path: root/lib/Multi
diff options
authorYorhel <>2014-10-31 17:48:18 +0100
committerYorhel <>2014-10-31 17:48:43 +0100
commitef8d766e5fb6b2ccea54126083303cf9b68ca91d (patch)
tree261d4c438c6075b558ecf9f057a2b3721816d100 /lib/Multi
parentd37d05be17a6c8fb00f691f4a8bd15e9788beddd (diff)
Multi::IRC: Converted to use AnyEvent
It's not as fully featured as the previous implementation, but most of those features haven't been used for the past few years anyway. Also added a generic throttle implementation in Multi::Core, which can be re-used for the API.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Multi')
2 files changed, 379 insertions, 525 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Multi/ b/lib/Multi/
index c88e007c..3e9f8eb0 100644
--- a/lib/Multi/
+++ b/lib/Multi/
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@ use DBI;
use POSIX 'setsid', 'pause', 'SIGUSR1';
use Exporter 'import';
-our @EXPORT = qw|pg pg_cmd pg_expect schedule push_watcher|;
+our @EXPORT = qw|pg pg_cmd pg_expect schedule push_watcher throttle|;
my $PG;
my $logger;
my $pidfile;
my $stopcv;
+my %throttle; # id => timeout
my @watchers;
@@ -135,6 +136,7 @@ sub run {
AE::log info => "Starting Multi $VNDB::S{version}";
+ push_watcher(schedule(60, 10*60, \&throttle_gc));
@@ -210,6 +212,27 @@ sub pg_cmd {
+# Generic throttling function, returns 1 if the action is throttled.
+# Using a weight of 0 will just check the throttle without affecting it.
+sub throttle {
+ my($config, $id, $weight) = @_;
+ my($interval, $burst) = @$config;
+ $weight ||= 1;
+ my $n = AE::now;
+ $throttle{$id} = $n if !$throttle{$id} || $throttle{$id} < $n;
+ return 1 if $throttle{$id}-$n > $burst*$interval;
+ $throttle{$id} += $interval*$weight;
+ return 0;
+sub throttle_gc {
+ my $n = AE::now;
+ delete $throttle{$_} for grep $throttle{$_} < $n, keys %throttle;
# Tiny class for forwarding output for STDERR/STDOUT to the log file using tie().
package Multi::Core::STDIO;
diff --git a/lib/Multi/ b/lib/Multi/
index cdf52847..93691660 100644
--- a/lib/Multi/
+++ b/lib/Multi/
@@ -7,26 +7,16 @@ package Multi::IRC;
use strict;
use warnings;
-use POE qw|
- Component::IRC::State
- Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector
- Component::IRC::Plugin::CTCP
- Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger
-use POE::Component::IRC::Common ':ALL';
-use Time::HiRes 'time';
+use Multi::Core;
+use AnyEvent::IRC::Client;
+use AnyEvent::IRC::Util 'prefix_nick';
use VNDBUtil 'normalize_query';
use TUWF::Misc 'uri_escape';
+use POSIX 'strftime';
-use constant {
- USER => ARG0,
- DEST => ARG1,
- ARG => ARG2,
- MASK => ARG3,
- # long subquery used in several places
- GETBOARDS => q{array_to_string(array(
+# long subquery used in several places
+my $GETBOARDS = q{array_to_string(array(
SELECT tb.type||COALESCE(':'||COALESCE(u.username, vr.title,, '')
FROM threads_boards tb
LEFT JOIN vn v ON tb.type = 'v' AND = tb.iid
@@ -36,252 +26,297 @@ use constant {
LEFT JOIN users u ON tb.type = 'u' AND = tb.iid
WHERE tb.tid =
ORDER BY tb.type, tb.iid
- ), ', ') AS boards},
+ ), ', ') AS boards};
+my $LIGHT_BLUE = "\x0312";
+my $RED = "\x0304";
+my $BOLD = "\x02";
+my $NORMAL = "\x0f";
+my $LIGHT_GREY = "\x0315";
my $irc;
+my @quotew;
+my %lastnotify;
-sub spawn {
- my $p = shift;
- $irc = POE::Component::IRC::State->spawn(
- alias => 'circ',
- NoDNS => 1,
- );
- POE::Session->create(
- package_states => [
- $p => [qw|
- _start shutdown throttle_gc irc_001 irc_public irc_ctcp_action irc_msg
- command idlequote reply notify_init notify notify_result
- cmd_info cmd_list cmd_uptime cmd_vn cmd_vn_results cmd_p cmd_p_results cmd_quote cmd_quote_result
- cmd_scr cmd_scr_result cmd_say cmd_me cmd_notifications cmd_eval cmd_die cmd_post cmd_api vndbid formatid
- |],
- ],
- heap => {
- nick => 'Multi_test'.$$,
- server => '',
- ircname => ' Multi',
- channels => [ '#vndb' ],
- masters => [ 'yorhel!*@*' ],
- @_,
- throttle => {},
- idlequotes => {},
- notify => {},
- commands => {
- info => 0, # argument = authentication level/flags,
- list => 0, # 0: everyone,
- uptime => 0, # 1: only OPs in the first channel listed in @channels
- vn => 0, # 2: only users matching the mask in @masters
- p => 0, # |8: has to be addressed to the bot (e.g. 'Multi: eval' instead of '!eval')
- quote => 0,
- scr => 0,
- say => 1|8,
- me => 1|8,
- notifications => 1,
- eval => 2|8,
- die => 2|8,
- post => 2|8,
- api => 2|8,
- },
- }
- );
+my %O = (
+ nick => 'Multi_test'.$$,
+ server => '',
+ ircname => ' Multi',
+ channels => [ '#vndb' ],
+ masters => [ 'Yorhel!~Ayo@your.hell' ],
+ throt_sameid => [ 60, 0 ], # spamming the same vndbid
+ throt_vndbid => [ 5, 5 ], # spamming vndbids in general
+ throt_cmd => [ 10, 2 ], # handling commands from a single user
+sub run {
+ shift;
+ %O = (%O, @_);
+ $irc = AnyEvent::IRC::Client->new;
+ set_cbs();
+ set_logger();
+ set_quotew($_) for (0..$#{$O{channels}});
+ set_notify();
+ $irc->connect($O{server}, 6667, { nick => $O{nick}, user => 'u1', real => $O{ircname} });
-# non-POE helper function
-# Arguments: $_[HEAP], key, timeout, (optional) num
-# no key = remove all keys with no activity in the last hour
-# returns false if throttling isn't necessary for that key
-sub throttle {
- my($heap, $key, $tm, $num) = @_;
- my $time = time;
- # garbage collect
- return ($heap->{throttle} = {
- map $heap->{throttle}{$_} > $time ? ($_, $heap->{throttle}{$_}) : (), keys %{$heap->{throttle}}
- }) if !$key;
- $heap->{throttle}{$key} = $time if !$heap->{throttle}{$key} || $heap->{throttle}{$key} < $time;
- $num ||= 1;
- return 1 if $heap->{throttle}{$key}-$time > $tm*($num-1);
- $heap->{throttle}{$key} += $tm;
- return 0;
+sub unload {
+ @quotew = ();
+ # TODO: Wait until we've nicely disconnected?
