package TUWF::Validate; use strict; use warnings; use Carp 'croak'; use Exporter 'import'; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw/compile validate/; # Unavailable as custom validation names my %builtin = map +($_,1), qw/ type required default rmwhitespace values scalar sort unique keys unknown func /; sub _length { my $op = $_[0]; sub { my $len = $_[0]; +{ func => sub { my $got = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? keys %{$_[0]} : ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} : length $_[0]; $op->($got, $len) ? 1 : { expected => $len, got => $got }; }} } } # Basically the same as ( regex => $arg ), but hides the regex error sub _reg { my $reg = $_[0]; ( type => 'scalar', func => sub { $_[0] =~ $reg ? 1 : { got => $_[0] } } ); } my $re_num = qr/^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?$/; my $re_int = qr/^-?(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/; my $re_uint = qr/^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/; my $re_fqdn = qr/(?:[a-zA-Z0-9][\w-]*\.)+[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,25}\.?/; my $re_ip4_digit = qr/(?:0|[1-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])/; my $re_ip4 = qr/($re_ip4_digit\.){3}$re_ip4_digit/; # This monstrosity is based on # Doesn't allow IPv4-mapped-IPv6 addresses or other fancy stuff. my $re_ip6 = qr/(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:|(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}(?::[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(?::[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,3}|(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(?::[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,2}(?::[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:(?:(?::[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,6})|:(?:(?::[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)/; my $re_ip = qr/(?:$re_ip4|$re_ip6)/; my $re_domain = qr/(?:$re_fqdn|$re_ip4|\[$re_ip6\])/; # Also used by the TUWF::Misc::kv_validate() our $re_email = qr/^[-\+\.#\$=\w]+\@$re_domain$/; our $re_weburl = qr/^https?:\/\/$re_domain(?::[1-9][0-9]{0,5})?(?:\/[^\s<>"]*)$/; our %default_validations = ( regex => sub { my $reg = shift; # Error objects should be plain data structures so that they can easily # be converted to JSON for debugging. We have to stringify $reg in the # error object to ensure that. +{ type => 'scalar', func => sub { $_[0] =~ $reg ? 1 : { regex => "$reg", got => $_[0] } } } }, minlength => _length(sub { $_[0] >= $_[1] }), maxlength => _length(sub { $_[0] <= $_[1] }), length => _length(sub { ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY' ? $_[0] >= $_[1][0] && $_[0] <= $_[1][1] : $_[0] == $_[1] }), anybool => { type => 'any', required => 0, default => 0, func => sub { $_[0] = $_[0] ? 1 : 0; 1 } }, jsonbool => { type => 'any', func => sub { my $r = $_[0]; blessed $r && ( $r->isa('JSON::PP::Boolean') || $r->isa('JSON::XS::Boolean') || $r->isa('Types::Serializer::Boolean') || $r->isa('Cpanel::JSON::XS::Boolean') || $r->isa('boolean') ) ? 1 : {}; } }, # JSON number format, regex from num => { _reg $re_num }, int => { _reg $re_int }, # implies num uint => { _reg $re_uint }, # implies num min => sub { my $min = shift; +{ num => 1, func => sub { $_[0] >= $min ? 1 : { expected => $min, got => $_[0] } } } }, max => sub { my $max = shift; +{ num => 1, func => sub { $_[0] <= $max ? 1 : { expected => $max, got => $_[0] } } } }, range => sub { +{ min => $_[0][0], max => $_[0][1] } }, ascii => { _reg qr/^[\x20-\x7E]*$/ }, ipv4 => { _reg $re_ip4 }, ipv6 => { _reg $re_ip6 }, ip => { _reg $re_ip }, email => { _reg($re_email), maxlength => 254 }, weburl => { _reg($re_weburl), maxlength => 65536 }, # the maxlength is a bit arbitrary, but better than unlimited ); # Loads a hashref of validations and a schema definition, and converts it into # an object with: # { # name => $name_or_undef, # validations => [ $recursive_compiled_object, .. ], # schema => $modified_schema_without_validations, # known_keys => { $key => 1, .. } # Extracted from 'keys', Used for the 'unknown' validation # } sub _compile { my($validations, $schema, $rec) = @_; my(%top, @val); my @keys = keys %{$schema->{keys}} if $schema->{keys}; for(sort keys %$schema) { if($builtin{$_}) { $top{$_} = $schema->{$_}; next; } my $t = $validations->{$_} || $default_validations{$_}; croak "Unknown validation: $_" if !