path: root/lib/VNDB/Handler
diff options
authorYorhel <>2015-05-13 13:59:04 +0200
committerYorhel <>2015-05-13 13:59:04 +0200
commit3921fe19c6b0bd5125bc488a338a8968dc2f2f81 (patch)
treee52e50e3aacc0d44ee4fc815ea77c8d15b3581a9 /lib/VNDB/Handler
parent2a783edbab51aa490884814c9c45f919886d70ef (diff)
Changed layour of staff pages
Not entirely sure if this is an improvement, but it's slightly more consistent with other layouts (combination of user page, release page and character page), and leaves more room for the credit/cast listings.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/Handler')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
index e17e5319..3c8fd7af 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Handler/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ TUWF::register(
qr{xml/staff\.xml} => \&staffxml,
sub page {
my($self, $id, $rev) = @_;
@@ -51,153 +52,130 @@ sub page {
div class => 'mainbox staffpage';
$self->htmlItemMessage('s', $s);
- div class => 'staffinfo';
- h1 $s->{name};
- h2 class => 'alttitle';
- span style => 'margin-right: 10px', $s->{original} if $s->{original};
- cssicon "gen $s->{gender}", mt "_gender_$s->{gender}" if $s->{gender} ne 'unknown';
- end;
- # info table
- table class => 'stripe';
+ h1 $s->{name};
+ h2 class => 'alttitle', $s->{original} if $s->{original};
+ # info table
+ table class => 'stripe';
+ thead;
- td class => 'key', mt '_staff_language';
- td mt "_lang_$s->{lang}";
+ td colspan => 2;
+ b style => 'margin-right: 10px', $s->{name};
+ b class => 'grayedout', style => 'margin-right: 10px', $s->{original} if $s->{original};
+ cssicon "gen $s->{gender}", mt "_gender_$s->{gender}" if $s->{gender} ne 'unknown';
+ end;
- if (@{$s->{aliases}}) {
- Tr;
- td class => 'key', mt('_staff_aliases', scalar @{$s->{aliases}});
- td;
- table class => 'aliases';
- foreach my $alias (@{$s->{aliases}}) {
- Tr class => 'nostripe';
- td $alias->{original} ? () : (colspan => 2), class => 'key';
- txt $alias->{name};
- end;
- td $alias->{original} if $alias->{original};
+ end;
+ Tr;
+ td class => 'key', mt '_staff_language';
+ td mt "_lang_$s->{lang}";
+ end;
+ if(@{$s->{aliases}}) {
+ Tr;
+ td class => 'key', mt('_staff_aliases', scalar @{$s->{aliases}});
+ td;
+ table class => 'aliases';
+ for my $alias (@{$s->{aliases}}) {
+ Tr class => 'nostripe';
+ td $alias->{original} ? () : (colspan => 2), class => 'key';
+ txt $alias->{name};
- }
- end;
- end;
- end;
- }
- my @links = (
- $s->{l_site} ? [ 'site', $s->{l_site} ] : (),
- $s->{l_wp} ? [ 'wp', "$s->{l_wp}" ] : (),
- $s->{l_twitter} ? [ 'twitter', "$s->{l_twitter}" ] : (),
- $s->{l_anidb} ? [ 'anidb', "$s->{l_anidb}" ] : (),
- );
- if(@links) {
- Tr;
- td class => 'key', mt '_staff_links';
- td;
- for(@links) {
- a href => $_->[1], mt "_staff_l_$_->[0]";
- br if $_ != $links[$#links];
+ td $alias->{original} if $alias->{original};
+ end;
- }
- end 'table';
- end;
- # description
- div class => 'staffdesc';
- if($s->{desc}) {
- h2 mt '_staff_bio';
- p;
- lit bb2html $s->{desc}, 0, 1;
- end;
- br;
- }
- if (@{$s->{roles}}) {
- h2 mt '_staff_credits';
- my $has_notes = first { $_->{note} || $_->{name} ne $s->{name} } @{$s->{roles}};
- table class => 'staffroles';
- thead;
- Tr;
- td class => 'tc2', mt '_staff_col_title';
- td class => 'tc3', mt '_staff_col_released';
- td class => 'tc1', mt '_staff_col_role';
- td class => 'tc4', mt '_staff_col_note' if $has_notes;
- end;
- end;
- tbody;
- my($last_vid, $row_count, $num) = (0) x 3;
- for my $i (0..$#{$s->{roles}}) {
- my $r = $s->{roles}->[$i];
- if($r->{vid} != $last_vid) {
- ++$num;
- $row_count = 1;
- for my $j (1+$i..$#{$s->{roles}}) {