+ $irc->disconnect('Closing...');
+ undef $irc;
-sub age {
- return '-' if !$_[0];
- my $d = int $_[0] / 86400;
- $_[0] %= 86400;
- my $h = int $_[0] / 3600;
- $_[0] %= 3600;
- my $m = int $_[0] / 60;
- $_[0] %= 60;
- return sprintf '%s%02d:%02d:%02d', $d ? $d.' day'.($d>1?'s':'').', ' : '', $h, $m, int $_[0];
+sub send_quote {
+ my $chan = shift;
+ pg_cmd 'SELECT quote FROM quotes ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1', undef, sub {
+ return if pg_expect $_[0], 1 or !$_[0]->nRows;
+ $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, $_[0]->value(0,0));
+ };
-sub _start {
- $_[KERNEL]->alias_set('irc');
+sub set_quotew {
+ my $idx = shift;
+ $quotew[$idx] = AE::timer +(4*3600)+rand()*(30*3600), 0, sub {
+ send_quote($O{channels}[$idx]) if $irc->registered;
+ set_quotew($idx);
+ };
- $irc->plugin_add(
- Logger => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger->new(
- Path => $VNDB::M{log_dir},
- Private => 0,
- Public => 1,
- ));
- $irc->plugin_add(
- Connector => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Connector->new()
- );
- $irc->plugin_add(
- CTCP => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CTCP->new(
- version => $_[HEAP]{ircname}.' v'.$VNDB::S{version},
- userinfo => $_[HEAP]{ircname},
- ));
- if($_[HEAP]{pass}) {
- require POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickServID;
- $irc->plugin_add(
- NickServID => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::NickServID->new(
- Password => $_[HEAP]{pass}
- ))
- }
- if($_[HEAP]{console}) {
- require POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Console;
- $irc->plugin_add(
- Console => POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Console->new(
- bindport => 3030,
- password => $_[HEAP]{console}
- ))
- }
- $irc->yield(register => 'all');
- $irc->yield(connect => {
- Nick => $_[HEAP]{nick},
- Username => 'u1',
- Ircname => $_[HEAP]{ircname},
- Server => $_[HEAP]{server},
+sub set_cbs {
+ $irc->reg_cb(registered => sub {
+ AE::log warn => "IRC connection error: $_[1]" if $_[1];
+ AE::log info => 'Connected to IRC' if !$_[1];
+ $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => NickServ => "IDENTIFY $O{pass}") if $O{pass} && $irc->is_my_nick($O{nick});
+ $irc->send_msg(JOIN => join ',', @{$O{channels}});
- $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => listen =>
- newrevision => 'notify',
- newpost => 'notify',
- newtag => 'notify',
- newtrait => 'notify',
- );
- $_[HEAP]{notify}{$_[HEAP]{channels}[0]} = 1;
- # get last id/time for each notify item
- $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => query => q|SELECT
- (SELECT id FROM changes ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS rev,
- (SELECT id FROM tags ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS tag,
- (SELECT id FROM traits ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS trait,
- (SELECT date FROM threads_posts ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1) AS post|,
- undef, 'notify_init');
+ # TODO: Do we need to reconnect manually?
