path: root/lib/VNDB/Handler/
diff options
authorYorhel <>2015-07-26 13:59:07 +0200
committerYorhel <>2015-07-26 13:59:07 +0200
commit38c776472cfbe40a6b22224cc59401bf7f4464f0 (patch)
treed9e1545df80031bf1eb05927f21f003b7685c94f /lib/VNDB/Handler/
parent053035a1fff5ee0687e24e465987c0b65652705e (diff)
Handler::VNPage: Rewrite release comparison page
The previous code was using experimental perl features (switch / smartmatch) that weren't really needed, and the information about individual columns was spread around in multiple functions. This rewrite makes the code consistent with the rest of VNDB, and has *all* of the column-specific information in one data structure. I did not replicate the similar-cell-merging feature, partly because the code for it is definitely not trivial and partly because it doesn't make the table look any less cluttered. In fact, I feel that it only makes the table harder to interpret because it looks messy. This is a matter opinion, of course, so I might reimplement the feature if people who actually use this comparison page want to. Overall, I'm still undecided on whether this comparison page should exist at all in its current form - it's not very user-friendly and often looks cluttered. I'm keeping it because it does have some use-cases where it avoids opening every release page to do a manual comparison, but I'd love a more friendly-looking alternative.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/Handler/')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
index 183d56a4..ea7bdbdf 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Handler/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
@@ -45,6 +45,147 @@ sub rg {
+# Description of each column, field:
+# id: Identifier used in URLs
+# sort_field: Name of the field when sorting
+# what: Required dbReleaseGet 'what' flag
+# column_string: String to use as column header
+# column_width: Maximum width (in pixels) of the column in 'restricted width' mode
+# button_string: String to use for the hide/unhide button
+# na_for_patch: When the field is N/A for patch releases
+# default: Set when it's visible by default
+# has_data: Subroutine called with a release object, should return true if the release has data for the column
+# draw: Subroutine called with a release object, should draw its column contents
+my @rel_cols = (
+ { # Title
+ id => 'tit',
+ sort_field => 'title',
+ column_string => '_relinfo_title',
+ draw => sub { a href => "/r$_[0]{id}", shorten $_[0]{title}, 60 },
+ }, { # Type
+ id => 'typ',
+ sort_field => 'type',
+ button_string => '_relinfo_type',
+ default => 1,
+ draw => sub { cssicon "rt$_[0]{type}", mt "_rtype_$_[0]{type}"; txt mt '_vnpage_rel_patch' if $_[0]{patch} },
+ }, { # Languages
+ id => 'lan',
+ button_string => '_relinfo_lang',
+ default => 1,
+ has_data => sub { !!@{$_[0]{languages}} },
+ draw => sub {
+ for(@{$_[0]{languages}}) {
+ cssicon "lang $_", mt "_lang_$_";
+ br if $_ ne $_[0]{languages}[$#{$_[0]{languages}}];
+ }
+ },
+ }, { # Publication
+ id => 'pub',
+ sort_field => 'publication',
+ column_string => '_relinfo_publication',
+ column_width => 70,
+ button_string => '_relinfo_publication',
+ default => 1,
+ what => 'extended',
+ draw => sub { txt mt $_[0]{patch} ? '_relinfo_pub_patch' : '_relinfo_pub_nopatch', $_[0]{freeware}?0:1, $_[0]{doujin}?0:1 },
+ }, { # Platforms
+ id => 'pla',
+ button_string => '_redit_form_platforms',
+ default => 1,
+ what => 'platforms',
+ has_data => sub { !!@{$_[0]{platforms}} },
+ draw => sub {
+ for(@{$_[0]{platforms}}) {
+ cssicon $_, mt "_plat_$_";
+ br if $_ ne $_[0]{platforms}[$#{$_[0]{platforms}}];
+ }
