diff options
authorYorhel <>2021-06-04 09:38:19 +0200
committerYorhel <>2021-06-04 09:38:21 +0200
commit7ff0f4b68b402155b92097f7a53e52a5d51ff3db (patch)
parent5443cbeb23d9c6a3b63aafaff4898377d33165f4 (diff)
VN listing: Add table options + developer and raw average columns
With additional VN cache columns for the new developers and average table columns. The developers cache is also used by the AdvSearch to potentially speed up some queries (and slow down others). I also changed the popularity and rating caches to smallint. Doesn't save anything with the current padding, but there's not much point in using a floating point type when the values get rounded anyway.
12 files changed, 271 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/css/v2.css b/css/v2.css
index f851127c..613f6a39 100644
--- a/css/v2.css
+++ b/css/v2.css
@@ -628,13 +628,15 @@ div#vntags { margin: 0 30px 0 30px; border-top: 1px solid $bo
/****** VN browse ********/
-.vnbrowse .tc_s { padding-left: 30px; width: 70px }
-.vnbrowse .tc2 { text-align: right; padding: 0; }
-.vnbrowse .tc3 { padding: 0; }
-.vnbrowse .tc5 { text-align: right; padding-right: 10px }
-.vnbrowse .tc6 { width: 80px }
-.vnbrowse .tc7 { text-align: right; width: 8px; white-space: nowrap }
-.vnbrowse .tc7 abbr { display: inline-block; width: 20px; }
+.vnbrowse .tc_score { padding-left: 30px; width: 70px }
+.vnbrowse .tc_title { padding-left: 30px }
+.vnbrowse .tc_score + td { padding-left: 0 }
+.vnbrowse .tc_ulist { text-align: right; width: 8px; white-space: nowrap }
+.vnbrowse .tc_ulist abbr { display: inline-block; width: 20px; }
+.vnbrowse .tc_plat { text-align: right; padding: 0; }
+.vnbrowse .tc_lang { padding: 0; }
+.vnbrowse .tc_pop { text-align: right; padding-right: 10px }
+.vnbrowse .tc_rating, .vnbrowse .tc_average { width: 80px; white-space: nowrap }
diff --git a/elm/TableOpts.elm b/elm/TableOpts.elm
index 7dcfec2a..6ecf0aa9 100644
--- a/elm/TableOpts.elm
+++ b/elm/TableOpts.elm
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ type Msg
= Open Bool
| View Int Bool
| Results Int Bool
+ | Sort Int Bool Bool
+ | Cols Int Bool
| Save
| Saved GApi.Response
@@ -60,6 +62,8 @@ update msg model =
Open b -> ({ model | saved = False, dd = DD.toggle model.dd b }, Cmd.none)
View n _ -> ({ model | saved = False, view = n }, Cmd.none)
Results n _ -> ({ model | saved = False, results = n }, Cmd.none)
+ Sort n b _ -> ({ model | saved = False, sort = n, asc = b }, Cmd.none)
+ Cols n b -> ({ model | cols = if b then B.or model.cols (B.shiftLeftBy n 1) else B.and model.cols (B.xor (B.complement 0) (B.shiftLeftBy n 1)) }, Cmd.none)
Save -> ( { model | saved = False, state = Api.Loading }
, GTO.send { save = Maybe.withDefault ""
, value = if encInt model == model.opts.default then Nothing else Just (encInt model)
@@ -90,11 +94,25 @@ view model = div []
, DD.view model.dd Api.Normal
(text "display options")
(\_ -> [ table [ style "min-width" "300px" ]
- [ tr [] [ td [] [ text "Format" ], td [] -- TODO: Icons, or some sort of preview?
- [ linkRadio (model.view == 0) (View 0) [ text "Rows" ], text " / "
- , linkRadio (model.view == 1) (View 1) [ text "Cards" ], text " / "
- , linkRadio (model.view == 2) (View 2) [ text "Grid" ]
- ] ]
+ -- TODO: Format icons, or some sort of preview?
