diff options
authorYorhel <>2020-11-11 12:55:28 +0100
committerYorhel <>2020-11-11 13:24:37 +0100
commit7b6fcdbb00522e739c2e792e205b2ce2bbeae1a7 (patch)
parent237193921509027c0168933f5eed4ae2d73c508a (diff)
AdvSearch: Fix using encoded form on pagination + abstraction changes
I was originally planning to have only two query encoding forms: Fully normalized JSON form and compact encoded form. But converting between the two is kind of annoying and requires lookup tables, which makes the normalized JSON form inconvenient for Elm. Hence I added a third form: compact JSON form, which has the same data type transformations applied as the compact encoded form, but still retains the JSON encoding and structure. Converting between compact JSON form and compact encoded form is fairly trivial. Downside is that this also implies that Query handling in Elm needs to be done through field numbers rather than names, which is more error prone - but this can be solved by generating an Elm module with a variable for each field numer. Another downside is that this makes it impossible to implement a normalized-form query viewer and editor in Elm without hitting the server for conversions - but such a feature is not very important anyway. Other abstraction change is that now exposes an object-oriented interface, the object can keep track of the different query forms and seems like a more suitable solution in this case.
9 files changed, 155 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm
index 65951b16..64f9399a 100644
--- a/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import Lib.Util exposing (..)
import Lib.Html exposing (..)
import Lib.DropDown as DD
import Lib.Api as Api
-import Gen.AdvSearch exposing (QType(..))
import AdvSearch.Set as AS
import AdvSearch.Producers as AP
import AdvSearch.Query exposing (..)
@@ -82,8 +81,8 @@ nestToQuery : NestModel -> Maybe Query
nestToQuery model =
case (model.ntype, List.filterMap fieldToQuery model.fields) of
(_, [] ) -> Nothing
- (NRel, [x]) -> Just (QQuery "release" Eq x)
- (NRelNeg, [x]) -> Just (QQuery "release" Ne x)
+ (NRel, [x]) -> Just (QQuery 50 Eq x)
+ (NRelNeg, [x]) -> Just (QQuery 50 Ne x)
(_, [x]) -> Just x
(NAnd, xs ) -> Just (QAnd xs)
(NOr, xs ) -> Just (QOr xs)
@@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ nestFromQuery ntype qtype dat q =
Ne -> Just (init ntNeg qt [val])
_ -> Nothing
in case (qtype, ntype, q) of
- (V, NRel, QQuery "release" op r) -> initSub op NRel NRelNeg R r
+ (V, NRel, QQuery 50 op r) -> initSub op NRel NRelNeg R r
(_, NAnd, QAnd l) -> Just (init NAnd qtype l)
(_, NOr, QOr l) -> Just (init NOr qtype l)
_ -> Nothing
@@ -312,11 +311,11 @@ fieldToQuery (_, _, model) =
case model of
FMCustom m -> Just m
FMNest m -> nestToQuery m
- FMLang m -> AS.toQuery (QStr "lang" ) m
- FMOLang m -> AS.toQuery (QStr "olang") m
- FMPlatform m -> AS.toQuery (QStr "platform") m
- FMLength m -> AS.toQuery (QInt "length") m
- FMDeveloper m-> AP.toQuery (QInt "developer") m
+ FMLang m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 2) m
+ FMOLang m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 3) m
+ FMPlatform m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 4) m
+ FMLength m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 5) m
+ FMDeveloper m-> AP.toQuery (QInt 6) m
fieldCreate : Int -> (Data,FieldModel) -> (Data,Field)
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Main.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Main.elm
index 8e5156b4..044ac657 100644
--- a/elm/AdvSearch/Main.elm
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Main.elm
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Array as A
import Json.Encode as JE
import Json.Decode as JD
import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.AdvSearch exposing (QType(..))
import AdvSearch.Query exposing (..)
import AdvSearch.Fields exposing (..)
