diff options
authorYorhel <>2018-01-13 11:27:53 +0100
committerYorhel <>2018-01-13 11:27:53 +0100
commitc0d63c583fabba7c0550c14c2bc9def125f0edcd (patch)
parenteb683aa0df23aae925cfa045e808f27749bfb747 (diff)
Add macro expansion
2 files changed, 86 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index b7e5a2c..d0340fd 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -142,9 +142,18 @@ fmt conf = intercalate "\n" $ concatMap dir conf
+data Macro = Macro
+ { mName :: String
+ , mState :: PState -- the state in which this macro was defined
+ , mScalar :: [String]
+ , mArray :: Maybe String
+ , mBlock :: Maybe String
+ , mCode :: Conf
+ }
data PState = PState
{ stVars :: HashMap String [ArgComponent]
- , stMacros :: HashMap String ([Arg], Conf)
+ , stMacros :: HashMap String Macro
, stArgs :: HashMap String [ArgComponent] -- shadows stVars
-- Max 1, but Prelude's 'lookup' isn't generic to work on Maybe, so this'll do
, stArray :: [(String, [Arg])]
@@ -158,6 +167,13 @@ data Error
| UnknownBlockRef String
| BlockArg String
| UnknownArray String
+ | MacroDefBlock String String
+ | MacroDefArray String String
+ | MacroDefVar String
+ | MacroNotEnoughArgs String
+ | MacroTooManyArgs String
+ | MacroNoNeedsBlock String
+ | MacroNeedsBlock String
instance Show Error where
show MacroNoName = "Macro directive missing or invalid name argument, syntax is \"macro name ..args.. { }\""
@@ -165,7 +181,13 @@ instance Show Error where
show (UnknownBlockRef n) = "Reference to unknown block variable '&"++n++"'"
show (BlockArg n) = "Block variable '&"++n++"' may not be used as argument to a directive"
show (UnknownArray n) = "Reference to unknown variable '&'"++n++"'"
+ show (MacroDefBlock n a) = "Block argument '&"++a++"' must be the last in macro definition of '"++n++"'"
+ show (MacroDefArray n a) = "Array argument '@"++a++"' must be last or before block argument in macro definition of '"++n++"'"
+ show (MacroDefVar n) = "Arguments to macro definition of '"++n++"' can only contain variables"
+ show (MacroNotEnoughArgs n) = "Not enough arguments given to macro '"++n++"'"
+ show (MacroTooManyArgs n) = "Too many arguments given to macro '"++n++"'"
+ show (MacroNoNeedsBlock n) = "Macro '"++n++"' does not accept a block argument"
+ show (MacroNeedsBlock n) = "Macro '"++n++"' requires a block argument, but none given"
proc :: Conf -> Either Error Conf
proc globalconf = pconf (PState mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty) globalconf
@@ -205,17 +227,54 @@ proc globalconf = pconf (PState mempty mempty mempty mempty mempty) globalconf
stmt st (Directive "macro" a b) =
case (a,b) of
(ArgString [Literal n]:_ , Nothing) -> Left (MacroNoBlock n)
- (ArgString [Literal n]:a', Just b') -> Right (st { stMacros = M.insert n (a', b') (stMacros st) }, []) -- TODO: variable & macro substitution in b'
+ (ArgString [Literal n]:a', Just b') -> (,[]) <$> macro_def st n a' b'
(_ , _ ) -> Left MacroNoName
- stmt st (Directive name a b) =
+ stmt st (Directive name a b) = (st,) <$> do
+ a' <- pargs st a
+ b' <- mapM (pconf st) b
case M.lookup name (stMacros st) of
- Nothing -> do
- a' <- pargs st a
- b' <- mapM (pconf st) b
- Right (st, [Directive name a' b'])
- Just _ -> fail "Unimplemented" -- TODO
+ Just macro -> macro_expand macro a' b'
+ Nothing -> Right [Directive name a' b']
+ -- macros
+ macro_def :: PState -> String -> [Arg] -> Conf -> Either Error PState
+ macro_def st name arg code =
+ case reverse arg of
+ (ArgBlock b):(ArgArray a):xs -> m xs (Just a) (Just b)
+ (ArgBlock b):xs -> m xs Nothing (Just b)
+ (ArgArray a):xs -> m xs (Just a) Nothing
+ xs -> m xs Nothing Nothing
+ where
+ f (ArgBlock v) = Left (MacroDefBlock name v)
+ f (ArgArray v) = Left (MacroDefArray name v)
+ f (ArgString (Variable v:[])) = Right v
+ f _ = Left (MacroDefVar name)
+ m rscalars a block = do
+ scalars <- mapM f $ reverse rscalars
+ let macro = Macro name st scalars a block code
+ return (st { stMacros = M.insert name macro (stMacros st) })
+ macro_expand :: Macro -> [Arg] -> Maybe Conf -> Either Error [Directive]
+ macro_expand m iargs iblock = do
+ (args, leftover) <- genargs mempty (mScalar m) iargs
+ arr <- case (leftover, mArray m) of
+ (a, Just b) -> Right [(b, a)]
+ ([], Nothing) -> Right []
+ _ -> Left (MacroTooManyArgs (mName m))
+ block <- case (iblock, mBlock m) of
+ (Just a, Just b) -> Right [(b, a)]
+ (Nothing, Nothing) -> Right []
+ (Just _, Nothing) -> Left (MacroNoNeedsBlock (mName m))
+ (Nothing, Just _) -> Left (MacroNeedsBlock (mName m))
+ let nst = (mState m) { stArgs = args, stArray = arr, stBlock = block }
+ pconf nst (mCode m)
+ where
+ genargs :: HashMap String [ArgComponent] -> [String] -> [Arg] -> Either Error (HashMap String [ArgComponent], [Arg])
+ -- All arguments are ArgString, enforced by 'interp'
+ genargs vars (n:ns) (ArgString a:as) = genargs (M.insert n a vars) ns as
+ genargs vars [] as = Right (vars, as)
+ genargs _ _ _ = Left (MacroNotEnoughArgs (mName m))
diff --git a/test.conf b/test.conf
index 17f781c..0deb562 100644
--- a/test.conf
+++ b/test.conf
@@ -14,10 +14,18 @@ pre_if something {
# Not visible outside of this pre_if block... hmmmm.
+macro bind_tls {
+ listen tls;
+ description $name; # Global $name
# Macro <name> <arg1> <arg2> .. <contents>
# Arguments can be a:
# $var -> scalar argument
-# @var -> array argument, can only be passed to other directives
+# @var -> array argument,
+# represents zero or more arguments,
+# can only be passed to other directives,
+# if present, must be last argument or before &var
# &var -> block argument, must be the last argument, if present
macro server_https $name @alias &block {
# $name here shadows the global $name
@@ -26,10 +34,15 @@ macro server_https $name @alias &block {
# Anything can go inside the macro contents
server {
- listen tls;
+ # Macro invocation inside a macro; $name, @alias, &block and $something
+ # are not available to the macro.
+ bind_tls;
server_name $name @alias;
cert_something "/etc/nginx/certs/$name.crt";
- &block; # expands to the block argument, inside this block, $name is the global name again and $something is not available
+ # expands to the block argument, same rules as a macro invocation:
+ &block;
@@ -39,5 +52,5 @@ http {
if "x"{}
document_root "/var/tmp/\$va\"r .log";
- #server_https {}
+ server_https {hi;}