+ $irc->reg_cb(disconnect => sub { AE::log info => 'Disconnected from IRC'; });
- $_[KERNEL]->sig(shutdown => 'shutdown');
- $_[KERNEL]->delay(throttle_gc => 1800);
- $_[KERNEL]->delay(idlequote => 300);
+ #$irc->reg_cb(read => sub {
+ # require Data::Dumper;
+ # AE::log trace => "Received: ".Data::Dumper::Dumper($_[1]);
+ #});
+ $irc->ctcp_auto_reply(VERSION => ['VERSION', "$O{ircname}:$VNDB::S{version}:AnyEvent"]);
+ $irc->ctcp_auto_reply(USERINFO => ['USERINFO', ":$O{ircname}"]);
-sub shutdown {
- $irc->yield(shutdown => $_[ARG1]);
- $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => unlisten => qw|newrevision newpost newtag newtrait|);
- $_[KERNEL]->delay('throttle_gc');
- $_[KERNEL]->delay('idlequote');
- $_[KERNEL]->alias_remove('irc');
+ $irc->reg_cb(publicmsg => sub { my @a = (prefix_nick($_[2]->{prefix}), $_[1], $_[2]->{params}[1]); command(@a) || vndbid(@a); });
+ $irc->reg_cb(privatemsg => sub { my $n = prefix_nick($_[2]->{prefix}); command($n, $n, $_[2]->{params}[1]) });
+ $irc->reg_cb(ctcp_action => sub { vndbid($_[1], $_[2], $_[3]) });
-sub throttle_gc {
- throttle $_[HEAP];
- $_[KERNEL]->delay(throttle_gc => 1800);
+sub set_logger {
+ # Uses the same logging format as Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger
+ # Only logs channel chat, joins, quits, kicks and topic/nick changes
+ my $l = sub {
+ my($chan, $msg, @arg) = @_;
+ return if !grep $chan eq $_, @{$O{channels}};
+ open my $F, '>>:utf8', "$VNDB::M{log_dir}/$chan" or die $!;
+ print $F strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', localtime).' '.sprintf($msg, @arg)."\n";
+ };
+ $irc->reg_cb(join => sub {
+ my(undef, $nick, $chan) = @_;
+ $l->($chan, '--> %s (%s) joins %s', $nick, $irc->nick_ident($nick)||'', $chan);
+ });
+ $irc->reg_cb(part => sub {
+ my(undef, $nick, $chan, undef $msg) = @_;
+ $l->($chan, '<-- %s (%s) quits (%s)', $nick, $irc->nick_ident($nick)||'', $msg);
+ });
+ $irc->reg_cb(kick => sub {
+ my(undef, $nick, $chan, undef, $msg, $kicker) = @_;
+ $l->($chan, '<-- %s kicks %s from %s (%s)', $kicker, $nick, $chan, $msg);
+ });
+ $irc->reg_cb(channel_change => sub {
+ my(undef, undef, $chan, $old, $new) = @_;
+ $l->($chan, '--- %s is now known as %s', $old, $new);
+ });
+ $irc->reg_cb(channel_topic => sub {
+ my(undef, $chan, $topic, $nick) = @_;
+ $l->($chan, '--- %s changes the topic to: %s', $nick||'server', $topic);
+ });
+ $irc->reg_cb(publicmsg => sub {
+ my(undef, $chan, $msg) = @_;
+ $l->($chan, '<%s> %s', prefix_nick($msg->{prefix}), $msg->{params}[1]);
+ });
+ $irc->reg_cb(ctcp_action => sub {
+ my(undef, $nick, $chan, $msg) = @_;
+ $l->($chan, '* %s %s', $nick, $msg);
+ });
+ $irc->reg_cb(sent => sub {
+ my(undef, $prefix, $cmd, @args) = @_;
+ # XXX: Doesn't handle CTCP ACTION
+ $l->($args[0], '<%s> %s', $irc->nick(), $args[1]) if lc $cmd eq 'privmsg';
+ });
-sub irc_001 {
- $irc->yield(join => $_) for (@{$_[HEAP]{channels}});
- $_[KERNEL]->call(core => log => 'Connected to IRC');
+sub set_notify {
+ pg_cmd q{SELECT
+ (SELECT id FROM changes ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS rev,
+ (SELECT id FROM tags ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS tag,
+ (SELECT id FROM traits ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS trait,
+ (SELECT date FROM threads_posts ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1) AS post
+ }, undef, sub {
+ return if pg_expect $_[0], 1;
+ %lastnotify = %{($_[0]->rowsAsHashes())[0]};
+ push_watcher pg->listen($_, on_notify => \&notify) for qw{newrevision newpost newtag newtrait};
+ };
-sub irc_public { # mask, dest, msg
- $_[HEAP]{idlequotes}{ lc($_[ARG1][0]) } = 0;
- return if $_[KERNEL]->call($_[SESSION] => command => @_[ARG0..$#_]);
- $_[KERNEL]->call($_[SESSION] => vndbid => $_[ARG1], $_[ARG2]);
+# formats and posts database items listed in @res, where each item is a hashref with:
+# type database item in [dvprtug]
+# id database id
+# title main name or title of the DB entry
+# rev (optional) revision, post number or section number
+# username (optional) relevant username
+# section (optional, for d+.+) section title
+# boards (optional) board titles the thread has been posted in
+# comments (optional) edit summary
+sub formatid {
+ my($res, $dest, $notify) = @_;
+ my $c = $notify ? $LIGHT_BLUE : $RED;
-sub irc_ctcp_action { # mask, dest, msg
- $_[KERNEL]->call($_[SESSION] => vndbid => $_[ARG1], $_[ARG2]);
+ # only the types for which creation/edit announcements matter
+ my %types = (
+ v => 'visual novel',
+ p => 'producer',
+ r => 'release',
+ c => 'character',
+ g => 'tag',
+ i => 'trait',
+ t => 'thread',
+ );
+ for (@$res) {
+ my $id = $_->{type}.$_->{id} . ($_->{rev} ? '.'.$_->{rev} : '');
-sub irc_msg { # mask, dest, msg
- return if $_[KERNEL]->call($_[SESSION] => command => $_[ARG0], [scalar parse_user($_[ARG0])], $_[ARG2]);
+ # (always) [x+.+]
+ my @msg = ("$BOLD$c"."[$NORMAL$BOLD$id$c]$NORMAL");
- my $usr = parse_user($_[ARG0]);
- $irc->yield(notice => $usr, 'I am not human, join #vndb or PM Yorhel if you need something.')