+ txt mt '_unknown' if !@{$_[0]{platforms}};
+ },
+ }, { # Media
+ id => 'med',
+ column_string => '_redit_form_media',
+ button_string => '_redit_form_media',
+ what => 'media',
+ has_data => sub { !!@{$_[0]{media}} },
+ draw => sub {
+ for(@{$_[0]{media}}) {
+ txt $TUWF::OBJ->{media}{$_->{medium}} ? $_->{qty}.' '.mt("_med_$_->{medium}", $_->{qty}) : mt("_med_$_->{medium}",1);
+ br if $_ ne $_[0]{platforms}[$#{$_[0]{platforms}}];
+ }
+ txt mt '_unknown' if !@{$_[0]{media}};
+ },
+ }, { # Resolution
+ id => 'res',
+ sort_field => 'resolution',
+ column_string => '_relinfo_resolution',
+ button_string => '_relinfo_resolution',
+ na_for_patch => 1,
+ default => 1,
+ what => 'extended',
+ has_data => sub { !!$_[0]{resolution} },
+ draw => sub {
+ if($_[0]{resolution}) {
+ my $res = $TUWF::OBJ->{resolutions}[$_[0]{resolution}][0];
+ txt $res =~ /^_/ ? mt $res : $res;
+ } else {
+ txt mt '_unknown';
+ }
+ },
+ }, { # Voiced
+ id => 'voi',
+ sort_field => 'voiced',
+ column_string => '_relinfo_voiced',
+ column_width => 70,
+ button_string => '_relinfo_voiced',
+ na_for_patch => 1,
+ default => 1,
+ what => 'extended',
+ has_data => sub { !!$_[0]{voiced} },
+ draw => sub { txt mtvoiced $_[0]{voiced} },
+ }, { # Animation
+ id => 'ani',
+ sort_field => 'animation',
+ column_string => '_relinfo_ani',
+ column_width => 110,
+ button_string => '_relinfo_ani',
+ na_for_patch => '1',
+ what => 'extended',
+ has_data => sub { !!($_[0]{ani_story} || $_[0]{ani_ero}) },
+ draw => sub {
+ txt join ', ',
+ $_[0]{ani_story} ? mt('_relinfo_ani_story', mtani $_[0]{ani_story}):(),
+ $_[0]{ani_ero} ? mt('_relinfo_ani_ero', mtani $_[0]{ani_ero} ):();
+ txt mt '_unknown' if !$_[0]{ani_story} && !$_[0]{ani_ero};
+ },
+ }, { # Released
+ id => 'rel',
+ sort_field => 'released',
+ column_string => '_relinfo_released',
+ button_string => '_relinfo_released',
+ default => 1,
+ draw => sub { lit $TUWF::OBJ->{l10n}->datestr($_[0]{released}) },
+ }, { # Age rating
+ id => 'min',
+ sort_field => 'minage',
+ button_string => '_relinfo_minage',
+ default => 1,
+ has_data => sub { $_[0]{minage} != -1 },
+ draw => sub { txt minage $_[0]{minage} },
+ }, { # Notes
+ id => 'not',
+ sort_field => 'notes',
+ column_string => '_redit_form_notes',
+ column_width => 400,
+ button_string => '_redit_form_notes',
+ default => 1,
+ what => 'extended',
+ has_data => sub { !!$_[0]{notes} },
+ draw => sub { lit bb2html $_[0]{notes} },
+ }
sub releases {
my($self, $vid) = @_;
@@ -54,460 +195,138 @@ sub releases {
my $title = mt('_vnpage_rel_title', $v->{title});
$self->htmlHeader(title => $title);
$self->htmlMainTabs('v', $v, 'releases');
- # the order of buttons and columns
- my @columb_list = ( 'type',
- 'languages',
- 'publication',
- 'platforms',
- 'media',
- 'resolution',
- 'voiced',
- 'ani_ero',
- 'released',
- 'minage',
- 'notes');
- # All data specific to the individual columns
- my %c = (
- 'title' => { column_string => '_relinfo_title',
- },
- 'type' => { button_string => '_relinfo_type',
- },
- 'languages' => { button_string => '_relinfo_lang',
- unsortable => 'true',
- },
- 'publication' => { column_string => '_relinfo_publication',
- column_width => 'max-width: 70px',
- button_string => '_relinfo_publication',
- },
- 'platforms' => { button_string => '_redit_form_platforms',
- unsortable => 'true',
- },
- 'media' => { column_string => '_redit_form_media',
- button_string => '_redit_form_media',
- unsortable => 'true',
- },
- 'resolution' => { column_string => '_relinfo_resolution',
- button_string => '_relinfo_resolution',
- na_for_patch => '1',
- },
- 'voiced' => { column_string => '_relinfo_voiced',
- column_width => 'max-width: 70px',
