path: root/lib/VNDB/Handler/
diff options
authorYorhel <>2020-07-19 10:53:48 +0200
committerYorhel <>2020-07-19 10:55:06 +0200
commitd7767fa0f907e7b2a0a3d879d9000fa137bd81db (patch)
tree4c04045145cb43f95074a3dc03970c873ae262c4 /lib/VNDB/Handler/
parent2fd1910f7f6f1218f68c404d86b25a7831725b43 (diff)
Delete old VN edit form + some other unreferenced code
There's a lot more unreferenced code in VNDB::DB::*, but I'll not spend too much effort cleaning that up right now. All of it can be deleted in bulk at some point.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/Handler/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 541 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c0a4737..00000000
--- a/lib/VNDB/Handler/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-package VNDB::Handler::VNEdit;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use TUWF ':html', ':xml';
-use Image::Magick;
-use VNDB::Func;
-use VNDB::Types;
- qr{old/v(?:([1-9]\d*)(?:\.([1-9]\d*))?/edit|/new)}
- => \&edit,
- qr{old/v/add} => \&addform,
- qr{xml/vn\.xml} => \&vnxml,
- qr{xml/screenshots\.xml} => \&scrxml,
-sub addform {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan('edit');
- my $frm;
- my $l = [];
- if($self->reqMethod eq 'POST') {
- return if !$self->authCheckCode;
- $frm = $self->formValidate(
- { post => 'title', maxlength => 250 },
- { post => 'original', required => 0, maxlength => 250, default => '' },
- { post => 'alias', required => 0, maxlength => 500, default => '' },
- { post => 'continue_ign',required => 0 },
- );
- # look for duplicates
- if(!$frm->{_err} && !$frm->{continue_ign}) {
- $l = $self->dbVNGet(search => $frm->{title}, what => 'changes', results => 50, inc_hidden => 1);
- push @$l, @{$self->dbVNGet(search => $frm->{original}, what => 'changes', results => 50, inc_hidden => 1)} if $frm->{original};
- $_ && push @$l, @{$self->dbVNGet(search => $_, what => 'changes', results => 50, inc_hidden => 1)} for(split /\n/, $frm->{alias});
- my %ids = map +($_->{id}, $_), @$l;
- $l = [ map $ids{$_}, sort { $ids{$a}{title} cmp $ids{$b}{title} } keys %ids ];
- }
- return edit($self, undef, undef, 1) if !@$l && !$frm->{_err};
- }
- $self->htmlHeader(title => 'Add a new visual novel', noindex => 1);
- if(@$l) {
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 'Possible duplicates found';
- div class => 'warning';
- p;
- txt 'The following is a list of visual novels that match the title(s) you gave.'
- .' Please check this list to avoid creating a duplicate visual novel entry.'
- .' Be especially wary of items that have been deleted! To see why an entry has been deleted, click on its title.';
- br; br;
- txt 'To add the visual novel anyway, hit the "Continue and ignore duplicates" button below.';
- end;
- end;
- ul;
- for(@$l) {
- li;
- a href => "/v$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, "v$_->{id}: ".shorten($_->{title}, 50);
- b class => 'standout', ' deleted' if $_->{hidden};
- end;
- }
- end;
- end 'div';
- }
- $self->htmlForm({ frm => $frm, action => '/old/v/add', continue => @$l ? 2 : 1 },
- vn_add => [ 'Add a new visual novel',
- [ input => short => 'title', name => 'Title (romaji)', width => 450 ],
- [ input => short => 'original', name => 'Original title', width => 450 ],
- [ static => content => 'The original title of this visual novel, leave blank if it already is in the Latin alphabet.' ],
- [ textarea => short => 'alias', name => 'Aliases', rows => 4 ],
- [ static => content => 'List of alternative titles or abbreviations. One line for each alias.' ],
- ]);