+ [ if List.isEmpty model.opts.views then text "" else
+ tr [] [ td [] [ text "Format" ], td [] <| List.intersperse (text " / ") <| (\o ->
+ linkRadio (model.view == o) (View o) [ text (if o == 0 then "Rows" else if o == 1 then "Cards" else "Grid") ]
+ ) model.opts.views ]
+ , if List.isEmpty model.opts.sorts then text "" else
+ tr [] [ td [] [ text "Order by" ], td [] <| List.intersperse (br [] []) <| (\o ->
+ linkRadio (model.sort == (Sort (if model.sort == then not model.asc else True))
+ [ text
+ , text <| if model.sort /= then "" else if model.asc then " ▴" else " ▾" ]
+ ) model.opts.sorts ]
+ , if List.isEmpty model.opts.vis then text "" else
+ tr [] [ td [] [ text "Visible", br [] [], text "columns" ], td [] <| List.intersperse (br [] []) <| (\o ->
+ linkRadio (B.and model.cols (B.shiftLeftBy 1) > 0) (Cols [ text ]
+ ) model.opts.vis ]
, tr [] [ td [] [ text "Results" ], td []
[ linkRadio (model.results == 1) (Results 1) [ text "10" ], text " / "
, linkRadio (model.results == 2) (Results 2) [ text "25" ], text " / "
@@ -102,6 +120,7 @@ view model = div []
, linkRadio (model.results == 3) (Results 3) [ text "100" ], text " / "
, linkRadio (model.results == 4) (Results 4) [ text "200" ]
] ]
, tr [] [ td [] [], td []
[ input [ type_ "submit", class "submit", value "Update" ] []
, case (, model.saved) of
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index e46b8e53..b1c58062 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -311,10 +311,11 @@ my @TYPE; # stack of query types, $TYPE[0] is the top-level query, $TYPE[$#TYPE]
f v => 2 => 'lang', { enum => \%LANGUAGE }, '=' => sub { sql 'v.c_languages && ARRAY', \$_, '::language[]' };
f v => 3 => 'olang', { enum => \%LANGUAGE }, '=' => sub { sql 'v.olang =', \$_ };
f v => 4 => 'platform', { enum => \%PLATFORM }, '=' => sub { sql 'v.c_platforms && ARRAY', \$_, '::platform[]' };
+f v => 6 => 'developer-id',{ vndbid => 'p' }, '=' => sub { sql 'v.c_developers && ARRAY', \$_, '::vndbid[]' };
f v => 5 => 'length', { uint => 1, enum => \%VN_LENGTH }, '=' => sub { sql 'v.length =', \$_ };
f v => 7 => 'released', { fuzzyrdate => 1 }, sql => sub { sql 'v.c_released', $_[0], \($_ == 1 ? strftime('%Y%m%d', gmtime) : $_) };
f v => 9 => 'popularity',{ uint => 1, range => [ 0, 100] }, sql => sub { sql 'v.c_popularity', $_[0], \($_/100) };
-f v => 10 => 'rating', { uint => 1, range => [10, 100] }, sql => sub { sql 'v.c_rating <> 0 AND v.c_rating', $_[0], \$_ };
+f v => 10 => 'rating', { uint => 1, range => [10, 100] }, sql => sub { sql 'v.c_rating', $_[0], \$_ };
f v => 11 => 'vote-count',{ uint => 1, range => [ 0,1<<30] }, sql => sub { sql 'v.c_votecount', $_[0], \$_ };
f v => 61 => 'has-description', { uint => 1, range => [1,1] }, '=' => sub { 'v."desc" <> \'\'' };
f v => 62 => 'has-anime', { uint => 1, range => [1,1] }, '=' => sub { 'EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM vn_anime va WHERE =' };
@@ -322,13 +323,6 @@ f v => 63 => 'has-screenshot', { uint => 1, range => [1,1] }, '=' => sub { 'EXI
f v => 64 => 'has-review', { uint => 1, range => [1,1] }, '=' => sub { 'EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM reviews r WHERE r.vid = AND NOT r.c_flagged)' };
f v => 65 => 'on-list', { uint => 1, range => [1,1] }, '=' => sub { auth ? sql ' IN(SELECT vid FROM ulist_vns WHERE uid =', \auth->uid, ')' : '1=0' };
-f v => 6 => 'developer-id',{ vndbid => 'p' },
- sql_list => sub {
- my($neg, $all, $val) = @_;
- sql '', $neg ? 'NOT' : '', 'IN(SELECT rv.vid FROM releases r JOIN releases_vn rv ON = JOIN releases_producers rp ON =
- WHERE NOT r.hidden AND rp.developer AND IN', $val, $all && @$val > 1 ? ('GROUP BY rv.vid HAVING COUNT( =', \scalar @$val) : (), ')';
- };
f v => 8 => 'tag', { type => 'any', func => \&_validate_tag },
compact => sub { my $id = ($_->[0] =~ s/^g//r)*1; $_->[1] == 0 && $_->[2] == 0 ? $id : [ $id, int($_->[2]*5)*3 + $_->[1] ] },
sql_list => \&_sql_where_tag;
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index 8ec6ea85..58f0cf22 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -806,14 +806,20 @@ sub paginate_ {
# Generate sort buttons for a table header. This function assumes that sorting
-# options are given as query parameters: 's' for the $column_name to sort on
-# and 'o' for order ('a'sc/'d'esc).
+# options are given either as a TableOpts parameter in 's' or as two query
+# parameters: 's' for the $column_name to sort on and 'o' for order ('a'/'d').