- button_string => '_relinfo_voiced',
- na_for_patch => '1',
- },
- 'ani_ero' => { column_string => '_relinfo_ani',
- column_width => 'max-width: 110px',
- button_string => '_relinfo_ani',
- na_for_patch => '1',
- },
- 'released' => { column_string => '_relinfo_released',
- button_string => '_relinfo_released',
- },
- 'minage' => { button_string => '_relinfo_minage',
- },
- 'notes' => { column_string => '_redit_form_notes',
- column_width => 'max-width: 400px',
- button_string => '_redit_form_notes',
- },
- 'legend' => { unsortable => 'true',
- },
- );
my $f = $self->formValidate(
- { get => 'typ', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # type
- { get => 'lan', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # language
- { get => 'pub', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # publication
- { get => 'pla', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # platform
- { get => 'med', required => 0, default => '0', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # media
- { get => 'res', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # resolution
- { get => 'voi', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # voiced
- { get => 'ani', required => 0, default => '0', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # animation
- { get => 'rel', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # released
- { get => 'min', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # min age
- { get => 'not', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # notes
- { get => 'cw', required => 0, default => '0', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # restrict column width
- { get => 'o', required => 0, default => '0', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # sort order
- { get => 's', required => 0, default => 'released', enum => [ grep !$c{$_}{unsortable}, keys %c ]}, # sort by column
- { get => 'os', required => 0, default => 'all', enum => [ 'all', @{$self->{platforms}} ] }, # filter by os
- { get => 'lang', required => 0, default => 'all', enum => [ 'all', @{$self->{languages}} ] }, # filter by language
+ map({ get => $_->{id}, required => 0, default => $_->{default}||0, enum => [0,1] }, grep $_->{button_string}, @rel_cols),
+ { get => 'cw', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [0,1] },
+ { get => 'o', required => 0, default => 0, enum => [0,1] },
+ { get => 's', required => 0, default => 'released', enum => [ map $_->{sort_field}, grep $_->{sort_field}, @rel_cols ]},
+ { get => 'os', required => 0, default => 'all', enum => [ 'all', @{$self->{platforms}} ] },
+ { get => 'lang', required => 0, default => 'all', enum => [ 'all', @{$self->{languages}} ] },
return $self->resNotFound if $f->{_err};
- # Get the releases
- # Setup $what_string to use only the bare minimum to reduce database load
- my $what_string = '';
- $what_string .= ' extended' if $f->{pub}||$f->{res}||$f->{voi}||$f->{ani}||$f->{not};
- $what_string .= ' platforms' if $f->{pla};
- $what_string .= ' media' if $f->{med};
- my $r = $self->dbReleaseGet(vid => $vid, what => $what_string, sort => $f->{s}, reverse => $f->{o});
+ # Get the release info
+ my %what = map +($_->{what}, 1), grep $_->{what} && $f->{$_->{id}}, @rel_cols;
+ my $r = $self->dbReleaseGet(vid => $vid, what => join(' ', keys %what), sort => $f->{s}, reverse => $f->{o});
# url generator
my $url = sub {
- my($type, $new_val, $new_sort_type) = @_;
- # create a link, which includes all settings in $f
- my $generated_url = "/v$vid/releases?";
- foreach ( keys %$f ) {
- if ($_ eq 's' && $type eq 'o' ) {
- # changing o changes s as well
- $generated_url .= ';s=' . $new_sort_type;
- next;
- }
