path: root/lib/Multi
diff options
authorYorhel <>2009-11-05 15:27:36 +0100
committerYorhel <>2009-11-05 15:27:36 +0100
commitc1d45ea2305cfb428c7378dfe99d930806c0253b (patch)
tree4feae1dd70cce5226b805e5cc0abd4b11cdae684 /lib/Multi
parent143925419c36cb3bab0ee772fa32bd9202667ff8 (diff)
Multi::API: Rewrote filtertosql()
The filters are now defined in the arguments rather than the function, the function simply provides the necessary means to define the filters in a concise way. This also means there's a lot less error handling code necessary, and therefore merged the 'filter*' error messages into one 'filter' error. This code is far more readable and maintainable than the previous implementation.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Multi')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Multi/ b/lib/Multi/
index 5012596d..f76585c3 100644
--- a/lib/Multi/
+++ b/lib/Multi/
@@ -63,80 +63,77 @@ sub formatdate {
+# see the notes after __END__ for an explanation of what this function does
sub filtertosql {
my($c, $p, $t, $field, $op, $value) = ($_[1], $_[2], $_[3], @{$_[0]});
my %e = ( field => $field, op => $op, value => $value );
+ # get the field that matches
$t = (grep $_->[0] eq $field, @$t)[0];
- return cerr $c, filterfield => "Unknown field '$field'", %e if !$t;
+ return cerr $c, filter => "Unknown field '$field'", %e if !$t;
shift @$t; # field name
- my $type = shift @$t;
- my %o = @$t;
- # integer, options: dbfield
- if($type eq 'int') {
- if($value && ref $value eq 'ARRAY') {
- return cerr $c, filterop => "Operator for '$field' must be either = or != for array values", %e if $op ne '=' && $op ne '!=';
- return cerr $c, filterval => "Array elements for '$field' must be integers", %e if grep !defined($_) || !/^\d+$/, @$value;
- push @$p, @$value;
- return sprintf '%s %s(%s)', $o{dbfield}, $op eq '=' ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN', join ',', map '?', @$value;
- } elsif(defined $value && !ref $value && $value =~ /^\d+$/) {
- my @ops = qw(= != > >= < <=);
- return cerr $c, filterop => "Operator for '$field' must be one of ".join(', ', @ops), %e if !grep $op eq $_, @ops;
- push @$p, $value;
- return sprintf '%s %s ?', $o{dbfield}, $op eq '!=' ? '<>' : $op;
- }
- return cerr $c, filterval => "Value for '$field' must be either an integer or an array of integers", %e;
- }
- # string, options: dbfield, null
- if($type eq 'str') {
- if(!defined $value) {
- return cerr $c, filterval => "null not allowed for '$field'", %e if !exists $o{null};
- return cerr $c, filterop => "Operator for '$field' must be either = or != for null", %e if $op ne '=' && $op ne '!=';
- return sprintf '%s %s', $o{dbfield}, $op eq '=' ? 'IS NULL' : 'IS NOT NULL' if !defined $o{null};
- push @$p, $o{null};
- return sprintf '%s %s ?', $o{dbfield}, $op eq '=' ? '=' : '<>';
- } elsif(ref($value) eq 'ARRAY') {
- return cerr $c, filterop => "Operator for '$field' must be either = or != for array values", %e if $op ne '=' && $op ne '!=';
- return cerr $c, filterval => "Array elements for '$field' must be scalars", %e if grep !defined($_) || ref($_), @$value;
- push @$p, @$value;
- return sprintf '%s %s(%s)', $o{dbfield}, $op eq '=' ? 'IN' : 'NOT IN', join ',', map '?', @$value;
- } elsif(!ref $value) {
- my @ops = qw(= != ~);
- if($op eq '=' || $op eq '!=') {
- push @$p, $value;
- return sprintf '%s %s ?', $o{dbfield}, $op eq '!=' ? '<>' : $op;
- } elsif($op eq '~') {
- $value =~ s/%//;
- push @$p, "%$value%";
- return sprintf '%s ILIKE ?', $o{dbfield};
- } else {
- return cerr $c, filterop => "Operator for '$field' must be =, != or ~", %e;
- }
- } else {
- return cerr $c, filterval => "Value for '$field' must be a string or an array of strings.", %e;
+ # get the type that matches
+ $t = (grep +(
+ # wrong operator? don't even look further!