- unless throttle $_[HEAP], "pm-$usr", 30;
+ # (only if username key is present) Edit of / New item / reply to / whatever
+ push @msg, $c.(
+ ($_->{rev}||1) == 1 ? "New $types{$_->{type}}" :
+ $_->{type} eq 't' ? 'Reply to' : 'Edit of'
+ ).$NORMAL if $_->{username};
+ # (always) main title
+ push @msg, $_->{title};
-sub command { # mask, dest, msg
- my($mask, $dest, $msg) = @_[ARG0..$#_];
+ # (only if boards key is present) Posted in [boards]
+ push @msg, $c."Posted in$NORMAL $_->{boards}" if $_->{boards};
- my $me = $irc->nick_name();
- my $addressed = $dest->[0] !~ /^#/ || $msg =~ s/^\s*\Q$me\E[:,;.!?~]?\s*//;
- return 0 if !$addressed && !($msg =~ s/^\s*!//);
+ # (only if username key is present) By [username]
+ push @msg, $c."By$NORMAL $_->{username}" if $_->{username};
- return 0 if $msg !~ /^([a-z]+)(?:\s+(.+))?$/;
- my($cmd, $arg) = ($1, $2);
- return 0 if !exists $_[HEAP]{commands}{$cmd} || ($_[HEAP]{commands}{$cmd} & 8) && !$addressed;
+ # (only if comments key is present) Summary:
+ $_->{comments} =~ s/\n/ /g if $_->{comments};
+ push @msg, $c."Summary:$NORMAL ".(
+ length $_->{comments} > 40 ? substr($_->{comments}, 0, 37).'...' : $_->{comments}
+ ) if defined $_->{comments};
- my $lvl = $_[HEAP]{commands}{$cmd} & ~8;
- my $usr = parse_user($mask);
- my $ulvl = grep(matches_mask($_, $mask), @{$_[HEAP]{masters}}) ? 2 :
- ($irc->is_channel_operator($_[HEAP]{channels}[0], $usr) || $irc->is_channel_owner($_[HEAP]{channels}[0], $usr)) ? 1 : 0;
+ # (for d+.+) -> section title
+ push @msg, $c."->$NORMAL $_->{section}" if $_->{section};
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $dest,
- $dest->[0] eq $_[HEAP]{channels}[0] ? 'Only OPs can do that!' : "Only $_[HEAP]{channel}[0] OPs can do that!", $usr) || 1
- if $lvl == 1 && $ulvl < 1;
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $dest, 'You are not my master!', $usr) || 1
- if $lvl == 2 && $ulvl < 2;
+ # (always) @ URL
+ push @msg, $c."@ $NORMAL$LIGHT_GREY$VNDB::S{url}/$id$NORMAL";
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield('cmd_'.$cmd, $usr, $dest, $arg, $mask) || 1;
+ # now post it
+ $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $dest, join ' ', @msg);
+ }
-sub idlequote {
- for (keys %{$_[HEAP]{idlequotes}}) {
- next if --$_[HEAP]{idlequotes}{$_} > 0;
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(cmd_quote => '', [$_]) if $_[HEAP]{idlequotes}{$_} == 0 && !throttle $_[HEAP], "idlequote_$_", 48*3600;
- $_[HEAP]{idlequotes}{$_} = int(60+rand(300));
+sub handleid {
+ my($chan, $t, $id, $rev) = @_;
+ # Some common exceptions
+ return if grep "$t$id$rev" eq $_, qw|v1 v2 v3 v4 u2 i3 i5 i7|;
+ return if throttle $O{throt_vndbid}, 'irc_vndbid';
+ return if throttle $O{throt_sameid}, "irc_sameid_$t$id$rev";
+ my $c = sub {
+ return if pg_expect $_[0], 1;
+ formatid([$_[0]->rowsAsHashes], $chan, 0) if $_[0]->nRows;
+ };
+ # plain vn/user/producer/thread/tag/trait/release
+ pg_cmd 'SELECT $1::text AS type, $2::integer AS id, '.(
+ $t eq 'v' ? 'vr.title FROM vn_rev vr JOIN vn v ON v.latest = WHERE = $2' :
+ $t eq 'u' ? 'u.username AS title FROM users u WHERE = $2' :
+ $t eq 'p' ? ' AS title FROM producers_rev pr JOIN producers p ON p.latest = WHERE = $2' :
+ $t eq 'c' ? ' AS title FROM chars_rev cr JOIN chars c ON c.latest = WHERE = $2' :
+ $t eq 't' ? 'title, '.$GETBOARDS.' FROM threads t WHERE id = $2' :
+ $t eq 'g' ? 'name AS title FROM tags WHERE id = $2' :
+ $t eq 'i' ? 'name AS title FROM traits WHERE id = $2' :
+ 'rr.title FROM releases_rev rr JOIN releases r ON r.latest = WHERE = $2'),
+ [ $t, $id ], $c if !$rev && $t =~ /[vprtugic]/;
+ # edit/insert of vn/release/producer or discussion board post
+ pg_cmd 'SELECT $1::text AS type, $2::integer AS id, $3::integer AS rev, '.(
+ $t eq 'v' ? 'vr.title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN vn_rev vr ON = JOIN users u ON = c.requester WHERE vr.vid = $2 AND c.rev = $3' :
+ $t eq 'r' ? 'rr.title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN releases_rev rr ON = JOIN users u ON = c.requester WHERE rr.rid = $2 AND c.rev = $3' :
+ $t eq 'p' ? ' AS title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN producers_rev pr ON = JOIN users u ON = c.requester WHERE = $2 AND c.rev = $3' :
+ $t eq 'c' ? ' AS title, u.username, h.comments FROM changes h JOIN chars_rev cr ON = JOIN users u ON = h.requester WHERE cr.cid = $2 AND h.rev = $3' :
+ 't.title, u.username, '.$GETBOARDS.' FROM threads t JOIN threads_posts tp ON tp.tid = JOIN users u ON = tp.uid WHERE = $2 AND tp.num = $3'),
+ [ $t, $id, $rev], $c if $rev && $t =~ /[vprtc]/;
+ # documentation page (need to parse the doc pages manually here)
+ if($t eq 'd') {
+ my $f = sprintf $VNDB::ROOT.'/data/docs/%d', $id;
+ my($title, $sec, $sub) = (undef, 0);
+ open my $F, '<', $f or next;
