diff options
authorYorhel <>2015-08-10 05:13:33 +0200
committerYorhel <>2015-08-10 05:13:33 +0200
commitca631fed198564516a2d226ac3e962fb30d36bdf (patch)
parent87aa6dfecae8f0319f6244646fb14c6ff9f9a0dc (diff)
js: Clean up iv.js to use own namespace + better prev/next generation
2 files changed, 119 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/data/js/iv.js b/data/js/iv.js
index d117d428..b45b40f4 100644
--- a/data/js/iv.js
+++ b/data/js/iv.js
@@ -1,96 +1,126 @@
-function ivInit() {
- var init = 0;
- var l = byName('a');
- for(var i=0;i<l.length;i++)
- if(l[i].rel.substr(0,3) == 'iv:') {
- init++;
- l[i].onclick = ivView;
- }
- if(init && !byId('iv_view')) {
- addBody(tag('div', {id: 'iv_view','class':'hidden'},
- tag('b', {id:'ivimg'}, ''),
- tag('br', null),
- tag('a', {href:'#', id:'ivfull'}, ''),
- tag('a', {href:'#', onclick: ivClose, id:'ivclose'}, mt('_js_close')),
- tag('a', {href:'#', onclick: ivView, id:'ivprev'}, '« '+mt('_js_iv_prev')),
- tag('a', {href:'#', onclick: ivView, id:'ivnext'}, mt('_js_iv_next')+' »')
- ));
- addBody(tag('b', {id:'ivimgload','class':'hidden'}, mt('_js_loading')));
- }
+/* Simple image viewer widget. Usage:
+ *
+ * <a href="full_image.jpg" rel="iv:{width}x{height}:{category}">..</a>
+ *
+ * Clicking on the above link will cause the image viewer to open
+ * full_image.jpg. The {category} part can be empty or absent. If it is not
+ * empty, next/previous links will show up to point to the other images within
+ * the same category.
+ *
+ * ivInit() should be called when links with "iv:" tags are dynamically added
+ * or removed from the DOM.
+ */
-function ivView(what) {
- what = what && what.rel ? what : this;
- var u = what.href;
- var opt = what.rel.split(':');
- var view = byId('iv_view');
- var next = byId('ivnext');
- var prev = byId('ivprev');
- var full = byId('ivfull');
+ // Cache of image categories and the list of associated link objects. Used to
+ // quickly generate the next/prev links.
+ var cats;
- // fix prev/next links (if any)
- if(opt[2]) {
- var ol = byName('a');
- var l=[];
- for(i=0;i<ol.length;i++)
- if(ol[i].rel.substr(0,3) == 'iv:' && ol[i].rel.indexOf(':'+opt[2]) > 4 && !hasClass(ol[i], 'hidden') && ol[i].id != 'ivprev' && ol[i].id != 'ivnext')
- l[l.length] = ol[i];
- for(i=0;i<l.length;i++)
- if(l[i].href == u) {
- = l[i+1] ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
- next.href = l[i+1] ? l[i+1].href : '#';
- next.rel = l[i+1] ? l[i+1].rel : '';
- = l[i-1] ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
- prev.href = l[i-1] ? l[i-1].href : '#';
- prev.rel = l[i-1] ? l[i-1].rel : '';
+ function init() {
+ cats = {};
+ var n = 0;
+ var l = byName('a');
+ for(var i=0;i<l.length;i++) {
+ var o = l[i];
+ if(o.rel.substr(0,3) == 'iv:' && != 'ivprev' && != 'ivnext') {
+ n++;
+ o.onclick = show;
+ var cat = o.rel.split(':')[2];
+ if(cat) {
+ if(!cats[cat])
+ cats[cat] = [];
+ o.iv_i = cats[cat].length;
+ cats[cat].push(o);
+ }
- } else
- = = 'hidden';
+ }
- // calculate dimensions
- var w = Math.floor(opt[1].split('x')[0]);
- var h = Math.floor(opt[1].split('x')[1]);
- var ww = typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number' ? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth;
- var wh = typeof(window.innerHeight) == 'number' ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight;
- var st = typeof(window.pageYOffset) == 'number' ? window.pageYOffset : document.body && document.body.scrollTop ? document.body.scrollTop : document.documentElement.scrollTop;
- if(w+100 > ww || h+70 > wh) {
- full.href = u;
- setText(full, w+'x'+h);
- = 'visible';
- if(w/h > ww/wh) { // width++
- h *= (ww-100)/w;
- w = ww-100;
- } else { // height++
- w *= (wh-70)/h;
- h = wh-70;
+ if(n && !byId('iv_view')) {
+ addBody(tag('div', {id: 'iv_view','class':'hidden'},
+ tag('b', {id:'ivimg'}, ''),
+ tag('br', null),
+ tag('a', {href:'#', id:'ivfull'}, ''),
+ tag('a', {href:'#', onclick: close, id:'ivclose'}, mt('_js_close')),
+ tag('a', {href:'#', onclick: show, id:'ivprev'}, '« '+mt('_js_iv_prev')),
+ tag('a', {href:'#', onclick: show, id:'ivnext'}, mt('_js_iv_next')+' »')
+ ));
+ addBody(tag('b', {id:'ivimgload','class':'hidden'}, mt('_js_loading')));
- } else
- = 'hidden';
- var dw = w;
- var dh = h+20;
- dw = dw < 200 ? 200 : dw;
+ }
+ // Find the next (dir=1) or previous (dir=-1) non-hidden link object for the category.
