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authorYorhel <>2020-10-30 13:20:33 +0100
committerYorhel <>2020-10-30 13:20:35 +0100
commit9c1db18fbf4695f96685bb48c0b0657daa4e4046 (patch)
parent138d628db92717a41abb654dae9b757e3a3521e9 (diff)
Advsearch: Add quick select field list normalization
There we go, we have a useful search system again.
3 files changed, 110 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm
index dfaa125a..00cb9cdd 100644
--- a/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module AdvSearch.Fields exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Set
+import Array as A
import Lib.DropDown as DD
import Lib.Api as Api
import Lib.Html exposing (..)
@@ -44,14 +45,14 @@ olangFromQuery = setFromQuery (\q ->
-- Generic field abstraction.
--- (this is where typeclasses would been *awesome*)
+-- (this is where typeclasses would have been *awesome*)
-- The following functions and definitions are only intended to provide field
-- listings and function dispatchers, if the implementation of anything in here
-- is longer than a single line, it should get its own definition near where
-- the rest of that field is defined.
-type alias Field = (DD.Config FieldMsg, FieldModel)
+type alias Field = (Int, DD.Config FieldMsg, FieldModel) -- The Int is the index into 'fields'
type FieldModel
= FMCustom Query -- A read-only placeholder for Query values that failed to parse into a Field
@@ -64,20 +65,42 @@ type FieldMsg
| FSOLang (SetMsg String)
| FToggle Bool
+type FieldType = V
+type alias FieldDesc =
+ { ftype : FieldType
+ , title : String -- How it's listed in the advanced search field selection menu (must be unique for the given ftype).
+ , quick : Maybe Int -- Whether it should be included in the quick search mode and in which order.
+ , init : FieldModel -- How to initialize an empty field
+ , fromQuery : Query -> Maybe FieldModel -- How to initialize the field from a query
+ }
+-- XXX: Should this be lazily initialized instead? May impact JS load time like this.
+fields : A.Array FieldDesc
+fields =
+ let f ftype title quick wrap init fromq = { ftype = ftype, title = title, quick = quick, init = wrap init, fromQuery = wrap << fromq }
+ in A.fromList
+ [ f V "Language" (Just 1) FMLang setInit langFromQuery
+ , f V "Original language" (Just 2) FMOLang setInit olangFromQuery
+ -- Custom field not included, that's only ever initialized in fqueryFromQuery
+ ]
-- XXX: This needs a 'data' argument for global data such as a tag info cache
fieldUpdate : FieldMsg -> Field -> (Field, Cmd FieldMsg)
-fieldUpdate msg_ (dd, model) =
- let map1 f m = ((dd, (f m)), Cmd.none)
+fieldUpdate msg_ (num, dd, model) =
+ let map1 f m = ((num, dd, (f m)), Cmd.none)
in case (msg_, model) of
(FSLang msg, FMLang m) -> map1 FMLang (setUpdate msg m)
(FSOLang msg, FMOLang m) -> map1 FMOLang (setUpdate msg m)
- (FToggle b, _) -> ((DD.toggle dd b, model), Cmd.none)
- _ -> ((dd, model), Cmd.none)
+ (FToggle b, _) -> ((num, DD.toggle dd b, model), Cmd.none)
+ _ -> ((num, dd, model), Cmd.none)
fieldView : Field -> Html FieldMsg
-fieldView (dd, model) =
+fieldView (_, dd, model) =
let v f (lbl,cont) = div [ class "elm_dd_input" ] [ DD.view dd Api.Normal ( f lbl) <| \() -> ( f) (cont ()) ]
in case model of
FMCustom m -> v FSCustom (text "Unrecognized query", \() -> [text ""]) -- TODO: Display the Query
@@ -86,28 +109,29 @@ fieldView (dd, model) =
fieldToQuery : Field -> Maybe Query
-fieldToQuery (_, model) =
+fieldToQuery (_, _, model) =
case model of
FMCustom m -> Just m
FMLang m -> setToQuery (QStr "lang" ) m
FMOLang m -> setToQuery (QStr "olang") m
-fieldFromQueryList =
- let f wrap conv = \q -> wrap (conv q)
- in [ f FMLang langFromQuery
- , f FMOLang olangFromQuery
- ]
+fieldInit : Int -> Int -> Field
+fieldInit n ddid =
+ case A.get n fields of
+ Just f -> (n, DD.init ("advsearch_field" ++ String.fromInt ddid) FToggle, f.init)
+ Nothing -> (-1, DD.init "" FToggle, FMCustom (QAnd [])) -- Shouldn't happen.
