# TUWF.pm - the core module for TUWF # The Ultimate Website Framework package TUWF; use strict; use warnings; use Carp 'croak'; our $VERSION = '1.4'; # Store the object in a global variable for some functions that don't get it # passed as an argument. This will break when: # - using a threaded environment (threading sucks anyway) # - handling multiple requests asynchronously (which this framework can't do) # - handling multiple sites in the same perl process. This may be useful in # a mod_perl environment, which we don't support. our $OBJ = bless { _TUWF => { route_handlers => [], hooks => { before => [], after => [], }, # defaults import_modules => 1, mail_from => '', mail_sendmail => '/usr/sbin/sendmail', max_post_body => 10*1024*1024, # 10MB error_400_handler => \&_error_400, error_404_handler => \&_error_404, error_405_handler => \&_error_405, error_413_handler => \&_error_413, error_500_handler => \&_error_500, log_format => sub { my($self, $uri, $msg) = @_; sprintf "[%s] %s -> %s\n", scalar localtime(), $uri, $msg; }, validate_templates => {}, custom_validations => {}, # No particular selection of MIME types mime_types => {qw{ 7z application/x-7z-compressed aac audio/aac atom application/atom+xml avi video/x-msvideo bin application/octet-stream bmp image/bmp bz application/x-bzip2 css text/css csv text/csv gif image/gif htm text/html html text/html ico image/x-icon jpeg image/jpeg jpg image/jpeg js application/javascript json application/json mp3 audio/mpeg mp4 video/mp4 mp4v video/mp4 mpg4 video/mp4 mpg video/mpeg mpeg video/mpeg oga audio/ogg ogg audio/ogg ogv video/ogg otf font/otf pdf application/pdf png image/png rar application/x-rar-compressed rss application/rss+xml svg image/svg+xml tar application/x-tar tiff image/tiff ttf font/ttf txt text/plain webm video/webm xhtml text/html xml application/xml xsd application/xml xsl application/xml zip application/zip }}, mime_default => 'text/plain', http_server_port => $ENV{TUWF_HTTP_SERVER_PORT}||3000, } }, 'TUWF::Object'; sub import { my $self = shift; my $pack = caller(); # Always export 'tuwf'. This can still be excluded with a '!tuwf' in @_ my @arg = ('tuwf', @_); # import requested functions from TUWF submodules croak $@ if !eval "package $pack; import TUWF::func \@arg; 1"; } # get or set TUWF configuration variables sub set { return $OBJ->{_TUWF}{$_[0]} if @_ == 1; $OBJ->{_TUWF} = { %{$OBJ->{_TUWF}}, @_ }; } sub run { # load the database module if requested $OBJ->_load_module('TUWF::DB', 1) if $OBJ->{_TUWF}{db_login}; # install a warning handler to write to the log file $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $TUWF::OBJ->log($_) for @_; }; # load optional modules require Time::HiRes if $OBJ->debug || $OBJ->{_TUWF}{log_slow_pages}; # initialize DB connection $OBJ->dbInit if $OBJ->{_TUWF}{db_login}; # In a FastCGI environment, STDIN will be a listen socket; getpeername() will # return a ENOTCONN on those, giving us a reliably way to differentiate # between CGI (env vars), FastCGI (STDIN socket), and others. my(undef) = (getpeername \*STDIN); my $isfastcgi = $!{ENOTCONN}; # plain old CGI if($ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} && $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} =~ /CGI/i) { $OBJ->_handle_request; # otherwise, test for FastCGI } elsif($isfastcgi) { require FCGI; import FCGI; my $r = FCGI::Request(); $OBJ->{_TUWF}{fcgi_req} = $r; while($r->Accept() >= 0) { $OBJ->_handle_request; $r->Finish(); } # otherwise, run our own HTTP server } else { require HTTP::Server::Simple; require HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI::Environment; $OBJ->{_TUWF}{http} = 1; my $h = TUWF::http->new($OBJ->{_TUWF}{http_server_port}); $h->run; } # close the DB connection $OBJ->dbDisconnect if $OBJ->{_TUWF}{db_login}; } # Maps URLs to handlers (legacy) sub register { my $a = \@_; for my $i (0..