- $self->htmlFooter;
-sub edit {
- my($self, $vid, $rev, $nosubmit) = @_;
- my $v = $vid && $self->dbVNGetRev(id => $vid, what => 'extended screenshots relations anime staff seiyuu changes', $rev ? (rev => $rev) : ())->[0];
- return $self->resNotFound if $vid && !$v->{id};
- $rev = undef if !$vid || $v->{lastrev};
- return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan('edit')
- || $vid && (($v->{locked} || $v->{hidden}) && !$self->authCan('dbmod'));
- my $r = $v ? $self->dbReleaseGet(vid => $v->{id}) : [];
- my $chars = $v ? $self->dbCharGet(vid => $v->{id}, results => 500) : [];
- my %b4 = !$vid ? () : (
- (map { $_ => $v->{$_} } qw|title original desc alias length l_renai l_wikidata image img_nsfw ihid ilock|),
- credits => [
- map { my $c = $_; +{ map { $_ => $c->{$_} } qw|aid role note| } }
- sort { $a->{aid} <=> $b->{aid} || $a->{role} cmp $b->{role} } @{$v->{credits}}
- ],
- seiyuu => [
- map { my $c = $_; +{ map { $_ => $c->{$_} } qw|aid cid note| } }
- sort { $a->{aid} <=> $b->{aid} || $a->{cid} <=> $b->{cid} } @{$v->{seiyuu}}
- ],
- anime => join(' ', sort { $a <=> $b } map $_->{id}, @{$v->{anime}}),
- vnrelations => join('|||', map $_->{relation}.','.$_->{id}.','.($_->{official}?1:0).','.$_->{title}, sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{$v->{relations}}),
- screenshots => [
- map +{ id => $_->{id}, nsfw => $_->{nsfw}?1:0, rid => $_->{rid} },
- sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{$v->{screenshots}}
- ]
- );
- my $frm;
- if($self->reqMethod eq 'POST') {
- return if !$nosubmit && !$self->authCheckCode;
- $frm = $self->formValidate(
- { post => 'title', maxlength => 250 },
- { post => 'original', required => 0, maxlength => 250, default => '' },
- { post => 'alias', required => 0, maxlength => 500, default => '' },
- { post => 'desc', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 10240 },
- { post => 'length', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ keys %VN_LENGTH ] },
- { post => 'l_renai', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 100 },
- { post => 'l_wikidata', required => 0, template => 'wikidata' },
- { post => 'anime', required => 0, default => '' },
- { post => 'image', required => 0, default => 0, template => 'id' },
- { post => 'img_nsfw', required => 0, default => 0 },
- { post => 'credits', required => 0, template => 'json', json_unique => ['aid','role'], json_sort => ['aid','role'], json_fields => [
- { field => 'aid', required => 1, template => 'id' },
- { field => 'role', required => 1, enum => [ keys %CREDIT_TYPE ] },
- { field => 'note', required => 0, maxlength => 250, default => '' },
- ]},
- { post => 'seiyuu', required => 0, template => 'json', json_unique => ['aid','cid'], json_sort => ['aid','cid'], json_fields => [
- { field => 'aid', required => 1, template => 'id' },
- { field => 'cid', required => 1, template => 'id' },
- { field => 'note', required => 0, maxlength => 250, default => '' },
- ]},
- { post => 'vnrelations', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 5000 },
- { post => 'screenshots', required => 0, template => 'json', json_maxitems => 10, json_unique => 'id', json_sort => 'id', json_fields => [
- { field => 'id', required => 1, template => 'id' },
- { field => 'rid', required => 1, template => 'id' },
- { field => 'nsfw', required => 1, template => 'uint', enum => [0,1] },
- ]},
- { post => 'editsum', required => !$nosubmit, template => 'editsum' },
- { post => 'ihid', required => 0 },
- { post => 'ilock', required => 0 },
- );
- $frm->{original} = '' if $frm->{original} eq $frm->{title};
