path: root/data/js
diff options
authorYorhel <>2020-04-24 16:00:28 +0200
committerYorhel <>2020-04-24 16:00:34 +0200
commit493866f8114dc785433e401b4e3203516be9f71b (patch)
treee71aad73b32e0fa909d0866cdf374c574b19cb11 /data/js
parent935d17e532e8d382e4db22f197a5f53a4cc94f98 (diff)
v2rw/VN::Page: Remove old and unused code
There's a lot of unused code in VNDB::DB::{VN,Release} still, but I'll not fiddle with that for now.
Diffstat (limited to 'data/js')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 371 deletions
diff --git a/data/js/charops.js b/data/js/charops.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9478ca95..00000000
--- a/data/js/charops.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-var spoil, sexual, t;
-// Fixes the commas between trait names and the hidden status of the entire row
-function fixrow(c) {
- var l = byName(byName(c, 'td')[1], 'span');
- var first = 1;
- for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++)
- if(!hasClass(l[i], 'ishidden')) {
- first = 0;
- break;
- }
- setClass(c, 'hidden', first);
-function restripe() {
- for(var i=0; i<t.length; i++) {
- var b = byName(t[i], 'tbody');
- if(!b.length)
- continue;
- setClass(t[i], 'stripe', false);
- var r = 1;
- var rows = byName(b[0], 'tr');
- for(var j=0; j<rows.length; j++) {
- if(hasClass(rows[j], 'traitrow'))
- fixrow(rows[j]);
- if(!hasClass(rows[j], 'nostripe') && !hasClass(rows[j], 'hidden'))
- setClass(rows[j], 'odd', r++&1);
- }
- }
-function setall() {
- var k = byClass('charspoil');
- for(var i=0; i<k.length; i++)
- setClass(k[i], 'ishidden',
- !sexual && hasClass(k[i], 'sexual') ? true :
- hasClass(k[i], 'charspoil_0') ? false :
- hasClass(k[i], 'charspoil_-1') ? spoil > 1 :
- hasClass(k[i], 'charspoil_1') ? spoil < 1 : spoil < 2);
- if(k.length)
- restripe();
- return false;
-function init() {
- var opsParent = byId('charops');
- if(!opsParent)
- return;
- t = byClass('table', 'stripe');
- // Spoiler level
- for(var i=0; i<3; i++) {
- var splChk = byClass(opsParent, 'radio_spoil' + i)[0];
- if(!splChk)
- continue;
- splChk.num = i;
- splChk.onchange = function() {
- spoil = this.num;
- return setall();
- };
- if(splChk.checked)
- spoil = i;
- };
- // Sexual toggle
- var sexChk = byClass(opsParent, 'sexual_check');
- if(sexChk.length) {
- sexChk = sexChk[0]
- sexChk.onchange = function() {
- sexual = !sexual;
- return setall();
- };
- sexual = sexChk.checked;
- }
- setall();
- init();
diff --git a/data/js/main.js b/data/js/main.js
index fdb6a813..042c18e8 100644
--- a/data/js/main.js
+++ b/data/js/main.js
@@ -27,11 +27,8 @@ VARS = /*VARS*/;
//include tabs.js
// Page/functionality-specific widgets
-//include vnreldropdown.js
-//include charops.js
//include filter.js
//include misc.js
-//include polls.js
// VN editing (/v+/edit)
//include vnrel.js
diff --git a/data/js/misc.js b/data/js/misc.js
index ccacd0ee..9c151eae 100644
--- a/data/js/misc.js
+++ b/data/js/misc.js
@@ -1,226 +1,3 @@
-function ulist_redirect(type, path, formcode, args) {
- var r = new RegExp('/('+type+'[0-9]+).*$');
- location.href = location.href.replace(r, '/$1')+path
- +'?formcode='+formcode
- +';ref='+encodeURIComponent(
- +';'+args;
-function vote_validate(s) {
- if(s < 1)
- s = prompt('Please input your vote as a number between 1 and 10. One digit after the decimal is allowed, for example: 8.6 or 7.3.', '');
- if(!s)
- return 0;
- s = s.replace(',', '.');
- if(!s.match(/^([1-9]|10)([\.,][0-9])?$/) || s > 10 || s < 1) {
- alert('Invalid number.');
- return 0;
- }
- if(s == 1 && !confirm('You are about to give this visual novel a 1 out of 10.'+
- ' This is a rather extreme rating, meaning this game has absolutely nothing to offer, and that it\'s the worst game you have ever played.'+
- ' Are you really sure this visual novel matches that description?'))
