path: root/elm
diff options
authorYorhel <>2019-10-08 16:02:23 +0200
committerYorhel <>2019-10-10 16:40:24 +0200
commit4c1dfc8bb62171c4c21057c47f238c8747bac3f8 (patch)
tree6d62188bd3081015e19deda67842a1a0e77b7543 /elm
parent22be42adddc028f0332f5635249db97bd098bba6 (diff)
rewards: Add user settings
They don't do anything yet.
Diffstat (limited to 'elm')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/elm/User/Edit.elm b/elm/User/Edit.elm
index 51ef8be6..93eb407a 100644
--- a/elm/User/Edit.elm
+++ b/elm/User/Edit.elm
@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ type Data
| TagsTech Bool
| Skin String
| Css String
+ | NoAds Bool
+ | NoFancy Bool
+ | Support Bool
+ | PubSkin Bool
+ | Uniname String
updateData : Data -> GUE.Send -> GUE.Send
@@ -81,6 +86,11 @@ updateData msg model =
TagsTech b -> { model | tags_tech = b }
Skin n -> { model | skin = n }
Css n -> { model | customcss = n }
+ NoAds b -> { model | nodistract_noads = b }
+ NoFancy b -> { model | nodistract_nofancy = b }
+ Support b -> { model | support_enabled = b }
+ PubSkin b -> { model | pubskin_enabled = b }
+ Uniname n -> { model | uniname = n }
type Msg
@@ -126,14 +136,16 @@ update msg model =
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
+ data =
modform =
[ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Admin options" ] ]
- , formField "username::Username" [ inputText "username" (Set << Username) GUE.valUsername ]
+ , formField "username::Username" [ inputText "username" data.username (Set << Username) GUE.valUsername ]
, formField "Permissions"
<| List.intersperse (br_ 1)
- <| (\(n,s) -> label [] [ inputCheck "" (and n > 0) (Set << Perm n), text (" " ++ s) ])
+ <| (\(n,s) -> label [] [ inputCheck "" (and data.perm n > 0) (Set << Perm n), text (" " ++ s) ])
- , formField "Other" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" (Set << IgnVotes), text " Ignore votes in VN statistics" ] ]
+ , formField "Other" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" data.ign_votes (Set << IgnVotes), text " Ignore votes in VN statistics" ] ]
passform =
@@ -148,15 +160,30 @@ view model =
+ supportform =
+ [ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Supporter options" ] ]
+ , if not data.nodistract_can && not data.authmod then text ""
+ else formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" data.nodistract_noads (Set << NoAds), text " Disable advertising and other distractions (doesn't hide affiliate links for the moment)" ] ]
+ , if not data.nodistract_can && not data.authmod then text ""
+ else formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" data.nodistract_nofancy (Set << NoFancy), text " Disable supporters badges, custom usernames and profile skins" ] ]
+ , if not data.support_can && not data.authmod then text ""
+ else formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" data.support_enabled (Set << Support), text " Display supporters badge" ] ]
+ , if not data.pubskin_can && not data.authmod then text ""
+ else formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" data.pubskin_enabled (Set << PubSkin), text " Apply my skin and custom CSS when others visit my profile" ] ]
+ , if not data.uniname_can && not data.authmod then text ""
+ else formField "uniname::Display name" [ inputText "uniname" (if data.uniname == "" then data.username else data.uniname) (Set << Uniname) GUE.valUniname ]
+ ]
in Html.form [ onSubmit Submit ]
[ div [ class "mainbox" ]
- [ h1 [] [ text <| if then "Edit " ++ else "My preferences" ]
+ [ h1 [] [ text <| if data.authmod then "Edit " ++ data.username else "My preferences" ]
, table [ class "formtable" ] <|
[ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "General" ] ]
- , formField "Username" [ text ]
- , formField "email::E-Mail" [ inputText "email" (Set << EMail) GUE.valEmail ]
+ , formField "Username" [ text data.username ]
+ , formField "email::E-Mail" [ inputText "email" (Set << EMail) GUE.valEmail ]
- ++ (if then modform else []) ++
+ ++ (if data.authmod then modform else [])
+ ++ (if data.authmod || data.nodistract_can || data.support_can || data.uniname_can || data.pubskin_can then supportform else []) ++
[ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Password" ] ]
, formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.cpass CPass, text " Change password" ] ]
] ++ (if model.cpass then passform else [])
@@ -164,28 +191,28 @@ view model =
[ tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Preferences" ] ]
, formField "Privacy"
[ label []
- [ inputCheck "" (Set << HideList)
+ [ inputCheck "" data.hide_list (Set << HideList)
, text " Don't allow others to see my visual novel list, vote list and wishlist and exclude these lists from the database dumps and API."
- , formField "NSFW" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" (Set << ShowNsfw), text " Show NSFW images by default" ] ]
- , formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" (Set << TraitsSexual), text " Show sexual traits by default on character pages" ] ]
- , formField "Tags" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" (Set << TagsAll), text " Show all tags by default on visual novel pages (don't summarize)" ] ]
+ , formField "NSFW" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" data.show_nsfw (Set << ShowNsfw), text " Show NSFW images by default" ] ]
+ , formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" data.traits_sexual (Set << TraitsSexual), text " Show sexual traits by default on character pages" ] ]
+ , formField "Tags" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" data.tags_all (Set << TagsAll), text " Show all tags by default on visual novel pages (don't summarize)" ] ]
, formField ""
[ text "Default tag categories on visual novel pages:", br_ 1
- , label [] [ inputCheck "" (Set << TagsCont), text " Content" ], br_ 1
- , label [] [ inputCheck "" (Set << TagsEro ), text " Sexual content" ], br_ 1
- , label [] [ inputCheck "" (Set << TagsTech), text " Technical" ]
+ , label [] [ inputCheck "" data.tags_cont (Set << TagsCont), text " Content" ], br_ 1
+ , label [] [ inputCheck "" data.tags_ero (Set << TagsEro ), text " Sexual content" ], br_ 1
+ , label [] [ inputCheck "" data.tags_tech (Set << TagsTech), text " Technical" ]
, formField "spoil::Spoiler level"
- [ inputSelect "spoil" (Set << Spoilers) []
+ [ inputSelect "spoil" data.spoilers (Set << Spoilers) []
[ (0, "Hide spoilers")
, (1, "Show only minor spoilers")
, (2, "Show all spoilers")
- , formField "skin::Skin" [ inputSelect "skin" (Set << Skin) [ style "width" "300px" ] GT.skins ]
- , formField "css::Custom CSS" [ inputTextArea "css" (Set << Css) ([ rows 5, cols 60 ] ++ GUE.valCustomcss) ]
+ , formField "skin::Skin" [ inputSelect "skin" (Set << Skin) [ style "width" "300px" ] GT.skins ]
+ , formField "css::Custom CSS" [ inputTextArea "css" data.customcss (Set << Css) ([ rows 5, cols 60 ] ++ GUE.valCustomcss) ]