# Options: $column_title, $column_name, $opt, $url
# Where $url is a function that is given ('p', undef, 's', $column_name, 'o', $order) and returns a URL.
sub sortable_ {
my($name, $opt, $url) = @_;
- $opt->{s} eq $name && $opt->{o} eq 'a' ? txt_ ' ▴' : a_ href => $url->(p => undef, s => $name, o => 'a'), ' ▴';
- $opt->{s} eq $name && $opt->{o} eq 'd' ? txt_ '▾' : a_ href => $url->(p => undef, s => $name, o => 'd'), '▾';
+ if(ref $opt->{s}) {
+ my $o = $opt->{s}->sorted($name);
+ $o eq 'a' ? txt_ ' ▴' : a_ href => $url->(p => undef, s => $opt->{s}->sort_param($name, 'a')), ' ▴';
+ $o eq 'd' ? txt_ '▾' : a_ href => $url->(p => undef, s => $opt->{s}->sort_param($name, 'd')), '▾';
+ } else {
+ $opt->{s} eq $name && $opt->{o} eq 'a' ? txt_ ' ▴' : a_ href => $url->(p => undef, s => $name, o => 'a'), ' ▴';
+ $opt->{s} eq $name && $opt->{o} eq 'd' ? txt_ '▾' : a_ href => $url->(p => undef, s => $name, o => 'd'), '▾';
+ }
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/TT/ b/lib/VNWeb/TT/
index e7b63f31..9be519ff 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/TT/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/TT/
@@ -65,14 +65,16 @@ sub infobox_ {
sub vns_ {
my($t) = @_;
my $opt = tuwf->validate(get =>
p => { upage => 1 },
f => { advsearch_err => 'v' },
- s => { onerror => 'tagscore', enum => [qw/tagscore title rel pop rating/] },
- o => { onerror => 'd', enum => ['a','d'] },
+ s => { tableopts => $TABLEOPTS },
m => { onerror => [auth->pref('spoilers')||0], type => 'array', scalar => 1, minlength => 1, values => { enum => [0..2] } },
fil => { required => 0 },
@@ -99,44 +101,36 @@ sub vns_ {
my($count, $list);
db_maytimeout {
$count = tuwf->dbVali('SELECT count(*) FROM vn v JOIN tags_vn_inherit tvi ON tvi.vid = WHERE', $where);
- $list = $count ? tuwf->dbPagei({results => 50, page => $opt->{p}}, '
- SELECT tvi.rating AS tagscore,, v.title, v.original, v.c_released, v.c_popularity, v.c_votecount, v.c_rating
+ $list = $count ? tuwf->dbPagei({results => $opt->{s}->results(), page => $opt->{p}}, '
+ SELECT tvi.rating AS tagscore,, v.title, v.original, v.c_released, v.c_popularity, v.c_votecount, v.c_rating, v.c_average
, v.c_platforms::text[] AS platforms, v.c_languages::text[] AS lang
FROM vn v
JOIN tags_vn_inherit tvi ON tvi.vid =
WHERE', $where, '
- ORDER BY', sprintf {
- tagscore => 'tvi.rating %s, v.title',
- title => 'v.title %s',
- rel => 'v.c_released %s, v.title',
- pop => 'v.c_popularity %s NULLS LAST, v.title',
- rating => 'v.c_rating %s NULLS LAST, v.title'
- }->{$opt->{s}}, $opt->{o} eq 'a' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'
+ ORDER BY', $opt->{s}->sql_order(),
) : [];
} || (($count, $list) = (undef, []));
- VNWeb::VN::List::enrich_userlist $list;
+ VNWeb::VN::List::enrich_listing $opt, $list;
$time = time - $time;
- div_ class => 'mainbox', sub {
- p_ class => 'mainopts', sub {
- a_ href => "/g/links?t=$t->{id}", 'Recently tagged';
- };
- h1_ 'Visual novels';
- form_ action => "/$t->{id}", method => 'get', sub {
+ form_ action => "/$t->{id}", method => 'get', sub {
+ div_ class => 'mainbox', sub {
+ p_ class => 'mainopts', sub {
+ a_ href => "/g/links?t=$t->{id}", 'Recently tagged';
+ };
+ h1_ 'Visual novels';
p_ class => 'browseopts', sub {
button_ type => 'submit', name => 'm', value => 0, $opt->{m} == 0 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Hide spoilers';
button_ type => 'submit', name => 'm', value => 1, $opt->{m} == 1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Show minor spoilers';
button_ type => 'submit', name => 'm', value => 2, $opt->{m} == 2 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Spoil me!';
- input_ type => 'hidden', name => 'o', value => $opt->{o};
- input_ type => 'hidden', name => 's', value => $opt->{s};
input_ type => 'hidden', name => 'm', value => $opt->{m};
advsearch_msg_ $count, $time;
+ VNWeb::VN::List::listing_ $opt, $list, $count, 1 if $count;
- VNWeb::VN::List::listing_ $opt, $list, $count, 1 if $count;
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index 6d6384fb..432bf548 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ package VNWeb::TableOpts;
# my $opts = tuwf->validate(get => s => { tableopts => $config })->data;
-# my $sql = sql('.... ORDER BY', $opts->sql_order); (TODO)
+# my $sql = sql('.... ORDER BY', $opts->sql_order);
# $opts->view; # Current view, 'rows', 'cards' or 'grid'
# $opts->results; # How many results to display
-# $opts->vis('popularity'); # is the column visible? (TODO)
+# $opts->vis('popularity'); # is the column visible?