- return 0;
- if(s == 10 && !confirm('You are about to give this visual novel a 10 out of 10.'+
- ' This is a rather extreme rating, meaning this is one of the best visual novels you\'ve ever played and it\'s unlikely that any other game could ever be better than this one.'+
- ' It is generally a bad idea to have more than three games in your vote list with this rating, choose carefully!'))
- return 0;
- return s;
-// VN Voting (/v+)
- byId('votesel').onchange = function() {
- var s = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
- if(s == -3)
- return;
- if(s != -1)
- s = vote_validate(s);
- if(!s)
- this.selectedIndex = 0;
- else
- ulist_redirect('v', '/vote',, 'v='+s);
- };
-// VN voting from list (/u+/votes)
- byId('batchvotes').onchange = function() {
- var s = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
- if(s == -2)
- return;
- if(s != -1)
- s = vote_validate(s);
- if(!s) {
- this.selectedIndex = 0;
- return;
- }
- this.options[this.selectedIndex].value = s;
- var frm = this;
- while(frm.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'form')
- frm = frm.parentNode;
- frm.submit();
- };
-// VN Wishlist dropdown box (/v+)
- byId('wishsel').onchange = function() {
- if(this.selectedIndex != 0)
- ulist_redirect('v', '/wish',, ';s='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);
- };
-// 'more' / 'less' summarization of some boxes on VN pages
- function set(o, h) {
- var a = tag('a', {href:'#', summarizeOn:false}, '');
- var toggle = function() {
- a.summarizeOn = !a.summarizeOn;
- = a.summarizeOn ? h+'px' : null;
- = a.summarizeOn ? 'hidden' : null;
- setText(a, a.summarizeOn ? '⇓ more ⇓' : '⇑ less ⇑');
- return false;
- };
- a.onclick = toggle;
- var t = tag('div', {'class':'summarize_more'}, a);
- l[i].parentNode.insertBefore(t, l[i].nextSibling);
- toggle();
- }
- var l = byClass(document, 'summarize');
- for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++) {
- var h = Math.floor(l[i].getAttribute('data-summarize-height') || 150);
- if(l[i].offsetHeight > h+100)
- set(l[i], h);
- }
-// make some fields readonly when patch flag is set and hide uncensored
-// checkbox when age rating isn't 18+ (/r+/edit)
- function sync() {
- byId('doujin').disabled =
- byId('resolution').disabled =
- byId('voiced').disabled =
- byId('ani_story').disabled =
- byId('ani_ero').disabled =
- byId('engine').disabled =
- byId('engine_oth').disabled =
- byId('patch').checked;
- setClass(
- byId('uncensored').parentNode.parentNode,
- 'hidden',
- byId('minage').options[byId('minage').selectedIndex].value != 18
- );
- };
- if(byId('jt_box_rel_geninfo')) {
- sync();
- byId('patch').onclick = byId('minage').onclick = sync;
- }
-// Release edit engine selection (/r+/edit)
- var en = byId('engine');
- var en_other = byId('engine_oth');
- if(en && en_other) {
- en.onchange = function() {
- setClass(en_other, 'hidden', en.options[en.selectedIndex].value != '_other_');
- return true;
- };
- }
-// Batch edit dropdown box (/u+/wish)
- byId('batchedit').onchange = function() {
- if(this.selectedIndex == 0)
- return true;
- var frm = this;
- while(frm.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'form')
- frm = frm.parentNode;
- frm.submit();
- };
-// collapse/expand row groups (/u+/list)
- var table = byId('expandall');
- if(!table)
- return;
- while(table.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'table')
- table = table.parentNode;
- var heads = byClass(table, 'td', 'collapse_but');
- var allhid = false;
- function sethid(l, h, hid) {
- var i;
- for(i=0; i<l.length; i++) {
- setClass(l[i], 'hidden', hid);
- // Set the hidden class on the input checkbox, if it exists. This
- // prevents the "select all" functionality from selecting it if the row
- // is not visible.