$#$a/2) { push @{$OBJ->{_TUWF}{route_handlers}}, qr{^(?:GET|POST|HEAD) /$a->[$i*2]$}, sub { $a->[$i*2+1]->($OBJ, @{$OBJ->{_TUWF}{captures_pos}}) } } } # Register router handlers sub any { my($methods, $path, $sub) = @_; croak 'Methods argument in route registration must be an array' if ref $methods ne 'ARRAY'; croak 'Path argument in route registration must be a string or regex' if ref $path && ref $path ne 'Regexp'; croak 'Subroutine argument in route registration must be a code reference' if ref $sub ne 'CODE'; my $methods_re = '(?:' . join('|', map uc, @$methods). ')'; my $path_re = ref $path eq 'Regexp' ? $path : quotemeta $path; push @{$OBJ->{_TUWF}{route_handlers}}, qr{^$methods_re $path_re$}, $sub; } sub get ($&) { any ['get','head'], @_ } sub post ($&) { any ['post' ], @_ } sub del ($&) { any ['delete' ], @_ } sub options ($&) { any ['options' ], @_ } sub put ($&) { any ['put' ], @_ } sub patch ($&) { any ['patch' ], @_ } sub hook ($&) { my($hook, $sub) = @_; croak "Unknown hook: $hook" if $hook ne 'before' && $hook ne 'after'; croak 'Hooks expect a subroutine as second argument' if ref $sub ne 'CODE'; push @{$OBJ->{_TUWF}{hooks}{$hook}}, $sub; } # Load modules sub load { $OBJ->_load_module($_, $OBJ->{_TUWF}{import_modules}) for (@_); } # Load modules, recursively # All submodules should be under the same directory in @INC sub load_recursive { my $rec; $rec = sub { my($d, $f, $m) = @_; for my $s (glob "\"$d/$f/*\"") { $OBJ->_load_module("${m}::$1", $OBJ->{_TUWF}{import_modules}) if -f $s && $s =~ /([^\/]+)\.pm$/; $rec->($d, "$f/$1", "${m}::$1") if -d $s && $s =~ /([^\/]+)$/; } }; for my $m (@_) { (my $f = $m) =~ s/::/\//g; my $d = (grep +(-d "$_/$f" or -s "$_/$f.pm"), @INC)[0]; croak "No module or submodules of '$m' found" if !$d; $OBJ->_load_module($m, $OBJ->{_TUWF}{import_modules}) if -s "$d/$f.pm"; $rec->($d, $f, $m) if -d "$d/$f"; } } sub _error_400 { _very_simple_page(400, '400 - Bad Request', 'Only UTF-8 encoded data is accepted.
Stop trying to hack me!') } sub _error_404 { _very_simple_page(404, '404 - Page Not Found', q{ Whatever it is you were looking for, this probably isn't it.
Unless you were looking for an error page, in which case: Congratulations! }); } sub _error_405 { _very_simple_page(405, '405 - Method not allowed', 'Or at least, this isn\'t one of the HTTP methods that I was expecting!') } sub _error_413 { _very_simple_page(413, '413 - Request Entity Too Large', q{ That's an odd way of saying that you were probably trying to upload a large file. Too large, in fact, for the server to handle. If you believe this error to be mistaken, you can ask the site admin to increase the maximum allowed upload size. }); } sub _error_500 { _very_simple_page(500, '500 - Extraterrestrial Server Error', q{ Ouch! Something went wrong on the server. Perhaps a misconfiguration, perhaps a bug, or perhaps just a temporary issue caused by regular maintenance or maybe even alien interference. Details of this error have been written to a log file. If the issue persists, please contact the site admin to let them know that they might have some fixing to do. }); } # a super simple page for error messages sub _very_simple_page { my($code, $title, $msg) = @_; $OBJ->resInit; $OBJ->resStatus($code); $OBJ->resHeader(Allow => 'GET, HEAD, POST') if $code == 405; # XXX: not accurate, should get this from the route list. my $fd = $OBJ->resFd; # CSS based on http://bettermotherfuckingwebsite.com/ print $fd <<__; $title



