path: root/elm/DocEdit.elm
diff options
authorYorhel <>2019-09-25 18:37:29 +0200
committerYorhel <>2019-09-25 18:49:19 +0200
commitd735e66d7d9b2d8c9a965ec96753864ff8c306c2 (patch)
treece0214b9e3cc819252b9192e7518f7768e568c77 /elm/DocEdit.elm
parentc7642c03d99ed0255614a43fb82e55a1dde66753 (diff)
v2rw: Add Elm & db_edit framework + Convert doc page editing
Most of this is copied from v3. I did improve on a few aspects: - db_edit() and db_entry() use VNDB::Schema rather than dynamically querying the DB. This has the minor advantage of a faster startup. - The Elm code generator now writes to multiple files, this avoids the namespace pollution seen in v3's Lib.Gen and makes the dependency graph a bit more lean (i.e. faster incremental builds). - The Elm code generator doesn't update the timestamp of files that haven't been modified. This also speeds up incremental builds, the elm compiler can now skip rebuilding unmodified files. - The Elm API response generator code now uses plain functions rather than code references and all possible responses are now defined in Turns out most API responses were used from more than a single place, so it makes sense to have them centrally defined. The doc page preview function is also much nicer; I'd like to apply this to all BBCode textareas as well. ( itself is ugly as hell though. And we will prolly need some HTML form generation functions in Elm to make that part less verbose)
Diffstat (limited to 'elm/DocEdit.elm')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/elm/DocEdit.elm b/elm/DocEdit.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f7cbac61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/DocEdit.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+module DocEdit exposing (main)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Html.Events exposing (..)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
+import Json.Encode as JE
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.DocEdit as GD
+--import Lib.Api as Api
+--import Lib.Ffi as Ffi
+import Lib.Editsum as Editsum
+main : Program GD.Recv Model Msg
+main = Browser.element
+ { init = \e -> (init e, Cmd.none)
+ , view = view
+ , update = update
+ , subscriptions = always Sub.none
+ }
+type alias Model =
+ { state : Api.State
+ , editsum : Editsum.Model
+ , title : String
+ , content : String
+ , id : Int
+ , preview : String
+ }
+init : GD.Recv -> Model
+init d =
+ { state = Api.Normal
+ , editsum = { authmod = True, editsum = d.editsum, locked = d.locked, hidden = d.hidden }
+ , title = d.title
+ , content = d.content
+ , id =
+ , preview = ""
+ }
+encode : Model -> GD.Send
+encode model =
+ { editsum = model.editsum.editsum
+ , hidden = model.editsum.hidden
+ , locked = model.editsum.locked
+ , title = model.title
+ , content = model.content
+ }
+type Msg
+ = Editsum Editsum.Msg
+ | Submit
+ | Submitted GApi.Response
+ | Title String
+ | Content String
+ | Preview
+ | HandlePreview GApi.Response
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ Editsum e -> ({ model | editsum = Editsum.update e model.editsum }, Cmd.none)
+ Title s -> ({ model | title = s }, Cmd.none)
+ Content s -> ({ model | content = s }, Cmd.none)
+ Submit ->
+ let
+ path = "/d" ++ String.fromInt ++ "/edit"
+ body = GD.encode (encode model)
+ in ({ model | state = Api.Loading }, path body Submitted)
+ Submitted (GApi.Changed id rev) -> (model, load <| "/d" ++ String.fromInt id ++ "." ++ String.fromInt rev)
+ Submitted r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
+ Preview ->
+ if model.preview /= "" then ( { model | preview = "" }, Cmd.none )
+ else
+ ( { model | state = Api.Loading, preview = "" }
+ , "/js/markdown.json" (JE.object [("content", JE.string model.content)]) HandlePreview
+ )
+ HandlePreview (GApi.Content s) -> ({ model | state = Api.Normal, preview = s }, Cmd.none)
+ HandlePreview r -> ({ model | state = Api.Error r }, Cmd.none)
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view model =
+ Html.form [ onSubmit Submit ]
+ [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
+ [ h1 [] [ text <| "Edit d" ++ String.fromInt ]
+ , table [ class "formtable" ]
+ [ tr [ class "newfield" ]
+ [ td [ class "label" ] [ label [ for "title" ] [ text "Title" ]]
+ , td [ class "field" ] [ inputText "title" model.title Title (style "width" "300px" :: GD.valTitle) ]
+ ]
+ , tr [ class "newfield" ]
+ [ td [ class "field", colspan 2 ]
+ [ br [] []
+ , text "Contents (HTML and MultiMarkdown supported, which is "
+ , a [ href "", target "_blank" ] [ text "Markdown" ]
+ , text " with some "
+ , a [ href "", target "_blank" ][ text "extensions" ]
+ , text ")."
+ , br [] []
+ , a [ href "#", style "float" "right", onClickN Preview ]
+ [ text <| if model.preview == "" then "Preview" else "Edit"
+ , if model.state == Api.Loading then div [ class "spinner" ] [] else text ""
+ ]
+ , br [] []
+ , if model.preview == ""
+ then inputTextArea "content" model.content Content ([rows 50, cols 90, style "width" "850px"] ++ GD.valContent)
+ else div [ class "docs preview", style "width" "850px", Ffi.innerHtml model.preview ] []
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , div [ class "mainbox" ]
+ [ fieldset [ class "submit" ]
+ [ Editsum (Editsum.view model.editsum)
+ , submitButton "Submit" model.state True False
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]