diff options
authorYorhel <>2009-10-02 13:20:19 +0200
committerYorhel <>2009-10-02 13:20:19 +0200
commit94af15ac32be7c73940f9cf66cb2a6621831a479 (patch)
parentc7f7fdbff9901940914ddcb77299fd7c6ec0fdc3 (diff)
JS: Wrote minimal JS library and converted image viewer
This *should* be more standards-compliant, and *should* work in all major browsers. But I really have to test that.
1 files changed, 147 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/static/f/script.js b/static/f/script.js
index ba8861ee..1c1a298e 100644
--- a/static/f/script.js
+++ b/static/f/script.js
@@ -1,17 +1,13 @@
-/* G L O B A L S T U F F */
-function x(y){return document.getElementById(y)}
+/* M I N I M A L J A V A S C R I P T L I B R A R Y */
var http_request = false;
function ajax(url, func) {
http_request = (window.ActiveXObject) ? new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP') : new XMLHttpRequest();
- if(http_request == null) {
- alert("Your browser does not support the functionality this website requires.");
- return;
- }
+ if(http_request == null)
+ return alert("Your browser does not support the functionality this website requires.");
http_request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(!http_request || http_request.readyState != 4 || !http_request.responseText)
@@ -41,6 +37,103 @@ function getCookie(n) {
return null;
+function x(y) { // deprecated
+ return document.getElementById(y)
+function byId(n) {
+ return document.getElementById(n)
+function byName(){
+ var d = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[0] : document;
+ var n = arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : arguments[0];
+ return d.getElementsByTagName(n);
+function byClass() { // [class], [parent, class], [tagname, class], [parent, tagname, class]
+ var par = typeof arguments[0] == 'object' ? arguments[0] : document;
+ var tag = arguments.length == 2 && typeof arguments[0] == 'string' ? arguments[0] : arguments.length == 3 ? arguments[1] : '*';
+ var c = arguments[arguments.length-1];
+ var l = byName(par, tag);
+ var ret = [];
+ for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++)
+ if(hasClass(l[i], c))
+ ret[ret.length-1] = l[i];
+ return ret;
+/* wrapper around DOM element creation
+ * tag('string') -> createTextNode
+ * tag('tagname', tag(), 'string', ..) -> createElement(), appendChild(), ..
+ * tag('tagname', { class: 'meh', title: 'Title' }) -> createElement(), setAttribute()..
+ * tag('tagname', { <attributes> }, <elements>) -> create, setattr, append */
+function tag() {
+ if(arguments.length == 1)
+ return typeof arguments[0] != 'object' ? document.createTextNode(arguments[0]) : arguments[0];
+ var el = typeof document.createElementNS != 'undefined'
+ ? document.createElementNS('', arguments[0])
+ : document.createElement(arguments[0]);
+ for(var i=1; i<arguments.length; i++) {
+ if(arguments[i] == null)
+ continue;
+ if(typeof arguments[i] == 'object' && !arguments[i].appendChild) {
+ for(attr in arguments[i]) {
+ if(attr == 'style')
+ el.setAttribute(attr, arguments[i][attr]);
+ else
+ el[ attr == 'class' ? 'className' : attr ] = arguments[i][attr];
+ }
+ } else
+ el.appendChild(tag(arguments[i]));
+ }
+ return el;
+function addBody(el) {
+ if(document.body.appendChild)
+ document.body.appendChild(el);
+ else if(document.documentElement.appendChild)
+ document.documentElement.appendChild(el);
+ else if(document.appendChild)
+ document.appendChild(el);
+function setContent(el, content) {
+ setText(el, '');
+ el.appendChild(content);
+function getText(obj) {
+ return obj.textContent || obj.innerText || '';
+function setText(obj, txt) {
+ if(obj.textContent != null)
+ obj.textContent = txt;
+ else
+ obj.innerText = txt;
+function listClass(obj) {
+ var n = obj.className;
+ if(!n)
+ return [];
+ return n.split(/ /);
+function hasClass(obj, c) {
+ var l = listClass(obj);
+ for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++)
+ if(l[i] == c)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+function addClass(obj, c) {
+ if(!hasClass(obj, c))
+ obj.className = (obj.className ? obj.className+' ' : '') + c;
+function removeClass(obj, c) {
+ var l = listClass(obj);
+ var n = [];
+ for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++)
+ if(l[i] != c)
+ n[n.length] = l[i];
+ obj.className = n.join(' ');
@@ -48,25 +141,22 @@ function getCookie(n) {
function ivInit() {
var init = 0;
- var l = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
+ var l = byName('a');
for(var i=0;i<l.length;i++)
if(l[i].rel.substr(0,3) == 'iv:') {
l[i].onclick = ivView;
- if(init && !x('iv_view')) {
- var d = document.createElement('div');
- = 'iv_view';
