path: root/lib/VNDB/Handler/
diff options
authorYorhel <>2009-04-01 08:49:59 +0200
committerYorhel <>2009-04-01 08:49:59 +0200
commit33c6bd207473e8ce6ddfc0d19b34ccb139aa8521 (patch)
treed5714b79b3e02c77d78f43a1f4b34f7194068b14 /lib/VNDB/Handler/
parent61c4d04980dc0376cf0032364a5952f8d828837f (diff)
parentf35175b04fc9f54680ad2578a994177e4d280b09 (diff)
Merge branch 'beta'2.3
Conflicts: data/docs/4
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/Handler/')
1 files changed, 706 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e83fcbf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+package VNDB::Handler::Tags;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use YAWF ':html', ':xml';
+use VNDB::Func;
+ qr{g([1-9]\d*)}, \&tagpage,
+ qr{g([1-9]\d*)/(edit)}, \&tagedit,
+ qr{g([1-9]\d*)/(add)}, \&tagedit,
+ qr{g/new}, \&tagedit,
+ qr{g/list}, \&taglist,
+ qr{v([1-9]\d*)/tagmod}, \&vntagmod,
+ qr{u([1-9]\d*)/tags}, \&usertags,
+ qr{g}, \&tagindex,
+ qr{xml/tags\.xml}, \&tagxml,
+ qr{g/debug}, \&tagtree,
+sub tagpage {
+ my($self, $tag) = @_;
+ my $t = $self->dbTagGet(id => $tag, what => 'parents(0) childs(2) aliases')->[0];
+ return 404 if !$t;
+ my $f = $self->formValidate(
+ { name => 's', required => 0, default => 'score', enum => [ qw|score title rel pop| ] },
+ { name => 'o', required => 0, default => 'd', enum => [ 'a','d' ] },
+ { name => 'p', required => 0, default => 1, template => 'int' },
+ { name => 'm', required => 0, default => -1, enum => [qw|0 1 2|] },
+ );
+ return 404 if $f->{_err};
+ my $tagspoil = $self->reqCookie('tagspoil');
+ $f->{m} = $tagspoil =~ /^[0-2]$/ ? $tagspoil : 1 if $f->{m} == -1;
+ my($list, $np) = $t->{meta} || $t->{state} != 2 ? ([],0) : $self->dbTagVNs(
+ tag => $tag,
+ order => {score=>'tb.rating',title=>'vr.title',rel=>'v.c_released',pop=>'v.c_popularity'}->{$f->{s}}.($f->{o}eq'a'?' ASC':' DESC'),
+ page => $f->{p},
+ results => 50,
+ maxspoil => $f->{m},
+ );
+ my $title = ($t->{meta} ? 'Meta tag: ' : 'Tag: ').$t->{name};
+ $self->htmlHeader(title => $title);
+ $self->htmlMainTabs('g', $t);
+ if($t->{state} != 2) {
+ div class => 'mainbox';
+ h1 "Tag: $t->{name}";
+ if($t->{state} == 1) {
+ div class => 'warning';
+ h2 'Tag deleted';
+ p;
+ lit qq|This tag has been removed from the database, and cannot be used or re-added.|.