+ while(<$F>) {
+ chomp;
+ $title = $1 if /^:TITLE:(.+)$/;
+ $sub = $1 if $rev && /^:SUB:(.+)$/ && ++$sec == $rev;
+ }
+ close $F;
+ next if $rev && !$sub;
+ formatid([{type => 'd', id => $id, title => $title, rev => $rev, section => $sub}], $chan, 0);
- $_[KERNEL]->delay(idlequote => 60);
-# convenience function
-sub reply { # target, msg [, mask/user]
- my $usr = $_[ARG0][0] =~ /^#/ && parse_user($_[ARG2]);
- $irc->yield($_[ARG0][0] =~ /^#/ ? 'privmsg' : 'notice', $_[ARG0], ($usr ? "$usr, " : '').$_[ARG1]);
+sub vndbid {
+ my($nick, $chan, $msg) = @_;
+ return if $msg =~ /^\Q$BOLD/; # Never reply to another multi's spam. And ignore idiots who use bold. :D
-sub notify_init { # num, res
- my $r = $_[ARG1][0];
- $_[HEAP]{lastrev} = $r->{rev};
- $_[HEAP]{lasttag} = $r->{tag};
- $_[HEAP]{lasttrait} = $r->{trait};
- $_[HEAP]{lastpost} = $r->{post};
+ my @id; # [ type, id, ref ]
+ for (split /[, ]/, $msg) {
+ next if length > 15 or m{[a-z]{3,6}://}i; # weed out URLs and too long things
+ push @id, /^(?:.*[^\w]|)([dvprtc])([1-9][0-9]*)\.([1-9][0-9]*)(?:[^\w].*|)$/ ? [ $1, $2, $3 ] # x+.+
+ : /^(?:.*[^\w]|)([dvprtugic])([1-9][0-9]*)(?:[^\w].*|)$/ ? [ $1, $2, '' ] : (); # x+
+ }
+ handleid($chan, @$_) for @id;
-sub notify { # name, pid, payload
- my $k = $_[ARG0] eq 'newrevision' ? 'lastrev' : $_[ARG0] eq 'newpost' ? 'lastpost' : $_[ARG0] eq 'newtrait' ? 'lasttrait' : 'lasttag';
- return if !$_[HEAP]{$k};
- my $q = $_[ARG0] eq 'newrevision' ? q|SELECT
- c.type, c.rev, c.comments, AS lastrev,
+sub notify {
+ my(undef, $sel) = @_;
+ my $k = {qw|newrevision rev newpost post newtrait trait newtag tag|}->{$sel};
+ return if !$k || !$lastnotify{$k};
+ my $q = {
+ rev => q{
+ SELECT c.type, c.rev, c.comments, AS lastid,
COALESCE(vr.vid, rr.rid,, cr.cid) AS id, COALESCE(vr.title, rr.title,, AS title, u.username
FROM changes c
LEFT JOIN vn_rev vr ON c.type = 'v' AND =
@@ -289,371 +324,167 @@ sub notify { # name, pid, payload
LEFT JOIN producers_rev pr ON c.type = 'p' AND =
LEFT JOIN chars_rev cr ON c.type = 'c' AND =
JOIN users u ON = c.requester
- WHERE > ? AND c.requester <> 1
- ORDER BY c.added|
- : $_[ARG0] eq 'newpost' ? q|SELECT
- 't' AS type, tp.tid AS id, tp.num AS rev, t.title, u.username, AS lastpost, |.GETBOARDS.q|
+ WHERE > $1 AND c.requester <> 1
+ post => q{
+ SELECT 't' AS type, tp.tid AS id, tp.num AS rev, t.title, u.username, AS lastid, }.$GETBOARDS.q{
FROM threads_posts tp
JOIN threads t ON = tp.tid
JOIN users u ON = tp.uid
- WHERE > ? AND tp.num = 1
- : $_[ARG0] eq 'newtrait' ? q|SELECT
- 'i' AS type,, AS title, u.username, AS lasttrait
+ WHERE > $1 AND tp.num = 1
+ trait => q{
+ SELECT 'i' AS type,, AS title, u.username, AS lastid
FROM traits t
JOIN users u ON = t.addedby
- WHERE > ?
- ORDER BY t.added|
- : q|SELECT
- 'g' AS type,, AS title, u.username, AS lasttag
+ WHERE > $1
+ tag => q{
+ SELECT 'g' AS type,, AS title, u.username, AS lastid
FROM tags t
JOIN users u ON = t.addedby
- WHERE > ?
- ORDER BY t.added|;
+ WHERE > $1
+ }->{$k};
- $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => query => $q, [ $_[HEAP]{$k} ], 'notify_result');
+ pg_cmd $q, [ $lastnotify{$k} ], sub {
+ my $res = shift;
+ return if pg_expect $res, 1;
+ my @res = $res->rowsAsHashes;
+ $lastnotify{$k} = $_->{lastid} for (@res);
+ formatid \@res, $O{channels}[0], 1;
+ };
-sub notify_result { # num, res
- return if $_[ARG0] < 1;
- my $r = $_[ARG1][$#{$_[ARG1]}];
- $r->{$_} and ($_[HEAP]{$_} = $r->{$_}) for (qw|lastrev lastpost lasttag lasttrait|);
- return if !keys %{$_[HEAP]{notify}};
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(formatid => $_[ARG0], $_[ARG1], [ [ keys %{$_[HEAP]{notify}} ], 1 ]);
-# I R C C O M M A N D S
-sub cmd_info {
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST],
- 'Hi! I am HMX-12 Multi '.$VNDB::S{version}.', the IRC bot of '.$VNDB::S{url}.'/, written by the great Yorhel!');
-sub cmd_list {
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST],
- $_[DEST][0] =~ /^#/ ? 'This is not a warez channel!' : 'I am not a warez bot!', $_[USER]);
+# command => [ admin_only, need_bot_prefix, sub->(nick, chan, cmd_args) ]
+my %cmds = (
-sub cmd_uptime {
- open my $R, '<', '/proc/uptime';
- my $server = <$R> =~ /^\s*([0-9]+)/ ? $1 : 0;
- close $R;
- my $multi = time - $^T;
+info => [ 0, 0, sub {
+ $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $_[1],
+ 'Hi! I am HMX-12 Multi '.$VNDB::S{version}.', the IRC bot of '.$VNDB::S{url}.'/, written by the great master Yorhel!');
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], sprintf 'Server uptime: %s -- mine: %s', age($server), age($multi));
+list => [ 0, 0, sub {
+ $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $_[1],
+ $irc->is_channel_name($_[1]) ? 'This is not a warez channel!' : 'I am not a warez bot!');