- $generated_url .= ';' . $_ . '='.($type eq $_ ? $new_val : $f->{$_});
- }
- return $generated_url;
+ my %u = (%$f, @_);
+ return "/v$vid/releases?".join(';', map "$_=$u{$_}", sort keys %u);
div class => 'mainbox releases_compare';
h1 $title;
if(!@$r) {
- # No releases to write in table
- # End before drawing anything in the table
td mt '_vnpage_rel_none';
} else {
+ _releases_buttons($self, $f, $url, $r);
+ }
+ end 'div';
- # change all column hide/show status to $new_val while keeping the rest of the settings untouched
- my $all_url = sub {
- my($new_val) = @_;
+ _releases_table($self, $f, $url, $r) if @$r;
+ $self->htmlFooter;
- my $generated_url = "/v$vid/releases?";
- foreach my $key ( keys %$f ) {
- # Note all columns have a length of 3 while non-columns have lengths different from 3
- $generated_url .= ';' . $key . '='. (length($key) == 3 ? $new_val : $f->{$key});
- }
- return $generated_url;
- };
- my $get_lang_plat_list = sub {
- my($type) = @_;
+sub _releases_buttons {
+ my($self, $f, $url, $r) = @_;
- my @return_array = ();
- for my $rel (@$r) {
- for my $element (@{$rel->{$type}}) {
- push(@return_array, $element) if not (grep $_ eq $element, @return_array);
- }
- }
- return sort(@return_array); # sort to make order consistent
- };
+ # Column visibility
+ p class => 'browseopts';
+ a href => $url->($_->{id}, $f->{$_->{id}} ? 0 : 1), $f->{$_->{id}} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), mt $_->{button_string}
+ for (grep $_->{button_string}, @rel_cols);
+ end;
- my $all_selected = sub {
- my($value) = @_;
+ # Misc options
+ my $all_selected = !grep $_->{button_string} && !$f->{$_->{id}}, @rel_cols;
+ my $all_unselected = !grep $_->{button_string} && $f->{$_->{id}}, @rel_cols;
+ my $all_url = sub { $url->(map +($_->{id},$_[0]), grep $_->{button_string}, @rel_cols); };
+ p class => 'browseopts';
+ a href => $all_url->(1), $all_selected ? (class => 'optselected') : (), mt '_all_on';
+ a href => $all_url->(0), $all_unselected ? (class => 'optselected') : (), mt '_all_off';
+ a href => $url->('cw', $f->{cw} ? 0 : 1), $f->{cw} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), mt '_vnpage_restrict_column_width';
+ end;
- for (@columb_list) {
- if (!$f->{substr($_,0,3)} != !$value) {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 1;
- };
- # Language and platform drawing code is almost identical. Skip writing it twice
- my $plat_lang_draw = sub {
- my($row, $option, $lang) = @_;
- if (!$f->{substr($row, 0, 3)}) {
- # Column is hidden
- # Do not display row of platforms/flags as they aren't read from the database
- # Set filter to all as it makes no sense to try to filter by hidden and potientially unread data
- $f->{$option} = 'all';
- return;
+ # Platform/language filters
+ my $plat_lang_draw = sub {
+ my($row, $option, $l10nprefix, $csscat) = @_;
+ my %opts = map +($_,1), map @{$_->{$row}}, @$r;
+ return if !keys %opts;
+ p class => 'browseopts';
+ for('all', sort keys %opts) {
+ a href => $url->($option, $_), $_ eq $f->{$option} ? (class => 'optselected') : ();
+ $_ eq 'all' ? txt mt '_all' : cssicon "$csscat $_", mt $l10nprefix.$_;
+ end 'a';
+ end 'p';
+ };
+ $plat_lang_draw->('platforms', 'os', '_plat_', '') if $f->{pla};
+ $plat_lang_draw->('languages', 'lang','_lang_', 'lang') if $f->{lan};
- p class => 'browseopts';
- foreach ( 'all', $get_lang_plat_list->($row)) {
- a href => $url->($option, $_), $_ eq $f->{$option} ? (class => 'optselected') : ();
- $_ eq 'all' ? txt mt '_all' :
- cssicon "$lang $_", mt '_' . substr($row, 0, 4) . '_' . $_;
- end 'a';
- };
- end 'p';
- };
- p class => 'browseopts';
- foreach ( @columb_list ) {
- my $short_name = substr($_, 0, 3);