@@ -89,9 +89,8 @@ my %results = map +($results[$_], $_), 0..$#results;
# Turn config options into something more efficient to work with
sub tableopts {
my %o = (
- sort_ids => [], # identifier => column name
- vis_ids => [], # identifier => column name
- col_order => [], # column names in the order listed in the config
+ sort_ids => [], # identifier => column config hash
+ col_order => [], # column config hashes in the order listed in the config
columns => {}, # column name => config hash
views => [], # supported views, as numbers
default => 0, # default settings, integer form
@@ -107,9 +106,9 @@ sub tableopts {
$o{columns}{$k} = $v;
- push $o{col_order}->@*, $k;
- $o{sort_ids}[$v->{sort_id}] = $k if defined $v->{sort_id};
- $o{vis_ids}[$v->{vis_id}] = $k if defined $v->{vis_id};
+ $v->{id} = $k;
+ push $o{col_order}->@*, $v;
+ $o{sort_ids}[$v->{sort_id}] = $v if defined $v->{sort_id};
$o{default} |= ($v->{sort_id} << 6) | ({qw|asc 0 desc 32|}->{$v->{sort_default}}//croak("unknown sort_default: $v->{sort_default}")) if $v->{sort_default};
$o{default} |= 1 << ($v->{vis_id} + 12) if $v->{vis_default};
@@ -125,10 +124,18 @@ TUWF::set('custom_validations')->{tableopts} = sub {
my $d = $t->{pref} && auth ? tuwf->dbVali('SELECT', $t->{pref}, 'FROM users WHERE id =', \auth->uid) : undef;
bless([$d // $t->{default},$t], __PACKAGE__)
}, func => sub {
- # TODO: compatibility with the old ?s=<colname> sort parameter
- my $v = _dec($_[0]) // return 0;
+ my $obj = bless [undef, $t], __PACKAGE__;
+ my $col = [grep $_->{compat} && $_->{compat} eq $_[0], values $t->{columns}->%*]->[0];
+ if($col && defined $col->{sort_id}) {
+ $obj->[0] = $t->{default};
+ $obj->set_sort_col_id($col->{sort_id});
+ my $ord = tuwf->reqGet('o');
+ $obj->set_order($ord && $ord eq 'd' ? 1 : 0);
+ } else {
+ $obj->[0] = _dec($_[0]) // return 0;
+ }
+ $_[0] = $obj;
# We could do strict validation on the individual fields, but the methods below can handle incorrect data.
- $_[0] = bless [$v, $t], __PACKAGE__;
} }
@@ -145,17 +152,55 @@ sub grid { shift->view eq 'grid' }
sub results { $results[($_[0][0] >> 2) & 7] || $results[0] }
+sub order { $_[0][0] & 32 }
+sub set_order { if($_[1]) { $_[0][0] |= 32 } else { $_[0][0] &= ~32 } }
+sub sort_col_id { ($_[0][0] >> 6) & 63 }
+sub set_sort_col_id { $_[0][0] = ($_[0][0] & (~1 - 0b111111000000)) | ($_[1] << 6) }
+# Given the key of a column, returns whether it is currently sorted on ('' / 'a' / 'd')
+sub sorted {
+ my($self, $key) = @_;
+ $self->[1]{columns}{$key}{sort_id} != $self->sort_col_id ? '' : $self->order ? 'd' : 'a';
+# Given the key of a column and the desired order ('a'/'d'), returns a new object with that sorting applied.
+sub sort_param {
+ my($self, $key, $o) = @_;
+ my $n = bless [@$self], __PACKAGE__;
+ $n->set_order($o eq 'a' ? 0 : 1);
+ $n->set_sort_col_id($self->[1]{columns}{$key}{sort_id});
+ $n
+# Returns an SQL expression suitable for use in an ORDER BY clause.
+sub sql_order {
+ my($self) = @_;
+ my($v,$o) = $self->@*;
+ my $col = $o->{sort_ids}[ $self->sort_col_id ] || $o->{sort_ids}[ sort_col_id([$o->{default}]) ];
+ die "No column to sort on" if !$col;
+ my $order = $self->order ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
+ my $opposite_order = $self->order ? 'ASC' : 'DESC';
+ my $sql = $col->{sort_sql};
+ $sql =~ /[?!]o/ ? ($sql =~ s/\?o/$order/rg =~ s/!o/$opposite_order/rg) : "$sql $order";
+# Returns whether the given column key is visible.