+quote => [ 0, 0, sub { send_quote($_[1]) } ],
-sub cmd_vn {
- my $q = $_[ARG];
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'You forgot the search query, dummy~~!', $_[USER]) if !$q;
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'Stop abusing me, it\'s not like I enjoy spamming this channel!', $_[USER])
- if throttle $_[HEAP], "query-$_[USER]-$_[DEST][0]", 60, 3;
+vn => [ 0, 0, sub {
+ my($nick, $chan, $q) = @_;
+ return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'You forgot the search query, dummy~~!') if !$q;
my @q = normalize_query($q);
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST],
- "Couldn't do anything with that search query, you might want to add quotes or use longer words.",
- $_[USER]) if !@q;
+ return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan,
+ "Couldn't do anything with that search query, you might want to add quotes or use longer words.") if !@q;
- my $w = join ' AND ', map 'v.c_search LIKE ?', @q;
- $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => query => qq{
+ my $w = join ' AND ', map "v.c_search LIKE \$$_", 1..@q;
+ pg_cmd qq{
SELECT 'v'::text AS type,, vr.title
FROM vn v
JOIN vn_rev vr ON = v.latest
WHERE NOT v.hidden AND $w
ORDER BY vr.title
- }, [ map "%$_%", @q ], 'cmd_vn_results', \@_);
-sub cmd_vn_results { # num, res, \@_
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[ARG2][DEST], 'No visual novels found', $_[ARG2][USER]) if $_[ARG0] < 1;
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[ARG2][DEST], sprintf(
- 'Too many results found, see %s/v/all?q=%s', $VNDB::S{url}, uri_escape($_[ARG2][ARG])
- ), $_[ARG2][USER]) if $_[ARG0] > 5;
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(formatid => $_[ARG0], $_[ARG1], [$_[ARG2][DEST]]);
-sub cmd_p {
- (my $q = $_[ARG]||'') =~ s/%//g;
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'You forgot the search query, dummy~~!', $_[USER]) if !$q;
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'Stop abusing me, it\'s not like I enjoy spamming this channel!', $_[USER])
- if throttle $_[HEAP], "query-$_[USER]-$_[DEST][0]", 60, 3;
- $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => query => q|
+ }, [ map "%$_%", @q ], sub {
+ my $res = shift;
+ return if pg_expect $res, 1;
+ return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'No visual novels found.') if !$res->nRows;
+ return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan,
+ sprintf 'Too many results found, see %s/v/all?q=%s', $VNDB::S{url}, uri_escape($q)) if $res->nRows > 5;
+ formatid([$res->rowsAsHashes()], $chan, 0);
+ };
+p => [ 0, 0, sub {
+ my($nick, $chan, $q) = @_;
+ return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'You forgot the search query, dummy~~!') if !$q;
+ pg_cmd q{
SELECT 'p'::text AS type,, AS title
FROM producers p
JOIN producers_rev pr ON = p.latest
WHERE p.hidden = FALSE AND ( ILIKE $1 OR pr.original ILIKE $1 OR pr.alias ILIKE $1)
- LIMIT 6|, [ "%$q%" ], "cmd_p_results", \@_);
-sub cmd_p_results { # num, res, \@_
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[ARG2][DEST], 'No producers found', $_[ARG2][USER]) if $_[ARG0] < 1;
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[ARG2][DEST], sprintf(
- 'Too many results found, see %s/p/all?q=%s', $VNDB::S{url}, uri_escape($_[ARG2][ARG])
- ), $_[ARG2][USER]) if $_[ARG0] > 5;
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(formatid => $_[ARG0], $_[ARG1], [$_[ARG2][DEST]]);
-sub cmd_quote {
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'Stop abusing me, it\'s not like I enjoy spamming this channel!', $_[USER])
- if throttle $_[HEAP], "query-$_[USER]-$_[DEST][0]", 60, 3;
- $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => query => q|SELECT quote FROM quotes ORDER BY random() LIMIT 1|, undef, 'cmd_quote_result', [ $_[DEST], $_[USER] ] );
-sub cmd_quote_result { # 1, res, [ dest, user ]
- return if $_[ARG0] < 1;
- return $_[KERNEL]->post(circ => kick => $_[ARG2][0][0] => $_[ARG2][1] => $_[ARG1][0]{quote}) if $_[ARG2][0][0] =~ /^#/ && rand(5) <= 1;
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[ARG2][0] => $_[ARG1][0]{quote});
-sub cmd_scr {
- my $q = $_[ARG]||'';
- $q = $1 if $q =~ /([0-9]+)\.jpg/;
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST],
+ }, [ "%$q%" ], sub {
+ my $res = shift;
+ return if pg_expect $res, 1;
+ return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'No producers novels found.') if !$res->nRows;
+ return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan,
+ sprintf 'Too many results found, see %s/p/all?q=%s', $VNDB::S{url}, uri_escape($q)) if $res->nRows > 5;
+ formatid([$res->rowsAsHashes()], $chan, 0);
+ };
+scr => [ 0, 0, sub {
+ my($nick, $chan, $q) = @_;
+ return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan.