@@ -108,7 +107,7 @@ update msg model =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model = div [ class "advsearch" ]
- [ input [ type_ "hidden", id "f", name "f", value <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| (encQuery model.qtype) (fieldToQuery model.query) ] []
+ [ input [ type_ "hidden", id "f", name "f", value <| Maybe.withDefault "" <| encQuery (fieldToQuery model.query) ] []
, Field (nestFieldView model.query)
, input [ type_ "submit", class "submit", value "Search" ] []
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Producers.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Producers.elm
index 096ccdf2..ab36f74a 100644
--- a/elm/AdvSearch/Producers.elm
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Producers.elm
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ fromQuery f dat q =
devFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
case q of
- QInt "developer" op v -> Just (op, v)
+ QInt 6 op v -> Just (op, v)
_ -> Nothing)
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm
index ca15a546..686580f1 100644
--- a/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm
@@ -4,17 +4,18 @@ import Json.Encode as JE
import Json.Decode as JD
import Dict
import Gen.Api as GApi
-import Gen.AdvSearch as GAdv
-- Generic dynamically typed representation of a query.
-- Used only as an intermediate format to help with encoding/decoding.
+-- Corresponds to the compact JSON encoding, i.e. with field names and VNDBIDs encoded and integers.
+type QType = V | R
type Op = Eq | Ne | Ge | Le
type Query
= QAnd (List Query)
| QOr (List Query)
- | QInt String Op Int
- | QStr String Op String
- | QQuery String Op Query
+ | QInt Int Op Int
+ | QStr Int Op String
+ | QQuery Int Op Query
encodeOp : Op -> JE.Value
@@ -28,11 +29,11 @@ encodeOp o = JE.string <|
encodeQuery : Query -> JE.Value
encodeQuery q =
case q of
- QAnd l -> JE.list identity (JE.string "and" :: encodeQuery l)
- QOr l -> JE.list identity (JE.string "or" :: encodeQuery l)
- QInt s o a -> JE.list identity [JE.string s, encodeOp o, a]
- QStr s o a -> JE.list identity [JE.string s, encodeOp o, JE.string a]
- QQuery s o a -> JE.list identity [JE.string s, encodeOp o, encodeQuery a]
+ QAnd l -> JE.list identity ( 0 :: encodeQuery l)
+ QOr l -> JE.list identity ( 1 :: encodeQuery l)
+ QInt s o a -> JE.list identity [ s, encodeOp o, a]
+ QStr s o a -> JE.list identity [ s, encodeOp o, JE.string a]
+ QQuery s o a -> JE.list identity [ s, encodeOp o, encodeQuery a]
@@ -56,10 +57,10 @@ decodeOp = JD.string |> JD.andThen (\s ->
_ -> "Invalid operator")
decodeQuery : JD.Decoder Query
-decodeQuery = JD.index 0 JD.string |> JD.andThen (\s ->
+decodeQuery = JD.index 0 |> JD.andThen (\s ->
case s of
- "and" -> QAnd decodeQList
- "or" -> QOr decodeQList
+ 0 -> QAnd decodeQList
+ 1 -> QOr decodeQList
_ -> JD.oneOf
[ JD.map2 (QInt s ) (JD.index 1 decodeOp) (JD.index 2
, JD.map2 (QStr s ) (JD.index 1 decodeOp) (JD.index 2 JD.string)
@@ -85,8 +86,8 @@ encInt n = if n < 0 then Nothing
else if n < 4785 then Just <| "X" ++ encIntRaw 2 (n-689)
else if n < 266929 then Just <| "Y" ++ encIntRaw 3 (n-4785)
else if n < 17044145 then Just <| "Z" ++ encIntRaw 4 (n-266929)
- else if n < 1090785969 then Just <| "-" ++ encIntRaw 5 (n-17044145)
- else if n < 69810262705 then Just <| "_" ++ encIntRaw 6 (n-1090785969)
+ else if n < 1090785969 then Just <| "_" ++ encIntRaw 5 (n-17044145)
+ else if n < 69810262705 then Just <| "-" ++ encIntRaw 6 (n-1090785969)
else Nothing