- a href => $url->($short_name, $f->{$short_name} ? 0 : 1), $f->{$short_name} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), mt $c{$_}{button_string};
- };
- end;
- p class => 'browseopts';
- a href => $all_url->(1), $all_selected->(1) ? (class => 'optselected') : (), mt '_all_on';
- a href => $all_url->(0), $all_selected->(0) ? (class => 'optselected') : (), mt '_all_off';
- a href => $url->('cw', $f->{cw} ? 0 : 1), $f->{cw} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), mt '_vnpage_restrict_column_width';
- end;
+sub _releases_table {
+ my($self, $f, $url, $r) = @_;
- $plat_lang_draw->('platforms', 'os', '' );
- $plat_lang_draw->('languages', 'lang', 'lang');
- }
- end 'div';
- if(!@$r) {
- $self->htmlFooter;
- return;
- }
+ # Apply language and platform filters
+ my @r = grep +
+ ($f->{os} eq 'all' || ($_->{platforms} && grep $_ eq $f->{os}, @{$_->{platforms}})) &&
+ ($f->{lang} eq 'all' || ($_->{languages} && grep $_ eq $f->{lang}, @{$_->{languages}})), @$r;
- # Remove all releases which fails to meet the platform and language filter settings
- my $counter = 0;
- while ($counter <= $#$r) {
- my $rel = @$r[$counter];
- if (($f->{os} eq 'all' || $f->{os} ~~ $rel->{platforms}) &&
- ($f->{lang} eq 'all' || $f->{lang} ~~ $rel->{languages}) ){
- $counter++;
- } else {
- splice @$r, $counter, 1;
- }
- };
+ # Figure out which columns to display
+ my @col;
+ for my $c (@rel_cols) {
+ next if $c->{button_string} && !$f->{$c->{id}}; # Hidden by settings
+ push @col, $c if !@r || !$c->{has_data} || grep $c->{has_data}->($_), @r; # Must have relevant data
+ }
div class => 'mainbox releases_compare';
- $counter = 0;
- my @column_types = ( 'title' );
- foreach ( @columb_list ) {
- next if not $f->{substr($_, 0, 3)}; # skip columns unselected in f
- if (_column_is_in_use($r, $_)){
- push(@column_types, $_);
- $counter++;
- if ($counter == 3) {
- $counter = 0;
- push(@column_types, 'legend');
- # Legend adds a narrow column, which is hardcoded with rowspan => 1
- # This gives each block the same colour as the titles, which should help read the spreadsheet
- }
- }
- }
- # Draw the top/key row based on @column_types
- foreach my $column_type (@column_types) {
- td class => 'key';
- txt mt $c{$column_type}{column_string} if $c{$column_type}{column_string};
- if (!$c{$column_type}{unsortable}) {
- for(0..1) {
- # draw the assending/decending arrows
- # draw it in a a container with a link unless it is the already selected one
- my $make_link = !($f->{s} eq $column_type && $f->{o} == $_);
- a href => $url->('o', $_, $column_type) if $make_link;
- lit $_ ? "\x{25BE}" : "\x{25B4}";
- end 'a' if $make_link;
+ for my $c (@col) {
+ td class => 'key';
+ txt mt $c->{column_string} if $c->{column_string};
+ for($c->{sort_field} ? (0,1) : ()) {
+ my $active = $f->{s} eq $c->{sort_field} && !$f->{o} == !$_;
+ a href => $url->(o => $_, s => $c->{sort_field}) if !$active;
+ lit $_ ? "\x{25BE}" : "\x{25B4}";
+ end 'a' if !$active;
- }
- end 'td';
+ end 'td';
end 'tr';
end 'thead';
- my $td_type = 0;
- my $column_width = 0;
- my @height = ((0) x $#column_types);
- for my $r_index (0 .. $#{$r}) {
- my $rel = @$r[$r_index];
- Tr;
- for my $column_index (0 .. $#column_types) {
- next if $height[$column_index] || $column_width; # already drawn multicell box
- my $column = $column_types[$column_index];
- # assume a height of 1, then add 1 for each following release with identical setting in $column
- $height[$column_index] = 1;
- while ($r_index + $height[$column_index] <= $#{$r} && # end of release array not reached
- _compare_rel(@$r[$r_index + $height[$column_index]], $rel, $column, $c{$column}{na_for_patch})) { # $column are identical in both releases
