package TUWF::Request; use strict; use warnings; use Encode 'decode_utf8', 'encode_utf8'; use Exporter 'import'; use Carp 'croak'; our $VERSION = '1.1'; our @EXPORT = qw| reqInit reqGets reqGet reqPosts reqPost reqParams reqParam reqJSON reqUploadMIMEs reqUploadMIME reqUploadRaws reqUploadRaw reqSaveUpload reqCookie reqMethod reqHeader reqPath reqQuery reqProtocol reqBaseURI reqURI reqHost reqIP reqFCGI |; sub reqInit { my $self = shift; $self->{_TUWF}{Req} = {}; # lighttpd doesn't always split the query string from REQUEST_URI if($ENV{SERVER_SOFTWARE}||'' =~ /lighttpd/) { ($ENV{REQUEST_URI}, $ENV{QUERY_STRING}) = split /\?/, $ENV{REQUEST_URI}, 2 if ($ENV{REQUEST_URI}||'') =~ /\?/; } my $err = eval { $self->{_TUWF}{Req}{Cookies} = _parse_cookies($self, $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} || $ENV{COOKIE}); $self->{_TUWF}{Req}{GET} = _parse_urlencoded($ENV{QUERY_STRING}); $self->reqPath(); # let it croak when the path isn't valid UTF-8 1; }; return 'utf8' if !$err && $@ && $@ =~ /does not map to Unicode/; # <- UGLY! # re-throw if it wasn't a UTF-8 problem. I don't expect this to happen die $@ if !$err; my $meth = $self->reqMethod; return 'method' if $meth !~ /^(GET|POST|HEAD|DEL|OPTIONS|PUT|PATCH)$/; if($meth =~ /^(POST|PUT|PATCH)$/ && $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}) { return 'maxpost' if $self->{_TUWF}{max_post_body} && $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} > $self->{_TUWF}{max_post_body}; my $data; die "Couldn't read all request data.\n" if $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH} > read STDIN, $data, $ENV{CONTENT_LENGTH}, 0; $err = eval { if(($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}||'') =~ m{^application/json(?:;.*)?$}) { $self->{_TUWF}{Req}{JSON} = _parse_json($data); return 'json' if !$self->{_TUWF}{Req}{JSON}; } elsif(($ENV{'CONTENT_TYPE'}||'') =~ m{^multipart/form-data; boundary=(.+)$}) { _parse_multipart($self, $data, $1); } else { $self->{_TUWF}{Req}{POST} = _parse_urlencoded($data); } 1; }; return 'utf8' if !$err && $@ && $@ =~ /does not map to Unicode/; die $@ if !$err; } return ''; } sub _check_control { # Disallow any control codes, except for x09 (tab), x0a (newline) and x0d (carriage return) # The error message is a hack to trigger the 'utf8' error code. die "Illegal control code (does not map to Unicode)" if $_[0] =~ /[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]/; $_[0] } sub _parse_urlencoded { my %dat; my $d = shift; for (split /[;&]/, decode_utf8 $d, 1) { my($key, $val) = split /=/, $_, 2; next if !defined $key or !defined $val; for ($key, $val) { s/\+/ /gs; # assume %XX sequences represent UTF-8 bytes and properly decode it. s#((?:%[0-9a-fA-F]{2})+)# (my $s=encode_utf8 $1) =~ s/%(.{2})/chr hex($1)/eg; decode_utf8($s, 1); #eg; s/%u([0-9a-fA-F]{4})/chr hex($1)/eg; _check_control($_); } push @{$dat{$key}}, $val; } return \%dat; } sub _parse_json { my $d = shift; die "Received a JSON request body, but was unable to load JSON::XS. Is it installed?\n" unless eval { require JSON::XS; 1 }; my $res = eval { JSON::XS::decode_json($d) }; return undef if !$res || ref $res ne 'HASH'; # We always expect to receive a JSON object. return $res; } # Heavily inspired by CGI::Minimal::Multipart::_burst_multipart_buffer() sub _parse_multipart { my($self, $data, $boundary) = @_; my $nfo = $self->{_TUWF}{Req}; my $CRLF = "\015\012"; $nfo->{POST} = {}; $nfo->{FILES} = {}; $nfo->{MIMES} = {}; for my $p (split /--\Q$boundary\E(?:--)?$CRLF/, $data) { next if !defined $p; $p =~ s/$CRLF$//; last if $p eq '--'; next if !$p; my($header, $value) = split /$CRLF$CRLF/, $p, 2; my($name, $mime, $filename) = ('', '', ''); for my $h (split /$CRLF/, $header) { my($hn, $hv) = split /: /, $h, 2; # Does not handle multipart/mixed, but those don't appear to be used in practice. if($hn =~ /^Content-Type$/i) { $mime = $hv; } if($hn =~ /^Content-Disposition$/i) { for my $dis (split /; /, $hv) { $name = $2 if $dis =~ /^name=("?)(.*)\1$/; $filename = $2 if $dis =~ /^filename=("?)(.