@@ -97,14 +98,10 @@ encStr : String -> String
encStr = String.foldl (\c s -> s ++ Maybe.withDefault (String.fromChar c) (Dict.get c encStrMap)) ""
--- XXX: Queries with unknown fields or invalid value types are silently discarded
-encQuery : GAdv.QType -> Query -> String
-encQuery qt query =
+encQuery : Query -> String
+encQuery query =
let fint n = Maybe.withDefault "" (encInt n)
- lst n l =
- let nl = (encQuery qt) l |> List.filter (\s -> s /= "")
- in if List.isEmpty nl then "" else fint n ++ fint (List.length nl) ++ String.concat nl
- fieldByName n = List.filter (\f -> f.qtype == qt && == n) GAdv.fields |> List.head
+ lst n l = let nl = encQuery l in fint n ++ fint (List.length nl) ++ String.concat nl
encOp o =
case o of
Eq -> 0
@@ -112,20 +109,16 @@ encQuery qt query =
Ge -> 2
Le -> 3
encTypeOp o t = Maybe.withDefault "" <| encInt <| encOp o + 4*t
- encStrField o v f = let s = encStr v in fint f.num ++ encTypeOp o (String.length s + 9) ++ s
+ encStrField n o v = let s = encStr v in fint n ++ encTypeOp o (String.length s + 9) ++ s
in case query of
QAnd l -> lst 0 l
QOr l -> lst 1 l
- QInt n o v -> fieldByName n |> (\f ->
+ QInt n o v ->
case encInt v of -- Integers that can't be represented in encoded form will be encoded as strings
- Just s -> fint f.num ++ encTypeOp o 0 ++ s
- Nothing -> encStrField o (String.fromInt v) f) |> Maybe.withDefault ""
- QStr n o v -> fieldByName n |> (encStrField o v) |> Maybe.withDefault ""
- QQuery n o q -> fieldByName n |> Maybe.andThen (\f ->
- case f.vtype of
- GAdv.QVQuery t -> Just (fint f.num ++ encTypeOp o 1 ++ encQuery t q)
- _ -> Nothing) |> Maybe.withDefault ""
+ Just s -> fint n ++ encTypeOp o 0 ++ s
+ Nothing -> encStrField n o (String.fromInt v)
+ QStr n o v -> encStrField n o v
+ QQuery n o q -> fint n ++ encTypeOp o 1 ++ encQuery q
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Set.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Set.elm
index 94312d13..0d58f02e 100644
--- a/elm/AdvSearch/Set.elm
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Set.elm
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ toQuery f m =
-- Only recognizes queries generated by setToQuery, doesn't handle alternative query structures.
-- Usage:
-- setFromQuery (\q -> case q of
--- QStr "lang" op v -> Just (op, v)
+-- QStr 2 op v -> Just (op, v)
-- _ -> Nothing) model
fromQuery : (Query -> Maybe (Op,comparable)) -> Data -> Query -> Maybe (Data, Model comparable)
fromQuery f dat q =
@@ -116,12 +116,12 @@ langView orig model =
langFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
case q of
- QStr "lang" op v -> Just (op, v)
+ QStr 2 op v -> Just (op, v)
_ -> Nothing)
olangFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
case q of
- QStr "olang" op v -> Just (op, v)
+ QStr 3 op v -> Just (op, v)
_ -> Nothing)
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ platformView model =
platformFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
case q of
- QStr "platform" op v -> Just (op, v)
+ QStr 4 op v -> Just (op, v)
_ -> Nothing)
@@ -170,5 +170,5 @@ lengthView model =
lengthFromQuery = fromQuery (\q ->
case q of
- QInt "length" op v -> Just (op, v)
+ QInt 5 op v -> Just (op, v)
_ -> Nothing)
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/ b/lib/VNDB/
index 508b2272..accf3df7 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/
@@ -309,11 +309,12 @@ sub form_compare {
-# Encode query parameters. Takes a hash or hashref with key/values, supports array values.