q|Sorry, I failed to comprehend which screenshot you'd like me to lookup for you,|
- .q| please understand that Yorhel was not willing to supply me with mind reading capabilities.|,
- $_[USER]) if !$q || $q !~ /^[0-9]+$/;
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'Stop abusing me, it\'s not like I enjoy spamming this channel!', $_[USER])
- if throttle $_[HEAP], "query-$_[USER]-$_[DEST][0]", 60, 3;
- $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => query => q|
+ .q| please understand that Yorhel was not willing to supply me with mind reading capabilities.|)
+ if $q !~ /([0-9]+)\.jpg/;
+ $q = $1;
+ pg_cmd q{
SELECT 'v'::text AS type,, vr.title
FROM vn v
JOIN vn_rev vr ON = v.latest
JOIN vn_rev vr2 ON vr2.vid =
JOIN vn_screenshots vs ON vs.vid =
- WHERE vs.scr = ? LIMIT 1|, [ $q ], "cmd_scr_result", \@_);
-sub cmd_scr_result {
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[ARG2][DEST], 'Couldn\'t find VN with that screenshot.', $_[ARG2][USER]) if $_[ARG0] < 1;
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(formatid => $_[ARG0], $_[ARG1], [$_[ARG2][DEST]]);
-sub cmd_say {
- my $chan = $_[ARG] =~ s/^(#[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+) // ? $1 : $_[DEST];
- $irc->yield(privmsg => $chan, $_[ARG]);
-sub cmd_me {
- my $chan = $_[ARG] =~ s/^(#[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+) // ? $1 : $_[DEST];
- $irc->yield(ctcp => $chan, 'ACTION '.$_[ARG]);
-sub cmd_notifications { # $arg = '' or 'on' or 'off'
- if($_[ARG] && $_[ARG] =~ /^on$/i) {
- $_[HEAP]{notify}{$_[DEST][0]} = 1;
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'Notifications enabled.');
- } elsif($_[ARG] && $_[ARG] =~ /^off$/i) {
- delete $_[HEAP]{notify}{$_[DEST][0]};
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'Notifications disabled.');
+ WHERE vs.scr = $1 LIMIT 1
+ }, [ $q ], sub {
+ my $res = shift;
+ return if pg_expect $res, 1;
+ return $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, "Couldn't find a VN with that screenshot ID.") if !$res->nRows;
+ formatid([$res->rowsAsHashes()], $chan, 0);
+ };
+eval => [ 1, 1, sub {
+ my @l = split /\r?\n/, eval($_[2])||$@;
+ if(@l > 5 || length(join ' ', @l) > 400) {
+ $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $_[1], 'Output too large, refusing to spam chat (and too lazy to use a pastebin).');
} else {
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], sprintf 'Notifications %s, type !notifications %s to %s.',
- $_[HEAP]{notify}{$_[DEST][0]} ? ('enabled', 'off', 'disable') : ('disabled', 'on', 'enable'));
+ $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $_[1], "eval: $_") for @l;
-sub cmd_eval {
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'eval: '.$_)
- for (split /\r?\n/, eval($_[ARG])||$@);
-sub cmd_die {
- $irc->yield(ctcp => $_[DEST] => 'ACTION dies');
- $_[KERNEL]->signal(core => shutdown => "Killed on IRC by $_[USER]");
-sub cmd_post {
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], $_[KERNEL]->post(split /\s+/, $_[ARG])
- ? 'Sent your message to the post office, it will be processed shortly!'
- : "Oh no! The post office wouldn't accept your message! Wrong destination address?", $_[USER]);
-sub cmd_api {
- my($cmd, @arg) = split /\s+/, $_[ARG]||'';
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'API module not enabled.')
- if !defined $_[KERNEL]->alias_resolve('api');
- if(!$cmd) {
- my $stats = $_[KERNEL]->call(api => admin => 'stats');
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], sprintf
- 'API up %s, %d connects (%d online), %d commands (%d errors).',
- age(time - $^T), $stats->{conn}, $stats->{online}, $stats->{cmds}, $stats->{cmd_err});
- }
- if($cmd eq 'list') {
- my $lst = $_[KERNEL]->call(api => admin => 'list');
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'Nobody connected.') if !@$lst;
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], sprintf '%3d %15s %s%s', $_->{id}, $_->{ip}, age(time-$_->{connected}),
- !$_->{client} ? '' : sprintf ' - %s (%s %s) C/E: %d/%d T: %.2f/%.2f', ($_->{username}||'-'),
- $_->{client}, $_->{clientver}, $_->{cmds}, $_->{cmd_err}, $_->{t_cmd}, $_->{t_sql})
- for (sort { $a->{ip} cmp $b->{ip} } @$lst);
- }
- if($cmd eq 'bans') {
- my $lst = $_[KERNEL]->call(api => admin => 'bans');
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], !@$lst ? 'Ban list empty.' : join ' ', sort @$lst);
- }
- if($cmd eq 'ban') {
- $_[KERNEL]->call(api => admin => ban => $arg[0]);
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'IP banned');
- }
- if($cmd eq 'unban') {
- $_[KERNEL]->call(api => admin => unban => $arg[0]);
- return $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $_[DEST], 'IP unbanned');
- }
+die => [ 1, 1, sub {
+ kill 'TERM', 0;
+# Returns 1 if there was a valid command (or something that looked like it)
+sub command {
+ my($nick, $chan, $msg) = @_;
+ my $me = $irc->nick();
+ my $addressed = !$irc->is_channel_name($chan) || $msg =~ s/^\s*\Q$me\E[:,;.!?~]?\s*//;
+ return 0 if !$addressed && !($msg =~ s/^\s*!//);
-# D B I T E M L I N K S
+ return 0 if $msg !~ /^([a-z]+)(?:\s+(.+))?$/;
+ my($cmd, $arg) = ($cmds{$1}, $2);
+ return 0 if !$cmd && !$addressed;
+ return 0 if $cmd && $cmd->[1] && !$addressed;
