path: root/lib/VNDB/Handler/
diff options
authorYorhel <>2008-12-08 14:37:12 +0100
committerYorhel <>2008-12-08 14:37:12 +0100
commitc6409639e1fea3ae63ec2689bdeb66489816de69 (patch)
treeed1f9bedc474380cc9c4b159c03e4d471f053644 /lib/VNDB/Handler/
parent1341864cee3168a8c08b8d84d93ac7f814d49afd (diff)
Started on user VN list
This is a rather complex part of the site, and I have no idea how to do this without making both the code and the interface look like a mess. Not completely finished, TODO: - Mass status change - rstat & wstat icons (or stick with the textual representation? the old icons suck...) - Extra filters for rstat & wstat(?)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/Handler/')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
index f8603014..fcb8d6c0 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Handler/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ YAWF::register(
qr{v([1-9]\d*)/vote}, \&vnvote,
qr{v([1-9]\d*)/wish}, \&vnwish,
qr{u([1-9]\d*)/wish}, \&wishlist,
+ qr{u([1-9]\d*)/list}, \&vnlist,
@@ -150,5 +151,112 @@ sub wishlist {
+sub vnlist {
+ my($self, $uid) = @_;
+ my $own = $self->authInfo->{id} && $self->authInfo->{id} == $uid;
+ my $u = $self->dbUserGet(uid => $uid)->[0];
+ return 404 if !$u || !$own && !$u->{show_list};
+ my $f = $self->formValidate(
+ { name => 'p', required => 0, default => 1, template => 'int' },
+ { name => 'o', required => 0, default => 'a', enum => [ 'a', 'd' ] },
+ { name => 's', required => 0, default => 'title', enum => [ 'title', 'vote' ] },
+ { name => 'c', required => 0, default => 'all', enum => [ 'all', 'a'..'z', 0 ] },
+ { name => 'v', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ -1..1 ] },
+ );
+ return 404 if $f->{_err};
+ my($list, $np) = $self->dbVNListGet(
+ uid => $uid,
+ results => 50,
+ page => $f->{p},
+ order => $f->{s}.' '.($f->{o} eq 'd' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'),
+ voted => $f->{v},
+ $f->{c} ne 'all' ? (char => $f->{c}) : (),
+ );
+ my $title = $own ? 'My visual novel list' : "\u$u->{username}'s visual novel list";
+ $self->htmlHeader(title => $title);
+ $self->htmlMainTabs('u', $u, 'list');
+ # url generator
+ my $url = sub {
+ my($n, $v) = @_;
+ $n ||= '';
+ local $_ = "/u$uid/list";
+ $_ .= '?c='.($n eq 'c' ? $v : $f->{c});
+ $_ .= ';v='.($n eq 'v' ? $v : $f->{v});
+ if($n eq 'page') {
+ $_ .= ';o='.($n eq 'o' ? $v : $f->{o});
+ $_ .= ';s='.($n eq 's' ? $v : $f->{s});
+ }
+ return $_;
+ };
+ div class => 'mainbox';
+ h1 $title;
+ p class => 'browseopts';
+ for ('all', 'a'..'z', 0) {
+ a href => $url->(c => $_), $_ eq $f->{c} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), $_ ? uc $_ : '#';
+ }
+ end;
+ p class => 'browseopts';
+ a href => $url->(v => 0), 0 == $f->{v} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'All';
+ a href => $url->(v => 1), 1 == $f->{v} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Only voted';
+ a href => $url->(v => -1), -1 == $f->{v} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Hide voted';
+ end;
+ end;
+ $self->htmlBrowse(
+ class => 'rlist',
+ items => $list,
+ nextpage => $np,
+ options => $f,
+ sorturl => $url->(),
+ pageurl => $url->('page'),
+ header => [
+ [ Title => 'title', 3 ],
+ sub { td class => 'tc2', id => 'relhidall'; lit '<i>&#9656;</i>Releases'; end; },
+ [ Vote => 'vote' ],
+ ],
+ row => sub {
+ my($s, $n, $i) = @_;
+ Tr $n % 2 == 0 ? (class => 'odd') : ();
+ td class => 'tc1', colspan => 3;
+ a href => "/v$i->{vid}", title => $i->{original}||$i->{title}, shorten $i->{title}, 70;
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc2'.(@{$i->{rels}} ? ' relhid_but' : ''), id => 'vid'.$i->{vid};
+ lit '<i>&#9656;</i>';
+ my $obtained = grep $_->{rstat}==2, @{$i->{rels}};
+ my $finished = grep $_->{vstat}==2, @{$i->{rels}};
+ my $txt = sprintf '%d/%d/%d', $obtained, $finished, scalar @{$i->{rels}};
+ $txt = qq|<b class="done">$txt</b>| if $finished > $obtained || $finished && $finished == $obtained;
+ $txt = qq|<b class="todo">$txt</b>| if $obtained > $finished;
+ lit $txt;
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc3', $i->{vote} || '-';
+ end;
+ for (@{$i->{rels}}) {
+ Tr class => "relhid vid$i->{vid} ";
+ td class => 'tc1';
+ lit datestr $_->{released};
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc2';
+ acronym class => "icons lang $_->{language}", title => $self->{languages}{$_->{language}}, ' ';
+ acronym class => 'icons '.substr(lc $self->{release_types}[$_->{type}], 0, 3), title => $self->{release_types}[$_->{type}].' release', ' ';
+ txt substr($self->{vn_rstat}[$_->{rstat}],0,2).'/'.substr($self->{vn_vstat}[$_->{vstat}],0,2);
+ end;
+ td class => 'tc3', colspan => 1;
+ a href => "/r$_->{rid}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, shorten $_->{title}, 50;
+ end;
+ end;
+ }
+ },
+ );
+ $self->htmlFooter;