+# Encode query parameters. Takes a hash or hashref with key/values, supports array values and objects that implement query_encode().
sub query_encode {
my $o = @_ == 1 ? $_[0] : {@_};
return join '&', map {
my($k, $v) = ($_, $o->{$_});
+ $v = $v->query_encode() if ref $v && ref $v ne 'ARRAY';
!defined $v ? () : ref $v ? map "$k=".uri_escape($_), sort @$v : "$k=".uri_escape($v)
} sort keys %$o;
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index aed43b45..8385a0fd 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -1,21 +1,27 @@
package VNWeb::AdvSearch;
+# This module comes with query definitions and helper functions to handle
+# advanced search queries. Usage is as follows:
+# my $q = tuwf->validate(get => f => { advsearch => 'v' })->data;
+# $q->sql_where; # Returns an SQL condition for use in a where clause.
+# $q->elm_; # Instantiate an Elm widget
use v5.26;
use warnings;
+use B;
use TUWF;
-use Exporter 'import';
use VNWeb::DB;
use VNWeb::Validation;
-use VNWeb::HTML;
use VNDB::Types;
-our @EXPORT = qw/ as_tosql as_elm_ /;
# Search query (JSON):
# $Query = $Combinator || $Predicate
-# $Combinator = [ 'and'||'or', $Query, .. ]
+# $Combinator = [ 'and'||'or'||0||1, $Query, .. ]
# $Predicate = [ $Field, $Op, $Value ]
# $Op = '=', '!=', '>=', '<='
# $Value = $integer || $string || $Query
@@ -24,7 +30,7 @@ our @EXPORT = qw/ as_tosql as_elm_ /;
# $Field can be referred to by name or number, the latter is used for the
# compact encoding.
-# e.g.
+# e.g. normalized JSON form:
# [ 'and'
# , [ 'or' # No support for array values, so IN() queries need explicit ORs.
@@ -122,14 +128,20 @@ our @EXPORT = qw/ as_tosql as_elm_ /;
# $Type. Type=9 is used for the empty string, Type=10 for strings of length
# 1, etc. String lengths up to 3 can be represented by a single $TypedOp
# character.
-# (Only a decoder is implemented for now, encoding is done in Elm)
my @alpha = (0..9, 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '_', '-');
my %alpha = map +($alpha[$_],$_), 0..$#alpha;
+# Assumption: @escape has less than 49 characters.
my @escape = split //, " !\"#\$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~";
+my %escape = map +($escape[$_],$alpha[$_]), 0..$#escape;
+my $escape_re = qr{([${\quotemeta join '', @escape}])};
-sub dec_int {
+sub _unescape_str { $_[0] =~ s{_(.)}{ $escape[$alpha{$1} // return] // return }reg }
+sub _escape_str { $_[0] =~ s/$escape_re/_$escape{$1}/rg }
+sub _dec_int {
my($s, $i) = @_;
my $c1 = ($alpha{substr $s, $$i++, 1} // return);
return $c1 if $c1 < 49;
@@ -139,23 +151,48 @@ sub dec_int {
$n + (689, 4785, 266929, 17044145, 1090785969)[$c1-59]
-# Assumption: @escape has less than 49 characters.
-sub unescape_str { $_[0] =~ s{_(.)}{ $escape[$alpha{$1} // return] // return }reg }
-sub dec_query {
+sub _dec_query {
my($s, $i) = @_;
- my $c1 = dec_int($s, $i) // return;
- my $c2 = dec_int($s, $i) // return;
- return [ $c1 ? 'or' : 'and', map +(dec_query($s, $i) // return), 1..$c2 ] if $c1 <= 1;
+ my $c1 = _dec_int($s, $i) // return;
+ my $c2 = _dec_int($s, $i) // return;
+ return [ $c1, map +(_dec_query($s, $i) // return), 1..$c2 ] if $c1 <= 1;
my($op, $type) = ($c2 % 4, int ($c2 / 4));
[ $c1, ('=','!=', '>=', '<=')[$op],
- $type == 0 ? (dec_int($s, $i) // return) :
- $type == 1 ? (dec_query($s, $i) // return) :
- $type >= 9 ? do { my $v = unescape_str(substr $s, $$i, $type-9) // return; $$i += $type-9; $v } : undef ];
+ $type == 0 ? (_dec_int($s, $i) // return) :
+ $type == 1 ? (_dec_query($s, $i) // return) :
+ $type >= 9 ? do { my $v = _unescape_str(substr $s, $$i, $type-9) // return; $$i += $type-9; $v } : undef ];
+sub _enc_int {
+ my($n) = @_;
+ return if $n < 0;
+ return $alpha[$n] if $n < 49;
+ return $alpha[49 + int(($n-49)/64)] . $alpha[($n-49)%64] if $n < 689;
+ sub r { ($_[0] > 1 ? r($_[0]-1,int $_[1]/64) : '').$alpha[$_[1]%64] }
+ return 'X'.r 2, $n - 689 if $n < 4785;
+ return 'Y'.r 3, $n - 4785 if $n < 266929;
+ return 'Z'.r 4, $n - 266929 if $n < 17044145;
+ return '_'.r 5, $n - 17044145 if $n < 1090785969;
+ return '-'.r 6, $n - 1090785969 if $n < 69810262705;
+# Assumes that the query is already in compact JSON form.