- var sel = byName(l[i], 'input')[0];
- if(sel)
- setClass(sel, 'hidden', hid);
- }
- for(i=0; i<h.length; i++)
- setText(h[i], allhid ? collapsed_icon : expanded_icon);
- }
- function alltoggle() {
- allhid = !allhid;
- setText(byId('expandall'), allhid ? collapsed_icon : expanded_icon);
- sethid(byClass(table, 'tr', 'collapse'), heads, allhid);
- return false;
- }
- function singletoggle() {
- var l = byClass(table, 'tr', 'collapse_';
- sethid(l, [this], !hasClass(l[0], 'hidden'));
- }
- byId('expandall').onclick = alltoggle;
- for(var i=0; i<heads.length; i++)
- heads[i].onclick = singletoggle;
- alltoggle();
-// external links dropdown for releases (/v+)
- var l = byClass('rllinks');
- for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++) {
- var o = byName(l[i].parentNode, 'ul')[0];
- if(o) {
- l[i].links_ul = l[i].parentNode.removeChild(o);
- setClass(l[i].links_ul, 'hidden', false);
- ddInit(l[i], 'left', function(acr) {
- return acr.links_ul;
- });
- if(l[i].href.match(/#$/)) {
- l[i].onclick = function() { return false; };
- }
- }
- }
-// set note input box (/u+/list)
-if(byId('not') && byId('vns'))
- byId('vns').onchange = function () {
- if(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value == 999)
- byId('not').value = prompt('Set notes (leave empty to remove note)', '');
- return true;
- };
// expand/collapse release listing (/p+)
var lnk = byId('expandprodrel');
diff --git a/data/js/polls.js b/data/js/polls.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 94a0bba2..00000000
--- a/data/js/polls.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// Discussion board polls
-if(byId('jt_box_postedit') && byId('poll')) {
- var c = byId('poll');
- var parentNode = function(n, tag) {
- while(n && n.nodeName.toLowerCase() != tag)
- n = n.parentNode;
- return n;
- };
- var show = function(v) {
- setClass(parentNode(byId('poll_question'), 'tr'), 'hidden', !v);
- setClass(parentNode(byId('poll_options'), 'tr'), 'hidden', !v);
- setClass(parentNode(byId('poll_max_options'), 'tr'), 'hidden', !v);
- setClass(parentNode(byId('poll_preview'), 'tr'), 'hidden', !v);
- setClass(parentNode(byId('poll_recast'), 'tr'), 'hidden', !v);
- };
- c.onclick = function() {
- show(this.checked);
- return true;
- };
- show(c.checked);
diff --git a/data/js/vnreldropdown.js b/data/js/vnreldropdown.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 16a1dbcd..00000000
--- a/data/js/vnreldropdown.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-function dropdown(lnk) {
- var relid =;
- var st = getText(lnk);
- if(st == 'Loading...')
- return null;
- var o = tag('ul', null);
- for(var i=0; i<VARS.rlist_status.length; i++) {
- var val = VARS.rlist_status[i];
- o.appendChild(tag('li', st == val[1]
- ? tag('i', val[1])
- : tag('a', {href:'#', rl_rid:relid, rl_act:val[0], onclick:change}, val[1])));
- }
- if(st != '--')
- o.appendChild(tag('li', tag('a', {href:'#', rl_rid:relid, rl_act:-1, onclick:change}, 'Remove from list')));
- return tag('div', o);
-function change() {
- var lnk = byId('rlsel_'+this.rl_rid);
- var code = getText(byId('vnrlist_code'));
- var act = this.rl_act;
- ddHide();
- setContent(lnk, tag('b', {'class': 'grayedout'}, 'Loading...'));
- ajax('/xml/rlist.xml?formcode='+code+';id='+this.rl_rid+';e='+act, function(hr) {
- setText(lnk, act == -1 ? '--' : VARS.rlist_status[act][1]);
- });
- return false;
-if(byId('vnrlist_code')) {
- var l = byClass('a', 'vnrlsel');
- for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++)
- ddInit(l[i], 'left', dropdown);