- # handle image upload
- $frm->{image} = _uploadimage($self, $frm) if !$nosubmit;
- if(!$nosubmit && !$frm->{_err}) {
- # normalize aliases
- $frm->{alias} = join "\n", map { s/^ +//g; s/ +$//g; $_?($_):() } split /\n/, $frm->{alias};
- # throw error on duplicate/existing aliases
- my %alias = map +(lc($_),1), $frm->{title}, $frm->{original}, map +($_->{title}, $_->{original}), @$r;
- my @e = map $alias{ lc($_) }++ ? "Duplicate alias '$_', or the alias is already used as a release title" : (), split /\n/, $frm->{alias};
- $frm->{_err} = \@e if @e;
- }
- if(!$nosubmit && !$frm->{_err}) {
- # parse and re-sort fields that have multiple representations of the same information
- my $anime = { map +($_=>1), grep /^[0-9]+$/, split /[ ,]+/, $frm->{anime} };
- my $relations = [ map { /^([a-z]+),([0-9]+),([01]),(.+)$/ && (!$vid || $2 != $vid) ? [ $1, $2, $3, $4 ] : () } split /\|\|\|/, $frm->{vnrelations} ];
- # Ensure submitted alias / character IDs exist within database
- my @alist = map $_->{aid}, @{$frm->{credits}}, @{$frm->{seiyuu}};
- my %staff = @alist ? map +($_->{aid}, 1), @{$self->dbStaffGet(aid => \@alist, results => 200)} : ();
- my %vn_chars = map +($_->{id} => 1), @$chars;
- $frm->{credits} = [ grep $staff{$_->{aid}}, @{$frm->{credits}} ];
- $frm->{seiyuu} = [ grep $staff{$_->{aid}} && $vn_chars{$_->{cid}}, @$chars ? @{$frm->{seiyuu}} : () ];
- $frm->{ihid} = $frm->{ihid}?1:0;
- $frm->{ilock} = $frm->{ilock}?1:0;
- $frm->{desc} = $self->bbSubstLinks($frm->{desc});
- $relations = [] if $frm->{ihid};
- $frm->{anime} = join ' ', sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$anime;
- $frm->{vnrelations} = join '|||', map $_->[0].','.$_->[1].','.($_->[2]?1:0).','.$_->[3], sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} @{$relations};
- $frm->{img_nsfw} = $frm->{img_nsfw} ? 1 : 0;
- $frm->{screenshots} = [ sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{$frm->{screenshots}} ];
- # nothing changed? just redirect
- return $self->resRedirect("/v$vid", 'post') if $vid && !form_compare(\%b4, $frm);
- # perform the edit/add
- my $nrev = $self->dbItemEdit(v => $vid ? ($v->{id}, $v->{rev}) : (undef, undef),
- (map { $_ => $frm->{$_} } qw|title original image alias desc length l_renai l_wikidata editsum img_nsfw ihid ilock credits seiyuu screenshots|),
- anime => [ keys %$anime ],
- relations => $relations,
- );
- # update reverse relations & relation graph
- if(!$vid && $#$relations >= 0 || $vid && $frm->{vnrelations} ne $b4{vnrelations}) {
- my %old = $vid ? (map +($_->{id} => [ $_->{relation}, $_->{official} ]), @{$v->{relations}}) : ();
- my %new = map +($_->[1] => [ $_->[0], $_->[2] ]), @$relations;
- _updreverse($self, \%old, \%new, $nrev->{itemid}, $nrev->{rev});
- }
- return $self->resRedirect("/v$nrev->{itemid}.$nrev->{rev}", 'post');
- }
- }
- !exists $frm->{$_} && ($frm->{$_} = $b4{$_}) for (keys %b4);
- $frm->{editsum} = sprintf 'Reverted to revision v%d.%d', $vid, $rev if $rev && !defined $frm->{editsum};
- my $title = $vid ? "Edit $v->{title}" : 'Add a new visual novel';
- $self->htmlHeader(title => $title, noindex => 1);
- $self->htmlMainTabs('v', $v, 'edit') if $vid;
- $self->htmlEditMessage('v', $v, $title);
- _form($self, $v, $frm, $r, $chars);
- $self->htmlFooter;
-sub _uploadimage {
- my($self, $frm) = @_;
- if($frm->{_err} || !$self->reqPost('img')) {
- return 0 if !$frm->{image};
- push @{$frm->{_err}}, 'No image with that ID' if !-s imgpath(cv => $frm->{image});
- return $frm->{image};
- }
- # perform some elementary checks
- my $imgdata = $self->reqUploadRaw('img');