+ qq| File a request on the <a href="/t/db">discussion board</a> if you disagree with this.|;
+ end;
+ end;
+ } else {
+ div class => 'notice';
+ h2 'Waiting for approval';
+ p 'This tag is waiting for a moderator to approve it. You can still use it to tag VNs as you would with a normal tag.';
+ end;
+ }
+ end;
+ return $self->htmlFooter if $t->{state} == 1 && !$self->authCan('tagmod');
+ }
+ div class => 'mainbox';
+ a class => 'addnew', href => "/g$tag/add", ($self->authCan('tagmod')?'Create':'Request').' child tag' if $self->authCan('tag');
+ h1 $title;
+ p;
+ my @p = @{$t->{parents}};
+ my @r;
+ for (0..$#p) {
+ if($_ && $p[$_-1]{lvl} < $p[$_]{lvl}) {
+ pop @r for (1..($p[$_]{lvl}-$p[$_-1]{lvl}));
+ }
+ if($_ < $#p && $p[$_+1]{lvl} < $p[$_]{lvl}) {
+ push @r, $p[$_];
+ } elsif($#p == $_ || $p[$_+1]{lvl} >= $p[$_]{lvl}) {
+ a href => '/g', 'Tags';
+ for ($p[$_], reverse @r) {
+ txt ' > ';
+ a href => "/g$_->{tag}", $_->{name};
+ }
+ txt " > $t->{name}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if(!@p) {
+ a href => '/g', 'Tags';
+ txt " > $t->{name}\n";
+ }
+ end;
+ if($t->{description}) {
+ p class => 'description';
+ lit bb2html $t->{description};
+ end;
+ }
+ if(@{$t->{aliases}}) {
+ p class => 'center';
+ b "Aliases:\n";
+ txt "$_\n" for (@{$t->{aliases}});
+ end;
+ }
+ end;
+ _childtags($self, $t) if @{$t->{childs}};
+ _vnlist($self, $t, $f, $list, $np) if !$t->{meta} && $t->{state} == 2;
+ $self->htmlFooter;
+# used for on both /g and /g+
+sub _childtags {
+ my($self, $t, $index) = @_;
+ my @l = @{$t->{childs}};
+ my @tags;
+ for (0..$#l) {
+ if($l[$_]{lvl} == $l[0]{lvl}) {
+ $l[$_]{childs} = [];
+ push @tags, $l[$_];
+ } else {
+ push @{$tags[$#tags]{childs}}, $l[$_];
+ }
+ }
+ div class => 'mainbox';
+ if(!$index) {
+ h1 'Child tags';
+ } else {
+ h1 'Tag tree';
+ }
+ ul class => 'tagtree';
+ for my $p (sort { @{$b->{childs}} <=> @{$a->{childs}} } @tags) {
+ li;
+ a href => "/g$p->{tag}", $p->{name};
+ b class => 'grayedout', " ($p->{c_vns})" if $p->{c_vns};
+ end, next if !@{$p->{childs}};
+ ul;
+ for (0..$#{$p->{childs}}) {
+ last if $_ >= 5 && @{$p->{childs}} > 6;
+ li;
+ txt '> ';
+ a href => "/g$p->{childs}[$_]{tag}", $p->{childs}[$_]{name};
+ b class => 'grayedout', " ($p->{childs}[$_]{c_vns})" if $p->{childs}[$_]{c_vns};
+ end;
+ }
+ if(@{$p->{childs}} > 6) {
+ li;
+ txt '> ';
+ a href => "/g$p->{tag}", style => 'font-style: italic', sprintf '%d more tags...', @{$p->{childs}}-5;
+ end;
+ }
+ end;
+ end;
+ }
+ end;
+ clearfloat;
+ br;
+ end;
+sub _vnlist {
+ my($self, $t, $f, $list, $np) = @_;
+ div class => 'mainbox';
+ h1 'Visual novels';
+ p class => 'browseopts';
+ a href => "/g$t->{id}?m=0", $f->{m} == 0 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), onclick => "setCookie('tagspoil', 0);return true;", 'Hide spoilers';
+ a href => "/g$t->{id}?m=1", $f->{m} == 1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), onclick => "setCookie('tagspoil', 1);return true;", 'Show minor spoilers';
+ a href => "/g$t->{id}?m=2", $f->{m} == 2 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), onclick => "setCookie('tagspoil', 2);return true;", 'Show major spoilers';
+ end;
+ if(!@$list) {
+ p "\n\nThis tag has not been linked to any visual novels yet, or they were hidden because of the spoiler settings.";
+ }
+ end;
+ return if !@$list;
+ $self->htmlBrowse(
+ class => 'tagvnlist',
+ items => $list,
+ options => $f,
+ nextpage => $np,
+ pageurl => "/g$t->{id}?m=$f->{m};o=$f->{o};s=$f->{s}",
+ sorturl => "/g$t->{id}?m=$f->{m}",
+ header => [
+ [ 'Score', 'score' ],
+ [ 'Title', 'title' ],
+ [ '', 0 ],
+ [ '', 0 ],
+ [ 'Released', 'rel' ],
+ [ 'Popularity', 'pop' ],
+ ],
+ row => sub {
+ my($s, $n, $l) = @_;
+ Tr $n % 2 ? (class => 'odd') : ();
+ td class => 'tc1';