- $height[$column_index]++;
- }
- $column_width = 1;
- if ($c{$column}{na_for_patch} && $rel->{patch}) {
- my $skipped_legend = 0;
- while (($column_index + $column_width + $skipped_legend) <= $#column_types && # end array not reached
- (($c{$column_types[$column_index + $column_width + $skipped_legend]}{na_for_patch}) || # column with no data for patches
- $column_types[$column_index + $column_width + $skipped_legend] eq 'legend' )) { # ignore legends
- if ($column_types[$column_index + $column_width + $skipped_legend] eq 'legend') {
- # column just right of a patch cell is a legend
- # remember this and continue to check
- $skipped_legend = 1;
- } else {
- if ($skipped_legend) {
- # last column was a legend
- # include this one in the patch cell since the columns on both sides will be included in the patch cell
- $height[$column_index + $column_width] = $height[$column_index];
- $column_width++;
- $skipped_legend = 0;
+ for my $r (@r) {
+ Tr;
+ # Combine "N/A for patches" columns
+ my $cspan = 1;
+ for my $c (0..$#col) {
+ if($r->{patch} && $col[$c]{na_for_patch} && $c < $#col && $col[$c+1]{na_for_patch}) {
+ $cspan++;
+ next;
- $height[$column_index + $column_width] = $height[$column_index];
- $column_width++;
- }
+ td $cspan > 1 ? (colspan => $cspan) : ();
+ if($r->{patch} && $col[$c]{na_for_patch}) {
+ txt mt '_vnpage_na_for_patches';
+ } else {
+ $col[$c]{draw}->($r);
+ }
+ end;
+ $cspan = 1;
- }
- td class => $height[$column_index] > 1 ? 'multi' : ($td_type ? 'bg' : 'normal'),
- rowspan => $height[$column_index],
- colspan => $column_width,
- $column_width > 1 ? ( align => 'center' ) : (),
- $c{$column}{column_width} && $f->{cw} ? (style => $c{$column}{column_width}) : ();
- if ($c{$column}{na_for_patch} && $rel->{patch}) {
- txt mt '_vnpage_na_for_patches';
- } else {
- _write_release_string($self, $rel, $column);
- }
- end 'td';
- } continue {
- $height[$column_index]-- if $height[$column_index];
- $column_width-- if $column_width;
- }
- end 'tr';
- } continue {
- # Toggle td_type
- # This will provide the same effect as stripe table class,
- # except rowspan settings will not cause the columns to go out of sync
- $td_type = !$td_type;
+ end;
end 'table';
end 'div';
- $self->htmlFooter;
-sub _column_is_in_use {
- my($r, $column_type) = @_;
- for my $rel (@$r) {
- given ($column_type) {
- # Some types should always be printet. Title is always needed
- # Some types contains info even when unset (like non-free commercial publications)
- when ('title') { return 1 }
- when ('type') { return 1 }
- when ('languages') { return 1 if @{$rel->{languages}} }
- when ('publication'){ return 1 }
- when ('platforms') { return 1 if @{$rel->{platforms}} }
- when ('media') { return 1 if @{$rel->{media}} }
- when ('resolution') { return 1 if $rel->{resolution} }
- when ('voiced') { return 1 if $rel->{voiced} }
- when ('ani_ero') { return 1 if $rel->{ani_story}||$rel->{ani_ero} }
- when ('released') { return 1 }
- when ('minage') { return 1 if $rel->{minage} != -1 }
- when ('notes') { return 1 if $rel->{notes} }
- }
- }
- # No release has data set in the column in question and return value should be false
- # However every row should be drawn (true) in case all releases are filtered out
- return !@$r;
-## Compare a specific variable in two releases
-# Returns true if $variable is identical in both releases
-sub _compare_rel {
- my($last_rel, $rel, $variable, $patch_na_var) = @_;
- if ($patch_na_var) {
- return 0 if !$rel->{patch} != !$last_rel->{patch};
- return 1 if $rel->{patch} && $last_rel->{patch};
- }