+sub vis { $_[0][0] & (1 << (12+$_[0][1]{columns}{$_[1]}{vis_id})) }
my $FORM_OUT = form_compile any => {
save => { required => 0 },
views => { type => 'array', values => { uint => 1 } },
default => { uint => 1 },
value => { uint => 1 },
- # TODO: Sorting & column visibility
+ sorts => { aoh => { id => { uint => 1 }, name => {} } },
+ vis => { aoh => { id => { uint => 1 }, name => {} } },
elm_api TableOptsSave => $FORM_OUT, {
- save => { enum => ['tableopts_c'] },
+ save => { enum => ['tableopts_c', 'tableopts_v', 'tableopts_vt'] },
value => { required => 0, uint => 1 }
}, sub {
my($f) = @_;
@@ -172,6 +217,8 @@ sub elm_ {
views => $o->{views},
default => $o->{default},
value => $v,
+ sorts => [ map +{ id => $_->{sort_id}, name => $_->{name} }, grep defined $_->{sort_id}, values $o->{col_order}->@* ],
+ vis => [ map +{ id => $_->{vis_id}, name => $_->{name} }, grep defined $_->{vis_id}, values $o->{col_order}->@* ],
}, sub {
TUWF::XML::input_ type => 'hidden', name => 's', value => $self->query_encode if defined $self->query_encode
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ULists/ b/lib/VNWeb/ULists/
index ae443955..fc0bbf9e 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/ULists/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/ULists/
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ sub vn_ {
} if in vote => $opt->{c};
td_ class => 'tc_rating', sub {
- txt_ sprintf '%.2f', ($v->{c_rating}||0)/10;
+ txt_ sprintf '%.2f', ($v->{c_rating}||0)/100;
b_ class => 'grayedout', sprintf ' (%d)', $v->{c_votecount};
} if in rating => $opt->{c};
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/VN/ b/lib/VNWeb/VN/
index 422e8b1b..aab698b7 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/VN/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/VN/
@@ -5,6 +5,64 @@ use VNWeb::AdvSearch;
use VNWeb::Filters;
use VNWeb::TT::Lib 'tagscore_';
+# Returns the tableopts config for this VN list (0) or the VN listing on tags (1).
+ my($tags) = @_;
+ tableopts _pref => $tags ? 'tableopts_vt' : 'tableopts_v',
+ $tags ? (tagscore => {
+ name => 'Tag score',
+ compat => 'tagscore',
+ sort_id => 0,
+ sort_sql => 'tvi.rating ?o, v.title',
+ sort_default => 'desc'
+ }) : (),
+ title => {
+ name => 'Title',
+ compat => 'title',
+ sort_id => 1,
+ sort_sql => 'v.title',
+ sort_default => $tags ? undef : 'asc',
+ },
+ released => {
+ name => 'Release date',
+ compat => 'rel',
+ sort_id => 2,
+ sort_sql => 'v.c_released ?o, v.title',
+ },
+ developer => {
+ name => 'Developer',
+ vis_id => 2,
+ },
+ popularity => {
+ name => 'Popularity score',
+ compat => 'pop',
+ sort_id => 3,
+ sort_sql => 'v.c_popularity ?o NULLS LAST, v.title',
+ vis_id => 0,
+ vis_default => 1,
+ },
+ rating => {
+ name => 'Bayesian rating',
+ compat => 'rating',
+ sort_id => 4,
+ sort_sql => 'v.c_rating ?o NULLS LAST, v.title',
+ vis_id => 1,
+ vis_default => 1,
+ },
+ average => {
+ name => 'Vote average',
+ sort_id => 5,
+ sort_sql => 'v.c_average ?o NULLS LAST, v.title',
+ vis_id => 3,
+ },
+ votes => {
+ name => 'Number of votes',
+ sort_id => 6,
+ sort_sql => 'v.c_votecount ?o, v.title',
+ }
# Also used by VNWeb::TT::TagPage
sub listing_ {
@@ -12,46 +70,63 @@ sub listing_ {
my sub url { '?'.query_encode %$opt, @_ }
- paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [$count, 50], 't';
+ paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [$count, $opt->{s}->results], 't', sub { $opt->{s}->elm_ };
div_ class => 'mainbox browse vnbrowse', sub {
table_ class => 'stripe', sub {
thead_ sub { tr_ sub {
- td_ class => 'tc_s',sub { txt_ 'Score'; sortable_ 'tagscore', $opt, \&url } if $tagscore;
- td_ class => $tagscore ? 'tc_t' : 'tc1', sub { txt_ 'Title'; sortable_ 'title', $opt, \&url };
- td_ class => 'tc7', '';
- td_ class => 'tc2', '';
- td_ class => 'tc3', '';
- td_ class => 'tc4', sub { txt_ 'Released'; sortable_ 'rel', $opt, \&url };
- td_ class => 'tc5', sub { txt_ 'Popularity'; sortable_ 'pop', $opt, \&url };
- td_ class => 'tc6', sub { txt_ 'Rating'; sortable_ 'rating', $opt, \&url };
+ td_ class => 'tc_score', sub { txt_ 'Score'; sortable_ 'tagscore', $opt, \&url } if $tagscore;
+ td_ class => 'tc_title', sub { txt_ 'Title'; sortable_ 'title', $opt, \&url };
+ td_ class => 'tc_dev', 'Developer' if $opt->{s}->vis('developer');