+ tagscore $l->{rating};
+ i sprintf '(%d)', $l->{users};
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc2';
+ a href => '/v'.$l->{vid}, title => $l->{original}||$l->{title}, shorten $l->{title}, 100;
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc3';
+ $_ ne 'oth' && cssicon $_, $self->{platforms}{$_}
+ for (sort split /\//, $l->{c_platforms});
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc4';
+ cssicon "lang $_", $self->{languages}{$_}
+ for (reverse sort split /\//, $l->{c_languages});
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc5';
+ lit monthstr $l->{c_released};
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc6', sprintf '%.2f', $l->{c_popularity}*100;
+ end;
+ }
+ );
+sub tagedit {
+ my($self, $tag, $act) = @_;
+ my($frm, $par);
+ if($act && $act eq 'add') {
+ $par = $self->dbTagGet(id => $tag)->[0];
+ return 404 if !$par;
+ $frm->{parents} = $par->{name};
+ $tag = undef;
+ }
+ return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan('tag') || $tag && !$self->authCan('tagmod');
+ my $t = $tag && $self->dbTagGet(id => $tag, what => 'parents(1) aliases')->[0];
+ return 404 if $tag && !$t;
+ if($self->reqMethod eq 'POST') {
+ $frm = $self->formValidate(
+ { name => 'name', required => 1, maxlength => 250, regex => [ qr/^[^,]+$/, 'A comma is not allowed in tag names' ] },
+ { name => 'state', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ 0..2 ] },
+ { name => 'meta', required => 0, default => 0 },
+ { name => 'alias', required => 0, maxlength => 1024, default => '', regex => [ qr/^[^,]+$/s, 'No comma allowed in aliases' ] },
+ { name => 'description', required => 0, maxlength => 1024, default => '' },
+ { name => 'parents', required => 0, default => '' },
+ { name => 'merge', required => 0, default => '' },
+ );
+ my @aliases = split /[\t\s]*\n[\t\s]*/, $frm->{alias};
+ my @parents = split /[\t\s]*,[\t\s]*/, $frm->{parents};
+ my @merge = split /[\t\s]*,[\t\s]*/, $frm->{merge};
+ if(!$frm->{_err}) {
+ my $c = $self->dbTagGet(name => $frm->{name}, noid => $tag);
+ push @{$frm->{_err}}, [ 'name', 'tagexists', $c->[0] ] if @$c;
+ for (@aliases) {
+ $c = $self->dbTagGet(name => $_, noid => $tag);
+ push @{$frm->{_err}}, [ 'alias', 'tagexists', $c->[0] ] if @$c;
+ }
+ for(@parents, @merge) {
+ my $c = $self->dbTagGet(name => $_, noid => $tag);
+ push @{$frm->{_err}}, [ 'parents', 'func', [ 0, "Tag '$_' not found." ]] if !@$c;
+ $_ = $c->[0]{id};
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$frm->{_err}) {
+ $frm->{state} = $frm->{meta} = 0 if !$self->authCan('tagmod');
+ my %opts = (
+ name => $frm->{name},
+ state => $frm->{state},
+ description => $frm->{description},
+ meta => $frm->{meta}?1:0,
+ aliases => \@aliases,
+ parents => \@parents,
+ );
+ if(!$tag) {
+ $tag = $self->dbTagAdd(%opts);
+ $self->multiCmd("ircnotify g$tag");
+ } else {
+ $self->dbTagEdit($tag, %opts, upddate => $frm->{state} == 2 && $t->{state} != 2);
+ }
+ $self->dbTagMerge($tag, @merge) if $self->authCan('tagmod') && @merge;
+ $self->resRedirect("/g$tag", 'post');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if($tag) {
+ $frm->{$_} ||= $t->{$_} for (qw|name meta description state|);
+ $frm->{alias} ||= join "\n", @{$t->{aliases}};
+ $frm->{parents} ||= join ', ', map $_->{name}, @{$t->{parents}};
+ }
+ my $title = $par ? "Add child tag to $par->{name}" : $tag ? "Edit tag: $t->{name}" : 'Add new tag';
+ $self->htmlHeader(title => $title, noindex => 1);
+ $self->htmlMainTabs('g', $par || $t, 'edit') if $t || $par;
+ if(!$self->authCan('tagmod')) {
+ div class => 'mainbox';
+ h1 'Requesting new tag';
+ div class => 'notice';
+ h2 'Your tag must be approved';
+ p 'Because all tags have to be approved by moderators, it can take a while before it '.