$t; croak "Recursion limit exceeded while resolving validation '$_'" if $rec < 1; $t = ref $t eq 'HASH' ? $t : $t->($schema->{$_}); my $v = _compile($validations, $t, $rec-1); $v->{name} = $_; push @val, $v; } # Inherit some builtin options from validations for my $t (@val) { if($top{type} && $t->{schema}{type} && $top{type} ne $t->{schema}{type}) { croak "Incompatible types, the schema specifies '$top{type}' but validation '$t->{name}' requires '$t->{schema}{type}'" if $schema->{type}; croak "Incompatible types, '$t->[0]' requires '$t->{schema}{type}', but another validation requires '$top{type}'"; } exists $t->{schema}{$_} and $top{$_} //= delete $t->{schema}{$_} for qw/required default rmwhitespace type scalar unknown sort unique/; push @keys, keys %{ delete $t->{known_keys} }; push @keys, keys %{ $t->{schema}{keys} } if $t->{schema}{keys}; } # Compile sub-schemas $top{keys} = { map +($_, compile($validations, $top{keys}{$_})), keys %{$top{keys}} } if $top{keys}; $top{values} = compile($validations, $top{values}) if $top{values}; # XXX: Flattening recursive validations would be faster and may simplify # the code a bit, but makes error objects harder to interpret. # XXX: As an optimization, it's possible to remove double validations (e.g. # multiple invocations of the same validation with the same options due to # validations calling each other). Care must be taken that this won't # affect error objects (i.e. only subsequent invocations should be # removed). return { validations => \@val, schema => \%top, known_keys => { map +($_,1), @keys }, }; } sub compile { my($validations, $schema) = @_; return $schema if ref $schema eq __PACKAGE__; my $c = _compile $validations, $schema, 64; $c->{schema}{type} //= 'scalar'; $c->{schema}{required} //= 1; $c->{schema}{rmwhitespace} //= 1; $c->{schema}{unknown} //= 'remove'; if(exists $c->{schema}{sort}) { my $s = $c->{schema}{sort}; $c->{schema}{sort} = ref $s eq 'CODE' ? $s : $s eq 'str' ? sub { $_[0] cmp $_[1] } : $s eq 'num' ? sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] } : croak "Unknown value for 'sort': $c->{schema}{sort}"; } $c->{schema}{unique} = sub { $_[0] } if $c->{schema}{unique} && !ref $c->{schema}{unique} && !$c->{schema}{sort}; bless $c, __PACKAGE__; } sub _validate_rec { my($c, $input) = @_; # hash keys if($c->{schema}{keys}) { my @err; for my $k (keys %{$c->{schema}{keys}}) { # We need to overload the '!exists && !required && !default' # scenario a bit, because in that case we should not create the key # in the output. All other cases will be handled just fine by # passing an implicit 'undef'. my $s = $c->{schema}{keys}{$k}; next if !exists $input->{$k} && !$s->{schema}{required} && !exists $s->{schema}{default}; my $r = _validate($s, $input->{$k}); $input->{$k} = $r->[0]; if($r->[1]) { $r->[1]{key} = $k; push @err, $r->[1]; } } return [$input, { validation => 'keys', errors => \@err }] if @err; } # array values if($c->{schema}{values}) { my @err; for my $i (0..$#$input) { my $r = _validate($c->{schema}{values}, $input->[$i]); $input->[$i] = $r->[0]; if($r->[1]) { $r->[1]{index} = $i; push @err, $r->[1]; } } return [$input, { validation => 'values', errors => \@err }] if @err; } # validations for (@{$c->{validations}}) { my $r = _validate_rec($_, $input); $input = $r->[0]; return [$input, { # If the error was a custom 'func' object, then make that the primary cause. # This makes it possible for validations to provide their own error objects. $r->[1]{validation} eq 'func' && (!exists $r->[1]{result} || keys %{$r->[1]} > 2) ? %{$r->[1]} : (error => $r->[1]), validation => $_->{name}, }] if $r->[1]; } # func if($c->{schema}{func}) { my $r = $c->{schema}{func}->($input); return [$input, { %$r, validation => 'func' }] if ref $r eq 'HASH'; return [$input, { validation => 'func', result => $r }] if !