-sub vndbid { # dest, msg
- my($dest, $msg) = @_[ARG0, ARG1];
+ return 1 if throttle $O{throt_cmd}, "irc_cmd_$nick";
- my @id; # [ type, id, ref ]
- for (split /[, ]/, $msg) {
- next if length > 15 or m{[a-z]{3,6}://}i; # weed out URLs and too long things
- push @id, /^(?:.*[^\w]|)([dvprtc])([1-9][0-9]*)\.([1-9][0-9]*)(?:[^\w].*|)$/ ? [ $1, $2, $3 ] # x+.+
- : /^(?:.*[^\w]|)([dvprtugic])([1-9][0-9]*)(?:[^\w].*|)$/ ? [ $1, $2, 0 ] : (); # x+
+ if(!$cmd && $addressed) {
+ $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'Please make sense.');
+ return 1;
- for (@id) {
- my($t, $id, $rev) = @$_;
- next if throttle $_[HEAP], "$dest->[0].$t$id.$rev", 60;
- # plain vn/user/producer/thread/tag/trait/release
- $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => query => 'SELECT ?::text AS type, ?::integer AS id, '.(
- $t eq 'v' ? 'vr.title FROM vn_rev vr JOIN vn v ON v.latest = WHERE = ?' :
- $t eq 'u' ? 'u.username AS title FROM users u WHERE = ?' :
- $t eq 'p' ? ' AS title FROM producers_rev pr JOIN producers p ON p.latest = WHERE = ?' :
- $t eq 'c' ? ' AS title FROM chars_rev cr JOIN chars c ON c.latest = WHERE = ?' :
- $t eq 't' ? 'title, '.GETBOARDS.' FROM threads t WHERE id = ?' :
- $t eq 'g' ? 'name AS title FROM tags WHERE id = ?' :
- $t eq 'i' ? 'name AS title FROM traits WHERE id = ?' :
- 'rr.title FROM releases_rev rr JOIN releases r ON r.latest = WHERE = ?'),
- [ $t, $id, $id ], 'formatid', [$dest]
- ) if !$rev && $t =~ /[vprtugic]/;
- # edit/insert of vn/release/producer or discussion board post
- $_[KERNEL]->post(pg => query => 'SELECT ?::text AS type, ?::integer AS id, ?::integer AS rev, '.(
- $t eq 'v' ? 'vr.title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN vn_rev vr ON = JOIN users u ON = c.requester WHERE vr.vid = ? AND c.rev = ?' :
- $t eq 'r' ? 'rr.title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN releases_rev rr ON = JOIN users u ON = c.requester WHERE rr.rid = ? AND c.rev = ?' :
- $t eq 'p' ? ' AS title, u.username, c.comments FROM changes c JOIN producers_rev pr ON = JOIN users u ON = c.requester WHERE = ? AND c.rev = ?' :
- $t eq 'c' ? ' AS title, u.username, h.comments FROM changes h JOIN chars_rev cr ON = JOIN users u ON = h.requester WHERE cr.cid = ? AND h.rev = ?' :
- 't.title, u.username, '.GETBOARDS.' FROM threads t JOIN threads_posts tp ON tp.tid = JOIN users u ON = tp.uid WHERE = ? AND tp.num = ?'),
- [ $t, $id, $rev, $id, $rev], 'formatid', [$dest]
- ) if $rev && $t =~ /[vprtc]/;
- # documentation page (need to parse the doc pages manually here)
- if($t eq 'd') {
- my $f = sprintf $VNDB::ROOT.'/data/docs/%d', $id;
- my($title, $sec, $sub) = (undef, 0);
- open my $F, '<', $f or next;
- while(<$F>) {
- chomp;
- $title = $1 if /^:TITLE:(.+)$/;
- $sub = $1 if $rev && /^:SUB:(.+)$/ && ++$sec == $rev;
- }
- close $F;
- next if $rev && !$sub;
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(formatid => 1, [{type => 'd', id => $id, title => $title, rev => $rev, section => $sub}], [$dest]);
- }
+ my $id = lc $irc->nick_ident($nick);
+ if($cmd->[1] && !grep $id eq lc $_, @{$O{masters}}) {
+ $irc->send_msg(PRIVMSG => $chan, 'I am not your master!');
+ return 1;
+ $cmd->[2]->($nick, $chan, $arg);
+ return 1;
-# formats and posts database items listed in @res, where each item is a hashref with:
-# type database item in [dvprtug]
-# id database id
-# title main name or title of the DB entry
-# rev (optional) revision, post number or section number
-# username (optional) relevant username
-# section (optional, for d+.+) section title
-# boards (optional) board titles the thread has been posted in
-# comments (optional) edit summary
-sub formatid {
- my($num, $res, $arg) = @_[ARG0..$#_];
- my($dest, $notify) = @$arg;
- my $c = $notify ? LIGHT_BLUE : RED;
- # only the types for which creation/edit announcements matter
- my %types = (
- v => 'visual novel',
- p => 'producer',
- r => 'release',
- c => 'character',
- g => 'tag',
- i => 'trait',
- t => 'thread',
- );
- for (@$res) {
- my $id = $_->{type}.$_->{id} . ($_->{rev} ? '.'.$_->{rev} : '');
- # (always) [x+.+]
- my @msg = (
- BOLD.$c.'['.NORMAL.BOLD.$id.$c.']'.NORMAL
- );
- # (only if username key is present) Edit of / New item / reply to / whatever
- push @msg, $c.(
- ($_->{rev}||1) == 1 ? 'New '.$types{$_->{type}} :
- $_->{type} eq 't' ? 'Reply to' : 'Edit of'
- ).NORMAL if $_->{username};
- # (always) main title
- push @msg, $_->{title};
- # (only if boards key is present) Posted in [boards]
- push @msg, $c.'Posted in'.NORMAL.' '.$_->{boards} if $_->{boards};
- # (only if username key is present) By [username]
- push @msg, $c.'By'.NORMAL.' '.$_->{username} if $_->{username};
- # (only if comments key is present) Summary:
- $_->{comments} =~ s/\n/ /g if $_->{comments};
- push @msg, $c.'Summary:'.NORMAL.' '.(
- length $_->{comments} > 40 ? substr($_->{comments}, 0, 37).'...' : $_->{comments}
- ) if defined $_->{comments};
- # (for d+.+) -> section title
- push @msg, $c.'->'.NORMAL.' '.$_->{section} if $_->{section};
- # (always) @ URL
- push @msg, $c.'@ '.NORMAL.LIGHT_GREY.$VNDB::S{url}.'/'.$id.NORMAL;
- # now post it
- $_[KERNEL]->yield(reply => $dest, join ' ', @msg);
- }