+ 'will show up in the tag list or on visual novel pages. You can still vote on tag even if '.
+ 'it has not been approved yet, though.';
+ end;
+ end;
+ }
+ $self->htmlForm({ frm => $frm, action => $par ? "/g$par->{id}/add" : $tag ? "/g$tag/edit" : '/g/new' }, $title => [
+ [ input => short => 'name', name => 'Primary name' ],
+ $self->authCan('tagmod') ? (
+ [ select => short => 'state', name => 'State', options => [
+ [ 0, 'Awaiting moderation' ], [ 1, 'Deleted/hidden' ], [ 2, 'Approved' ] ] ],
+ [ checkbox => short => 'meta', name => 'This is a meta-tag (only to be used as parent for other tags, not for linking to VN entries)' ],
+ $tag ?
+ [ static => content => 'WARNING: Checking this option or selecting "Deleted" as state will permanently delete all existing VN relations!' ] : (),
+ ) : (),
+ [ textarea => short => 'alias', name => "Aliases\n(separated by newlines)", cols => 30, rows => 4 ],
+ [ textarea => short => 'description', name => 'Description' ],
+ [ static => content => 'What should the tag be used for? Having a good description helps users choose which tags to link to a VN.' ],
+ [ input => short => 'parents', name => 'Parent tags' ],
+ [ static => content => "Comma separated list of tag names to be used as parent for this tag." ],
+ $self->authCan('tagmod') ? (
+ [ part => title => 'Merge tags' ],
+ [ input => short => 'merge', name => 'Tags to merge' ],
+ [ static => content => 'Comma separated list of tag names to merge into this one.'
+ .' All votes and aliases/names will be moved over to this tag, and the old tags will be deleted.'
+ .' Just leave this field empty if you don\'t intend to do a merge.'
+ .'<br />WARNING: this action cannot be undone!' ],
+ ) : (),
+ ]);
+ $self->htmlFooter;
+sub taglist {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $f = $self->formValidate(
+ { name => 's', required => 0, default => 'name', enum => ['added', 'name'] },
+ { name => 'o', required => 0, default => 'a', enum => ['a', 'd'] },
+ { name => 'p', required => 0, default => 1, template => 'int' },
+ { name => 't', required => 0, default => -1, enum => [ -1..2 ] },
+ { name => 'q', required => 0, default => '' },
+ );
+ $f->{t} = 0 if !$self->authCan('tagmod') && $f->{t} == 1;
+ return 404 if $f->{_err};
+ my($t, $np) = $self->dbTagGet(
+ order => $f->{s}.($f->{o}eq'd'?' DESC':' ASC'),
+ page => $f->{p},
+ results => 50,
+ $f->{t} != -1 || $self->authCan('tagmod') ? (
+ state => $f->{t} ) : (),
+ search => $f->{q},
+ );
+ my $title = $f->{t} == -1 ? 'Browse tags' : $f->{t} == 0 ? 'Tags awaiting moderation' : $f->{t} == 1 ? 'Deleted tags' : 'All visible tags';
+ $self->htmlHeader(title => $title);
+ div class => 'mainbox';
+ h1 $title;
+ form class => 'search', action => '/g/list', 'accept-charset' => 'UTF-8', method => 'get';
+ fieldset;
+ input type => 'hidden', name => 't', value => $f->{t};
+ input type => 'text', name => 'q', id => 'q', class => 'text', value => $f->{q};
+ input type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => 'Search!';
+ end;
+ end;
+ p class => 'browseopts';
+ a href => "/g/list?q=$f->{q};t=-1", $f->{t} == -1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'All';
