path: root/elm3/ProdEdit/General.elm
diff options
authorYorhel <>2019-12-30 09:49:13 +0100
committerYorhel <>2019-12-30 09:49:13 +0100
commitd79c982ee876502db2e1a12752667c6a198c2ddc (patch)
treeccd4a4e72e5b0d3dd412bed6aee58044e93893f0 /elm3/ProdEdit/General.elm
parente146ed7bda12d369532e485ca0c2e3d823811854 (diff)
Actually, let's get rid of v3 now that it doesn't work anymore anyway
Diffstat (limited to 'elm3/ProdEdit/General.elm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/elm3/ProdEdit/General.elm b/elm3/ProdEdit/General.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 19ca79b7..00000000
--- a/elm3/ProdEdit/General.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-module ProdEdit.General exposing (..)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Lib.Html exposing (..)
-import Lib.Gen exposing (languages, weburlPattern, producerTypes, ProdEdit)
-import Lib.Util exposing (..)
-type alias Model =
- { desc : String
- , l_wp : String
- , lang : String
- , ptype : String
- , website : String
- }
-init : ProdEdit -> Model
-init d =
- { desc = d.desc
- , l_wp = d.l_wp
- , lang = d.lang
- , ptype = d.ptype
- , website =
- }
-new : Model
-new =
- { desc = ""
- , l_wp = ""
- , lang = "ja"
- , ptype = "co"
- , website = ""
- }
-type Msg
- = Desc String
- | LWP String
- | Lang String
- | PType String
- | Website String
-update : Msg -> Model -> Model
-update msg model =
- case msg of
- Desc s -> { model | desc = s }
- LWP s -> { model | l_wp = s }
- Lang s -> { model | lang = s }
- PType s -> { model | ptype = s }
- Website s -> { model | website = s }
-view : Model -> (Msg -> a) -> List (Html a) -> Html a
-view model wrap names = card "general" "General info" [] <|
- names ++ ( wrap)
- [ cardRow "Meta" Nothing <| formGroups
- [ [ label [for "ptype"] [ text "Type" ]
- , inputSelect [id "ptype", name "ptype", onInput PType] model.ptype producerTypes
- ]
- , [ label [for "lang"] [ text "Primary language" ]
- , inputSelect [id "lang", name "lang", onInput Lang] model.lang languages
- ]
- , [ label [for "website"] [ text "Official Website" ]
- , inputText "website" Website [pattern weburlPattern]
- ]
- , [ label [] [ text "Wikipedia" ]
- , p [] [ text "", inputText "l_wp" model.l_wp LWP [class "form-control--inline", maxlength 100] ]
- ]
- ]
- , cardRow "Description" (Just "English please!") <| formGroup
- [ inputTextArea "desc" model.desc Desc [rows 8] ]
- ]