*)\1$/; } } } $name = _check_control decode_utf8 $name, 1; # In the case of a file upload, use the filename as value instead of the # data. This is to ensure that reqPOST() always returns decoded data. # Note that I use the presence of a filename attribute for determining # whether this parameters comes from an rather than a # regular form element. The standards do not require the filename to be # present, but I am not aware of any browser that does not send it. if($filename) { push @{$nfo->{POST}{$name}}, _check_control decode_utf8 $filename, 1; push @{$nfo->{MIMES}{$name}}, _check_control decode_utf8 $mime, 1; push @{$nfo->{FILES}{$name}}, $value; # not decoded, can be binary } else { push @{$nfo->{POST}{$name}}, _check_control decode_utf8 $value, 1; } } } sub _parse_cookies { my($self, $str) = @_; return {} if !$str; my %dat; # The format of the Cookie: header is hardly standardized and the widely used # implementations all differ in how they interpret the data. This (rather) # lazy implementation assumes the cookie values are not escaped and don't # contain any characters that are used within the header format. for (split /[;,]/, decode_utf8 $str, 1) { s/^ +//; s/ +$//; next if !$_ || !m{^([^\(\)<>@,;:\\"/\[\]\?=\{\}\t\s]+)=("?)(.*)\2$}; my($n, $v) = ($1, $3); next if $self->{_TUWF}{cookie_prefix} && !($n =~ s/^\Q$self->{_TUWF}{cookie_prefix}\E//); _check_control $n; _check_control $v; $dat{$n} = $v if !exists $dat{$n}; } return \%dat; } sub _tablegets { my($k, $s, $n) = @_; my $lst = $s->{_TUWF}{Req}{$k}; return keys %$lst if @_ == 2; return $lst->{$n} ? @{$lst->{$n}} : (); } sub _tableget { my($k, $s, $n) = @_; my $v = $s->{_TUWF}{Req}{$k}{$n}; return $v ? $v->[0] : undef; } sub reqGets { _tablegets(GET => @_) } sub reqGet { _tableget (GET => @_) } sub reqPosts { _tablegets(POST => @_) } sub reqPost { _tableget (POST => @_) } sub reqUploadMIMEs { _tablegets(MIMES => @_) } sub reqUploadMIME { _tableget (MIMES => @_) } sub reqUploadRaws { _tablegets(FILES => @_) } sub reqUploadRaw { _tableget (FILES => @_) } # get parameters from either or both POST and GET # (POST has priority over GET in scalar context) sub reqParams { my($s, $n) = @_; my $nfo = $s->{_TUWF}{Req}; if(!$n) { my %keys = map +($_,1), keys(%{$nfo->{GET}}), keys(%{$nfo->{POST}}); return keys %keys; } return ( $nfo->{POST}{$n} ? @{$nfo->{POST}{$n}} : (), $nfo->{GET}{$n} ? @{$nfo->{GET}{$n}} : (), ); } # (POST has priority over GET in scalar context) sub reqParam { my($s, $n) = @_; my $nfo = $s->{_TUWF}{Req}; return [ $nfo->{POST}{$n} ? @{$nfo->{POST}{$n}} : (), $nfo->{GET}{$n} ? @{$nfo->{GET}{$n}} : (), ]->[0]; } sub reqJSON { return shift->{_TUWF}{Req}{JSON}; } # saves file contents identified by the form name to the specified file # (doesn't support multiple file upload using the same form name yet) sub reqSaveUpload { my($s, $n, $f) = @_; open my $F, '>', $f or croak "Unable to write to $f: $!"; print $F $s->reqUploadRaw($n); close $F; } sub reqCookie { my($self, $n) = @_; my $nfo = $self->{_TUWF}{Req}{Cookies}; return keys %$nfo if @_ == 1; return $nfo->{$n}; } sub reqMethod { return $ENV{REQUEST_METHOD}||'GET'; } # Returns list of header names when no argument is passed # (may be in a different order and can have different casing than # the original headers - CGI doesn't preserve that information) # Returns value of the specified header otherwise, header name is # case-insensitive sub reqHeader { my($self, $name) = @_; if(@_ == 2) { (my $v = uc $_[1]) =~ tr/-/_/; $v = $ENV{"HTTP_$v"}||''; return _check_control decode_utf8 $v, 1; } else { return (map { if(/^HTTP_/) { (my $h = lc $_) =~ s/_([a-z])/-\U$1/g; $h =~ s/^http-//; _check_control decode_utf8 $h, 1; } else { () } } sort keys %ENV); } } # returns the path part of the current URI, including the leading slash sub reqPath { (my $u = ($ENV{REQUEST_URI}||'')) =~ s{\?.*$}{}; return _check_control decode_utf8 $u, 1; } sub reqProtocol { return $ENV{HTTPS} ? 'https' : 'http'; } # returns base URI, excluding trailing slash sub reqBaseURI { my $s = shift; return $s->reqProtocol().'://'.$s->reqHost(); } sub reqQuery { my $u = $ENV{QUERY_STRING} ? '?'.$ENV{QUERY_STRING} : ''; return _check_control decode_utf8 $u, 1; } sub reqURI { my $s = shift; return $s->reqBaseURI().$s->reqPath().$s->reqQuery(); } sub reqHost { return $ENV{HTTP_HOST}||'localhost'; } sub reqIP { return $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}||''; } sub reqFCGI { return shift->{_TUWF}{fcgi_req}; } 1;