+ td_ class => 'tc_ulist', '';
+ td_ class => 'tc_plat', '';
+ td_ class => 'tc_lang', '';
+ td_ class => 'tc_rel', sub { txt_ 'Released'; sortable_ 'released', $opt, \&url };
+ td_ class => 'tc_pop', sub { txt_ 'Popularity'; sortable_ 'popularity', $opt, \&url } if $opt->{s}->vis('popularity');
+ td_ class => 'tc_rating',sub { txt_ 'Rating'; sortable_ 'rating', $opt, \&url } if $opt->{s}->vis('rating');
+ td_ class => 'tc_average',sub{ txt_ 'Average'; sortable_ 'average', $opt, \&url } if $opt->{s}->vis('average');
} };
tr_ sub {
- td_ class => 'tc_s',sub { tagscore_ $_->{tagscore} } if $tagscore;
- td_ class => $tagscore ? 'tc_t' : 'tc1', sub { a_ href => "/$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, $_->{title} };
- td_ class => 'tc7', sub {
+ td_ class => 'tc_score', sub { tagscore_ $_->{tagscore} } if $tagscore;
+ td_ class => 'tc_title', sub { a_ href => "/$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, $_->{title} };
+ td_ class => 'tc_dev', sub {
+ join_ ' & ', sub {
+ a_ href => "/$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{name}, $_->{name};
+ }, sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} || $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } $_->{developers}->@*;
+ } if $opt->{s}->vis('developer');
+ td_ class => 'tc_ulist', sub {
b_ class => $_->{userlist_obtained} == $_->{userlist_all} ? 'done' : 'todo', sprintf '%d/%d', $_->{userlist_obtained}, $_->{userlist_all} if $_->{userlist_all};
abbr_ title => join(', ', $_->{vnlist_labels}->@*), scalar $_->{vnlist_labels}->@* if $_->{vnlist_labels} && $_->{vnlist_labels}->@*;
abbr_ title => 'No labels', ' ' if $_->{vnlist_labels} && !$_->{vnlist_labels}->@*;
- td_ class => 'tc2', sub { join_ '', sub { platform_ $_ if $_ ne 'unk' }, sort $_->{platforms}->@* };
- td_ class => 'tc3', sub { join_ '', sub { abbr_ class => "icons lang $_", title => $LANGUAGE{$_}, '' }, reverse sort $_->{lang}->@* };
- td_ class => 'tc4', sub { rdate_ $_->{c_released} };
- td_ class => 'tc5', sprintf '%.2f', ($_->{c_popularity}||0)*100;
- td_ class => 'tc6', sub {
- txt_ sprintf '%.2f', ($_->{c_rating}||0)/10;
+ td_ class => 'tc_plat', sub { join_ '', sub { platform_ $_ if $_ ne 'unk' }, sort $_->{platforms}->@* };
+ td_ class => 'tc_lang', sub { join_ '', sub { abbr_ class => "icons lang $_", title => $LANGUAGE{$_}, '' }, reverse sort $_->{lang}->@* };
+ td_ class => 'tc_rel', sub { rdate_ $_->{c_released} };
+ td_ class => 'tc_pop', sprintf '%.2f', ($_->{c_popularity}||0)/100 if $opt->{s}->vis('popularity');
+ td_ class => 'tc_rating',sub {
+ txt_ sprintf '%.2f', ($_->{c_rating}||0)/100;
b_ class => 'grayedout', sprintf ' (%d)', $_->{c_votecount};
- };
+ } if $opt->{s}->vis('rating');
+ td_ class => 'tc_average',sub {
+ txt_ sprintf '%.2f', ($_->{c_average}||0)/100;
+ b_ class => 'grayedout', sprintf ' (%d)', $_->{c_votecount} if !$opt->{s}->vis('rating');
+ } if $opt->{s}->vis('average');
} for @$list;
- paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [$count, 50], 'b';
+ paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [$count, $opt->{s}->results], 'b';
-# Enrich the userlist fields needed for listing_()
+# Enrich some extra fields fields needed for listing_()
# Also used by VNWeb::TT::TagPage
-sub enrich_userlist {
- return if !auth;
+sub enrich_listing {
+ my $opt = shift;
+ enrich developers => id => vid => sub {
+ 'SELECT AS vid,,, p.original
+ FROM vn v, unnest(v.c_developers) vp(id), producers p
+ WHERE = AND IN', $_[0], 'ORDER BY,'
+ }, @_ if $opt->{s}->vis('developer');
enrich_merge id => sub { sql '
SELECT irv.vid AS id
@@ -61,7 +136,7 @@ sub enrich_userlist {
JOIN releases_vn irv ON = irl.rid
WHERE irl.uid =', \auth->uid, 'AND irv.vid IN', $_, '
GROUP BY irv.vid
- ' }, @_;
+ ' }, @_ if auth;
enrich_flatten vnlist_labels => id => vid => sub { sql '
SELECT uvl.vid, ul.label
@@ -69,7 +144,7 @@ sub enrich_userlist {
JOIN ulist_labels ul ON ul.uid = uvl.uid AND = uvl.lbl
WHERE uvl.uid =', \auth->uid, 'AND uvl.vid IN', $_[0], '
- }, @_;
+ }, @_ if auth;
@@ -79,8 +154,7 @@ TUWF::get qr{/v(?:/(?<char>all|[a-z0]))?}, sub {
sq=> { onerror => undef },
p => { upage => 1 },
f => { advsearch_err => 'v' },
- s => { onerror => 'title', enum => [qw/title rel pop rating/] },
- o => { onerror => 'a', enum => ['a','d'] },
