package TUWF::Response; use strict; use warnings; use Exporter 'import'; use POSIX 'strftime'; use Carp 'croak'; our $VERSION = '1.4'; our @EXPORT = qw| resInit resHeader resCookie resBuffer resFd resStatus resRedirect resNotFound resJSON resBinary resFile resFinish |; # try to load PerlIO::gzip, resBuffer will check for its availability eval { require PerlIO::gzip; }; # Initialises response data and resets all headers and content to their # defaults. This method can be called mutliple times per request to clear # any previous changes and to create a new response. sub resInit { my $self = shift; $self->{_TUWF}{Res} = { status => 200, headers => [ 'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', ], cookies => {}, content => '', }; # open output buffer $self->resBuffer($self->{_TUWF}{content_encoding}||'auto'); } # Arguments Action # name returns list of values of the header, first found in scalar context, undef if not exists # name, value sets header, overwrites existing header with same name, removes duplicates # name, undef removes header # name, value, 1 adds header, not checking whether it already exists # Header names are case-insensitive sub resHeader { my($self, $name, $value, $add) = @_; my $h = $self->{_TUWF}{Res}{headers}; if($add) { push @$h, $name, $value; return $value; } my @h; my @r; for (@$h ? 0..$#$h/2 : ()) { if(lc($h->[$_*2]) eq lc($name)) { push @h, $h->[$_*2+1]; if(@_ == 3 && defined $value) { $h->[$_*2+1] = $value; push @r, $_ if @h > 1 } elsif(@_ == 3) { push @r, $_; } } } push @$h, $name, $value if @_ == 3 && defined $value && !@h; splice @$h, $r[$_]*2-$_*2, 2 for (@r ? 0..$#r : ()); return @_ == 3 || @_ == 2 && !wantarray ? $h[0] : @h; } # Adds a Set-Cookie header, arguments: # name, value, %options. # value = undef -> remove cookie, # options: # expires, path, domain, secure, httponly sub resCookie { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $value = shift; my %o = ($self->{_TUWF}{cookie_defaults} ? %{$self->{_TUWF}{cookie_defaults}} : (), @_); $name = "$self->{_TUWF}{cookie_prefix}$name" if $self->{_TUWF}{cookie_prefix}; my @attr = (sprintf '%s=%s', $name, defined($value)?$value:''); $o{expires} = 0 if !defined $value; push @attr, sprintf 'expires=%s', strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime $o{expires}) if defined $o{expires}; push @attr, "path=$o{path}" if $o{path}; push @attr, "domain=$o{domain}" if $o{domain}; push @attr, 'secure' if $o{secure}; push @attr, 'httponly' if $o{httponly}; $self->{_TUWF}{Res}{cookies}{$name} = join '; ', @attr; } # Argument Action # none/empty Returns output compression type: none/gzip/deflate # 'clear' Clears the internal buffer, but doesn't change compression method # 'none' Clears buffer and disables output compression # 'gzip' Clears and enables gzip # 'deflate' Clears and enables deflate # 'auto' Clears and autodetects output compression from request header # Enabling compression if PerlIO::gzip isn't installed will result in an error sub resBuffer { my $self = shift; my $act = shift; my $i = $self->{_TUWF}{Res}; my $h = $self->resHeader('Content-Encoding'); $h = !$h ? 'none' : $h eq 'gzip' ? 'gzip' : $h eq 'deflate' ? 'deflate' : 'none'; if($act) { my $new = $act eq 'clear' ? $h : $act; if($new eq 'auto') { # can we even do output compression? if(!defined $PerlIO::gzip::VERSION) { $new = 'none'; } # seems like we can, figure out which encoding to use else { my $enc = $self->reqHeader('Accept-Encoding')||''; my $gzip = $enc !~ /gzip\s*(?:;\s*q=(\d+(?:\.\d*)?))?/ ? 0 : defined $1 ? $1 : 1; my $deflate = $enc !~ /deflate\s*(?:;\s*q=(\d+(?:\.\d*)?))?/ ? 0 : defined $1 ? $1 : 1; $new = !$gzip && !$deflate ? 'none' : $deflate > $gzip ? 'deflate' : 'gzip'; } } # clear buffer close $i->{fd} if defined $i->{fd}; $i->{content} = ''; open $i->{fd}, '>', \$i->{content}; # set output compression binmode $i->{fd}, $new eq 'gzip' ? ':gzip' : ':gzip(none)' if $new ne 'none'; binmode $i->{fd}, ':utf8'; $self->resHeader('Content-Encoding', $new eq 'none' ? undef : $new); } return $h; } # Returns the file descriptor where output functions can 'print' to sub resFd { return shift->{_TUWF}{Res}{fd}; } # Returns or sets the HTTP status sub resStatus { my($self, $new) = @_; $self->{_TUWF}{Res}{status} = $new if $new; return $self->{_TUWF}{Res}{status}; } # Redirect to an other page, accepts an URL (either relative or absolute) and # an optional type consisting of 'temp' (temporary) or 'post' (after posting a form). # No type argument means a permanent redirect. sub resRedirect { my($self, $url, $type) = @_; $self->resBuffer('clear'); my $fd = $self->resFd(); print $fd 'Redirecting...'; $self->resHeader('Content-Type' => 'text/plain'); $self->resHeader('Location' => $url); $self->resStatus(!$type ? 301 : $type eq 'temp' ? 307 : 303); } sub resNotFound { my $self = shift; $self->resInit; $self->{_TUWF}{error_404_handler}->($self); } sub resJSON { my($self, $obj) = @_; croak "Unable to load JSON::XS, is it installed?\n" unless eval { require JSON::XS; 1 }; $self->resHeader('Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'); $self->resBuffer('clear'); $self->resBinary(JSON::XS::encode_json($obj)); } sub resBinary { my($self, $data) = @_; $self->resBuffer('none'); # Write to the buffer directly, bypassing the fd. This avoids extra copying # and bypasses the ':utf8' filter. $self->{_TUWF}{Res}{content} = $data; } sub resFile { my($self, $path, $fn) = @_; # This also catches files with '..' somewhere in the middle of the name. # Let's just disallow that too to simplify this check, I'd err on the side of # caution. croak "Possible path traversal attempt" if $fn =~ /\.\./; my $file = "$path/$fn"; return 0 if !-f $file; open my $F, '<', $file or croak "Unable to open '$file': $!"; { local $/=undef; $self->resBinary(scalar <$F>); } my $ext = $fn =~ m{\.([^/\.]+)$} ? lc $1 : ''; my $ctype = $self->{_TUWF}{mime_types}{$ext} || $self->{_TUWF}{mime_default}; $self->resHeader('Content-Type' => "$ctype; charset=UTF-8"); # Adding a charset to binary formats should be safe, too. return 1; } # Send everything we have buffered to the client sub resFinish { my $self = shift; my $i = $self->{_TUWF}{Res}; close $i->{fd}; $self->resHeader('Content-Length' => length($i->{content})); if($self->{_TUWF}{http}) { printf "HTTP/1.0 %d Hi, I am a HTTP response.\r\n", $i->{status}; } else { printf "Status: %d\r\n", $i->{status}; } printf "%s: %s\r\n", $i->{headers}[$_*2], $i->{headers}[$_*2+1] for (0..$#{$i->{headers}}/2); printf "Set-Cookie: %s\r\n", $i->{cookies}{$_} for (keys %{$i->{cookies}}); print "\r\n"; print $i->{content} if $self->reqMethod() ne 'HEAD'; # free the memory used for the reponse data $self->resInit; } 1;