path: root/lib/VN3/
diff options
authorYorhel <>2019-07-25 14:30:04 +0200
committerYorhel <>2019-07-25 14:36:21 +0200
commitf296495a912ce759df11c43e78b4552788bdbff2 (patch)
tree0c10802de65fb7c8475722e12234bff5eb980628 /lib/VN3/
parent0f3cfeb85caec6424bcbea47142eefbf8011636b (diff)
Merge the v3 branch into separate namespace + fix Docker stuff (again)
I was getting tired of having to keep two branches up-to-date with the latest developments, so decided to throw v3 into the same branch - just different files (...which will get mostly rewritten again soon). The two versions aren't very different in terms of dependencies, build system and support code, so they can now properly share files. Added a section to the README to avoid confusion. This merge also makes it easier to quickly switch between the different versions, which is handy for development. It's even possible to run both at the same time, but my scripts use the same port so that needs a workaround. And it's amazing how often I break the Docker scripts.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VN3/')
1 files changed, 201 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VN3/ b/lib/VN3/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0a59e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/VN3/
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+# This module provides additional validations for tuwf->validate(), and exports
+# an easy wrapper to create a simple API that accepts JSON data on POST
+# requests. The CSRF token and the input data are validated before the
+# subroutine is called.
+# Usage:
+# json_api '/some/url', {
+# username => { maxlength => 10 },
+# }, sub {
+# my $validated_data = shift;
+# };
+package VN3::Validation;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use TUWF;
+use VNDBUtil;
+use VN3::DB;
+use VN3::Auth;
+use VN3::Types;
+use JSON::XS;
+use Exporter 'import';
+use Time::Local 'timegm';
+use Carp 'croak';
+our @EXPORT = ('form_compile', 'form_changed', 'json_api', 'validate_dbid', 'can_edit');
+TUWF::set custom_validations => {
+ id => { uint => 1, max => 1<<40 },
+ page => { uint => 1, min => 1, max => 1000, required => 0, default => 1 },
+ username => { regex => qr/^[a-z0-9-]{2,15}$/ },
+ password => { length => [ 4, 500 ] },
+ editsum => { required => 1, length => [ 2, 5000 ] },
+ vn_length => { required => 0, default => 0, uint => 1, range => [ 0, $#VN_LENGTHS ] },
+ vn_relation => { enum => \%VN_RELATIONS },
+ producer_relation => { enum => \%PRODUCER_RELATIONS },
+ staff_role => { enum => \%STAFF_ROLES },
+ char_role => { enum => \%CHAR_ROLES },
+ language => { enum => \%LANG },
+ platform => { enum => \%PLATFORMS },
+ medium => { enum => \%MEDIA },
+ resolution => { enum => \%RESOLUTIONS },
+ gender => { enum => \%GENDERS },
+ blood_type => { enum => \%BLOOD_TYPES },
+ gtin => { uint => 1, func => sub { $_[0] eq 0 || gtintype($_[0]) } },
+ minage => { uint => 1, enum => \@MINAGE },
+ animated => { uint => 1, range => [ 0, $#ANIMATED ] },
+ voiced => { uint => 1, range => [ 0, $#VOICED ] },
+ rdate => { uint => 1, func => \&_validate_rdate },
+ spoiler => { uint => 1, range => [ 0, 2 ] },
+ vnlist_status=>{ uint => 1, range => [ 0, $#VNLIST_STATUS ] },
+ # Accepts a user-entered vote string (or '-' or empty) and converts that into a DB vote number (or undef)
+ vnvote => { regex => qr/^(?:|-|[1-9]|10|[1-9]\.[0-9]|10\.0)$/, required => 0, func => sub { $_[0] = $_[0] eq '-' ? undef : 10*$_[0]; 1 } },
+ # Sort an array by the listed hash keys, using string comparison on each key
+ sort_keys => sub {
+ my @keys = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} : $_[0];
+ +{ type => 'array', sort => sub {
+ for(@keys) {
+ my $c = defined($_[0]{$_}) cmp defined($_[1]{$_}) || (defined($_[0]{$_}) && $_[0]{$_} cmp $_[1]{$_});
+ return $c if $c;
+ }
+ 0
+ } }
+ },
+ # Sorted and unique array-of-hashes (default order is sort_keys on the sorted keys...)