- if ($variable eq 'resolution' || $variable eq 'voiced' || $variable eq 'released' || $variable eq 'minage') {
- return $last_rel->{$variable} == $rel->{$variable}
- } elsif ($variable eq 'ani_ero') {
- return $last_rel->{ani_story} eq $rel->{ani_story} &&
- $last_rel->{ani_ero} eq $rel->{ani_ero};
- } elsif ($variable eq 'media' || $variable eq 'platforms' || $variable eq 'languages'){
- if (scalar @{$last_rel->{$variable}} != scalar @{$rel->{$variable}}) {
- # last_rel and rel can't be identical if they even fail to have the same length of arrays
- # No need to check anything else
- return 0;
- }
- if (scalar @{$last_rel->{$variable}} == 0) {
- # Both are empty
- return 1;
- }
- # check for each item in last_rel to find an identical item in rel
- for my $item_a (@{$last_rel->{$variable}}) {
- my $test_var = 0;
- for my $item_b (@{$rel->{$variable}}) {
- if ($variable eq 'media') {
- if ($item_a->{medium} eq $item_b->{medium} &&
- $item_a->{qty} == $item_b->{qty}){
- $test_var = 1;
- }
- } elsif ($item_a eq $item_b){
- $test_var = 1;
- }
- }
- if ($test_var == 0) {
- # no match
- # $item_a from $last_rel is not present in $rel
- return 0;
- }
- }
- # everything from last_rel is found in rel
- return 1;
- } elsif ($variable eq 'type') {
- return $last_rel->{type} eq $rel->{type} &&
- !$last_rel->{patch} == !$rel->{patch}
- } elsif ($variable eq 'publication') {
- return !$last_rel->{patch} == !$rel->{patch} &&
- !$last_rel->{freeware} == !$rel->{freeware} &&
- !$last_rel->{doujin} == !$rel->{doujin}
- } elsif ($variable eq 'notes') {
- return $last_rel->{notes} eq $rel->{notes};
- }
- # Any line reaching this has no code to compare.
- # Treat everything as unique and return 0.
- # Note: certain types like title ends up here by design
- return 0;
-## Draw the text/icon for a release
-# Draw the string for $variable in release $rel
-# No code to tell where to draw. Caller is responsible for setup of Tr, td and similar
-sub _write_release_string {
- my($self, $rel, $variable) = @_;
- given ($variable) {
- when ('title') { a href => "/r$rel->{id}", shorten $rel->{title}, 60 }
- when ('type') { cssicon "rt$rel->{type}", mt "_rtype_$rel->{type}";
- txt mt '_vnpage_rel_patch' if $rel->{patch};
- }
- when ('languages') { for (@{$rel->{languages}}) {
- cssicon "lang $_", mt "_lang_$_";
- br if $_ ne $rel->{languages}[$#{$rel->{languages}}];
- }
- txt mt '_unknown' if !@{$rel->{languages}};
- }
- when ('publication'){ txt mt $rel->{patch} ? '_relinfo_pub_patch' : '_relinfo_pub_nopatch', $rel->{freeware}?0:1, $rel->{doujin}?0:1 }
- when ('platforms') { for(@{$rel->{platforms}}) {
- cssicon $_, mt "_plat_$_";
- br if $_ ne $rel->{platforms}[$#{$rel->{platforms}}];
- }
- txt mt '_unknown' if !@{$rel->{platforms}};
- }
- when ('media') { for (@{$rel->{media}}) {
- txt $self->{media}{$_->{medium}} ? $_->{qty}.' '.mt("_med_$_->{medium}", $_->{qty}) : mt("_med_$_->{medium}",1);
- br if $_ ne $rel->{media}[$#{$rel->{media}}];
- }
- txt mt '_unknown' if !@{$rel->{media}};
- }
- when ('resolution') { if($rel->{resolution}) {
- my $res = $self->{resolutions}[$rel->{resolution}][0];
- txt $res =~ /^_/ ? mt $res : $res;
- } else {
- txt mt '_unknown';
- }
- }
- when ('voiced') { txt mtvoiced $rel->{voiced}; }
- when ('ani_ero') { txt join ', ',
- $rel->{ani_story} ? mt('_relinfo_ani_story', mtani $rel->{ani_story}):(),
- $rel->{ani_ero} ? mt('_relinfo_ani_ero', mtani $rel->{ani_ero} ):();
- txt mt '_unknown' if !$rel->{ani_story} && !$rel->{ani_ero};
- }
- when ('released') { lit $self->{l10n}->datestr($rel->{released}) }
- when ('minage') { txt minage $rel->{minage} }
- when ('notes') { lit bb2html "$rel->{notes}"; }
- }
sub page {
my($self, $vid, $rev) = @_;