+sub _enc_query {
+ my($q) = @_;
+ return ($alpha[$q->[0]])._enc_int($#$q).join '', map _enc_query($_), @$q[1..$#$q] if $q->[0] <= 1;
+ my sub r { _enc_int($q->[0])._enc_int({qw/= 0 != 1 >= 2 <= 3/}->{$q->[1]} + 4*$_[0]) }
+ return r(1)._enc_query($q->[2]) if ref $q->[2];
+ if(!(B::svref_2object(\$q->[2])->FLAGS & B::SVp_POK)) {
+ my $s = _enc_int $q->[2];
+ return r(0).$s if defined $s;
+ }
+ my $esc = _escape_str $q->[2];
+ r(9+length $esc).$esc;
# Define a $Field, args:
# $type -> 'v', 'c', etc.
# $name -> $Field name, must be stable and unique for the $type.
@@ -165,7 +202,7 @@ sub dec_query {
# $op=>$sql -> Operator definitions and sql() generation functions.
# An implementation for the '!=' operator will be supplied automatically if it's not explicitely defined.
sub f {
my($t, $num, $n, $v, %op) = @_;
my %f = (
@@ -192,11 +229,11 @@ f v => 50 => 'release', 'r', '=' => sub { sql ' IN(SELECT rv.vid FROM relea
f r => 2 => 'lang', { enum => \%LANGUAGE }, '=' => sub { sql ' IN(SELECT id FROM releases_lang WHERE lang =', \$_, ')' };
f r => 4 => 'platform', { enum => \%PLATFORM }, '=' => sub { sql ' IN(SELECT id FROM releases_platforms WHERE platform =', \$_, ')' };
-f r => 3 => 'developer',{ vndbid => 'p' }, '=' => sub { sql ' IN(SELECT id FROM releases_producers WHERE developer AND pid = vndbid_num(', \$_, '))' };
+f r => 6 => 'developer',{ vndbid => 'p' }, '=' => sub { sql ' IN(SELECT id FROM releases_producers WHERE developer AND pid = vndbid_num(', \$_, '))' };
-sub validate {
+sub _validate {
my($t, $q) = @_;
return { msg => 'Invalid query' } if ref $q ne 'ARRAY' || @$q < 2 || !defined $q->[0] || ref $q->[0];
@@ -207,7 +244,7 @@ sub validate {
# combinator
if($q->[0] eq 'and' || $q->[0] eq 'or') {
for(@$q[1..$#$q]) {
- my $r = validate($t, $_);
+ my $r = _validate($t, $_);
return $r if !$r || ref $r;
return 1;
@@ -218,7 +255,7 @@ sub validate {
my $f = $FIELDS{$t}{$q->[0]};
return { msg => 'Unknown field', field => $q->[0] } if !$f;
return { msg => 'Invalid operator', field => $q->[0], op => $q->[1] } if !$f->{op}{$q->[1]};
- return validate($f->{value}, $q->[2]) if !ref $f->{value};
+ return _validate($f->{value}, $q->[2]) if !ref $f->{value};
my $r = $f->{value}->validate($q->[2]);
return { msg => 'Invalid value', field => $q->[0], value => $q->[2], error => $r->err } if $r->err;
$q->[2] = $r->data;
