#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Storable 'dclone'; use Test::More; eval { require boolean; }; # Optional test, a blessed 'boolean' reference overloads some contexts, we should be able to handle that. BEGIN { use_ok 'TUWF::Validate', qw/compile validate/ }; my %validations = ( hex => { regex => qr/^[0-9a-f]*$/i }, prefix => sub { my $p = shift; { func => sub { $_[0] =~ /^$p/ } } }, bool => { required => 0, default => 0, func => sub { $_[0] = $_[0]?1:0; 1 } }, collapsews => { rmwhitespace => 0, func => sub { $_[0] =~ s/\s+/ /g; 1 } }, revnum => { type => 'array', sort => sub { $_[1] <=> $_[0] } }, uniquelength => { type => 'array', values => { type => 'array' }, unique => sub { scalar @{$_[0]} } }, person => { type => 'hash', unknown => 'accept', keys => { name => {}, age => { required => 0 } } }, ); sub t { my($schema, $input, $output, $error) = @_; my $line = (caller)[2]; my $schema_copy = dclone([$schema])->[0]; my $input_copy = dclone([$input])->[0]; my $res = validate \%validations, $schema, $input; #diag explain $res if $line == 82; is !!$res, !$error, "boolean context $line"; is_deeply $schema, $schema_copy, "schema modification $line"; is_deeply $input, $input_copy, "input modification $line"; is_deeply $res->unsafe_data(), $output, "unsafe_data $line"; is_deeply $res->data(), $output, "data ok $line" if !$error; ok !eval { $res->data; 1}, "data err $line" if $error; is_deeply $res->err(), $error, "err $line"; my $res_b = compile(\%validations, $schema)->validate($input); is_deeply $schema, $schema_copy, "compile+validate schema modification $line"; is_deeply $input, $input_copy, "compile+validate input modification $line"; is_deeply $res_b->unsafe_data(), $output, "compile+validate unsafe_data $line"; is_deeply $res_b->err(), $error, "compile+validate err $line"; } # required / default t {}, 0, 0, undef; t {}, '', '', { validation => 'required' }; t {}, undef, undef, { validation => 'required' }; t { required => 0 }, undef, undef, undef; t { required => 0 }, '', '', undef; t { required => 0, default => '' }, undef, '', undef; # rmwhitespace t {}, " Va\rl id \n ", 'Val id', undef; t { rmwhitespace => 0 }, " Va\rl id \n ", " Va\rl id \n ", undef; t {}, ' ', '', { validation => 'required' }; t { rmwhitespace => 0 }, ' ', ' ', undef; # arrays t {}, [], [], { validation => 'type', expected => 'scalar', got => 'array' }; t { type => 'array' }, 1, 1, { validation => 'type', expected => 'array', got => 'scalar' }; t { type => 'array' }, [], [], undef; t { type => 'array' }, [undef,1,2,{}], [undef,1,2,{}], undef; t { type => 'array', scalar => 1 }, 1, [1], undef; t { type => 'array', values => {} }, [undef], [undef], { validation => 'values', errors => [{ index => 0, validation => 'required' }] }; t { type => 'array', values => {} }, [' a '], ['a'], undef; t { type => 'array', sort => 'str' }, [qw/20 100 3/], [qw/100 20 3/], undef; t { type => 'array', sort => 'num' }, [qw/20 100 3/], [qw/3 20 100/], undef; t { revnum => 1 }, [qw/20 100 3/], [qw/100 20 3/], undef; t { type => 'array', sort => 'num', unique => 1 }, [qw/3 2 1/], [qw/1 2 3/], undef; t { type => 'array', sort => 'num', unique => 1 }, [qw/3 2 3/], [qw/2 3 3/], { validation => 'unique', index_a => 1, value_a => 3, index_b => 2, value_b => 3 }; t { type => 'array', unique => 1 }, [qw/3 1 2/], [qw/3 1 2/], undef; t { type => 'array', unique => 1 }, [qw/3 1 3/], [qw/3 1 3/], { validation => 'unique', index_a => 0, value_a => 3, index_b => 2, value_b => 3, key => 3 }; t { uniquelength => 1 }, [[],[1],[1,2]], [[],[1],[1,2]], undef; t { uniquelength => 1 }, [[],[1],[2]], [[],[1],[2]], { validation => 'unique', index_a => 1, value_a => [1], index_b => 2, value_b => [2], key => 1 }; # hashes t { type => 'hash' }, [], [], { validation => 'type', expected => 'hash', got => 'array' }; t { type => 'hash' }, 'a', 'a', { validation => 'type', expected => 'hash', got => 'scalar' }; t { type => 'hash' }, {a=>[],b=>undef,c=>{}}, {}, undef; t { type => 'hash', keys => { a=>{} } }, {}, {a=>undef}, { validation => 'keys', errors => [{ key => 'a', validation => 'required' }] }; # XXX: the key doesn't necessarily have to be created t { type => 'hash', keys => { a=>{required=>0} } }, {}, {}, undef; t { type => 'hash', keys => { a=>{required=>0,default=>undef} } }, {}, {a=>undef}, undef; t { type => 'hash', keys => { a=>{} } }, {a=>' a '}, {a=>'a'}, undef; # Test against in-place modification t { type => 'hash', keys => { a=>{} }, unknown => 'remove' }, { a=>1,b=>1 }, { a=>1 }, undef; t { type => 'hash', keys => { a=>{} }, unknown => 'reject' }, { a=>1,b=>1 }, { a=>1,b=>1 }, { validation => 'unknown', keys => ['b'], expected => ['a'] }; t { type => 'hash', keys => { a=>{} }, unknown => 'accept' }, { a=>1,b=>1 }, { a=>1,b=>1 }, undef; # default validations t { minlength => 3 }, 'ab', 'ab', { validation => 'minlength', expected => 3, got => 2 }; t { minlength => 3 }, 'abc', 'abc', undef; t { maxlength => 3 }, 'abcd', 'abcd', { validation => 'maxlength', expected => 3, got => 4 }; t { maxlength => 3 }, 'abc', 'abc', undef; t { minlength => 3, maxlength => 3 }, 'abc', 'abc', undef; t { length => 3 }, 'ab', 'ab', { validation => 'length', expected => 3, got => 2 }; t { length => 3 }, 'abcd', 'abcd', { validation => 'length', expected => 3, got => 4 }; t { length => 3 }, 'abc', 'abc', undef; t { length => [1,3] }, 'abc', 'abc', undef; t { length => [1,3] }, 'abcd', 'abcd', { validation => 'length', expected => [1,3], got => 4 };; t { type => 'array', length => 0 }, [], [], undef; t { type => 'array', length => 1 }, [1,2], [1,2], { validation => 'length', expected => 1, got => 2 }; t { type => 'hash', length => 0 }, {}, {}, undef; t { type => 'hash', length => 1, unknown => 'accept' }, {qw/1 a 2 b/}, {qw/1 a 2 b/}, { validation => 'length', expected => 1, got => 2 }; t { type => 'hash', length => 1, keys => {a => {required=>0}, b => {required=>0}} }, {a=>1}, {a=>1}, undef; t { regex => '^a' }, 'abc', 'abc', undef; # XXX: Can't use qr// here because t() does dclone(). The 'hex' test covers that case anyway. t { regex => '^a' }, 'cba', 'cba', { validation => 'regex', regex => '^a', got => 'cba' }; t { anybool => 1 }, 1, 1, undef; t { anybool => 1 }, undef, 0, undef; t { anybool => 1 }, '', 0, undef; t { anybool => 1 }, {}, 1, undef; t { anybool => 1 }, [], 1, undef; t { anybool => 1 }, bless({}, 'test'), 1, undef; t { jsonbool => 1 }, 1, 1, { validation => 'jsonbool' }; t { jsonbool => 1 }, \1, \1, { validation => 'jsonbool' }; my($true, $false) = (1,0); t { jsonbool => 1 }, bless(\$true, 'boolean'), bless(\$true, 'boolean'), undef; t { jsonbool => 1 }, bless(\$false, 'boolean'), bless(\$false, 'boolean'), undef; t { jsonbool => 1 }, bless(\$true, 'test'), bless(\$true, 'test'), { validation => 'jsonbool' }; t { ascii => 1 }, 'ab c', 'ab c', undef; t { ascii => 1 }, "a\nb", "a\nb", { validation => 'ascii', got => "a\nb" }; # custom validations t { hex => 1 }, 'DeadBeef', 'DeadBeef', undef; t { hex => 1 }, 'x', 'x', { validation => 'hex', error => { validation => 'regex', regex => '(?^i:^[0-9a-f]*$)', got => 'x' } }; t { prefix => 'a' }, 'abc', 'abc', undef; t { prefix => 'a' }, 'cba', 'cba', { validation => 'prefix', error => { validation => 'func', result => '' } }; t { bool => 1 }, 'abc', 1, undef; t { bool => 1 }, undef, 0, undef; t { bool => 1 }, '', 0, undef; t { bool => 1, required => 1 }, undef, undef, { validation => 'required' }; t { bool => 1, required => 1 }, 0, 0, undef; t { collapsews => 1, required => 0 }, " \t\n ", ' ', undef; t { collapsews => 1 }, ' x ', ' x ', undef; t { collapsews => 1, rmwhitespace => 1 }, ' x ', 'x', undef; t { person => 1 }, 1, 1, { validation => 'type', expected => 'hash', got => 'scalar' }; t { person => 1 }, {}, { name => undef }, { validation => 'person', error => { validation => 'keys', errors => [{ key => 'name', validation => 'required' }] } }; t { person => 1 }, {name => 'x'}, { name => 'x' }, undef; t { person => 1, keys => {age => { required => 1 }} }, {name => 'x'}, { name => 'x', age => undef }, { validation => 'keys', errors => [{ key => 'age', validation => 'required' }] }; t { person => 1, keys => {extra => {}} }, {name => 'x', extra => 1}, { name => 'x', extra => 1 }, undef; t { person => 1, keys => {extra => {}} }, {name => 'x', extra => ''}, { name => 'x', extra => '' }, { validation => 'keys', errors => [{ key => 'extra', validation => 'required' }] }; t { person => 1 }, {name => 'x', extra => 1}, {name => 'x', extra => 1}, undef; t { person => 1, unknown => 'remove' }, {name => 'x', extra => 1}, {name => 'x'}, undef; # numbers sub nerr { +{ validation => 'num', got => $_[0] } } t { num => 1 }, 0, 0, undef; t { num => 1 }, '-', '-', nerr '-'; t { num => 1 }, '00', '00', nerr '00'; t { num => 1 }, '1', '1', undef; t { num => 1 }, '1.1.', '1.1.', nerr '1.1.'; t { num => 1 }, '1.-1', '1.-1', nerr '1.-1'; t { num => 1 }, '.1', '.1', nerr '.1'; t { num => 1 }, '0.1e5', '0.1e5', undef; t { num => 1 }, '0.1e+5', '0.1e+5', undef; t { num => 1 }, '0.1e5.1', '0.1e5.1', nerr '0.1e5.1'; t { int => 1 }, 0, 0, undef; t { int => 1 }, -123, -123, undef; t { int => 1 }, -123.1, -123.1, { validation => 'int', got => -123.1 }; t { uint => 1 }, 0, 0, undef; t { uint => 1 }, 123, 123, undef; t { uint => 1 }, -123, -123, { validation => 'uint', got => -123 }; t { min => 1 }, 1, 1, undef; t { min => 1 }, 0.9, 0.9, { validation => 'min', expected => 1, got => 0.9 }; t { min => 1 }, 'a', 'a', { validation => 'min', error => nerr 'a' }; t { max => 1 }, 1, 1, undef; t { max => 1 }, 1.1, 1.1, { validation => 'max', expected => 1, got => 1.1 }; t { max => 1 }, 'a', 'a', { validation => 'max', error => nerr 'a' }; t { range => [1,2] }, 1, 1, undef; t { range => [1,2] }, 2, 2, undef; t { range => [1,2] }, 0.9, 0.9, { validation => 'range', error => { validation => 'min', expected => 1, got => 0.9 } }; t { range => [1,2] }, 2.1, 2.1, { validation => 'range', error => { validation => 'max', expected => 2, got => 2.1 } }; t { range => [1,2] }, 'a', 'a', { validation => 'range', error => { validation => 'max', error => nerr 'a' } }; # XXX: Error validation type depends on evaluation order # email template t { email => 1 }, $_->[1], $_->[1], $_->[0] ? undef : { validation => 'email', got => $_->[1] } for ( [ 0, 'abc.com' ], [ 0, 'abc@localhost' ], [ 0, 'abc@10.0.0.' ], [ 0, 'abc@' ], [ 0, '@blicky.net' ], [ 0, 'a @a.com' ], [ 0, 'a"@a.com' ], [ 0, 'a@[:]' ], [ 1, 'a@a.com' ], [ 1, 'a@a.com.' ], [ 1, 'a@' ], [ 1, 'a@[::1]' ], [ 1, 'é@yörhel.nl' ], [ 1, 'a+_0-c@yorhel.nl' ], [ 1, 'é@x-y_z.example' ], [ 1, 'abc@x-y_z.example' ], ); my $long = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx'; t { email => 1 }, $long, $long, { validation => 'email', error => { validation => 'maxlength', got => 255, expected => 254 } }; # weburl template t { weburl => 1 }, $_->[1], $_->[1], $_->[0] ? undef : { validation => 'weburl', got => $_->[1] } for ( [ 0, 'http' ], [ 0, 'http://' ], [ 0, 'http:///' ], [ 0, 'http://x/' ], [ 0, 'http://x/' ], [ 0, '' ], [ 0, 'http://blicky.net:050/' ], [ 0, 'ftp//blicky.net/' ], [ 1, 'http://blicky.net/' ], [ 1, 'http://blicky.net:50/' ], [ 1, 'https://blicky.net/' ], [ 1, 'https://[::1]:80/' ], [ 1, 'https://l-n.x_.example.com/' ], [ 1, 'https://blicky.net/?#Who\'d%20ever%22makeaurl_like-this/!idont.know' ], ); # Things that should fail ok !eval { compile { recursive => { recursive => 1 } }, { recursive => 1 }; 1 }, 'recursive'; ok !eval { compile { a => { b => 1 }, b => { a => 1 } }, { a => 1 }; 1 }, 'mutually recursive'; ok !eval { compile {}, { wtfisthis => 1 }; 1 }, 'unknown validation'; ok !eval { compile { a => { type => 'array' } }, { type => 'scalar', a => 1 }; 1 }, 'incompatible types'; ok !eval { validate {}, { type => 'x' }, 1; 1 }, 'unknown type'; ok !eval { compile {}, { type => 'array', regex => qr// }; 1 }, 'incompatible type for regex'; ok !eval { compile {}, { type => 'hash', keys => {a => {wtfisthis => 1}} }; 1 }, 'unknown type in hash key'; done_testing;