path: root/elm
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authorYorhel <>2020-11-11 19:51:56 +0100
committerYorhel <>2020-11-15 08:54:51 +0100
commit86af5725b6c6dc749c88e6cbc8ffcadf3bd97af6 (patch)
tree1533b02cf74088f4da6f7680be630f587baccdce /elm
parent20011cf2f110d1d89d243ce77b122675463d93b5 (diff)
Advsearch: Add release date filter
This required some changes to the query model and encoded form, since it doing this with only <= and => operators is too limited. I changed the compact encoding of strings to only encode the length in the type field for specific (common) lengths and fallback to an end-of-string character for everything else. This leaves room for more custom types.
Diffstat (limited to 'elm')
5 files changed, 145 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm
index 64f9399a..6c4e3b29 100644
--- a/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Fields.elm
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Lib.DropDown as DD
import Lib.Api as Api
import AdvSearch.Set as AS
import AdvSearch.Producers as AP
+import AdvSearch.RDate as AR
import AdvSearch.Query exposing (..)
@@ -187,6 +188,7 @@ type FieldModel
| FMPlatform (AS.Model String)
| FMLength (AS.Model Int)
| FMDeveloper AP.Model
+ | FMRDate AR.Model
type FieldMsg
= FSCustom () -- Not actually used at the moment
@@ -196,6 +198,7 @@ type FieldMsg
| FSPlatform (AS.Msg String)
| FSLength (AS.Msg Int)
| FSDeveloper AP.Msg
+ | FSRDate AR.Msg
| FToggle Bool
| FDel -- intercepted in nestUpdate
| FMoveSub -- intercepted in nestUpdate
@@ -237,10 +240,12 @@ fields =
, f V "Length" (Just 4) FMLength AS.init AS.lengthFromQuery
, f V "Developer" Nothing FMDeveloper AP.init AP.devFromQuery
, f V "Release" Nothing FMNest (nestInit NRel R []) (nestFromQuery NRel V)
+ , f V "Release date" Nothing FMRDate AR.init AR.fromQuery
, f R "Language" (Just 1) FMLang AS.init AS.langFromQuery
, f R "Platform" (Just 2) FMPlatform AS.init AS.platformFromQuery
, f R "Developer" Nothing FMDeveloper AP.init AP.devFromQuery
+ , f R "Release date" Nothing FMRDate AR.init AR.fromQuery
@@ -274,6 +279,7 @@ fieldUpdate dat msg_ (num, dd, model) =
(FSPlatform msg, FMPlatform m) -> maps FMPlatform (AS.update msg m)
(FSLength msg, FMLength m) -> maps FMLength (AS.update msg m)
(FSDeveloper msg,FMDeveloper m)-> mapf FMDeveloper FSDeveloper (AP.update dat msg m)
+ (FSRDate msg, FMRDate m) -> maps FMRDate (AR.update msg m)
(FToggle b, _) -> (dat, (num, DD.toggle dd b, model), Cmd.none)
_ -> noop
@@ -304,6 +310,7 @@ fieldView dat (_, dd, model) =
FMPlatform m -> vs FSPlatform (AS.platformView m)
FMLength m -> vs FSLength (AS.lengthView m)
FMDeveloper m-> vs FSDeveloper(AP.devView dat m)
+ FMRDate m -> vs FSRDate (AR.view m)
fieldToQuery : Field -> Maybe Query
@@ -316,6 +323,7 @@ fieldToQuery (_, _, model) =
FMPlatform m -> AS.toQuery (QStr 4) m
FMLength m -> AS.toQuery (QInt 5) m
FMDeveloper m-> AP.toQuery (QInt 6) m
+ FMRDate m -> AR.toQuery m
fieldCreate : Int -> (Data,FieldModel) -> (Data,Field)
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm
index 686580f1..acbd3e77 100644
--- a/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/Query.elm
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import Gen.Api as GApi
-- Used only as an intermediate format to help with encoding/decoding.
-- Corresponds to the compact JSON encoding, i.e. with field names and VNDBIDs encoded and integers.