@@ -227,72 +264,94 @@ sub validate {
# 'advsearch' validation, accepts either a compact encoded string, JSON string or an already decoded array.
-TUWF::set('custom_validations')->{advsearch} = sub { my($t) = @_; +{ required => 0, type => 'any', func => sub {
+TUWF::set('custom_validations')->{advsearch} = sub { my($t) = @_; +{ required => 0, type => 'any', default => bless({type=>$t}, __PACKAGE__), func => sub {
return { msg => 'Invalid JSON', error => $@ =~ s{[\s\r\n]* at /[^ ]+ line.*$}{}smr } if !ref $_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^\[/ && !eval { $_[0] = JSON::XS->new->decode($_[0]); 1 };
if(!ref $_[0]) {
my($v,$i) = ($_[0],0);
- return { msg => 'Invalid compact encoded form', character_index => $i } if !($_[0] = dec_query($v, \$i));
+ return { msg => 'Invalid compact encoded form', character_index => $i } if !($_[0] = _dec_query($v, \$i));
return { msg => 'Trailing garbage' } if $i != length $v;
- validate($t, @_)
+ my $v = _validate($t, @_);
+ $_[0] = bless { type => $t, query => $_[0] }, __PACKAGE__ if $v;
+ $v
} } };
-sub as_tosql {
+sub _sql_where {
my($t, $q) = @_;
- return sql_and map as_tosql($t, $_), @$q[1..$#$q] if $q->[0] eq 'and';
- return sql_or map as_tosql($t, $_), @$q[1..$#$q] if $q->[0] eq 'or';
+ return sql_and map _sql_where($t, $_), @$q[1..$#$q] if $q->[0] eq 'and';
+ return sql_or map _sql_where($t, $_), @$q[1..$#$q] if $q->[0] eq 'or';
my $f = $FIELDS{$t}{$q->[0]};
- local $_ = ref $f->{value} ? $q->[2] : as_tosql($f->{value}, $q->[2]);
+ local $_ = ref $f->{value} ? $q->[2] : _sql_where($f->{value}, $q->[2]);
-sub coerce_for_json {
+sub sql_where {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ $self->{query} ? _sql_where($self->{type}, $self->{query}) : '1=1';
+sub _compact_json {
my($t, $q) = @_;
- if($q->[0] eq 'and' || $q->[0] eq 'or') {
- coerce_for_json($t, $_) for @$q[1..$#$q];
- } else {
- my $f = $FIELDS{$t}{$q->[0]};
- # VNDBIDs are represented as ints for Elm
- $q->[2] = $f->{vndbid} ? int ($q->[2] =~ s/^$f->{vndbid}//rg)
- : $f->{int} ? int $q->[2]
- : ref $f->{value} ? "$q->[2]" : coerce_for_json($f->{value}, $q->[2]);
- }
- $q
+ return [ $q->[0] eq 'and' ? 0 : 1, map _compact_json($t, $_), @$q[1..$#$q] ] if $q->[0] eq 'and' || $q->[0] eq 'or';
+ my $f = $FIELDS{$t}{$q->[0]};
+ [ int $f->{num}, $q->[1],
+ # VNDBIDs are represented as ints in compact form
+ $f->{vndbid} ? int ($q->[2] =~ s/^$f->{vndbid}//rg)
+ : $f->{int} ? int $q->[2]
+ : ref $f->{value} ? "$q->[2]" : _compact_json($f->{value}, $q->[2])
+ ]
+sub compact_json {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ $self->{compact} //= $self->{query} && _compact_json($self->{type}, $self->{query});
+ $self->{compact};
-sub extract_ids {
+sub _extract_ids {
my($t,$q,$ids) = @_;
if($q->[0] eq 'and' || $q->[0] eq 'or') {
- extract_ids($t, $_, $ids) for @$q[1..$#$q];
+ _extract_ids($t, $_, $ids) for @$q[1..$#$q];
} else {
my $f = $FIELDS{$t}{$q->[0]};
$ids->{$q->[2]} = 1 if $f->{vndbid};
- extract_ids($f->{value}, $q->[2], $ids) if !ref $f->{value};
+ _extract_ids($f->{value}, $q->[2], $ids) if !ref $f->{value};
-sub as_elm_ {
- my($t, $q) = @_;
+sub elm_ {
+ my($self) = @_;