+ !$_->[2]{$op} ? 0
+ # undef
+ : !defined($_->[0]) ? !defined($value)
+ # int
+ : $_->[0] eq 'int' ? (defined($value) && !ref($value) && $value =~ /^-?\d+$/)
+ # str
+ : $_->[0] eq 'str' ? defined($value) && !ref($value)
+ # inta
+ : $_->[0] eq 'inta' ? ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' && !grep(!defined($_) || ref($_) || $_ !~ /^-?\d+$/, @$value)
+ # stra
+ : $_->[0] eq 'stra' ? ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' && !grep(!defined($_) || ref($_), @$value)
+ # oops
+ : die "Invalid filter type $_->[0]"
+ ), @$t)[0];
+ return cerr $c, filter => 'Wrong field/operator/expression type combination', %e if !$t;
+ my($type, $sql, $ops, %o) = @$t;
+ # substistute :op: in $sql, which is the same for all types
+ $sql =~ s/:op:/$ops->{$op}/g;
+ # no further processing required for type=undef
+ return $sql if !defined $type;
+ # pre-process the argument(s)
+ for (!$o{process} ? () : ref($value) eq 'ARRAY' ? @$value : $value) {
+ if(!ref $o{process}) {
+ $_ = sprintf $o{process}, $_;
+ } elsif(ref($o{process}) eq 'CODE') {
+ $_ = $o{process}->($_);
+ } elsif(${$o{process}} eq 'like') {
+ y/%//;
+ $_ = "%$_%";
- # vn search
- if($type eq 'vnsearch') {
- return cerr $c, filterval => "Operator for '$field' must be ~.", %e if $op ne '~';
- return cerr $c, filterop => "Value for '$field' must be a string.", %e if !defined $value || ref $value;
- push @$p, "%$value%" for (1..4);
- return q|(vr.title ILIKE ?
- OR vr.alias ILIKE ?
- OR IN(
- SELECT rv.vid
- FROM releases r
- JOIN releases_rev rr ON = r.latest
- JOIN releases_vn rv ON rv.rid =
- WHERE rr.title ILIKE ?
- OR rr.original ILIKE ?
- ))|;
+ # type=str and type=int are now quite simple
+ if(!ref $value) {
+ $sql =~ s/:value:/push @$p, $value; '?'/eg;
+ return $sql;
- die "This shouldn't happen!";
+ # and do some processing for type=stra and type=inta
+ my @parameters;
+ if($o{serialize}) {
+ for (@$value) {
+ my $v = $o{serialize};
+ $v =~ s/:op:/$ops->{$op}/g;
+ $v =~ s/:value:/push @parameters, $_; '?'/eg;
+ $_ = $v;
+ }
+ } else {
+ @parameters = @$value;
+ $_ = '?' for @$value;
+ }
+ my $joined = join defined $o{join} ? $o{join} : '', @$value;
+ $sql =~ s/:value:/push @$p, @parameters; $joined/eg;
+ return $sql;
@@ -302,10 +299,32 @@ sub get_vn {
my @placeholders;
my $where = encode_filters $filters, \&filtertosql, $c, \@placeholders, [
- [ id => 'int', dbfield => '' ],
- [ title => 'str', dbfield => 'vr.title' ],
- [ original => 'str', dbfield => 'vr.original', null => '' ],
- [ search => 'vnsearch' ],
+ [ 'id',
+ [ 'int' => ' :op: :value:', {qw|= = != <> > > < < <= <= >= >=|} ],
+ [ inta => ' :op:(:value:)', {'=' => 'IN', '!= ' => 'NOT IN'}, join => ',' ],
+ ], [ 'title',
+ [ str => 'vr.title :op: :value:', {qw|= = != <>|} ],
+ [ str => 'vr.title ILIKE :value:', {'~',1}, process => \'like' ],
+ ], [ 'original',
+ [ undef, "vr.original :op: ''", {qw|= = != <>|} ],
+ [ str => 'vr.original :op: :value:', {qw|= = != <>|} ],
+ [ str => 'vr.original ILIKE :value:', {'~',1}, process => \'like' ]
+ ], [ 'platforms',
+ [ undef, "v.c_platforms :op: ''", {qw|= = != <>|} ],
+ [ str => 'v.c_platforms :op: :value:', {'=' => 'LIKE', '!=' => 'NOT LIKE'}, process => \'like' ],
+ [ stra => '(:value:)', {'=', 1}, join => ' OR ', serialize => 'v.c_platforms LIKE :value:', \'like' ],