$r; } return [$input] } sub _validate_array { my($c, $input) = @_; return [$input] if $c->{schema}{type} ne 'array'; $input = [sort { $c->{schema}{sort}->($a,$b) } @$input ] if $c->{schema}{sort}; # Key-based uniqueness if($c->{schema}{unique} && ref $c->{schema}{unique} eq 'CODE') { my %h; for my $i (0..$#$input) { my $k = $c->{schema}{unique}->($input->[$i]); return [$input, { validation => 'unique', index_a => $h{$k}, value_a => $input->[$h{$k}], index_b => $i, value_b => $input->[$i], key => $k }] if exists $h{$k}; $h{$k} = $i; } # Comparison-based uniqueness } elsif($c->{schema}{unique}) { for my $i (0..$#$input-1) { return [$input, { validation => 'unique', index_a => $i, value_a => $input->[$i], index_b => $i+1, value_b => $input->[$i+1] }] if $c->{schema}{sort}->($input->[$i], $input->[$i+1]) == 0 } } return [$input] } sub _validate { my($c, $input) = @_; # rmwhitespace (needs to be done before the 'required' test) if(defined $input && !ref $input && $c->{schema}{type} eq 'scalar' && $c->{schema}{rmwhitespace}) { $input =~ s/\r//g; $input =~ s/^\s*//; $input =~ s/\s*$//; } # required & default if(!defined $input || (!ref $input && $input eq '')) { # XXX: This will return undef if !required and no default is set, even for hash and array types. Should those get an empty hash or array? return [exists $c->{schema}{default} ? $c->{schema}{default} : $input] if !$c->{schema}{required}; return [$input, { validation => 'required' }]; } if($c->{schema}{type} eq 'scalar') { return [$input, { validation => 'type', expected => 'scalar', got => lc ref $input }] if ref $input; } elsif($c->{schema}{type} eq 'hash') { return [$input, { validation => 'type', expected => 'hash', got => lc ref $input || 'scalar' }] if ref $input ne 'HASH'; # unknown if($c->{schema}{unknown} eq 'remove') { $input = { map +($_, $input->{$_}), grep $c->{known_keys}{$_}, keys %$input }; } elsif($c->{schema}{unknown} eq 'reject') { my @err = grep !$c->{known_keys}{$_}, keys %$input; return [$input, { validation => 'unknown', keys => \@err, expected => [ sort keys %{$c->{known_keys}} ] }] if @err; } else { # Make a shallow copy of the hash, so that further validations can # perform in-place modifications without affecting the input. # (The other two if clauses above also ensure this) $input = { %$input }; } } elsif($c->{schema}{type} eq 'array') { $input = [$input] if $c->{schema}{scalar} && !ref $input; return [$input, { validation => 'type', expected => $c->{schema}{scalar} ? 'array or scalar' : 'array', got => lc ref $input || 'scalar' }] if ref $input ne 'ARRAY'; $input = [@$input]; # Create a shallow copy to prevent in-place modification. } elsif($c->{schema}{type} eq 'any') { # No need to do anything here. } else { croak "Unknown type '$c->{schema}{type}'"; # Should be checked in _compile(), preferably. } my $r = _validate_rec($c, $input); return $r if $r->[1]; $input = $r->[0]; _validate_array($c, $input); } sub validate { my($c, $input) = ref $_[0] eq __PACKAGE__ ? @_ : (compile($_[0], $_[1]), $_[2]); bless _validate($c, $input), 'TUWF::Validate::Result'; } package TUWF::Validate::Result; use strict; use warnings; use Carp 'croak'; # A result object contains: [$data, $error] # In boolean context, returns whether the validation succeeded. use overload bool => sub { !$_[0][1] }; # Returns the validation errors, or undef if validation succeeded sub err { $_[0][1] } # Returns the validated and normalized input, dies if validation didn't succeed. sub data { if($_[0][1]) { require Data::Dumper; my $s = Data::Dumper->new([$_[0][1]])->Terse(1)->Pair(':')->Indent(0)->Sortkeys(1)->Dump; croak "Validation failed: $s"; } $_[0][0] } # Same as 'data', but returns partially validated and normalized data if validation failed. sub unsafe_data { $_[0][0] } # TODO: Human-readable error message formatting 1;