type QType = V | R
-type Op = Eq | Ne | Ge | Le
+type Op = Eq | Ne | Ge | Gt | Le | Lt
type Query
= QAnd (List Query)
| QOr (List Query)
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ encodeOp o = JE.string <|
Eq -> "="
Ne -> "!="
Ge -> ">="
+ Gt -> ">"
Le -> "<="
+ Lt -> "<"
encodeQuery : Query -> JE.Value
encodeQuery q =
@@ -53,7 +55,9 @@ decodeOp = JD.string |> JD.andThen (\s ->
"=" -> JD.succeed Eq
"!=" -> JD.succeed Ne
">=" -> JD.succeed Ge
+ ">" -> JD.succeed Gt
"<=" -> JD.succeed Le
+ "<" -> JD.succeed Lt
_ -> "Invalid operator")
decodeQuery : JD.Decoder Query
@@ -107,9 +111,17 @@ encQuery query =
Eq -> 0
Ne -> 1
Ge -> 2
- Le -> 3
- encTypeOp o t = Maybe.withDefault "" <| encInt <| encOp o + 4*t
- encStrField n o v = let s = encStr v in fint n ++ encTypeOp o (String.length s + 9) ++ s
+ Gt -> 3
+ Le -> 4
+ Lt -> 5
+ encTypeOp o t = Maybe.withDefault "" <| encInt <| encOp o + 8*t
+ encStrField n o v =
+ let s = encStr v
+ f l = fint n ++ encTypeOp o l ++ s
+ in case String.length s of
+ 2 -> f 2
+ 3 -> f 3
+ l -> f 4 ++ "-"
in case query of
QAnd l -> lst 0 l
QOr l -> lst 1 l
@@ -121,6 +133,16 @@ encQuery query =
QQuery n o q -> fint n ++ encTypeOp o 1 ++ encQuery q
+showOp : Op -> String
+showOp op =
+ case op of
+ Eq -> "="
+ Ne -> "≠"
+ Le -> "≤"
+ Lt -> "<"
+ Ge -> "≥"
+ Gt -> ">"
-- Global data that's passed around for Fields
-- (defined here because everything imports this module)
diff --git a/elm/AdvSearch/RDate.elm b/elm/AdvSearch/RDate.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c2eaf9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/AdvSearch/RDate.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+module AdvSearch.RDate exposing (..)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.RDate as R
+import AdvSearch.Query exposing (..)
+type alias Model =
+ { op : Op
+ , fuzzy : Bool
+ , date : R.RDate
+ }
+type Msg
+ = MOp Op Bool
+ | Fuzzy Bool
+ | Date R.RDate
+update : Msg -> Model -> Model
+update msg model =
+ case msg of
+ MOp o _ -> { model | op = o }
+ Fuzzy f -> { model | fuzzy = f }
+ Date d -> { model | date = d }
+init : Data -> (Data, Model)
+init dat = (dat,
+ { op = Le
+ , fuzzy = True
+ , date = 1
+ })
+toQuery : Model -> Maybe Query
+toQuery model = Just <|
+ let f o date = QInt 7 o date
+ e = R.expand
+ ystart = R.compact { y=e.y, m= 1, d= 1 }
+ mstart = R.compact { y=e.y, m=e.m, d= 1 }
+ in
+ if not model.fuzzy || e.y == 0 || e.y == 9999 then f model.op else
+ case (model.op, e.m, e.d) of
+ -- Fuzzy (in)equality turns into a date range
+ (Eq, 99, 99) -> QAnd [ f Ge ystart, f Le ]
+ (Eq, _, 99) -> QAnd [ f Ge mstart, f Le ]
+ (Ne, 99, 99) -> QOr [ f Lt ystart, f Gt ]
+ (Ne, _, 99) -> QOr [ f Lt mstart, f Gt ]
+ -- Fuzzy Ge and Lt just need the date adjusted to the correct boundary
+ (Ge, 99, 99) -> f Ge ystart
+ (Ge, _, 99) -> f Ge mstart
+ (Lt, 99, 99) -> f Lt ystart
+ (Lt, _, 99) -> f Lt mstart
+ _ -> f model.op
+fromQuery : Data -> Query -> Maybe (Data, Model)
+fromQuery dat q =
+ let m op fuzzy date = Just (dat, { op = op, fuzzy = fuzzy, date = date })
+ fuzzyNeq op start end =
+ let se = R.expand start
+ ee = R.expand end
+ in if se.y == ee.y && (ee.m < 99 || se.m == 1) && se.d == 1 && ee.d == 99 then m op True end else Nothing
+ canFuzzy o e = e.y == 0 || e.y == 9999 || e.d /= 99 || o == Gt || o == Le
+ in
+ case q of
+ QAnd [QInt 7 Ge start, QInt 7 Le end] -> fuzzyNeq Eq start end
+ QOr [QInt 7 Lt start, QInt 7 Gt end] -> fuzzyNeq Ne start end
+ QInt 7 o v -> m o (canFuzzy o (R.expand v)) v
+ _ -> Nothing
+view : Model -> (Html Msg, () -> List (Html Msg))
+view model =
+ ( text <| showOp model.op ++ " " ++ R.format (R.expand
+ , \() ->
+ [ div [ class "advheader", style "width" "290px" ]
+ [ h3 [] [ text "Release date" ]
+ , div [ class "opts" ]
+ [ div [ class "opselect" ] <|
+ (\op ->
+ if model.op == op then b [] [ text (showOp op) ] else a [ href "#", onClickD (MOp op True) ] [ text (showOp op) ]
+ ) [Eq, Ne, Ge, Gt, Le, Lt]
+ , linkRadio model.fuzzy Fuzzy [ span [ title
+ <| "Without fuzzy matching, partial dates will always match after the last date of the chosen time period, "
+ ++ "e.g. \"< 2010-10\" would also match anything released in 2010-10 and \"= 2010-10\" would only match releases for which we don't know the exact date."