+ s => { tableopts => $TABLEOPTS },
ch=> { onerror => [], type => 'array', scalar => 1, values => { onerror => undef, enum => ['0', 'a'..'z'] } },
fil => { required => 0 },
rfil => { required => 0 },
@@ -121,41 +195,35 @@ TUWF::get qr{/v(?:/(?<char>all|[a-z0]))?}, sub {
my($count, $list);
db_maytimeout {
$count = tuwf->dbVali('SELECT count(*) FROM vn v WHERE', $where);
- $list = $count ? tuwf->dbPagei({results => 50, page => $opt->{p}}, '
- SELECT, v.title, v.original, v.c_released, v.c_popularity, v.c_votecount, v.c_rating, v.c_platforms::text[] AS platforms, v.c_languages::text[] AS lang
+ $list = $count ? tuwf->dbPagei({results => $opt->{s}->results(), page => $opt->{p}}, '
+ SELECT, v.title, v.original, v.c_released, v.c_popularity, v.c_votecount, v.c_rating, v.c_average
+ , v.c_platforms::text[] AS platforms, v.c_languages::text[] AS lang
FROM vn v
WHERE', $where, '
- ORDER BY', sprintf {
- title => 'v.title %s',
- rel => 'v.c_released %s, v.title',
- pop => 'v.c_popularity %s NULLS LAST, v.title',
- rating => 'v.c_rating %s NULLS LAST, v.title'
- }->{$opt->{s}}, $opt->{o} eq 'a' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC'
+ ORDER BY', $opt->{s}->sql_order(),
) : [];
} || (($count, $list) = (undef, []));
return tuwf->resRedirect("/$list->[0]{id}") if $count && $count == 1 && $opt->{q} && !defined $opt->{ch};
- enrich_userlist $list;
+ enrich_listing($opt, $list);
$time = time - $time;
framework_ title => 'Browse visual novels', sub {
- div_ class => 'mainbox', sub {
- h1_ 'Browse visual novels';
- form_ action => '/v', method => 'get', sub {
+ form_ action => '/v', method => 'get', sub {
+ div_ class => 'mainbox', sub {
+ h1_ 'Browse visual novels';
searchbox_ v => $opt->{q}//'';
p_ class => 'browseopts', sub {
button_ type => 'submit', name => 'ch', value => ($_//''), ($_//'') eq ($opt->{ch}//'') ? (class => 'optselected') : (), !defined $_ ? 'ALL' : $_ ? uc $_ : '#'
for (undef, 'a'..'z', 0);
- input_ type => 'hidden', name => 'o', value => $opt->{o};
- input_ type => 'hidden', name => 's', value => $opt->{s};
input_ type => 'hidden', name => 'ch', value => $opt->{ch}//'';
advsearch_msg_ $count, $time;
+ listing_ $opt, $list, $count if $count;
- listing_ $opt, $list, $count if $count;
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/VN/ b/lib/VNWeb/VN/
index 68239338..32e4a567 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/VN/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/VN/
@@ -671,8 +671,8 @@ sub stats_ {
div_ sub {
h3_ 'Ranking';
- p_ sprintf 'Popularity: ranked #%d with a score of %.2f', $rank->{c_pop_rank}, $rank->{c_popularity}*100 if defined $rank->{c_popularity};
- p_ sprintf 'Bayesian rating: ranked #%d with a rating of %.2f', $rank->{c_rat_rank}, $rank->{c_rating}/10;
+ p_ sprintf 'Popularity: ranked #%d with a score of %.2f', $rank->{c_pop_rank}, $rank->{c_popularity}/100 if defined $rank->{c_popularity};
+ p_ sprintf 'Bayesian rating: ranked #%d with a rating of %.2f', $rank->{c_rat_rank}, $rank->{c_rating}/100;
} if $v->{c_votecount};
diff --git a/sql/func.sql b/sql/func.sql
index 3facbcdf..8ee5ca2b 100644
--- a/sql/func.sql
+++ b/sql/func.sql
@@ -84,12 +84,23 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_vncache(vndbid) RETURNS void AS $$
AND r.hidden = FALSE
GROUP BY rp.platform
ORDER BY rp.platform
+ ),
+ c_developers = ARRAY(
+ FROM releases_producers rp
+ JOIN releases r ON =
+ JOIN releases_vn rv ON =
+ WHERE rv.vid = $1
+ AND r.official AND rp.developer
+ AND r.hidden = FALSE
WHERE id = $1;
$$ LANGUAGE sql;
--- Update vn.c_popularity, c_rating, c_votecount, c_pop_rank and c_rat_rank
+-- Update vn.c_popularity, c_rating, c_votecount, c_pop_rank, c_rat_rank and c_average
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_vnvotestats() RETURNS void AS $$
WITH votes(vid, uid, vote) AS ( -- List of all non-ignored VN votes
SELECT vid, uid, vote FROM ulist_vns WHERE vote IS NOT NULL AND uid NOT IN(SELECT id FROM users WHERE ign_votes)
@@ -97,8 +108,8 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_vnvotestats() RETURNS void AS $$
SELECT COUNT(vote)::real/COUNT(DISTINCT vid)::real FROM votes
), avgavg(avgavg) AS ( -- Average vote average
SELECT AVG(a)::real FROM (SELECT AVG(vote) FROM votes GROUP BY vid) x(a)