+ a href => "/g/list?q=$f->{q};t=0", $f->{t} == 0 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Awaiting moderation';
+ a href => "/g/list?q=$f->{q};t=1", $f->{t} == 1 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Deleted' if $self->authCan('tagmod');
+ a href => "/g/list?q=$f->{q};t=2", $f->{t} == 2 ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Accepted';
+ end;
+ if(!@$t) {
+ p 'No results found';
+ }
+ end;
+ if(@$t) {
+ $self->htmlBrowse(
+ class => 'taglist',
+ options => $f,
+ nextpage => $np,
+ items => $t,
+ pageurl => "/g/list?t=$f->{t};q=$f->{q};s=$f->{s};o=$f->{o}",
+ sorturl => "/g/list?t=$f->{t};q=$f->{q}",
+ header => [
+ [ 'Created', 'added' ],
+ [ 'Tag', 'name' ],
+ ],
+ row => sub {
+ my($s, $n, $l) = @_;
+ Tr $n % 2 ? (class => 'odd') : ();
+ td class => 'tc1', age $l->{added};
+ td class => 'tc3';
+ a href => "/g$l->{id}", $l->{name};
+ if($f->{t} == -1) {
+ b class => 'grayedout', ' awaiting moderation' if $l->{state} == 0;
+ b class => 'grayedout', ' deleted' if $l->{state} == 1;
+ }
+ end;
+ end;
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ $self->htmlFooter;
+sub vntagmod {
+ my($self, $vid) = @_;
+ my $v = $self->dbVNGet(id => $vid)->[0];
+ return 404 if !$v;
+ return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan('tag');
+ if($self->reqMethod eq 'POST') {
+ my $frm = $self->formValidate(
+ { name => 'taglinks', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 10240, regex => [ qr/^[1-9][0-9]*,-?[1-3],-?[0-2]( [1-9][0-9]*,-?[1-3],-?[0-2])*$/, 'meh' ] }
+ );
+ return 404 if $frm->{_err};
+ $self->dbTagLinkEdit($self->authInfo->{id}, $vid, [ map [ split /,/ ], split / /, $frm->{taglinks}]);
+ }
+ my $my = $self->dbTagLinks(vid => $vid, uid => $self->authInfo->{id});
+ my $tags = $self->dbTagStats(vid => $vid, results => 9999);
+ my $frm;
+ $self->htmlHeader(title => "Add/remove tags for $v->{title}", noindex => 1, js => 'forms');
+ $self->htmlMainTabs('v', $v, 'tagmod');
+ div class => 'mainbox';
+ h1 "Add/remove tags for $v->{title}";
+ div class => 'notice';
+ h2 'Tagging';
+ ul;
+ li;
+ lit 'Make sure you have read the <a href="/g10">guidelines</a>!';
+ end;
+ li "Don't forget to hit the submit button on the bottom of the page to make your changes permanent.";
+ li 'Some tag information on the site is cached, it can take up to an hour for your changes to be visible everywhere.';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ $self->htmlForm({ frm => $frm, action => "/v$vid/tagmod", hitsubmit => 1 }, 'Tags' => [
+ [ hidden => short => 'taglinks', value => '' ],
+ [ static => nolabel => 1, content => sub {
+ table id => 'tagtable';
+ thead;
+ Tr;
+ td '';
+ td colspan => 2, class => 'tc2_1', 'You';
+ td colspan => 2, class => 'tc3_1', 'Others';
+ end;
+ Tr;
+ my $i=0;
+ td class => 'tc'.++$i, $_ for(qw|Tag Rating Spoiler Rating Spoiler|);
+ end;
+ end;
+ tfoot; Tr;
+ td colspan => 5;
+ input type => 'text', class => 'text', name => 'addtag', value => '';
+ input type => 'button', class => 'submit', value => 'Add tag';
+ br;
+ p;
+ lit 'Check the <a href="/g">tag list</a> to browse all available tags.'.