+ [ stra => '(:value:)', {'!=',1}, join => ' AND ', serialize => 'v.c_platforms NOT LIKE :value:', \'like' ],
+ ], [ 'languages', # rather similar to platforms
+ [ undef, "v.c_languages :op: ''", {qw|= = != <>|} ],
+ [ str => 'v.c_languages :op: :value:', {'=' => 'LIKE', '!=' => 'NOT LIKE'}, process => \'like' ],
+ [ stra => '(:value:)', {'=', 1}, join => ' OR ', serialize => 'v.c_languages LIKE :value:', process => \'like' ],
+ [ stra => '(:value:)', {'!=',1}, join => ' AND ', serialize => 'v.c_languages NOT LIKE :value:', process => \'like' ],
+ ], [ 'search',
+ [ str => '(vr.title ILIKE :value: OR vr.alias ILIKE :value: OR IN(
+ SELECT rv.vid FROM releases r JOIN releases_rev rr ON = r.latest JOIN releases_vn rv ON rv.rid =
+ WHERE rr.title ILIKE :value: OR rr.original ILIKE :value:
+ ))', {'~', 1}, process => \'like' ],
+ ],
return if !$where;
@@ -333,3 +352,67 @@ sub get_vn_res {
+Filter definitions:
+ [ 'field name', [ type, 'sql string', { filterop => sqlop, .. }, %options{process serialize join} ] ]
+ type (does not have to be unique, to support multiple operators with different SQL but with the same type):
+ undef (null)
+ 'str' (normal string)
+ 'int' (normal int)
+ 'stra' (array of strings)
+ 'inra' (array of ints)
+ sql string:
+ The relevant SQL string, with :op: and :value: subsistutions. :value: is not available for type=undef
+ join: (only used when type is an array)
+ scalar, join string used when joining multiple values.
+ serialize: (serializes the values before join()'ing, only for arrays)
+ scalar, :op: and :value: subsistution
+ process: (process the value(s) that will be passed to Pg)
+ scalar, %s subsitutes the value
+ sub, argument = value, returns new value
+ scalarref, template:
+ \'like' => sub { (local$_=shift)=~y/%//; lc "%$_%" }
+ example for
+ [ 'id',
+ [ int => ' :op: :value:', {qw|= = != <> > > < < <= <= >= >=|} ],
+ [ inta => ' :op:(:value:)', {'=' => 'IN', '!= ' => 'NOT IN'}, join => ',' ]
+ ]
+ example for vr.original:
+ [ 'original',
+ [ undef, "vr.original :op: ''", {qw|= = != <>|} ],
+ [ str => 'vr.original :op: :value:', {qw|= = != <>|} ],
+ [ str => 'vr.original :op: :value:', {qw|~ ILIKE|}, process => \'like' ],
+ ]
+ example for v.c_platforms:
+ [ 'platforms',
+ [ undef, "v.c_platforms :op: ''", {qw|= = != <>|} ],
+ [ str => 'v.c_platforms :op: :value:', {'=' => 'LIKE', '!=' => 'NOT LIKE'}, process => \'like' ],
+ [ stra => '(:value:)', {'=' => 'LIKE', '!=' => 'NOT LIKE'}, join => ' or ', serialize => 'v.c_platforms :op: :value:', process => \'like' ],
+ ]
+ example for the VN search:
+ [ 'search', [ '(vr.title ILIKE :value:
+ OR vr.alias ILIKE :value:
+ OR IN(
+ SELECT rv.vid
+ FROM releases r
+ JOIN releases_rev rr ON = r.latest
+ JOIN releases_vn rv ON rv.rid =
+ WHERE rr.title ILIKE :value:
+ OR rr.original ILIKE :value:
+ ))', {'~', 1}, process => \'like'
+ ]],
+ example for vn_anime (for the sake of the example...)
+ [ 'anime',
+ [ undef, ':op:(SELECT 1 FROM vn_anime va WHERE va.vid =', {'=' => 'EXISTS', '!=' => 'NOT EXISTS'} ],
+ [ int => ' :op:(SELECT va.vid FROM vn_anime va WHERE va.aid = :value:)', {'=' => 'IN', '!=' => 'NOT IN'} ],
+ [ inta => ' :op:(SELECT va.vid FROM vn_anime va WHERE va.aid IN(:value:))', {'=' => 'IN', '!=' => 'NOT IN'}, join => ','],
+ ]