path: root/lib/VNDB/Util/
diff options
authorYorhel <>2008-12-11 16:47:39 +0100
committerYorhel <>2008-12-11 16:47:39 +0100
commit739327d3d50b7cae9f9cb938fa25129ae34e78cb (patch)
tree526eb94147223f1aedc70e873b273f0ab3e15d80 /lib/VNDB/Util/
parent0514545451f9955cbdcdfed3137ac7e7888d6269 (diff)
Basic userpage + recent votes to VN pages + long-object-float bugfix
These changes are all pretty much related, so couldn't really do that in multiple commits.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB/Util/')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Util/ b/lib/VNDB/Util/
index 5cf3d729..df114cd7 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Util/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Util/
@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@ use Algorithm::Diff::XS 'compact_diff';
use VNDB::Func;
use Encode 'encode_utf8', 'decode_utf8';
-our @EXPORT = qw|htmlMainTabs htmlDenied htmlHiddenMessage htmlBrowse htmlBrowseNavigate htmlRevision htmlEditMessage htmlItemMessage|;
+our @EXPORT = qw|
+ htmlMainTabs htmlDenied htmlHiddenMessage htmlBrowse htmlBrowseNavigate
+ htmlRevision htmlEditMessage htmlItemMessage htmlVoteStats
# generates the "main tabs". These are the commonly used tabs for
@@ -383,4 +386,60 @@ sub htmlItemMessage {
+# generates two tables, one with a vote graph, other with recent votes
+sub htmlVoteStats {
+ my($self, $type, $obj, $stats) = @_;
+ my($max, $count, $total) = (0, 0);
+ for (0..$#$stats) {
+ $max = $stats->[$_] if $stats->[$_] > $max;
+ $count += $stats->[$_];
+ $total += $stats->[$_]*($_+1);
+ }
+ div class => 'votestats';
+ table class => 'votegraph';
+ thead; Tr;
+ td colspan => 2, 'Vote graph';
+ end; end;
+ for (reverse 0..$#$stats) {
+ Tr;
+ td class => 'number', $_+1;
+ td class => 'graph';
+ div style => 'width: '.($stats->[$_] ? $stats->[$_]/$max*250 : 0).'px', ' ';
+ txt $stats->[$_];
+ end;
+ end;
+ }
+ tfoot; Tr;
+ td colspan => 2, sprintf '%d votes total, average %.2f%s', $count, $total/$count,
+ $type eq 'v' ? ' ('.$self->{votes}[sprintf '%.0f', $total/$count-1].')' : '';
+ end; end;
+ end;
+ my $recent = $self->dbVoteGet(
+ $type.'id' => $obj->{id}, results => 8, order => 'date DESC', hide => 1,
+ );
+ table class => 'recentvotes';
+ thead; Tr;
+ td colspan => 3, 'Recent votes';
+ end; end;
+ for (0..$#$recent) {
+ Tr $_ % 2 == 0 ? (class => 'odd') : ();
+ td;
+ if($type eq 'u') {
+ a href => "/v$recent->[$_]{vid}", title => $recent->[$_]{original}||$recent->[$_]{title}, shorten $recent->[$_]{title}, 40;
+ } else {
+ a href => "/u$recent->[$_]{uid}", $recent->[$_]{username};
+ }
+ end;
+ td $recent->[$_]{vote};
+ td date $recent->[$_]{date};
+ end;
+ }
+ end;
+ clearfloat;
+ end;