+ '<br />Can\'t find what you\'re looking for? <a href="/g/new">Request a new tag</a>.';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end; end;
+ tbody;
+ for my $t (sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @$tags) {
+ my $m = (grep $_->{tag} == $t->{id}, @$my)[0] || {};
+ Tr;
+ td class => 'tc1';
+ a href => "/g$t->{id}", $t->{name};
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc2', $m->{vote}||0;
+ td class => 'tc3', defined $m->{spoiler} ? $m->{spoiler} : -1;
+ td class => 'tc4';
+ tagscore !$m->{vote} ? $t->{rating} : $t->{cnt} == 1 ? 0 : ($t->{rating}*$t->{cnt} - $m->{vote}) / ($t->{cnt}-1);
+ i ' ('.($t->{cnt} - ($m->{vote} ? 1 : 0)).')';
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc5', sprintf '%.2f', $t->{spoiler};
+ end;
+ }
+ end;
+ end;
+ } ],
+ ]);
+ $self->htmlFooter;
+sub usertags {
+ my($self, $uid) = @_;
+ my $u = $self->dbUserGet(uid => $uid)->[0];
+ return 404 if !$u;
+ my $f = $self->formValidate(
+ { name => 's', required => 0, default => 'cnt', enum => [ qw|cnt name| ] },
+ { name => 'o', required => 0, default => 'd', enum => [ 'a','d' ] },
+ { name => 'p', required => 0, default => 1, template => 'int' },
+ );
+ return 404 if $f->{_err};
+ # TODO: might want to use AJAX to load the VN list on request
+ my($list, $np) = $self->dbTagStats(
+ uid => $uid,
+ page => $f->{p},
+ order => ($f->{s}eq'cnt'?'COUNT(*)':'name').($f->{o}eq'a'?' ASC':' DESC'),
+ what => 'vns',
+ );
+ $self->htmlHeader(title => "Tags by $u->{username}", noindex => 1);
+ $self->htmlMainTabs('u', $u, 'tags');
+ div class => 'mainbox';
+ h1 "Tags by $u->{username}";
+ if(@$list) {
+ p 'Warning: spoilery tags are not hidden in this list!';
+ } else {
+ p "$u->{username} doesn't seem to have used the tagging system yet...";
+ }
+ end;
+ if(@$list) {
+ $self->htmlBrowse(
+ class => 'tagstats',
+ options => $f,
+ nextpage => $np,
+ items => $list,
+ pageurl => "/u$u->{id}/tags?s=$f->{s};o=$f->{o}",
+ sorturl => "/u$u->{id}/tags",
+ header => [
+ sub {
+ td class => 'tc1';
+ b id => 'relhidall';
+ lit '<i>&#9656;</i> #VNs ';
+ end;
+ lit $f->{s} eq 'cnt' && $f->{o} eq 'a' ? "\x{25B4}" : qq|<a href="/u$u->{id}/tags?o=a;s=cnt">\x{25B4}</a>|;
+ lit $f->{s} eq 'cnt' && $f->{o} eq 'd' ? "\x{25BE}" : qq|<a href="/u$u->{id}/tags?o=d;s=cnt">\x{25BE}</a>|;
+ end;
+ },
+ [ 'Tag', 'name' ],
+ [ ' ', '' ],
+ ],
+ row => sub {
+ my($s, $n, $l) = @_;
+ Tr $n % 2 ? (class => 'odd') : ();
+ td class => 'tc1 relhid_but', id => "tag$l->{id}";
+ lit "<i>&#9656;</i> $l->{cnt}";
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc2', colspan => 2;
+ a href => "/g$l->{id}", $l->{name};
+ end;
+ end;
+ for(@{$l->{vns}}) {
+ Tr class => "relhid tag$l->{id}";
+ td class => 'tc1_1';
+ tagscore $_->{vote};
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc1_2';
+ a href => "/v$_->{vid}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 50;
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc1_3', !defined $_->{spoiler} ? ' ' : ['No spoiler', 'Minor spoiler', 'Major spoiler']->[$_->{spoiler}];
