path: root/src
diff options
authorYorhel <>2021-05-04 18:01:49 +0200
committerYorhel <>2021-05-05 08:03:27 +0200
commita54c10bffb56367bd5d2dcc7a9c1c4ef06e84cbb (patch)
tree200c51cfefdd3a5c71412d591958eee541ff8d82 /src
parenta28a0788c3a7a697e73fe07347e9ff036edd64fc (diff)
More UI stuff: nice string handling/shortening + Zig bug workaround
libc locale-dependent APIs are pure madness, but I can't avoid them as long as I use ncurses. libtickit seems like a much saner alternative (at first glance), but no popular application seems to use it. :(
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
4 files changed, 197 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/browser.zig b/src/browser.zig
index 567d347..9024f75 100644
--- a/src/browser.zig
+++ b/src/browser.zig
@@ -1,22 +1,31 @@
const std = @import("std");
const main = @import("main.zig");
+const model = @import("model.zig");
const ui = @import("ui.zig");
-pub fn draw() void {
+pub fn draw() !void {;
- _ = ui.c.mvhline(0, 0, ' ', ui.cols);
- _ = ui.c.mvaddstr(0, 0, "ncdu " ++ main.program_version ++ " ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ");
+ ui.move(0,0);
+ ui.hline(' ', ui.cols);
+ ui.move(0,0);
+ ui.addstr("ncdu " ++ main.program_version ++ " ~ Use the arrow keys to navigate, press ");;
- _ = ui.c.addch('?');
+ ui.addch('?');;
- _ = ui.c.addstr(" for help");
+ ui.addstr(" for help");
// TODO: [imported]/[readonly] indicators;
- _ = ui.c.mvhline(1, 0, ' ', ui.cols);
- // TODO: path
+ ui.move(1,0);
+ ui.hline('-', ui.cols);
+ ui.move(1,3);
+ ui.addch(' ');
+ ui.addstr(try ui.shorten(try ui.toUtf8(, std.math.sub(u32, ui.cols, 5) catch 4));
+ ui.addch(' ');;
- _ = ui.c.mvhline(ui.rows-1, 0, ' ', ui.cols);
- _ = ui.c.mvaddstr(ui.rows-1, 1, "No items to display.");
+ ui.move(ui.rows-1, 0);
+ ui.hline(' ', ui.cols);
+ ui.move(ui.rows-1, 1);
+ ui.addstr("No items to display.");
diff --git a/src/main.zig b/src/main.zig
index 24d1461..cb6043c 100644
--- a/src/main.zig
+++ b/src/main.zig
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ pub fn main() anyerror!void {
defer ui.deinit();
- browser.draw();
+ try browser.draw();
_ = ui.c.getch();
diff --git a/src/ncurses_refs.c b/src/ncurses_refs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed1a4c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ncurses_refs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include <curses.h>
+/* Zig @cImport() has problems with the ACS_* macros. Two, in fact:
+ *
+ * 1. Naively using the ACS_* macros results in:
+ *
+ * error: cannot store runtime value in compile time variable
+ * return acs_map[NCURSES_CAST(u8, c)];
+ * ^
+ * That error doesn't make much sense to me, but it might be
+ * related to
+ *
+ * 2. The 'acs_map' extern variable isn't being linked correctly?
+ * Haven't investigated this one deeply enough yet, but attempting
+ * to dereference acs_map from within Zig leads to a segfault;
+ * its pointer value doesn't make any sense.