- d.innerHTML = '<b id="ivimg"></b><br />'
- +'<a href="#" id="ivfull">&nbsp;</a>'
- +'<a href="#" onclick="return ivClose()" id="ivclose">close</a>'
- +'<a href="#" onclick="return ivView(this)" id="ivprev">&laquo; previous</a>'
- +'<a href="#" onclick="return ivView(this)" id="ivnext">next &raquo;</a>';
- document.body.appendChild(d);
- d = document.createElement('b');
- = 'ivimgload';
- d.innerHTML = 'Loading...';
- document.body.appendChild(d);
+ if(init && !byId('iv_view')) {
+ addBody(tag('div', {id: 'iv_view'},
+ tag('b', {id:'ivimg'}, ''),
+ tag('br', null),
+ tag('a', {href:'#', id:'ivfull'}, ''),
+ tag('a', {href:'#', onclick: ivClose, id:'ivclose'}, 'close'),
+ tag('a', {href:'#', onclick: ivView, id:'ivprev'}, '« previous'),
+ tag('a', {href:'#', onclick: ivView, id:'ivnext'}, 'next »')
+ ));
+ addBody(tag('b', {id:'ivimgload'}, 'Loading...'));
@@ -74,37 +164,40 @@ function ivView(what) {
what = what && what.rel ? what : this;
var u = what.href;
var opt = what.rel.split(':');
- d = x('iv_view');
+ var view = byId('iv_view');
+ var next = byId('ivnext');
+ var prev = byId('ivprev');
+ var full = byId('ivfull');
- // fix prev/next links (if any)
+ // fix prev/next links (if any)
if(opt[2]) {
- var ol = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
+ var ol = byName('a');
var l=[];
if(ol[i].rel.substr(0,3) == 'iv:' && ol[i].rel.indexOf(':'+opt[2]) > 4 && ol[i].className.indexOf('hidden') < 0 && ol[i].id != 'ivprev' && ol[i].id != 'ivnext')
l[l.length] = ol[i];
if(l[i].href == u) {
- x('ivnext').style.visibility = l[i+1] ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
- x('ivnext').href = l[i+1] ? l[i+1].href : '#';
- x('ivnext').rel = l[i+1] ? l[i+1].rel : '';
- x('ivprev').style.visibility = l[i-1] ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
- x('ivprev').href = l[i-1] ? l[i-1].href : '#';
- x('ivprev').rel = l[i-1] ? l[i-1].rel : '';
+ = l[i+1] ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
+ next.href = l[i+1] ? l[i+1].href : '#';
+ next.rel = l[i+1] ? l[i+1].rel : '';
+ = l[i-1] ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
+ prev.href = l[i-1] ? l[i-1].href : '#';
+ prev.rel = l[i-1] ? l[i-1].rel : '';
} else
- x('ivnext').style.visibility = x('ivprev').style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ = = 'hidden';
- // calculate dimensions
+ // calculate dimensions
var w = Math.floor(opt[1].split('x')[0]);
var h = Math.floor(opt[1].split('x')[1]);
var ww = typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number' ? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth;
var wh = typeof(window.innerHeight) == 'number' ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight;
var st = typeof(window.pageYOffset) == 'number' ? window.pageYOffset : document.body && document.body.scrollTop ? document.body.scrollTop : document.documentElement.scrollTop;
if(w+100 > ww || h+70 > wh) {
- x('ivfull').href = u;
- x('ivfull').innerHTML = w+'x'+h;
- x('ivfull').style.visibility = 'visible';
+ full.href = u;
+ setText(full, w+'x'+h);
+ = 'visible';
if(w/h > ww/wh) { // width++
h *= (ww-100)/w;
w = ww-100;
@@ -113,31 +206,36 @@ function ivView(what) {
h = wh-70;
} else
- x('ivfull').style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ = 'hidden';
var dw = w;
var dh = h+20;
dw = dw < 200 ? 200 : dw;
- // update document
- = 'block';
- x('ivimg').innerHTML = '<img src="'+u+'" onclick="ivClose()" onload="document.getElementById(\'ivimgload\')\'-400px\'" style="width: '+w+'px; height: '+h+'px" />';
- = dw+'px';
- = dh+'px';
- = ((ww - dw) / 2 - 10)+'px';
- = ((wh - dh) / 2 + st - 20)+'px';
- x('ivimgload').style.left = ((ww - 100) / 2 - 10)+'px';
- x('ivimgload') = ((wh - 20) / 2 + st)+'px';
+ // update document
+ = 'block';
+ setContent(x('ivimg'), tag('img', {src:u, onclick:ivClose,
+ onload: function() { byId('ivimgload')'-400px'; },
+ style: 'width: '+w+'px; height: '+h+'px'
+ }));
+ = dw+'px';
+ = dh+'px';
+ = ((ww - dw) / 2 - 10)+'px';
+ = ((wh - dh) / 2 + st - 20)+'px';
+ byId('ivimgload').style.left = ((ww - 100) / 2 - 10)+'px';
+ byId('ivimgload') = ((wh - 20) / 2 + st)+'px';
return false;
function ivClose() {
- x('iv_view').style.display = 'none';
- x('iv_view') = '-5000px';
- x('ivimgload') = '-400px';
- x('ivimg').innerHTML = '';
+ byId('iv_view').style.display = 'none';
+ byId('iv_view') = '-5000px';
+ byId('ivimgload') = '-400px';
+ setText(byId('ivimg'), '');
return false;
@@ -510,9 +608,6 @@ function dtSerialize(obj) {
return false;
- // initialize image viewer
- ivInit();
// vnlist dropdown
var l = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for(var i=0;i<l.length;i++)