- extract_ids($t, $q, \%ids) if $q;
+ _extract_ids($self->{type}, $self->{query}, \%ids) if $self->{query};
$o{producers} = [ map +{id => $_=~s/^p//rg}, grep /^p/, keys %ids ];
enrich_merge id => 'SELECT id, name, original, hidden FROM producers WHERE id IN', $o{producers};
- $o{qtype} = $t;
- $o{query} = $q && coerce_for_json($t, $q);
+ $o{qtype} = $self->{type};
+ $o{query} = $self->compact_json;
state $schema ||= tuwf->compile({ type => 'hash', keys => {
qtype => {},
- query => { type => 'array' },
+ query => { type => 'array', required => 0 },
producers => $VNWeb::Elm::apis{ProducerResult}[0],
- elm_ 'AdvSearch.Main', $schema, \%o;
+ VNWeb::HTML::elm_ 'AdvSearch.Main', $schema, \%o;
+sub query_encode {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ return if !$self->{query};
+ $self->{query_encode} //= _enc_query $self->compact_json;
+ $self->{query_encode};
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index 18f2ef09..4e9d435b 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -477,40 +477,11 @@ sub write_extlinks {
-sub write_advsearch {
- my $data =<<~'_';
- type QType = V | R
- type QVType = QVInt | QVStr | QVQuery QType
- type alias QField =
- { qtype : QType
- , name : String
- , num : Int
- , vtype : QVType
- }
- _
- $data .= def fields => "List QField" => list map {
- my($t, $n, $f) = @$_;
- '{ '.join("\n , ",
- 'qtype = '.uc($t),
- 'name = '.string($n),
- 'num = '.$f->{num},
- 'vtype = '.($f->{vndbid}||$f->{int} ? 'QVInt' : !ref $f->{value} ? 'QVQuery '.uc($f->{value}) : 'QVStr')
- )."\n }";
- } map { my $t=$_; map [$t,$_,$VNWeb::AdvSearch::FIELDS{$t}{$_}], sort keys $VNWeb::AdvSearch::FIELDS{$t}->%* } sort keys %VNWeb::AdvSearch::FIELDS;
- write_module AdvSearch => $data;
if(tuwf->{elmgen}) {
mkdir config->{root}.'/elm/Gen';
- write_advsearch;
open my $F, '>', config->{root}.'/elm/Gen/.generated';
print $F scalar gmtime;
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/VN/ b/lib/VNWeb/VN/
index e968db55..fbcd1d99 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/VN/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/VN/
@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@ use VNWeb::AdvSearch;
sub listing_ {
my($opt, $list, $count) = @_;
- # TODO: query_encode() should recognize and encode the search query automatically.
- $opt->{f} = JSON::XS->new->encode($opt->{f}) if $opt->{f};
my sub url { '?'.query_encode %$opt, @_ }
paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [$count, 50], 't';
@@ -55,9 +53,8 @@ TUWF::get qr{/experimental/v}, sub {
my $where = sql_and
- 'NOT v.hidden',
- $opt->{q} ? map sql('v.c_search LIKE', \"%$_%"), normalize_query $opt->{q} : (),
- $opt->{f} ? as_tosql(v => $opt->{f}) : ();
+ 'NOT v.hidden', $opt->{f}->sql_where(),
+ $opt->{q} ? map sql('v.c_search LIKE', \"%$_%"), normalize_query $opt->{q} : ();
my $time = time;
my $count = tuwf->dbVali('SELECT count(*) FROM vn v WHERE', $where);
@@ -100,7 +97,7 @@ TUWF::get qr{/experimental/v}, sub {
form_ action => '/experimental/v', method => 'get', sub {
searchbox_ v => $opt->{q};
- as_elm_ v => $opt->{f};
+ $opt->{f}->elm_;
p_ class => 'center', sprintf '%d results in %.3fs', $count, $time;