package ManUtils; use strict; use warnings; use AE; use AnyEvent::Util; use Encode 'decode_utf8', 'encode_utf8'; our $VERSION = '0.01'; require XSLoader; XSLoader::load('ManUtils', $VERSION); sub _groff { my($input, $output, $errors, $cv, @cmd) = @_; # $MANWIDTH works by using the following groff options: -rLL=100n -rLT=100n splice @cmd, 1, 0, qw|-Tutf8 -DUTF-8 -P-c -rLL=80n -rLT=80n|; $input = # Disable hyphenation, since that screws up man page references. :-( ".hy 0\ hy\n..\n" # Emulate man-db's --nj option .".na\ ad\n..\n" .$input; my $groff = run_cmd \@cmd, '<' => \$input, '>' => \my $fmt, '2>' => sub { if($_[0]) { chomp(my $e = $_[0]); push @$errors, "groff: $e" } }; $groff->cb(sub { $$output = $fmt ? decode_utf8($fmt) : ''; $$output =~ s/[\t\s\r\n]+$//; $cv->send; }); $cv } # Usage: $cv = fmt($input, \$output, \@errors) # $cv = AnyEvent condition variable, fired when done. # $input = UTF-8 encoded manual page source # $output = variable that will hold the output when done # @errors = list of warnings/errors while running groff sub fmt { my($input, $output, $errors) = @_; my $cv = AE::cv; $$output = ''; @$errors = (); $input = encode_utf8($input); # grog has a tendency to recognize pod2man generated pages as -ms, let's just work around that by enforcing -man #return _groff $input, $output, $errors, $cv, 'groff', '-man' if $input =~ /^.\\" Automatically generated by Pod::Man/; # Call grog to figure out which preprocessors to use. my $grog = run_cmd [qw|grog -Tutf8 -DUTF-8 -|], '<' => \$input, '>' => \my $cmd, '2>' => sub { $_[0] && push @$errors, "grog: $_[0]" }; $grog->cb(sub { chomp($cmd); if(!$cmd || $cmd =~ /\n/) { push @$errors, !$cmd ? 'grog failed to produce output' : "Excessive grog output: $cmd"; $cv->send; return; } my $double; @$errors = grep { chomp; s/^grog: grog: /grog: /; !$double && /there are several macro packages: (.+)$/ ? ($double = $1) && 0 : 1; } @$errors; my @cmd = split / /, $cmd; if($double) { my %double = map +($_,1), split / /, $double; # Use the first macro package in ASCIIbetical order. (This is somewhat # arbitrary, need to find a better conflict resolution method). my $macros = (sort keys %double)[0]; # Replace macro arguments with our selected one. @cmd = grep !$double{$_}, @cmd; @cmd = (@cmd[0..$#cmd-1], $macros, $cmd[$#cmd]); push @$errors, "grog detected several macro packages: $double. Using $macros. (@cmd)"; } @cmd = map $_ eq '-ms' ? '-man' : $_, @cmd; # -ms is almost(?) always wrong. _groff $input, $output, $errors, $cv, @cmd; }); $cv; } # Blocking version of fmt(). Returns the formatted man page, errors are # forwarded to warn(). sub fmt_block { my $c = shift; my $cv = fmt $c, \my $out, \my @err; $cv->recv; #warn "$_\n" for @err; $out; } 1;