+ end;
+ }
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ $self->htmlFooter;
+sub tagindex {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Browse tags');
+ div class => 'mainbox';
+ a class => 'addnew', href => "/g/new", ($self->authCan('tagmod')?'Create':'Request').' new tag' if $self->authCan('tag');
+ h1 'Search tags';
+ form class => 'search', action => '/g/list', 'accept-charset' => 'UTF-8', method => 'get';
+ fieldset;
+ input type => 'text', name => 'q', id => 'q', class => 'text';
+ input type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => 'Search!';
+ end;
+ end;
+ end;
+ my $t = $self->dbTagTree(0, 2, 1);
+ _childtags($self, {childs => $t}, 1);
+ # Recently added
+ div class => 'mainbox threelayout';
+ a class => 'right', href => '/g/list', 'Browse all tags';
+ my $r = $self->dbTagGet(order => 'added DESC', results => 10, state => 2);
+ h1 'Recently added';
+ ul;
+ for (@$r) {
+ li;
+ txt age $_->{added};
+ txt ' ';
+ a href => "/g$_->{id}", $_->{name};
+ end;
+ }
+ end;
+ end;
+ # Popular
+ div class => 'mainbox threelayout';
+ $r = $self->dbTagGet(order => 'c_vns DESC', meta => 0, results => 10);
+ h1 'Popular tags';
+ ul;
+ for (@$r) {
+ li;
+ a href => "/g$_->{id}", $_->{name};
+ txt " ($_->{c_vns})";
+ end;
+ }
+ end;
+ end;
+ # Moderation queue
+ div class => 'mainbox threelayout last';
+ a class => 'right', href => '/g/list?t=0;o=d;s=added', 'Moderation queue';
+ h1 'Awaiting moderation';
+ $r = $self->dbTagGet(state => 0, order => 'added DESC', results => 10);
+ if(@$r) {
+ ul;
+ for (@$r) {
+ li;
+ txt age $_->{added};
+ txt ' ';
+ a href => "/g$_->{id}", $_->{name};
+ end;
+ }
+ end;
+ } else {
+ p 'Moderation queue empty! yay!';
+ }
+ end;
+ clearfloat;
+ $self->htmlFooter;
+sub tagxml {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $q = $self->formValidate({ name => 'q', maxlength => 500 });
+ return 404 if $q->{_err};
+ $q = $q->{q};
+ my($list, $np) = $self->dbTagGet(
+ $q =~ /^g([1-9]\d*)/ ? (id => $1) : $q =~ /^name:(.+)$/ ? (name => $1) : (search => $q),
+ results => 10,
+ page => 1,
+ );
+ $self->resHeader('Content-type' => 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
+ xml;
+ tag 'tags', more => $np ? 'yes' : 'no', query => $q;
+ for(@$list) {
+ tag 'item', id => $_->{id}, meta => $_->{meta} ? 'yes' : 'no', state => $_->{state}, $_->{name};
+ }
+ end;
+sub tagtree {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 404 if !$self->authCan('tagmod');
+ $self->htmlHeader(title => '[DEBUG] The complete tag tree');
+ div class => 'mainbox';
+ h1 '[DEBUG] The complete tag tree';
+ div style => 'margin-left: 10px';
+ my $t = $self->dbTagTree(0, -1, 1);
+ my $lvl = $t->[0]{lvl} + 1;
+ for (@$t) {
+ map ul(style => 'margin-left: 15px; list-style-type: none'), 1..($lvl-$_->{lvl}) if $lvl > $_->{lvl};
+ map end, 1..($_->{lvl}-$lvl) if $lvl < $_->{lvl};
+ $lvl = $_->{lvl};
+ li;
+ txt '> ';
+ a href => "/g$_->{tag}", $_->{name};
+ end;
+ }
+ map end, 0..($t->[0]{lvl}-$lvl);
+ end;
+ end;
+ $self->htmlFooter;