__ } # A 'redirection' namespace for all functions exported by TUWF submodules. # This trick avoids having to write our own sophisticated import() function package TUWF::func; use Exporter 'import'; # don't 'use' the submodules, since they may export TUWF object methods by # default. We're only interested in their non-method functions, which are all # in @EXPORT_OK. BEGIN { require TUWF::DB; require TUWF::Misc; require TUWF::XML; import TUWF::DB @TUWF::DB::EXPORT_OK; import TUWF::Misc @TUWF::Misc::EXPORT_OK; import TUWF::XML @TUWF::XML::EXPORT_OK; } our @EXPORT_OK = ( @TUWF::DB::EXPORT_OK, @TUWF::Misc::EXPORT_OK, @TUWF::XML::EXPORT_OK ); our %EXPORT_TAGS = %TUWF::XML::EXPORT_TAGS; our @EXPORT = ('tuwf'); sub tuwf() { $TUWF::OBJ } # The namespace which inherits all functions to be available in the global # object. package TUWF::Object; use TUWF::Response; use TUWF::Request; use TUWF::Misc; require Carp; # but don't import() our @CARP_NOT = ('TUWF'); sub _load_module { my($self, $module, $import) = @_; my $r = $import ? eval "use $module; 1" : eval "require $module; 1"; Carp::croak $@ if !$r; } # Handles a request (sounds pretty obvious to me...) sub _handle_request { my $self = shift; my $start = [Time::HiRes::gettimeofday()] if $self->debug || $OBJ->{_TUWF}{log_slow_pages}; $self->{_TUWF}{captures_pos} = []; $self->{_TUWF}{captures_named} = {}; # put everything in an eval to catch any error, even # those caused by a TUWF core module my $eval = eval { # initialze response $self->resInit(); # initialize TUWF::XML TUWF::XML->new( write => sub { print { $self->resFd } $_ for @_ }, pretty => $self->{_TUWF}{xml_pretty}, default => 1, ); # initialize request $self->reqInit(); # make sure our DB connection is still there and start a new transaction $self->dbCheck() if $self->{_TUWF}{db_login}; # call pre request handler, if any return 1 if $self->{_TUWF}{pre_request_handler} && !$self->{_TUWF}{pre_request_handler}->($self); # run 'before' hooks for (@{$self->{_TUWF}{hooks}{before}}) { my $ok = eval { $_->(); 1; }; next if $ok; next if ref $@ eq 'TUWF::Exception' && ${$@} eq 'pass'; return 1 if ref $@ eq 'TUWF::Exception' && ${$@} eq 'done'; die $@; } # find the handler my $loc = sprintf '%s %s', $self->reqMethod(), $self->reqPath(); study $loc; my $han = 0; my $handlers = $self->{_TUWF}{route_handlers}; for (@$handlers ? 0..$#$handlers/2 : ()) { if($loc =~ $handlers->[$_*2]) { $han = 1; $self->{_TUWF}{captures_pos} = [ map defined $-[$_] ? substr $loc, $-[$_], $+[$_]-$-[$_] : undef, 1..$#- ]; $self->{_TUWF}{captures_named} = { %+ }; my $ok = eval { $handlers->[$_*2+1]->($self); 1 }; last if $ok; ($han = 0, next) if ref $@ eq 'TUWF::Exception' && ${$@} eq 'pass'; last if ref $@ eq 'TUWF::Exception' && ${$@} eq 'done'; die $@; } } die TUWF::Exception->new(404) if !$han; # execute post request handler, if any (no need to bother doing this if the # handler threw a TUWF::Exception like with the after hooks. The # post_request_handler is deprecated and that mechanism didn't exist back # then anyway). $self->{_TUWF}{post_request_handler}->($self) if $self->{_TUWF}{post_request_handler}; 1; }; my $evalerr = $@; # always run 'after' hooks my $cleanup = eval { for (@{$self->{_TUWF}{hooks}{after}}) { my $ok = eval { $_->(); 1 }; next if $ok; next if ref $@ eq 'TUWF::Exception' && ${$@} eq 'pass'; next if ref $@ eq 'TUWF::Exception' && ${$@} eq 'done'; die $@; } 1; }; my $cleanuperr = $@; # commit changes if everything went okay my $commit = eval { if($eval && $cleanup && $self->{_TUWF}{db_login}) { $self->dbCommit; } 1; }; my $commiterr = $@; # error handling $self->_handle_error($evalerr || $cleanuperr || $commiterr) if !$eval || !$cleanup || !