path: root/lib/TUWF/Validate/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/TUWF/Validate/')
1 files changed, 82 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/TUWF/Validate/ b/lib/TUWF/Validate/
index fcf6f0a..946603c 100644
--- a/lib/TUWF/Validate/
+++ b/lib/TUWF/Validate/
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ sub _merge {
my($c, $o) = @_;
_merge_type $c, $o;
+ $o->{required} = 1 if ($c->{name}||'') eq 'anybool';
$o->{values} = _merge_toplevel($c->{schema}{values}, $o->{values}||{}) if $c->{schema}{values};
if($c->{schema}{keys}) {
@@ -50,6 +53,7 @@ sub _merge_toplevel {
my($c, $o) = @_;
$o->{required} ||= $c->{schema}{required};
$o->{unknown} ||= $c->{schema}{unknown};
+ $o->{default} = $c->{schema}{default} if exists $c->{schema}{default};
$o->{type} = $c->{schema}{type} if !$o->{type} || $o->{type} eq 'any';
_merge $c, $o;
@@ -132,4 +136,82 @@ sub html5_validation {
+# The elm_ are experimental, unstable, not very well-tested and for Elm 0.18
+# Options: required any array values keys indent level
+sub elm_type {
+ my($o, %opt) = @_;
+ my $par = delete $opt{_need_parens} ? sub { "($_[0])" } : sub { $_[0] };
+ return $par->('Maybe ' . $o->elm_type(%opt, required => 1, _need_parens => 1)) if !$o->{required} && !defined $o->{default} && !$opt{required};
+ delete $opt{required};
+ return 'String' if $o->{type} eq 'scalar';
+ return 'Bool' if $o->{type} eq 'bool';
+ return 'Float' if $o->{type} eq 'num';
+ return 'Int' if $o->{type} eq 'int';
+ return $opt{any} if $o->{type} eq 'any' && $opt{any};
+ return $par->( ($opt{array} || 'List') . ' ' . ($opt{values} || $o->{values}->elm_type(%opt, _need_parens => 1)) )
+ if $o->{type} eq 'array' && ($opt{values} || $o->{values});
+ if($o->{type} eq 'hash' && ($o->{keys} || $opt{keys})) {
+ $opt{indent} //= 2;
+ $opt{level} //= 1;
+ my $len = 0;
+ $len = length $_ > $len ? length $_ : $len for keys %{$o->{keys}};
+ my $r = "\n{ " . join("\n, ", map {
+ sprintf "%-*s : %s", $len, $_, $opt{keys}{$_} || $o->{keys}{$_}->elm_type(%opt, level => $opt{level}+1);
+ } sort keys %{$o->{keys}}) . "\n}";;
+ $r =~ s/\n/$opt{indent} ? "\n" . (' 'x($opt{indent}*$opt{level})) : ''/eg;
+ return $r;
+ }
+ croak "Unknown type '$o->{type}' or missing option";
+# Elm JSON encoder for values of elm_type()
+# options: elm_type() options + json_encode var_prefix
+sub elm_encoder {
+ my($o, %opt) = @_;
+ $opt{json_encode} //= '';
+ $opt{var_prefix} //= 'e';
+ $opt{var_num} //= 0;
+ return sprintf '(Maybe.withDefault %snull << %s)',
+ $opt{json_encode}, $opt{values} || $o->elm_encoder(%opt, required => 1)
+ if !$o->{required} && !defined $o->{default} && !$opt{required};
+ delete $opt{required};
+ return "$opt{json_encode}string" if $o->{type} eq 'scalar';
+ return "$opt{json_encode}bool" if $o->{type} eq 'bool';
+ return "$opt{json_encode}float" if $o->{type} eq 'num';
+ return "$opt{json_encode}int" if $o->{type} eq 'int';
+ return $opt{any} if $o->{type} eq 'any' && $opt{any};
+ return sprintf '(%slist << %s)', $opt{json_encode}, $opt{values} || $o->{values}->elm_encoder(%opt)
+ if $o->{type} eq 'array' && ($opt{values} || $o->{values});
+ if($o->{type} eq 'hash' && ($o->{keys} || $opt{keys})) {
+ $opt{indent} //= 2;
+ $opt{level} //= 1;
+ my $len = 0;
+ $len = length $_ > $len ? length $_ : $len for keys %{$o->{keys}};
+ my $var = $opt{var_prefix}.$opt{var_num};
+ my $r = sprintf "(\\%s -> %sobject\n[ %s\n])", $var, $opt{json_encode}, join "\n, ", map {
+ sprintf '("%s",%s %s %s.%1$s)', $_,
+ ' 'x($len-(length $_)),
+ $opt{keys}{$_} || $o->{keys}{$_}->elm_encoder(%opt, level => $opt{level}+1, var_num => $opt{var_num}+1),
+ $var;
+ } sort keys %{$o->{keys}};
+ $r =~ s/\n/$opt{indent} ? "\n" . (' 'x($opt{indent}*$opt{level})) : ''/eg;
+ return $r;
+ }
+ croak "Unknown type '$o->{type}' or missing option";