-fieldFromQuery : Int -> Query -> Maybe Field
-fieldFromQuery ddid q =
- let match lst =
- case lst of
- [] -> Nothing
- (x::xs) -> case x q of
- Just m -> Just (DD.init ("advsearch_field" ++ String.fromInt ddid) FToggle, m)
- Nothing -> match xs
- in match fieldFromQueryList
+fieldFromQuery : FieldType -> Int -> Query -> Maybe Field
+fieldFromQuery ftype ddid q =
+ Tuple.first <| A.foldl (\f a ->
+ let inc = Tuple.mapSecond (\n -> n+1) a
+ in if Tuple.first a /= Nothing || f.ftype /= ftype then inc
+ else case f.fromQuery q of
+ Nothing -> inc
+ Just m -> (Just (Tuple.second a, DD.init ("advsearch_field" ++ String.fromInt ddid) FToggle, m), 0)
+ ) (Nothing,0) fields
@@ -151,16 +175,16 @@ fqueryToQuery fq =
-- This algorithm is kind of slow. It walks the Query tree and tries every possible Field for each Query found.
-fqueryFromQuery : Int -> Query -> (Int, FQuery)
-fqueryFromQuery ddid q =
- let lst wrap l = Tuple.mapSecond wrap <| List.foldr (\oq (did,nl) -> let (ndid, fq) = fqueryFromQuery did oq in (ndid, fq::nl)) (ddid,[]) l
- in case fieldFromQuery ddid q of
+fqueryFromQuery : FieldType -> Int -> Query -> (Int, FQuery)
+fqueryFromQuery ftype ddid q =
+ let lst wrap l = Tuple.mapSecond wrap <| List.foldr (\oq (did,nl) -> let (ndid, fq) = fqueryFromQuery ftype did oq in (ndid, fq::nl)) (ddid,[]) l
+ in case fieldFromQuery ftype ddid q of
Just fq -> (ddid+1, FField fq)
Nothing ->
case q of
QAnd l -> lst FAnd l
QOr l -> lst FOr l
- _ -> (ddid+1, FField (DD.init ("advsearch_field" ++ String.fromInt ddid) FToggle, FMCustom q))
+ _ -> (ddid+1, FField (-1, DD.init ("advsearch_field" ++ String.fromInt ddid) FToggle, FMCustom q))
-- Update a node at the given path (unused)
@@ -194,8 +218,8 @@ fqueryGet path q =
[] -> Just q
x::xs ->
case q of
- FAnd l -> List.drop x l |> List.head |> Maybe.andThen (fqueryGet path)
- FOr l -> List.drop x l |> List.head |> Maybe.andThen (fqueryGet path)
+ FAnd l -> List.drop x l |> List.head |> Maybe.andThen (fqueryGet xs)
+ FOr l -> List.drop x l |> List.head |> Maybe.andThen (fqueryGet xs)
_ -> Nothing
@@ -204,4 +228,4 @@ fquerySub path wrap q =
case q of
FAnd l -> Sub.batch <| List.indexedMap (\i -> fquerySub (i::path) wrap) l
FOr l -> Sub.batch <| List.indexedMap (\i -> fquerySub (i::path) wrap) l
- FField f -> (wrap (List.reverse path)) <| DD.sub <| Tuple.first f
+ FField (_,dd,_) -> (wrap (List.reverse path)) (DD.sub dd)
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Main.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Main.elm
index 91977ff2..56352b6d 100644
--- a/elm/AdvSearch/Main.elm
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Main.elm
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Browser
+import Set
+import Array as A
import Json.Encode as JE
import Json.Decode as JD
import AdvSearch.Query exposing (..)
