path: root/data/js
diff options
authorYorhel <>2020-07-21 09:07:22 +0200
committerYorhel <>2020-07-21 09:07:22 +0200
commit4e52a94f33964a8b7f49b2f02d82d0e3189b7bf7 (patch)
tree2415c0e50b0b6d40b92af7adda117032f6f322d3 /data/js
parent7c6c8cf206296829bc602b3072f7ce6084f05906 (diff)
Delete old producer edit form + a few more cleanups
Diffstat (limited to 'data/js')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/data/js/main.js b/data/js/main.js
index f335f1f5..8f3f6ca2 100644
--- a/data/js/main.js
+++ b/data/js/main.js
@@ -31,13 +31,9 @@ VARS.resolutions = [
//include dropdown.js
//include dateselector.js
//include dropdownsearch.js
-//include tabs.js
// Page/functionality-specific widgets
//include filter.js
//include misc.js
-// Producer editing (/p+/edit)
-//include prodrel.js
// @license-end
diff --git a/data/js/misc.js b/data/js/misc.js
index 9c151eae..9658bccf 100644
--- a/data/js/misc.js
+++ b/data/js/misc.js
@@ -1,22 +1,3 @@
-// expand/collapse release listing (/p+)
- var lnk = byId('expandprodrel');
- if(!lnk)
- return;
- function setexpand() {
- var exp = !(getCookie('prodrelexpand') == 1);
- setText(lnk, exp ? 'collapse' : 'expand');
- setClass(byId('prodrel'), 'collapse', !exp);
- };
- lnk.onclick = function () {
- setCookie('prodrelexpand', getCookie('prodrelexpand') == 1 ? 0 : 1);
- setexpand();
- return false;
- };
- setexpand();
// search tabs
function click() {
diff --git a/data/js/prodrel.js b/data/js/prodrel.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ec6082e3..00000000
--- a/data/js/prodrel.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-function prrLoad() {
- // read the current relations
- var rels = byId('prodrelations').value.split('|||');
- for(var i=0; i<rels.length && rels[0].length>1; i++) {
- var rel = rels[i].split(',', 3);
- prrAdd(rel[0], rel[1], rel[2]);
- }
- prrEmpty();
- // bind the add-link
- byName(byClass(byId('relation_new'), 'td', 'tc_add')[0], 'a')[0].onclick = prrFormAdd;
- // dropdown
- dsInit(byName(byClass(byId('relation_new'), 'td', 'tc_prod')[0], 'input')[0], '/xml/producers.xml?q=', function(item, tr) {
- tr.appendChild(tag('td', { style: 'text-align: right; padding-right: 5px'}, 'p'+item.getAttribute('id')));
- tr.appendChild(tag('td', shorten(item.firstChild.nodeValue, 40)));
- }, function(item) {
- return 'p'+item.getAttribute('id')+':'+item.firstChild.nodeValue;
- }, prrFormAdd);
-function prrAdd(rel, pid, title) {
- var sel = tag('select', {onchange: prrSerialize});
- var ops = byName(byClass(byId('relation_new'), 'td', 'tc_rel')[0], 'select')[0].options;
- for(var i=0; i<ops.length; i++)
- sel.appendChild(tag('option', {value: ops[i].value, selected: ops[i].value==rel}, getText(ops[i])));
- byId('relation_tbl').appendChild(tag('tr', {id:'relation_tr_'+pid},
- tag('td', {'class':'tc_prod' }, 'p'+pid+':', tag('a', {href:'/p'+pid}, shorten(title, 40))),
- tag('td', {'class':'tc_rel' }, sel),
- tag('td', {'class':'tc_add' }, tag('a', {href:'#', onclick:prrDel}, 'remove'))
- ));
- prrEmpty();
-function prrEmpty() {
- var tbl = byId('relation_tbl');
- if(byName(tbl, 'tr').length < 1)
- tbl.appendChild(tag('tr', {id:'relation_tr_none'}, tag('td', {colspan:4}, 'Nothing selected.')));
- else if(byId('relation_tr_none'))
- tbl.removeChild(byId('relation_tr_none'));
-function prrSerialize() {
- var r = [];
- var trs = byName(byId('relation_tbl'), 'tr');
- for(var i=0; i<trs.length; i++) {
- if(trs[i].id == 'relation_tr_none')
- continue;
- var rel = byName(byClass(trs[i], 'td', 'tc_rel')[0], 'select')[0];
- r[r.length] = [
- rel.options[rel.selectedIndex].value,
- trs[i].id.substr(12),
- getText(byName(byClass(trs[i], 'td', 'tc_prod')[0], 'a')[0])
- ].join(',');
- }
- byId('prodrelations').value = r.join('|||');
-function prrDel() {
- var tr = this;
- while(tr.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'tr')
- tr = tr.parentNode;
- byId('relation_tbl').removeChild(tr);
- prrSerialize();
- prrEmpty();
- return false;
-function prrFormAdd() {
- var relnew = byId('relation_new');
- var txt = byName(byClass(relnew, 'td', 'tc_prod')[0], 'input')[0];
- var sel = byName(byClass(relnew, 'td', 'tc_rel')[0], 'select')[0];
- var lnk = byName(byClass(relnew, 'td', 'tc_add')[0], 'a')[0];
- var input = txt.value;
- if(!input.match(/^p[0-9]+/)) {
- alert('Producer textbox should start with an ID (e.g. "p7:")');
- return false;
- }
- txt.disabled = sel.disabled = true;
- txt.value = 'Loading...';
- setText(lnk, 'Loading...');
- ajax('/xml/producers.xml?q='+encodeURIComponent(input), function(hr) {
- txt.disabled = sel.disabled = false;
- txt.value = '';
- setText(lnk, 'add');
- var items = hr.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('item');
- if(items.length < 1)
- return alert('Producer not found');
- var id = items[0].getAttribute('id');
- if(byId('relation_tr_'+id))
- return alert('Producer already selected!');
- prrAdd(sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value, id, items[0].firstChild.nodeValue);
- sel.selectedIndex = 0;
- prrSerialize();
- });
- return false;
- prrLoad();
diff --git a/data/js/tabs.js b/data/js/tabs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 470bd077..00000000
--- a/data/js/tabs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-/* Javascript tabs. General usage:
- *
- * <ul id="jt_select">
- * <li><a href="#<name>" id="jt_sel_<name>">..</a></li>
- * ..
- * </ul>
- *
- * Can then be used to show/hide the following box:
- *
- * <div id="jt_box_<name>"> .. </div>
- *
- * The name of the active box will be set to and (at page load) read from
- * location.hash. The parent node of the active link will get the 'tabselected'
- * class. A link with the special name "all" will display all boxes associated
- * with jt_select links.
- *
- * Only one jt_select list-of-tabs can be used on a single page.
- */
-var links = byId('jt_select') ? byName(byId('jt_select'), 'a') : [];
-function init() {
- var sel;
- var first;
- for(var i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
- links[i].onclick = function() { set(; return false };
- if(!first)
- first = links[i].id;
- if(location.hash && links[i].id == 'jt_sel_'+location.hash.substr(1))
- sel = links[i].id;
- }
- if(first)
- set(sel||first, 1);
-function set(which, nolink) {
- which = which.substr(7);
- for(var i=0; i<links.length; i++) {
- var name = links[i].id.substr(7);
- if(name != 'all')
- setClass(byId('jt_box_'+name), 'hidden', which != 'all' && which != name);
- setClass(links[i].parentNode, 'tabselected', name == which);
- }
- if(!nolink)
- location.href = '#'+which;