+ */
+chtype ncdu_acs_ulcorner() { return ACS_ULCORNER; }
+chtype ncdu_acs_llcorner() { return ACS_LLCORNER; }
+chtype ncdu_acs_urcorner() { return ACS_URCORNER; }
+chtype ncdu_acs_lrcorner() { return ACS_LRCORNER; }
+chtype ncdu_acs_hline() { return ACS_VLINE ; }
+chtype ncdu_acs_vline() { return ACS_HLINE ; }
diff --git a/src/ui.zig b/src/ui.zig
index dff3642..14608bd 100644
--- a/src/ui.zig
+++ b/src/ui.zig
@@ -7,12 +7,15 @@ pub const c = @cImport({
+ @cDefine("_X_OPEN_SOURCE", "1");
+ @cInclude("wchar.h");
+ @cInclude("locale.h");
var inited: bool = false;
-pub var rows: i32 = undefined;
-pub var cols: i32 = undefined;
+pub var rows: u32 = undefined;
+pub var cols: u32 = undefined;
pub fn die(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) noreturn {
@@ -20,6 +23,131 @@ pub fn die(comptime fmt: []const u8, args: anytype) noreturn {
+var to_utf8_buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(main.allocator);
+fn toUtf8BadChar(ch: u8) bool {
+ return switch (ch) {
+ 0...0x1F, 0x7F => true,
+ else => false
+ };
+// Utility function to convert a string to valid (mostly) printable UTF-8.
+// Invalid codepoints will be encoded as '\x##' strings.
+// Returns the given string if it's already valid, otherwise points to an
+// internal buffer that will be invalidated on the next call.
+// (Doesn't check for non-printable Unicode characters)
+// (This program assumes that the console locale is UTF-8, but file names may not be)
+pub fn toUtf8(in: [:0]const u8) ![:0]const u8 {
+ const hasBadChar = blk: {
+ for (in) |ch| if (toUtf8BadChar(ch)) break :blk true;
+ break :blk false;
+ };
+ if (!hasBadChar and std.unicode.utf8ValidateSlice(in)) return in;
+ var i: usize = 0;
+ to_utf8_buf.shrinkRetainingCapacity(0);
+ while (i < in.len) {
+ if (std.unicode.utf8ByteSequenceLength(in[i])) |cp_len| {
+ if (!toUtf8BadChar(in[i]) and i + cp_len <= in.len) {
+ if (std.unicode.utf8Decode(in[i .. i + cp_len])) |_| {
+ try to_utf8_buf.appendSlice(in[i .. i + cp_len]);
+ i += cp_len;
+ continue;
+ } else |_| {}
+ }
+ } else |_| {}
+ try to_utf8_buf.writer().print("\\x{X:0>2}", .{in[i]});
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ return try to_utf8_buf.toOwnedSliceSentinel(0);
+var shorten_buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(main.allocator);
+// Shorten the given string to fit in the given number of columns.
+// If the string is too long, only the prefix and suffix will be printed, with '...' in between.
+// Input is assumed to be valid UTF-8.
+// Return value points to the input string or to an internal buffer that is
+// invalidated on a subsequent call.
+pub fn shorten(in: [:0]const u8, max_width: u32) ![:0] const u8 {
+ if (max_width < 4) return "...";
+ var total_width: u32 = 0;
+ var prefix_width: u32 = 0;
+ var prefix_end: u32 = 0;
+ var it = std.unicode.Utf8View.initUnchecked(in).iterator();
+ while (it.nextCodepoint()) |cp| {
+ // XXX: libc assumption: wchar_t is a Unicode point. True for most modern libcs?
+ // (The "proper" way is to use mbtowc(), but I'd rather port the musl wcwidth implementation to Zig so that I *know* it'll be Unicode.
