diff options
authorYorhel <>2020-03-09 09:32:30 +0100
committerYorhel <>2020-03-09 09:32:30 +0100
commit39338e83b6d3a216a6bd614fb2709d2e34015e71 (patch)
parent5e61abb08ac44f7fad4a9e992821053cdcf57b39 (diff)
Lib.Extlinks: Automatically add URL after pasting it into the form
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/elm/Lib/ExtLinks.elm b/elm/Lib/ExtLinks.elm
index 91d8ba4c..b37dbb6e 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/ExtLinks.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/ExtLinks.elm
@@ -77,13 +77,20 @@ update msg model =
case List.concatMap (\s -> (match s) (Regex.find s.regex i)) model.sites |> List.head of
Nothing -> Unrecognized
Just (s, val) -> if dup s val then Duplicate else Add (s, val)
+ add s val = { model | input = "", rec = Unrecognized, links = s.add val model.links }
in case msg of
Del f i -> { model | links = f i model.links }
- Input i -> { model | input = i, rec = find (String.trim i) }
+ Input i ->
+ case find (String.trim i) of
+ Add (s, val) ->
+ if s.multi || List.isEmpty (s.links model.links)
+ then add s val
+ else { model | input = i, rec = Add (s, val) }
+ x -> { model | input = i, rec = x }
Enter ->
case model.rec of
- Add (s, val) -> { model | input = "", rec = Unrecognized, links = s.add val model.links }
+ Add (s, val) -> add s val
_ -> model
Expand -> { model | lst = not model.lst }
@@ -105,13 +112,10 @@ view model =
) model.sites
, inputText "" model.input Input [style "width" "500px", placeholder "Add URL..."]
, case (model.input, model.rec) of
- ("", _) -> text ""
- (_, Unrecognized) -> msg True "Invalid or unrecognized URL."
- (_, Duplicate) -> msg True "URL is already listed."
- (_, Add (s, _)) -> span []
- [ inputButton (if s.multi || List.isEmpty (s.links model.links) then "Add" else "Edit") Enter []
- , msg False <| "URL recognized as: " ++
- ]
+ ("", _) -> text ""
+ (_, Unrecognized) -> msg True "Invalid or unrecognized URL."
+ (_, Duplicate) -> msg True "URL is already listed."
+ (_, Add (s, _)) -> span [] [ inputButton "Edit" Enter [], msg False <| "URL recognized as: " ++ ]
, div [ style "margin-top" "5px" ]
[ span [ onClickD Expand, style "cursor" "pointer" ] [ text <| if model.lst then "▾ " else "▸ ", text "Recognized sites: " ]
, if model.lst