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authorYorhel <>2018-01-14 11:45:20 +0100
committerYorhel <>2018-01-14 11:45:30 +0100
commit7f0525356fb8735bf4fa777b2be8fad8bfa7f604 (patch)
parent4760c5a4ced83d43a200558e77c0310e9de9de0b (diff)
Add pre_if directive to mimic the if directive in nginx
I'm unsure what to do with the parenthesis removal thing. Right now it's... broken.
2 files changed, 88 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index 43f698c..d3eff20 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ parser = between ws eof $ many stmt
-- directive. (Which means that "${v}" and "$v" are not equivalent if the
-- directive does not resolve variables, which means our parse/format
-- round-trip is buggy)
- str = between (char '"' ) (char '"' ) (qstr (/='"' ))
- <|> between (char '\'') (char '\'') (qstr (/='\''))
+ str = between (char '"' ) (char '"' ) (qstr (/='"' ) <|> return [Literal ""])
+ <|> between (char '\'') (char '\'') (qstr (/='\'') <|> return [Literal ""])
<|> qstr (\c -> not (isSpace c) && c /= '{' && c /= ';')
qstr f = some (
@@ -161,6 +161,10 @@ data Error
| IncludeParse (ParseError (Token String) Void)
| IncludeRecurse
| SetArg
+ | IfNeedsBlock
+ | IfUnknown
+ | IfInvalidArg
+ | IfUnresolvedVar String
instance Show Error where
show MacroNoName = "Macro directive missing or invalid name argument, syntax is \"macro name ..args.. { }\""
@@ -179,6 +183,10 @@ instance Show Error where
show (IncludeParse e) = parseErrorPretty e
show IncludeRecurse = "Recursion depth exceeded with 'pre_include'"
show SetArg = "Invalid argument(s) to 'pre_set'"
+ show IfNeedsBlock = "'pre_if' directive requires a block argument"
+ show IfUnknown = "Unknown argument or operator in 'pre_if' directive"
+ show IfInvalidArg = "Invalid &block or @array argument to 'pre_if'"
+ show (IfUnresolvedVar n) = "Unresolved variable '$"++n++"' in 'pre_if'"
instance Exception Error
@@ -237,6 +245,76 @@ macroExpand m iargs iblock = do
+-- [Arg] should not have been interpolated yet, otherwise rmParen may remove
+-- parenthesis from variables.
+ifExpand :: PState -> [Arg] -> Conf -> IO Conf
+ifExpand st arg conf = do
+ -- Turn Arg into [ArgComponent] and remove parenthesis
+ args <- filter (not.null) . fmap (filter isNonEmpty) . rmParen <$> mapM validateArg arg
+ ok <- case args of
+ -- Single argument, test if true/false
+ [v] -> do
+ v' <- interpArg v
+ return $ v' /= "" && v' /= "0"
+ -- Equality/inequality
+ [a, [Literal "=" ], b] -> (==) <$> interpArg a <*> interpArg b
+ [a, [Literal "!="], b] -> (/=) <$> interpArg a <*> interpArg b
+ -- Dunno
+ _ -> throwIO IfUnknown
+ return $ if ok then conf else []
+ where
+ -- All arguments must be fully evaluated ArgStrings
+ validateArg :: Arg -> IO [ArgComponent]
+ validateArg (ArgString l) = return l
+ validateArg _ = throwIO IfInvalidArg
+ -- Performs variable substitution and flattens the result
+ interpArg :: [ArgComponent] -> IO String
+ interpArg a = do
+ [ArgString a'] <- procArg st [ArgString a]
+ join <$> mapM flat a'
+ where
+ flat (Literal n) = return n
+ flat (Variable n) = throwIO (IfUnresolvedVar n)
+ -- nginx allows parenthesis around the if arguments. It doesn't really fit
+ -- the way the config file is parsed, but let's emulate it anyway.
+ -- This function may result in empty string literals, which should be
+ -- filtered out separately. (And this code is horrible)
+ --
+ -- This solution is a bit quircky with quoted arguments:
+ -- if "($something)" -> if $something
+ -- if "($some" thing) -> if $some thing
+ -- if (some "thing)" -> if some thing
+ -- if (something) "" -> exception
+ -- if "" -> considered the same as having no arguments
+ -- if $var = "" -> unknown operator (ugh this is bad)
+ rmParen :: [[ArgComponent]] -> [[ArgComponent]]
+ rmParen args = case args of
+ -- (something) - Single, literal argument
+ [[Literal ('(':xs)]] -> if not (null xs) && last xs == ')' then [[Literal (init xs)]] else args
+ -- ($something) - Single, multi-component argument
+ [Literal ('(':xs):cs] -> case last cs of
+ Literal ls -> if last ls == ')' then [Literal xs : init cs ++ [Literal (init ls)]] else args
+ _ -> args
+ -- (some thing) - Multiple arguments
+ (Literal ('(':xs):cs):as -> case last (last as) of
+ Literal ls -> if last ls == ')' then [Literal xs : cs] ++ init as ++ [init (last as) ++ [Literal (init ls)]] else args
+ _ -> args
+ -- anything else
+ _ -> args
+ isNonEmpty (Literal "") = False
+ isNonEmpty _ = True
data PState = PState
{ stVars :: HashMap String [ArgComponent]
, stMacros :: HashMap String Macro
@@ -307,6 +385,11 @@ procConf gst gconf = foldM p (gst, []) gconf
return (st { stVars = M.insert n arg' (stVars st) }, [])
_ -> throwIO SetArg
+ stmt st (Directive "pre_if" a b) =
+ (st,) <$> case b of
+ Nothing -> throwIO IfNeedsBlock
+ Just b' -> procConf' st b' >>= ifExpand st a
stmt st (Directive name a b) = (st,) <$> do
a' <- procArg st a
b' <- mapM (procConf' st) b
diff --git a/test/main.conf b/test/main.conf
index 994fa4a..a946a45 100644
--- a/test/main.conf
+++ b/test/main.conf
@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ events {
-pre_set $name "This is the \$name variable"; # Set a variable
+pre_set $name ""; #" This is the \$name variable"; # Set a variable
-pre_if something {
+pre_if ($name = x$name) {
+ the pre_if matched;
pre_set $var 2;
# Not visible outside of this pre_if block... hmmmm.