@@ -21,18 +23,59 @@ main = Browser.element
type alias Model =
{ query : FQuery
+ , ftype : FieldType
+ , ddid : Int
+type Msg
+ = Field (List Int) FieldMsg
+-- Add "default" set of filters if they aren't present yet and sort the list
+normalizeForQuick : Model -> Model
+normalizeForQuick model =
+ let present = List.foldr (\f a ->
+ case f of
+ FField (n,_,_) -> Set.insert n a
+ _ -> a
+ ) Set.empty
+ defaults pres = A.foldl (\f (al,did,an) ->
+ if f.ftype == model.ftype && f.quick /= Nothing && not (Set.member an pres)
+ then (FField (fieldInit an did) :: al, did+1, an+1)
+ else (al,did,an+1)
+ ) ([],model.ddid,0) fields
+ cmp a b =
+ case (a,b) of -- Sort active filters before empty ones, then order by 'quick', fallback to title
+ (FField (an,add,am), FField (bn,bdd,bm)) ->
+ let aq = fieldToQuery (an,add,am) /= Nothing
+ bq = fieldToQuery (bn,bdd,bm) /= Nothing
+ af = A.get an fields
+ bf = A.get bn fields
+ ao = Maybe.andThen (\d -> d.quick) af |> Maybe.withDefault 9999
+ bo = Maybe.andThen (\d -> d.quick) bf |> Maybe.withDefault 9999
+ at = (\d -> d.title) af |> Maybe.withDefault ""
+ bt = (\d -> d.title) bf |> Maybe.withDefault ""
+ in if aq && not bq then LT else if not aq && bq then GT
+ else if ao /= bo then compare ao bo else compare at bt
+ _ -> EQ
+ norm l =
+ let (nl,did,_) = defaults (present l)
+ in { model | query = FAnd (List.sortWith cmp (nl++l)), ddid = did }
+ in case model.query of
+ FAnd l -> norm l
+ FField f -> norm [FField f]
+ _ -> model
init : JE.Value -> Model
init arg =
- -- TODO: Sort and add (empty) fields for quick select mode, it's kind of useless like this
- { query = JD.decodeValue decodeQuery arg |> Result.toMaybe |> (Tuple.second << fqueryFromQuery 1) |> Maybe.withDefault (FAnd [])
+ let (ddid, query) = JD.decodeValue decodeQuery arg |> Result.toMaybe |> (fqueryFromQuery V 1) |> Maybe.withDefault (0, FAnd [])
+ in normalizeForQuick
+ { query = query
+ , ftype = V
+ , ddid = ddid
-type Msg
- = Field (List Int) FieldMsg
update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
update msg model =
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm
index c4bbe0bf..60a20d1b 100644
--- a/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm
@@ -92,17 +92,18 @@ setInit = { sel = Set.empty, single = True, and = False, neg = False, last = Set
setUpdate : SetMsg comparable -> SetModel comparable -> SetModel comparable
setUpdate msg model =
+ let singleMode m =
+ { m | sel = if m.single then Set.fromList <| List.take 1 <| Set.toList m.sel
+ else if model.single && not m.single && not (Set.isEmpty model.last) then m.last
+ else m.sel
+ , last = if m.single && not model.single && Set.size m.sel > 1 then m.sel else Set.empty }
+ in
case msg of
SetSel v b -> { model | last = Set.empty, sel = if not b then Set.remove v model.sel else if model.single then Set.fromList [v] else Set.insert v model.sel }
SetNeg b -> { model | neg = b }
SetAnd b -> { model | and = b }
- SetSingle b -> { model | single = b }
- SetMode ->
- let m = { model | single = not model.single && model.and, and = not model.single && not model.and }
- in { m | sel = if m.single then Set.fromList <| List.take 1 <| Set.toList m.sel
- else if model.single && not m.single && not (Set.isEmpty model.last) then m.last
- else m.sel
- , last = if m.single && not model.single && Set.size m.sel > 1 then m.sel else Set.empty }
+ SetSingle b -> singleMode { model | single = b }
+ SetMode -> singleMode { model | single = not model.single && model.and, and = not model.single && not model.and }
-- Usage: setToQuery (QStr "lang") model