+ ++ "\n\nFuzzy match will adjust the query to do what you mean."
+ ] [ text "fuzzy" ] ]
+ ]
+ ]
+ , R.view True True Date
+ ]
+ )
diff --git a/elm/Lib/RDate.elm b/elm/Lib/RDate.elm
index 67888114..1eeac80d 100644
--- a/elm/Lib/RDate.elm
+++ b/elm/Lib/RDate.elm
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-- Utility module and UI widget for handling release dates.
--- Release dates are integers with the following format: 0 or yyyymmdd
+-- Release dates are integers with the following format: 0, 1 or yyyymmdd
-- Special values
--- 0 -> unknown
+-- 0 -> unknown
+-- 1 -> "today" (only used as filter)
-- 99999999 -> TBA
-- yyyy9999 -> year known, month & day unknown
-- yyyymm99 -> year & month known, day unknown
@@ -47,15 +48,17 @@ fromDate d =
normalize : RDateComp -> RDateComp
normalize r =
- if r.y == 0 then { y = 0, m = 0, d = 0 }
+ if r.y == 0 then { y = 0, m = 0, d = clamp 0 1 r.y }
else if r.y == 9999 then { y = 9999, m = 99, d = 99 }
- else if r.m == 99 then { y = r.y, m = 99, d = 99 }
+ else if r.m == 0 || r.m == 99 then { y = r.y, m = 99, d = 99 }
+ else if r.d == 0 then { r | d = 99 }
else r
format : RDateComp -> String
format date =
case (date.y, date.m, date.d) of
+ ( 0, 0, 1) -> "today"
( 0, _, _) -> "unknown"
(9999, _, _) -> "TBA"
( y, 99, 99) -> String.fromInt y
@@ -76,13 +79,14 @@ display today d =
-- longer valid results in an invalid RDate. It also causes the "-day-" option
-- to be selected (which is good), so I don't expect that many people will try
-- to submit the form without changing it.
-view : RDate -> Bool -> (RDate -> msg) -> Html msg
-view ro permitUnknown msg =
+view : RDate -> Bool -> Bool -> (RDate -> msg) -> Html msg
+view ro permitUnknown permitToday msg =
let r = expand ro
range from to f = List.range from to |> (\n -> (f n |> normalize |> compact, String.fromInt n))
- yl = (if permitUnknown then [(0, "Unknown")] else [])
- ++ [(99999999, "TBA")]
- ++ List.reverse (range 1980 (GT.curYear + 5) (\n -> {r|y=n}))
+ yl = (if permitToday then [(1, "Today" )] else [])
+ ++ (if permitUnknown then [(0, "Unknown")] else [])
+ ++ [(99999999, "TBA")]
+ ++ List.reverse (range 1980 (GT.curYear + 5) (\n -> {r|y=n}))
ml = ({r|m=99} |> normalize |> compact, "- month -") :: range 1 12 (\n -> {r|m=n})
maxDay = Date.fromCalendarDate r.y (Date.numberToMonth r.m) 1 |> Date.add Date.Months 1 |> Date.add Date.Days -1 |>
dl = ({r|d=99} |> normalize |> compact, "- day -") :: range 1 maxDay (\n -> {r|d=n})
diff --git a/elm/ReleaseEdit.elm b/elm/ReleaseEdit.elm
index b62678c9..9eef138a 100644
--- a/elm/ReleaseEdit.elm
+++ b/elm/ReleaseEdit.elm
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ viewGen model =
, formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.freeware Freeware, text " Freeware (i.e. available at no cost)" ] ]
, if model.patch then text "" else
formField "" [ label [] [ inputCheck "" model.doujin Doujin , text " Doujin (self-published, not by a company)" ] ]
- , formField "Release date" [ D.view model.released False Released, text " Leave month or day blank if they are unknown." ]
+ , formField "Release date" [ D.view model.released False False Released, text " Leave month or day blank if they are unknown." ]
, tr [ class "newpart" ] [ td [ colspan 2 ] [ text "Format" ] ]
, formField "Language(s)"