypastes', 'newpaste'], sub { Tr sub { Td class => 'ff', ' '; Td class => 'top', sub { B 'Listing all your pastes:'; Table class => 'mypastelist', sub { for(@$pl) { use utf8; Tr sub { Td class => 'mpldate', strftime '%F %T', gmtime $_->{date}; Td class => 'mplcode', sub { A href => "/$_->{code}", substr($_->{code}, 0, 5).(length $_->{code} > 5 ? '…':''); }; Td class => 'mplsyn', $_->{syntax}; Td class => 'mplsize', sprintf '%.1fk', $_->{size}/1024; Td class => 'mplprev', $_->{preview}; }; } }; if($f->{p} > 1 || $cnt > 1) { Form method => 'POST', action => '/mypastes', class => 'pagination', sub { Input type => 'hidden', name => 'pc', value => $p; B 'Page: '; Input type => 'submit', name => 'p', value => $_ for (1..($f->{p} - 1)); txt " $f->{p} "; Input type => 'submit', name => 'p', value => $_ for(($f->{p}+1)..$cnt); }; } }; }; }); }; TUWF::get qr{/$code_re\.txt} => sub { my $r = getpaste(tuwf->capture(0), 'raw'); return if !ref $r; tuwf->resHeader('Content-Type' => 'text/plain; charset=UTF-8'); lit $r->{raw}; }; TUWF::get qr{/$code_re} => sub { my $code = tuwf->capture(0); my $r = getpaste($code, 'wrap, raw, html, parse_urls, syntax'); return if !ref($r); my $cnt = ($r->{raw} =~ y/\n/\n/); $cnt += 1 if $r->{raw} !~ /\n$/; template([\$code, 'mypastes', 'newpaste'], sub { Tr sub { Td class => 'numbers', sub { if(!$r->{wrap}) { Pre sub { for (1..$cnt) { A name => "r$_", href => "#r$_", $_; lit "\n"; } }; } }; Td class => 'top code', sub { Pre mkclass(allowwrap => $r->{wrap}), sub { lit get_html($r); }; }; }; }); }; TUWF::post qr{/$code_re} => sub { my $code = tuwf->capture(0); my $r = getpaste($code, 'passcode, syntax'); return if !ref($r); return msg('Incorrect passcode!') if !$r->{passcode} || !tuwf->reqPost('pc') || $r->{passcode} ne tuwf->reqPost('pc'); tuwf->dbExec('DELETE FROM pastes WHERE code = ?', $code); tuwf->dbExec('UPDATE syntaxes SET cnt = cnt-1 WHERE syntax = ?', $r->{syntax}); return msg("Unpasted!"); }; # utility functions sub escape_url { my $str = shift; my $r = ''; my $last = 0; while($str =~ m{((?:https?|ftp)://[^ ><"\n\s]+[\d\w=/-])}g) { $r .= sprintf '%s%2$s', html_escape(substr $str, $last, (pos($str)-length($1))-$last), html_escape($1); $last = pos $str; } return $r.html_escape(substr $str, $last); } sub get_html { my $p = shift; return $p->{html} if $p->{html}; my $e = $p->{parse_urls} ? \&escape_url : \&html_escape; return $e->($p->{raw}) if $p->{syntax} eq 'nosyntax'; $ENV{LANG} = 'en_US.UTF-8'; require Text::VimColor; require Encode; my $r = tuwf->reqFCGI; $r->Detach() if $r; my $m = Text::VimColor->new(string => Encode::encode_utf8($p->{raw}), filetype => $p->{syntax})->marked(); $r->Attach() if $r; my $html = ''; foreach (@$m) { my $t = $e->(Encode::decode_utf8($_->[1])); $html .= $_->[0] eq '' ? $t : qq|$t|; } return $html; } sub template { my($links, $content) = @_; Html lang => 'en', sub { Head sub { Title 'Blicky.net pastebin'; Link rel => 'stylesheet', type => 'text/css', href => '/style.css'; Meta name => 'robots', content => 'noindex, nofollow', undef; }; Body sub { Div id => 'leftdiv', ''; Div id => 'toplinks', sub { for(@$links) { txt ' '; if(ref($_)) { A href => '#', onclick => "return unpaste('/$$_')", 'unpaste'; txt ' '; A href => "/$$_.txt", 'raw'; txt ' '; A href => "/copy/$$_", 'copy'; } else { /newpaste/ && A href => '/', 'new paste'; /mypastes/ && A href => '#', onclick => 'return mypastes()', 'my pastes'; } } }; Table sub { Tr sub { Td colspan => 2, class => 'header', sub { H1 'Blicky.net pastebin'; }; }; $content->(); }; Script type => 'text/javascript', src => '/script.js', ''; }; }; } sub html_upload_form { my $copy = shift; my $r = $copy ? getpaste($copy, 'raw, wrap, parse_urls, syntax') : { raw => '', wrap => 0, parse_urls => 1, syntax => 'nosyntax' }; return if !ref $r; use utf8; Tr sub { Td class => 'ff', ''; Td class => 'top', sub { Form enctype => 'multipart/form-data', 'accept-charset' => 'utf-8', method => 'post', action => '/', sub { Fieldset sub { Legend '▾ Contents'; Textarea name => 'f', id => 'f', $r->{raw}; Br; Input type => 'submit', value => 'Submit', id => 'submit'; txt '-or- '; Input type => 'file', name => 'u', id => 'u'; I ' (UTF-8, max. ~1MiB)'; }; Fieldset sub { Legend '▾ Options'; A href => '#', id => 'formatsave', 'save as default'; Input type => 'checkbox', class => 'check', id => 'w', name => 'w', value => 1, $r->{wrap} ? (checked => 'checked') : (); Label for => 'w', ' allow line wrapping'; Br; Input type => 'checkbox', class => 'check', id => 'c', name => 'c', value => 1, $r->{parse_urls} ? (checked => 'checked') : (); Label for => 'c', ' make URLs clickable'; Br; I 'Syntax highlighting: '; Input type => 'text', name => 's', id => 's', size => 10, value => $r->{syntax}; I sub {; txt ' Popular: '; B class => 'syntax', sub { for (@{ tuwf->dbAll('SELECT syntax FROM syntaxes ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 7') }) { A href => '#', onclick => 'return setsyn(this)', $_->{syntax}; txt ' '; } }; txt '| '; A href => '#', onclick => 'return showall()', 'Show all »'; }; Div id => 'syntax', style => 'display: none', sub { for (@syntax) { A href => '#', onclick => 'return setsyn(this)', $_; txt ' '; } }; }; Fieldset sub { Legend '▾ Passcode'; Label for => 'p', 'Passcode: '; Input type => 'password', name => 'p', id => 'p', size => 10; Input type => 'checkbox', class => 'check', id => 'ps', name => 'ps', value => 1; Label for => 'ps', ' save on my computer'; Br; I sub { txt '(Optional, necessary for listing and/or removing your pastes.)'; Br; B 'Important:'; txt ' make sure your passcode is not something other people are likely to use.' .' For example, use "nickname-asdf" instead of "asdf".'; }; }; }; Fieldset sub { Legend '▾ Info'; Ul sub { Li "Pastes don't expire."; Li 'All pastes are private, that is, nobody can find your paste unless they know the URL or the passcode.'; Li sub { txt 'If you absolutely need to have a paste removed from this site, and you lost your passcode, send a mail to '; A href => 'mailto:ayo@blicky.net', 'ayo@blicky.net'; txt '.'; }; Li sub { txt 'Want to paste stuff from the commandline? We have a '; A href => '/bpaste.sh', 'script'; txt ' for that.'; }; Li 'Code highlighting is provided by vim.'; Li sub { txt 'This website is '; A href => 'https://g.blicky.net/bpaste.git', 'open source'; txt '.'; }; }; }; }; }; } # Function directly stolen from VNDB's VNDBUtil.pm sub norm_ip { my $ip = shift; my $v4 = inet_pton AF_INET, $ip; if($v4) { $v4 =~ s/(..)(.)./$1 . chr(ord($2) & 254) . "\0"/se; return inet_ntop AF_INET, $v4; } $ip = inet_pton AF_INET6, $ip; return '::' if !$ip; $ip =~ s/^(.{6}).+$/$1 . "\0"x10/se; return inet_ntop AF_INET6, $ip; } sub throttle_get { my $tm = time; my $th = tuwf->dbRow('SELECT timeout FROM throttle WHERE key = ?', norm_ip(tuwf->reqIP))->{timeout}; $th = $tm if !$th || $th < $tm; return msg('Throttled.') if $th-$tm > throttle_burst*throttle_interval; return $th; } sub throttle_update { my $th = shift; tuwf->dbExec('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO throttle (key, timeout) VALUES (?, ?)', norm_ip(tuwf->reqIP), $th+throttle_interval); } # fetches a paste and handles throttling and updates lastvisit column when necessary sub getpaste { my($code, $col) = @_; my $th = throttle_get(); return if $th == 1; my $r = tuwf->dbRow(q| SELECT !s, lastvisit FROM pastes WHERE code = ? |, $col, $code ); if(!keys %$r) { throttle_update($th); return msg('No paste with that code.'); } tuwf->dbExec('UPDATE pastes SET lastvisit = ? WHERE code = ?', time(), $code) if $r->{lastvisit} < time()-24*3600; return $r; } # generates a simple message as response sub msg { my($msg, $back) = @_; tuwf->resInit; template(['mypastes', 'newpaste'], sub { Tr sub { Td class => 'numbers', ''; Td class => 'top', sub { Br; lit html_escape $msg; if($back) { Br; A href => 'javascript:history.go(-1)', 'Back to the form'; } }; }; }); return 1; } # fetch passcode and set cookie when requested sub passcode { my($p, $ps) = @_; my $f = tuwf->formValidate( { param => $p, required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 64, regex => qr/^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]+$/ }, { param => $ps, required => 0 }, ); if($f->{_err}) { msg("Oops! I couldn't handle your passcode. It is either too long, or it contains characters I can not handle.", 'backform'); return undef; } tuwf->resCookie(secret_passcode => $f->{$p}, path => '/', expires => time()+3*365*24*3600) if $f->{$p} && $f->{$ps}; return $f->{$p}; } # Get a secure and uniform random number between 0 and $n (0 inclusive, $n exclusive, $n <= 256) sub getrand { my $n = shift; state $R; if(!$R) { open $R, '<', '/dev/urandom' or die "Unable to open /dev/urandom\n"; } my $i = 20; while($i-- > 0) { my $buf; die "Unable to read from /dev/urandom" if sysread($R, $buf, 1) != 1; my $c = unpack('C', $buf); return $c % $n if $c < $n*floor(256/$n); } die "Unable to fetch random number\n"; } # Paste codes are now 12 characters of [a-zA-Z0-9], which is around 71.5 bits # in strength. This is already hard (but not entirely infeasable) to # brute-force at high speeds, but is completely infeasable to guess with the # throttle of 1 guess per 10 seconds in place. sub getcode { my @chars = ('0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z'); my $code = join '', map $chars[getrand(scalar @chars)], 1..12; die "Generated duplicate code: $code.\n" if tuwf->dbRow('SELECT 1 AS exist FROM pastes WHERE code = ?', $code)->{exist}; return $code; } TUWF::run();