+ function findnav(cat, i, dir) {
+ for(var j=i+dir; j>=0 && j<cats[cat].length; j+=dir)
+ if(!hasClass(cats[cat][j], 'hidden'))
+ return cats[cat][j];
+ return 0
+ }
+ // fix properties of the prev/next links
+ function fixnav(lnk, cat, i, dir) {
+ var a = cat ? findnav(cat, i, dir) : 0;
+ = a ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
+ lnk.href = a ? a.href : '#';
+ lnk.rel = a ? a.rel : '';
+ lnk.iv_i = a ? a.iv_i : 0;
+ }
+ function show() {
+ var u = this.href;
+ var opt = this.rel.split(':');
+ var idx = this.iv_i;
+ var view = byId('iv_view');
+ var full = byId('ivfull');
- // update document
- setClass(view, 'hidden', false);
- setContent(byId('ivimg'), tag('img', {src:u, onclick:ivClose,
- onload: function() { setClass(byId('ivimgload'), 'hidden', true); },
- style: 'width: '+w+'px; height: '+h+'px'
- }));
- = dw+'px';
- = dh+'px';
- = ((ww - dw) / 2 - 10)+'px';
- = ((wh - dh) / 2 + st - 20)+'px';
- byId('ivimgload').style.left = ((ww - 100) / 2 - 10)+'px';
- byId('ivimgload') = ((wh - 20) / 2 + st)+'px';
- setClass(byId('ivimgload'), 'hidden', false);
- return false;
+ fixnav(byId('ivprev'), opt[2], idx, -1);
+ fixnav(byId('ivnext'), opt[2], idx, 1);
+ // calculate dimensions
+ var w = Math.floor(opt[1].split('x')[0]);
+ var h = Math.floor(opt[1].split('x')[1]);
+ var ww = typeof(window.innerWidth) == 'number' ? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth;
+ var wh = typeof(window.innerHeight) == 'number' ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+ var st = typeof(window.pageYOffset) == 'number' ? window.pageYOffset : document.body && document.body.scrollTop ? document.body.scrollTop : document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ if(w+100 > ww || h+70 > wh) {
+ full.href = u;
+ setText(full, w+'x'+h);
+ = 'visible';
+ if(w/h > ww/wh) { // width++
+ h *= (ww-100)/w;
+ w = ww-100;
+ } else { // height++
+ w *= (wh-70)/h;
+ h = wh-70;
+ }
+ } else
+ = 'hidden';
+ var dw = w;
+ var dh = h+20;
+ dw = dw < 200 ? 200 : dw;
-function ivClose() {
- setClass(byId('iv_view'), 'hidden', true);
- setClass(byId('ivimgload'), 'hidden', true);
- setText(byId('ivimg'), '');
- return false;
+ // update document
+ setClass(view, 'hidden', false);
+ setContent(byId('ivimg'), tag('img', {src:u, onclick:close,
+ onload: function() { setClass(byId('ivimgload'), 'hidden', true); },
+ style: 'width: '+w+'px; height: '+h+'px'
+ }));
+ = dw+'px';
+ = dh+'px';
+ = ((ww - dw) / 2 - 10)+'px';
+ = ((wh - dh) / 2 + st - 20)+'px';
+ byId('ivimgload').style.left = ((ww - 100) / 2 - 10)+'px';
+ byId('ivimgload') = ((wh - 20) / 2 + st)+'px';
+ setClass(byId('ivimgload'), 'hidden', false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ function close() {
+ setClass(byId('iv_view'), 'hidden', true);
+ setClass(byId('ivimgload'), 'hidden', true);
+ setText(byId('ivimg'), '');
+ return false;
+ }
+ window.ivInit = init;
+ init();
diff --git a/data/js/vnscr.js b/data/js/vnscr.js
index 3855ab45..c62eb982 100644
--- a/data/js/vnscr.js
+++ b/data/js/vnscr.js
@@ -160,6 +160,7 @@ function scrDel(what) {
+ ivInit();
return false;