- $frm->{_err} = [ 'Image must be in JPEG or PNG format' ] if $imgdata !~ /^(\xff\xd8|\x89\x50)/; # JPG or PNG headers
- $frm->{_err} = [ 'Image is too large, only 5MB allowed' ] if length($imgdata) > 5*1024*1024;
- return undef if $frm->{_err};
- # resize/compress
- my $im = Image::Magick->new;
- $im->BlobToImage($imgdata);
- $im->Set(magick => 'JPEG');
- my($ow, $oh) = ($im->Get('width'), $im->Get('height'));
- my($nw, $nh) = imgsize($ow, $oh, @{$self->{cv_size}});
- $im->Set(background => '#ffffff');
- $im->Set(alpha => 'Remove');
- if($ow != $nw || $oh != $nh) {
- $im->GaussianBlur(geometry => '0.5x0.5');
- $im->Resize(width => $nw, height => $nh);
- $im->UnsharpMask(radius => 0, sigma => 0.75, amount => 0.75, threshold => 0.008);
- }
- $im->Set(quality => 90);
- # Get ID and save
- my $imgid = $self->dbImageAdd(cv => $nw, $nh);
- my $fn = imgpath(cv => $imgid);
- $im->Write($fn);
- chmod 0666, $fn;
- return $imgid;
-sub _form {
- my($self, $v, $frm, $r, $chars) = @_;
- $self->htmlForm({ frm => $frm, action => $v ? "/old/v$v->{id}/edit" : '/old/v/new', editsum => 1, upload => 1 },
- vn_geninfo => [ 'General info',
- [ input => short => 'title', name => 'Title (romaji)', width => 450 ],
- [ input => short => 'original', name => 'Original title', width => 450 ],
- [ static => content => 'The original title of this visual novel, leave blank if it already is in the Latin alphabet.' ],
- [ textarea => short => 'alias', name => 'Aliases', rows => 4 ],
- [ static => content =>
- 'List of alternative titles or abbreviations. One line for each alias.'
- .' Can include both official (japanese/english) titles and unofficial titles used around net.<br />'
- .' Titles that are listed in the releases should not be added here!' ],
- [ textarea => short => 'desc', name => 'Description<br /><b class="standout">English please!</b>', rows => 10 ],
- [ static => content =>
- 'Short description of the main story. Please do not include spoilers, and don\'t forget to list'
- .' the source in case you didn\'t write the description yourself. Formatting codes are allowed.' ],
- [ select => short => 'length', name => 'Length', options =>
- [ map [ $_ => fmtvnlen $_, 1 ], keys %VN_LENGTH ] ],
- [ input => short => 'l_wikidata',name => 'Wikidata ID',
- pre => '',
- value => $frm->{l_wikidata} ? "Q$frm->{l_wikidata}" : '',
- post => qq{ (<a href="$self->{url_static}/f/wikidata.png">How to find this</a>)}
- ],
- [ input => short => 'l_renai', name => ' link', pre => '', post => '.shtml' ],
- [ input => short => 'anime', name => 'Anime' ],
- [ static => content =>
- 'Whitespace separated list of <a href="">AniDB</a> anime IDs.'
- .' E.g. "1015 3348" will add <a href="">Shingetsutan Tsukihime</a>'
- .' and <a href="">Fate/stay night</a> as related anime.<br />'
- .' Note: It can take a few minutes for the anime titles to appear on the VN page.' ],
- ],
- vn_img => [ 'Image', [ static => nolabel => 1, content => sub {
- div class => 'img';
- p 'No image uploaded yet' if !$frm->{image};
- img src => imgurl(cv => $frm->{image}) if $frm->{image};
- end;
- div;
- h2 'Image ID';
- input type => 'text', class => 'text', name => 'image', id => 'image', value => $frm->{image}||'';
- p 'Use a VN image that is already on the server. Set to \'0\' to remove the current image.';
- br; br;
- h2 'Upload new image';
- input type => 'file', class => 'text', name => 'img', id => 'img';
- p 'Preferably the cover of the CD/DVD/package. Image must be in JPEG or PNG format'
- .' and at most 5MB. Images larger than 256x400 will automatically be resized.';
- br; br; br;