+ aoh => sub { +{ type => 'array', unique => 1, sort_keys => [sort keys %{$_[0]}], values => { type => 'hash', keys => $_[0] } } },
+sub _validate_rdate {
+ return 0 if $_[0] ne 0 && $_[0] !~ /^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/;
+ my($y, $m, $d) = $_[0] eq 0 ? (0,0,0) : ($1, $2, $3);
+ # Re-normalize
+ ($m, $d) = (0, 0) if $y == 0;
+ $m = 99 if $y == 9999;
+ $d = 99 if $m == 99;
+ $_[0] = $y*10000 + $m*100 + $d;
+ return 0 if $y && $y != 9999 && ($y < 1980 || $y > 2100);
+ return 0 if $y && $m != 99 && (!$m || $m > 12);
+ return 0 if $y && $d != 99 && !eval { timegm(0, 0, 0, $d, $m-1, $y) };
+ return 1;
+# Recursively remove keys from hashes that have a '_when' key that doesn't
+# match $when. This is a quick and dirty way to create multiple validation
+# schemas from a single schema. For example:
+# {
+# title => { _when => 'input' },
+# name => { },
+# }
+# If $when is 'input', then this function returns:
+# { title => {}, name => {} }
+# Otherwise, it returns:
+# { name => {} }
+sub stripwhen {
+ my($when, $o) = @_;
+ return $o if ref $o ne 'HASH';
+ +{ map $_ eq '_when' || (ref $o->{$_} eq 'HASH' && defined $o->{$_}{_when} && $o->{$_}{_when} !~ $when) ? () : ($_, stripwhen($when, $o->{$_})), keys %$o }
+# Short-hand to compile a validation schema for a form. Usage:
+# form_compile $when, {
+# title => { _when => 'input' },
+# name => { },
+# ..
+# };
+sub form_compile {
+ tuwf->compile({ type => 'hash', keys => stripwhen @_ });
+sub eq_deep {
+ my($a, $b) = @_;
+ return 0 if ref $a ne ref $b;
+ return 0 if defined $a != defined $b;
+ return 1 if !defined $a;
+ return 1 if !ref $a && $a eq $b;
+ return 1 if ref $a eq 'ARRAY' && (@$a == @$b && !grep !eq_deep($a->[$_], $b->[$_]), 0..$#$a);
+ return 1 if ref $a eq 'HASH' && eq_deep([sort keys %$a], [sort keys %$b]) && !grep !eq_deep($a->{$_}, $b->{$_}), keys %$a;
+ 0
+# Usage: form_changed $schema, $a, $b
+# Returns 1 if there is a difference between the data ($a) and the form input
+# ($b), using the normalization defined in $schema. The $schema must validate.
+sub form_changed {
+ my($schema, $a, $b) = @_;
+ my $na = $schema->validate($a)->data;
+ my $nb = $schema->validate($b)->data;
+ #warn "a=".JSON::XS->new->pretty->canonical->encode($na);
+ #warn "b=".JSON::XS->new->pretty->canonical->encode($nb);
+ !eq_deep $na, $nb;
+sub json_api {
+ my($path, $keys, $sub) = @_;
+ my $schema = ref $keys eq 'HASH' ? tuwf->compile({ type => 'hash', keys => $keys }) : $keys;
+ TUWF::post $path => sub {
+ if(!auth->csrfcheck(tuwf->reqHeader('X-CSRF-Token')||'')) {
+ warn "Invalid CSRF token in request\n";
+ tuwf->resJSON({CSRF => 1});
+ return;
+ }
+ my $data = tuwf->validate(json => $schema);
+ if(!$data) {
+ warn "JSON validation failed\ninput: " . JSON::XS->new->allow_nonref->pretty->canonical->encode(tuwf->reqJSON) . "\nerror: " . JSON::XS->new->encode($data->err) . "\n";
+ tuwf->resJSON({Invalid => $data->err});
+ return;
+ }
+ $sub->($data->data);
+ };
+# Validate identifiers against an SQL query. The query must end with a 'id IN'
+# clause, where the @ids array is appended. The query must return exactly 1
+# column, the id of each entry. This function throws an error if an id is
+# missing from the query. For example, to test for non-hidden VNs:
+# validate_dbid 'SELECT id FROM vn WHERE NOT hidden AND id IN', 2,3,5,7,...;
+# If any of those ids is hidden or not in the database, an error is thrown.
+sub validate_dbid {
+ my($sql, @ids) = @_;
+ return if !@ids;
+ $sql = ref $sql eq 'CODE' ? sql $sql->(\@ids) : sql $sql, \@ids;
+ my %dbids = map +((values %$_)[0],1), @{ tuwf->dbAlli($sql) };
+ my @missing = grep !$dbids{$_}, @ids;
+ croak "Invalid database IDs: ".join(',', @missing) if @missing;
+# Returns whether the current user can edit the given database entry.
+sub can_edit {
+ my($type, $entry) = @_;
+ return auth->permUsermod || $entry->{id} == (auth->uid||0) if $type eq 'u';
+ return auth->permDbmod if $type eq 'd';
+ die "Can't do authorization test when entry_hidden/entry_locked fields aren't present"
+ if $entry->{id} && (!exists $entry->{entry_hidden} || !exists $entry->{entry_locked});
+ auth->permDbmod || (auth->permEdit && !($entry->{entry_hidden} || $entry->{entry_locked}));