+ // On the other hand, ncurses also use wcwidth() so that would cause duplicated code. Ugh)
+ const cp_width_ = c.wcwidth(cp);
+ const cp_width = @intCast(u32, if (cp_width_ < 0) 1 else cp_width_);
+ const cp_len = std.unicode.utf8CodepointSequenceLength(cp) catch unreachable;
+ total_width += cp_width;
+ if (prefix_width + cp_width <= @divFloor(max_width-1, 2)-1) {
+ prefix_width += cp_width;
+ prefix_end += cp_len;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (total_width <= max_width) return in;
+ shorten_buf.shrinkRetainingCapacity(0);
+ try shorten_buf.appendSlice(in[0..prefix_end]);
+ try shorten_buf.appendSlice("...");
+ var start_width: u32 = prefix_width;
+ var start_len: u32 = prefix_end;
+ it = std.unicode.Utf8View.initUnchecked(in[prefix_end..]).iterator();
+ while (it.nextCodepoint()) |cp| {
+ const cp_width_ = c.wcwidth(cp);
+ const cp_width = @intCast(u32, if (cp_width_ < 0) 1 else cp_width_);
+ const cp_len = std.unicode.utf8CodepointSequenceLength(cp) catch unreachable;
+ start_width += cp_width;
+ start_len += cp_len;
+ if (total_width - start_width <= max_width - prefix_width - 3) {
+ try shorten_buf.appendSlice(in[start_len..]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return try shorten_buf.toOwnedSliceSentinel(0);
+fn shortenTest(in: [:0]const u8, max_width: u32, out: [:0]const u8) void {
+ std.testing.expectEqualStrings(out, shorten(in, max_width) catch unreachable);
+test "shorten" {
+ _ = c.setlocale(c.LC_ALL, ""); // libc wcwidth() may not recognize Unicode without this
+ const t = shortenTest;
+ t("abcde", 3, "...");
+ t("abcde", 5, "abcde");
+ t("abcde", 4, "...e");
+ t("abcdefgh", 6, "");
+ t("abcdefgh", 7, "");
+ t("ABCDEFGH", 16, "ABCDEFGH");
+ t("ABCDEFGH", 7, "A...H");
+ t("ABCDEFGH", 8, "A...H");
+ t("ABCDEFGH", 9, "A...GH");
+ t("AaBCDEFGH", 8, "A...H"); // could optimize this, but w/e
+ t("ABCDEFGaH", 8, "A...aH");
+ t("ABCDEFGH", 15, "ABC...FGH");
+// ncurses_refs.c
+extern fn ncdu_acs_ulcorner() c.chtype;
+extern fn ncdu_acs_llcorner() c.chtype;
+extern fn ncdu_acs_urcorner() c.chtype;
+extern fn ncdu_acs_lrcorner() c.chtype;
+extern fn ncdu_acs_hline() c.chtype;
+extern fn ncdu_acs_vline() c.chtype;
+pub fn acs_ulcorner() c.chtype { return ncdu_acs_ulcorner(); }
+pub fn acs_llcorner() c.chtype { return ncdu_acs_llcorner(); }
+pub fn acs_urcorner() c.chtype { return ncdu_acs_urcorner(); }
+pub fn acs_lrcorner() c.chtype { return ncdu_acs_lrcorner(); }
+pub fn acs_hline() c.chtype { return ncdu_acs_hline() ; }
+pub fn acs_vline() c.chtype { return ncdu_acs_vline() ; }
const StyleAttr = struct { fg: i16, bg: i16, attr: u32 };
const StyleDef = struct {
name: []const u8,
@@ -101,14 +229,10 @@ const Style = lbl: {
-pub fn style(s: Style) void {
- _ = c.attr_set(styles[@enumToInt(s)].style().attr, @enumToInt(s)+1, null);
fn updateSize() void {
// getmax[yx] macros are marked as "legacy", but Zig can't deal with the "proper" getmaxyx macro.
- rows = c.getmaxy(c.stdscr);
- cols = c.getmaxx(c.stdscr);
+ rows = @intCast(u32, c.getmaxy(c.stdscr));
+ cols = @intCast(u32, c.getmaxx(c.stdscr));
pub fn init() void {
@@ -143,3 +267,26 @@ pub fn deinit() void {
_ = c.endwin();
inited = false;
+pub fn style(s: Style) void {
+ _ = c.attr_set(styles[@enumToInt(s)].style().attr, @enumToInt(s)+1, null);
+pub fn move(y: u32, x: u32) void {
+ _ = c.move(@intCast(i32, y), @intCast(i32, x));
+// Wraps to the next line if the text overflows, not sure how to disable that.
+// (Well, addchstr() does that, but not entirely sure I want to go that way.
+// Does that even work with UTF-8? Or do I really need to go wchar madness?)
+pub fn addstr(s: [:0]const u8) void {
+ _ = c.addstr(s);
+pub fn addch(ch: c.chtype) void {
+ _ = c.addch(ch);
+pub fn hline(ch: c.chtype, len: u32) void {
+ _ = c.hline(ch, @intCast(i32, len));