- h2 'NSFW';
- input type => 'checkbox', class => 'checkbox', id => 'img_nsfw', name => 'img_nsfw',
- $frm->{img_nsfw} ? (checked => 'checked') : ();
- label class => 'checkbox', for => 'img_nsfw', 'Not Safe For Work';
- p 'Please check this option if the image contains nudity, gore, or is otherwise not safe in a work-friendly environment.';
- end 'div';
- }]],
- vn_staff => [ 'Staff',
- [ json => short => 'credits' ],
- [ static => nolabel => 1, content => sub {
- # propagate staff ids and names to javascript
- my @alist = map $_->{aid}, @{$frm->{credits}}, @{$frm->{seiyuu}};
- script_json staffdata => {
- map +($_->{aid}, {id => $_->{id}, aid => $_->{aid}, name => $_->{name}}),
- @alist ? @{$self->dbStaffGet(aid => \@alist, results => 200)} : ()
- };
- div class => 'warning';
- lit 'Please check the <a href="/d2#3">staff editing guidelines</a>. You can'
- .' <a href="/s/new">create a new staff entry</a> if it is not in the database yet,'
- .' but please <a href="/s/all">check for aliasses first</a>.';
- end;
- br;
- table; tbody id => 'credits_tbl';
- Tr id => 'credits_loading'; td colspan => '4', 'Loading...'; end;
- end; end;
- h2 'Add staff';
- table; Tr;
- td class => 'tc_staff';
- input id => 'credit_input', type => 'text', class => 'text', style => 'width: 300px'; end;
- td colspan => 3, '';
- end; end;
- }]],
- # Cast tab is only shown for VNs with some characters listed.
- # There's no way to add voice actors in new VN edits since character list
- # would be empty anyway.
- @{$chars} ? (vn_cast => [ 'Cast',
- [ json => short => 'seiyuu' ],
- [ static => nolabel => 1, content => sub {
- table; tbody id => 'cast_tbl';
- Tr id => 'cast_loading'; td colspan => '4', 'Loading...'; end;
- end; end;
- h2 'Add cast';
- table; Tr;
- td class => 'tc_char';
- Select id =>'cast_chars';
- option value => '', 'Select character';
- for my $i (0..$#$chars) {
- my($name, $id) = @{$chars->[$i]}{qw|name id|};
- # append character IDs to coinciding names
- # (assume dbCharGet sorted characters by name)
- $name .= ' - c'.$id if $name eq ($chars->[$i+1]{name}//'')
- .. $name ne ($chars->[$i+1]{name}//'');
- option value => $id, $name;
- }
- end;
- txt ' voiced by';
- end;
- td class => 'tc_staff';
- input id => 'cast_input', type => 'text', class => 'text', style => 'width: 300px';
- end;
- td colspan => 2, '';
- end; end;
- }]]) : (),
- vn_rel => [ 'Relations',
- [ hidden => short => 'vnrelations' ],
- [ static => nolabel => 1, content => sub {
- h2 'Selected relations';
- table;
- tbody id => 'relation_tbl';
- # to be filled using javascript
- end;
- end;
- h2 'Add relation';
- table;
- Tr id => 'relation_new';
- td class => 'tc_vn';
- input type => 'text', class => 'text';
- end;
- td class => 'tc_rel';
- txt 'is an ';
- input type => 'checkbox', id => 'official', checked => 'checked';
- label for => 'official', 'official';
- Select;
- option value => $_, $VN_RELATION{$_}{txt}
- for (keys %VN_RELATION);
- end;
- txt ' of';
- end;
- td class => 'tc_title', $v ? $v->{title} : '';
- td class => 'tc_add';
- a href => '#', 'add';
- end;
- end;
- end 'table';
- }],
- ],
- vn_scr => [ 'Screenshots', !@$r ? (
- [ static => nolabel => 1, content => 'No releases in the database yet. Screenshots can only be uploaded after a release has been added.' ],
- ) : (
- [ json => short => 'screenshots' ],
- [ static => nolabel => 1, content => sub {
- my @scr = map $_->{id}, @{$frm->{screenshots}};
- my %scr = map +($_->{id}, [ $_->{width}, $_->{height}]), @scr ? @{$self->dbScreenshotGet(\@scr)} : ();