$commit; # finalize response (flush output, etc) warn $@ if !eval { $self->resFinish; 1 }; # log debug information in the form of: # > 12ms (SQL: 8ms, 2 qs) for http://beta.vndb.org/v10 my $time = Time::HiRes::tv_interval($start)*1000 if $self->debug || $self->{_TUWF}{log_slow_pages}; if($self->debug || ($self->{_TUWF}{log_slow_pages} && $self->{_TUWF}{log_slow_pages} < $time)) { # SQL stats (don't count the ping and commit as queries, but do count their time) my($sqlt, $sqlc) = (0, 0); if($self->{_TUWF}{db_login}) { $sqlc = grep $_->[0] ne 'ping/rollback' && $_->[0] ne 'commit', @{$self->{_TUWF}{DB}{queries}}; $sqlt += $_->[2]*1000 for (@{$self->{_TUWF}{DB}{queries}}); } $self->log(sprintf('%4dms (SQL:%4dms,%3d qs)', $time, $sqlt, $sqlc)); } } sub _handle_error { my($self, $err) = @_; my $terr = ref $err eq 'TUWF::Exception' ? $$err : ''; # act as if the changes to the DB never happened warn $@ if $self->{_TUWF}{db_login} && !eval { $self->dbRollBack; 1 }; warn "Client sent non-UTF-8-encoded data. Generating HTTP 400 response.\n" if $terr eq 'utf8'; warn "Client sent control characters in strings. Generating HTTP 400 response.\n" if $terr eq 'controlchar'; warn "Client sent an invalid JSON object. Generating HTTP 400 response.\n" if $terr eq 'json'; my $han = { utf8 => 400, json => 400, controlchar => 400, 404 => 404, method => 405, maxpost => 413, }->{$terr} || '500'; my $ok = eval { $self->resInit; $self->{_TUWF}{"error_${han}_handler"}->($self, $err); 1; }; if(!$ok) { $err = $@; $ok = eval { $self->resInit; $self->{_TUWF}{error_500_handler}->($self, $err); 1; }; } if(!$ok) { $err = $@; warn "Error handler died as well, something is seriously wrong with your code. ($err)\n"; TUWF::_error_500($self, $err); } # If this is an unexpected error, write detailed information to the log $self->log( "FATAL ERROR!\n". "HTTP Request Headers:\n". join('', map sprintf(" %s: %s\n", $_, $self->reqHeader($_)), $self->reqHeader). "POST dump:\n". ($self->reqJSON() ? JSON::XS->new->pretty->encode($self->reqJSON()) : join('', map sprintf(" %s: %s\n", $_, join "\n ", $self->reqPosts($_)), $self->reqPosts) ). "Error:\n $err\n" ) if ref $err ne 'TUWF::Exception'; } # convenience function sub debug { return shift->{_TUWF}{debug}; } sub capture { my($self, $key) = @_; $key =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ? $self->{_TUWF}{captures_pos}[$key-1] : $self->{_TUWF}{captures_named}{$key}; } # writes a message to the log file. date, time and URL are automatically added sub log { my($self, $msg) = @_; # temporarily disable the warnings-to-log, to avoid infinite recursion if # this function throws a warning. local $SIG{__WARN__} = undef; chomp $msg; $msg =~ s/\n/\n | /g; $msg = $self->{_TUWF}{log_format}->($self, $self->{_TUWF}{Req} ? $self->reqURI : '[init]', $msg); if($self->{_TUWF}{logfile} && open my $F, '>>:utf8', $self->{_TUWF}{logfile}) { flock $F, 2; seek $F, 0, 2; print $F $msg; flock $F, 4; close $F; } # Also always dump stuff to STDERR if we're running a standalone HTTP server. warn $msg if $self->{_TUWF}{http}; } sub pass { die TUWF::Exception->new('pass'); } sub done { die TUWF::Exception->new('done'); } # Minimal subclass of HTTP::Server::Simple with CGI environment variables. package TUWF::http; use strict; use warnings; our @ISA = qw{ HTTP::Server::Simple HTTP::Server::Simple::CGI::Environment }; sub accept_hook { shift->setup_environment } sub setup { shift->setup_environment_from_metadata(@_) } sub handler { shift->setup_server_url; $TUWF::OBJ->_handle_request; }; # Objects for die() (just blessed strings) package TUWF::Exception; use overload '""' => sub { "TUWF::Exception: ${$_[0]}" }; sub new { bless \"$_[1]", $_[0] } 1;