- last if $r->{vid} != $s->{roles}->[$j]->{vid};
- ++$row_count;
- }
- }
- Tr $num&1 ? (class => 'odd') : ();
- if($last_vid != $r->{vid}) {
- td class => 'tc2', $row_count > 1 ? (rowspan => $row_count) : ();
- a href => "/v$r->{vid}", title => $r->{t_original}||$r->{title}, shorten $r->{title}, 60;
- end;
- td class => 'tc3', $row_count > 1 ? (rowspan => $row_count) : ();
- lit $self->{l10n}->datestr($r->{c_released});
- end;
- }
- td class => 'tc1', mt '_credit_'.$r->{role};
- if($has_notes) {
- td class => 'tc4';
- txt '('.mt('_staff_as', $r->{name}).') ' if $r->{name} ne $s->{name};
- txt $r->{note};
- end;
- }
- end;
- $last_vid = $r->{vid};
- }
- end;
- br;
- if (@{$s->{cast}}) {
- h2 mt('_staff_voiced', scalar @{$s->{cast}});
- my $has_notes = first { $_->{note} || $_->{name} ne $s->{name} } @{$s->{cast}};
- table class => 'stripe staffroles';
- thead;
- Tr;
- td class => 'tc2', mt '_staff_col_title';
- td class => 'tc3', mt '_staff_col_released';
- td class => 'tc1', mt '_staff_col_cast';
- td class => 'tc4', mt '_staff_col_note' if $has_notes;
- end;
- end;
- tbody;
- foreach my $r (@{$s->{cast}}) {
- Tr;
- td class => 'tc2';
- a href => "/v$r->{vid}", title => $r->{t_original}||$r->{title}, shorten $r->{title}, 60;
- end;
- td class => 'tc3'; lit $self->{l10n}->datestr($r->{c_released}); end;
- td class => 'tc1'; a href => "/c$r->{cid}", title => $r->{c_original}, $r->{c_name}; end;
- if($has_notes) {
- td class => 'tc4';
- txt '('.mt('_staff_as', $r->{name}).') ' if $r->{name} ne $s->{name};
- txt $r->{note};
- end;
- }
- end;
+ my @links = (
+ $s->{l_site} ? [ 'site', $s->{l_site} ] : (),
+ $s->{l_wp} ? [ 'wp', "$s->{l_wp}" ] : (),
+ $s->{l_twitter} ? [ 'twitter', "$s->{l_twitter}" ] : (),
+ $s->{l_anidb} ? [ 'anidb', "$s->{l_anidb}" ] : (),
+ );
+ if(@links) {
+ Tr;
+ td class => 'key', mt '_staff_links';
+ td;
+ for(@links) {
+ a href => $_->[1], mt "_staff_l_$_->[0]";
+ br if $_ != $links[$#links];
+ end 'table';
+ # description
+ p class => 'description';
+ lit bb2html $s->{desc}, 0, 1;
- clearfloat;
+ _roles($self, $s);
+ _cast($self, $s);
+sub _roles {
+ my($self, $s) = @_;
+ return if !@{$s->{roles}};
+ h1 class => 'boxtitle', mt '_staff_credits';
+ $self->htmlBrowse(
+ items => $s->{roles},
+ class => 'staffroles',
+ header => [
+ [ mt '_staff_col_title' ],
+ [ mt '_staff_col_released' ],
+ [ mt '_staff_col_role' ],
+ [ mt '_staff_col_as' ],
+ [ mt '_staff_col_note' ],
+ ],
+ row => sub {
+ my($r, $n, $l) = @_;
+ Tr;
+ td class => 'tc1'; a href => "/v$l->{vid}", title => $l->{t_original}||$l->{title}, shorten $l->{title}, 60; end;
+ td class => 'tc2'; lit $self->{l10n}->datestr($l->{c_released}); end;
+ td class => 'tc3', mt '_credit_'.$l->{role};
+ td class => 'tc4', title => $l->{original}||$l->{name}, $l->{name};
+ td class => 'tc5', $l->{note};
+ end;
+ },
+ );
+sub _cast {
+ my($self, $s) = @_;
+ return if !@{$s->{cast}};
+ h1 class => 'boxtitle', mt '_staff_voiced', scalar @{$s->{cast}};
+ $self->htmlBrowse(
+ items => $s->{cast},
+ class => 'staffroles',
+ header => [
+ [ mt '_staff_col_title' ],
+ [ mt '_staff_col_released' ],
+ [ mt '_staff_col_cast' ],
+ [ mt '_staff_col_as' ],
+ [ mt '_staff_col_note' ],
+ ],
+ row => sub {
+ my($r, $n, $l) = @_;
+ Tr;
+ td class => 'tc1'; a href => "/v$l->{vid}", title => $l->{t_original}||$l->{title}, shorten $l->{title}, 60; end;
+ td class => 'tc2'; lit $self->{l10n}->datestr($l->{c_released}); end;
+ td class => 'tc3'; a href => "/c$l->{cid}", title => $l->{c_original}, $l->{c_name}; end;
+ td class => 'tc4', title => $l->{original}||$l->{name}, $l->{name};
+ td class => 'tc5', $l->{note};
+ end;
+ },
+ );
sub edit {
my($self, $sid, $rev) = @_;