- my @rels = map [ $_->{id}, sprintf '[%s] %s (r%d)', join(',', @{$_->{languages}}), $_->{title}, $_->{id} ], @$r;
- script_json screendata => {
- size => \%scr,
- rel => \@rels,
- staticurl => $self->{url_static},
- };
- div class => 'warning';
- lit 'Please keep the following in mind when uploading screenshots:<br />'
- .'- Screenshots have to be in the native resolution of the game,<br />'
- .'- Remove any window borders and make sure the image is unmarked,<br />'
- .'- Don\'t only upload event CGs.<br />'
- .'Please read the <a href="/d2#6">guidelines</a> for more information.<br />'
- .'Make sure to submit the form after the upload has finished!';
- end;
- br;
- table class => 'stripe';
- tbody id => 'scr_table', '';
- end;
- }],
- )]
- );
-# Update reverse relations and regenerate relation graph
-# Arguments: %old. %new, vid, rev
-# %old,%new -> { vid => [ relation, official ], .. }
-# from the perspective of vid
-# rev is of the related edit
-sub _updreverse {
- my($self, $old, $new, $vid, $rev) = @_;
- my %upd;
- # compare %old and %new
- for (keys %$old, keys %$new) {
- if(exists $$old{$_} and !exists $$new{$_}) {
- $upd{$_} = undef;
- } elsif((!exists $$old{$_} and exists $$new{$_}) || ($$old{$_}[0] ne $$new{$_}[0] || !$$old{$_}[1] != !$$new{$_}[1])) {
- $upd{$_} = [ $VN_RELATION{ $$new{$_}[0] }{reverse}, $$new{$_}[1] ];
- }
- }
- return if !keys %upd;
- # edit all related VNs
- for my $i (keys %upd) {
- my $r = $self->dbVNGetRev(id => $i, what => 'relations')->[0];
- my @newrel = map $_->{id} != $vid ? [ $_->{relation}, $_->{id}, $_->{official} ] : (), @{$r->{relations}};
- push @newrel, [ $upd{$i}[0], $vid, $upd{$i}[1] ] if $upd{$i};
- $self->dbItemEdit(v => $r->{id}, $r->{rev},
- relations => \@newrel,
- editsum => "Reverse relation update caused by revision v$vid.$rev",
- uid => 1, # Multi
- );
- }
-# peforms a (simple) search and returns the results in XML format
-sub vnxml {
- my $self = shift;
- my $q = $self->formValidate({ get => 'q', maxlength => 500 });
- return $self->resNotFound if $q->{_err};
- $q = $q->{q};
- my($list, $np) = $self->dbVNGet(
- $q =~ /^v([1-9]\d*)/ ? (id => $1) : (search => $q),
- results => 10,
- page => 1,
- );
- $self->resHeader('Content-type' => 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
- xml;
- tag 'vns', more => $np ? 'yes' : 'no', query => $q;
- for(@$list) {
- tag 'item', id => $_->{id}, $_->{title};
- }
- end;
-# handles uploading screenshots and fetching information about them
-sub scrxml {
- my $self = shift;
- return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan('edit') || $self->reqMethod ne 'POST';
- # upload new screenshot
- my $id = 0;
- my $imgdata = $self->reqUploadRaw('file');
- $id = -2 if !$imgdata;
- $id = -1 if !$id && $imgdata !~ /^(\xff\xd8|\x89\x50)/; # JPG or PNG headers
- # no error? process it
- my($ow, $oh);
- if(!$id) {
- my $im = Image::Magick->new;
- $im->BlobToImage($imgdata);
- $im->Set(background => '#000000');
- $im->Set(alpha => 'Remove');
- $im->Set(magick => 'JPEG');
- $im->Set(quality => 90);
- ($ow, $oh) = ($im->Get('width'), $im->Get('height'));
- $id = $self->dbImageAdd(sf => $ow, $oh);
- my $fn = imgpath(sf => $id);
- $im->Write($fn);
- chmod 0666, $fn;
- # thumbnail
- my($nw, $nh) = imgsize($ow, $oh, @{$self->{scr_size}});
- $im->Thumbnail(width => $nw, height => $nh);
- $im->Set(quality => 90);
- $fn = imgpath(st => $id);
- $im->Write($fn);
- chmod 0666, $fn;
- }
- $self->resHeader('Content-type' => 'text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
- xml;
- tag 'image', id => $id, $id > 0 ? (width => $ow, height => $oh) : (), undef;