- ), ratings(vid, count, rating) AS ( -- Ratings and vote counts
- SELECT vid, COALESCE(COUNT(uid), 0),
+ ), ratings(vid, count, average, rating) AS ( -- Ratings and vote counts
+ SELECT vid, COALESCE(COUNT(uid), 0), (AVG(vote)*10)::smallint,
((SELECT avgcount FROM avgcount) * (SELECT avgavg FROM avgavg) + SUM(vote)::real) /
((SELECT avgcount FROM avgcount) + COUNT(uid)::real),
@@ -111,18 +122,18 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_vnvotestats() RETURNS void AS $$
SELECT uid, vid, ((rank() OVER (PARTITION BY uid ORDER BY vote))::real - 1) ^ 0.36788 FROM votes
) x(uid, vid, rank)
- ), stats(vid, rating, count, popularity, pop_rank, rat_rank) AS ( -- Combined stats
- SELECT, COALESCE(round(r.rating::numeric, 1), 0)::real, COALESCE(r.count, 0)
- , round(( MAX(win) FROM popularities))::numeric, 4)::real
+ ), stats(vid, rating, count, average, popularity, pop_rank, rat_rank) AS ( -- Combined stats
+ SELECT, (r.rating*10)::smallint, COALESCE(r.count, 0), r.average
+ , ( MAX(win) FROM popularities)*10000)::smallint
FROM vn v
LEFT JOIN ratings r ON r.vid =
LEFT JOIN popularities p ON p.vid = AND > 0
- UPDATE vn SET c_rating = rating, c_votecount = count, c_popularity = popularity, c_pop_rank = pop_rank, c_rat_rank = rat_rank
+ UPDATE vn SET c_rating = rating, c_votecount = count, c_popularity = popularity, c_pop_rank = pop_rank, c_rat_rank = rat_rank, c_average = average
FROM stats
- WHERE id = vid AND (c_rating, c_votecount, c_popularity, c_pop_rank, c_rat_rank) IS DISTINCT FROM (rating, count, popularity, pop_rank, rat_rank);
+ WHERE id = vid AND (c_rating, c_votecount, c_popularity, c_pop_rank, c_rat_rank, c_average) IS DISTINCT FROM (rating, count, popularity, pop_rank, rat_rank, average);
diff --git a/sql/schema.sql b/sql/schema.sql
index 6220a29f..eef5203c 100644
--- a/sql/schema.sql
+++ b/sql/schema.sql
@@ -984,7 +984,9 @@ CREATE TABLE users (
ulist_votes jsonb,
ulist_vnlist jsonb,
ulist_wish jsonb,
- vnlang jsonb -- '$lang(-mtl)?' => true/false, which languages to expand/collapse on VN pages
+ vnlang jsonb, -- '$lang(-mtl)?' => true/false, which languages to expand/collapse on VN pages
+ tableopts_v integer,
+ tableopts_vt integer -- VN listing on tag pages
-- Additional fields for the 'users' table, but with some protected columns.
@@ -1012,9 +1014,9 @@ CREATE TABLE vn ( -- dbentry_type=v
image vndbid CONSTRAINT vn_image_check CHECK(vndbid_type(image) = 'cv'), -- [pub]
l_wikidata integer, -- [pub]
c_votecount integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- [pub]
- c_popularity real, -- [pub]
+ c_popularity smallint, -- [pub], ratio between 0 and 10000
c_pop_rank integer,
- c_rating real, -- [pub]
+ c_rating smallint, -- [pub], decimal vote*100, i.e. 100 - 1000
c_rat_rank integer,
c_released integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
length smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- [pub]
@@ -1030,7 +1032,9 @@ CREATE TABLE vn ( -- dbentry_type=v
"desc" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', -- [pub]
c_search text,
c_languages language[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}',
- c_platforms platform[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}'
+ c_platforms platform[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}',
+ c_developers vndbid[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}',
+ c_average smallint -- [pub], decimal vote*100, i.e. 100 - 1000
-- vn_hist
diff --git a/util/updates/2021-06-04-vn-developers-and-average-cache.sql b/util/updates/2021-06-04-vn-developers-and-average-cache.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4fc6a510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/updates/2021-06-04-vn-developers-and-average-cache.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN tableopts_v integer;
+ALTER TABLE users ADD COLUMN tableopts_vt integer;
+ALTER TABLE vn ADD COLUMN c_developers vndbid[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}';
+ALTER TABLE vn ADD COLUMN c_average smallint;
+ALTER TABLE vn ALTER COLUMN c_popularity TYPE smallint USING c_popularity*10000;
+ALTER TABLE vn ALTER COLUMN c_rating TYPE smallint USING c_rating*10;
+\i sql/func.sql
+SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT update_vncache(id) FROM vn) x;
+SELECT update_vnvotestats();