path: root/lib/VNDB
diff options
authorYorhel <>2020-01-28 09:23:45 +0100
committerYorhel <>2020-01-28 16:42:44 +0100
commit915ea70075d6ffced641ac52cf567acc747aa7eb (patch)
tree1f0955db45b2f6048b35165eddf7a1e3e3f1e781 /lib/VNDB
parent495e03c42b378bfd5ee9bb0c431bac45c5e2b330 (diff)
v2rw: Convert the VN tagmod interface
This also changes the voting interface a little bit: - Spoiler options are a bit more concise - Mouse-over a button indicates what it does - The -1 and -2 options are not available anymore - Downvoted tags are hidden by default - Moderators can now vote-and-overrule in a single go
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB')
2 files changed, 1 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/DB/ b/lib/VNDB/DB/
index 875ff6e9..ed3ea9fe 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/DB/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/DB/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter 'import';
-our @EXPORT = qw|dbTagGet dbTTTree dbTagEdit dbTagAdd dbTagMerge dbTagLinks dbTagLinkEdit dbTagStats dbTagWipeVotes|;
+our @EXPORT = qw|dbTagGet dbTTTree dbTagEdit dbTagAdd dbTagMerge dbTagLinks dbTagStats dbTagWipeVotes|;
# %options->{ id noid name search state searchable applicable page results what sort reverse }
@@ -211,38 +211,6 @@ sub dbTagLinks {
-# Change a user's tags for a VN entry
-sub dbTagLinkEdit {
- my($self, $uid, $vid, $insert, $update, $delete, $overrule) = @_;
- # overrule
- # 1. set ignore flag for everyone except $uid
- $self->dbExec('UPDATE tags_vn SET ignore = ? WHERE tag = ? AND vid = ? AND uid <> ?',
- $overrule->{$_}?1:0, $_, $vid, $uid) for(keys %$overrule);
- # 2. make sure $uid isn't ignored when others are set to ignore
- # (this happens when a mod takes over an other mods' overrule)
- $self->dbExec('UPDATE tags_vn SET ignore = false WHERE tag = ? AND vid = ? AND uid = ?',
- $_, $vid, $uid) for(grep $overrule->{$_}, keys %$overrule);
- # delete
- $self->dbExec('DELETE FROM tags_vn WHERE vid = ? AND uid = ? AND tag IN(!l)',
- $vid, $uid, [ keys %$delete ]) if keys %$delete;
- # insert
- my $val = join ',', map '(?,?,?,?,?,?)', keys %$insert;
- $self->dbExec("INSERT INTO tags_vn (tag, vid, uid, vote, spoiler, ignore) VALUES $val", map
- +($_, $vid, $uid, $insert->{$_}[0], $insert->{$_}[1]<0?undef:$insert->{$_}[1], $insert->{$_}[2]?1:0),
- keys %$insert) if keys %$insert;
- # update
- $self->dbExec('UPDATE tags_vn SET vote = ?, spoiler = ?, date = NOW() WHERE tag = ? AND vid = ? AND uid = ?',
- $update->{$_}[0], $update->{$_}[1]<0?undef:$update->{$_}[1], $_, $vid, $uid) for (keys %$update);
- # Update cache
- $self->dbExec('SELECT tag_vn_calc(?)', $vid);
# Fetch all tags related to a VN
# Argument: %options->{ vid minrating state results what page sort reverse }
# sort: name, rating
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
index 5acc948f..c44529cf 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Handler/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ TUWF::register(
qr{g([1-9]\d*)/(add)}, \&tagedit,
qr{g/new}, \&tagedit,
qr{g/list}, \&taglist,
- qr{v([1-9]\d*)/tagmod}, \&vntagmod,
qr{u([1-9]\d*)/tags}, \&usertags,
qr{g}, \&tagindex,
qr{g/debug}, \&fulltree,
@@ -379,166 +378,6 @@ sub taglist {
-sub vntagmod {
- my($self, $vid) = @_;
- my $v = $self->dbVNGet(id => $vid)->[0];
- return $self->resNotFound if !$v || $v->{hidden};
- return $self->htmlDenied if !$self->authCan('tag');
- my $tags = $self->dbTagStats(vid => $vid, results => 9999);
- my $my = $self->dbTagLinks(vid => $vid, uid => $self->authInfo->{id});
- if($self->reqMethod eq 'POST') {
- return if !$self->authCheckCode;
- my $frm = $self->formValidate(
- { post => 'taglinks', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 10240, regex => [ qr/^[1-9][0-9]*,-?[1-3],-?[0-2]( [1-9][0-9]*,-?[1-3],-?[0-2])*$/, 'meh' ] },
- { post => 'overrule', required => 0, multi => 1, template => 'id' },
- );
- return $self->resNotFound if $frm->{_err};
- # convert some data in a more convenient structure for faster lookup
- my %tags = map +($_->{id} => $_), @$tags;
- my %old = map +($_->{tag} => $_), @$my;
- my %new = map { my($tag, $vote, $spoiler) = split /,/; ($tag => [ $vote, $spoiler ]) } split / /, $frm->{taglinks};
- my %over = !$self->authCan('tagmod') || !$frm->{overrule}[0] ? () : (map $new{$_} ? ($_ => 1) : (), @{$frm->{overrule}});
- # hashes which need to be filled, indicating what should be changed to the DB
- my %delete; # tag => 1
- my %update; # tag => [ vote, spoiler ] (ignore flag is untouched)
- my %insert; # tag => [ vote, spoiler, ignore ]
- my %overrule; # tag => 0/1
- # remove tags in the deleted state
- delete $new{$_->{id}} for(keys %new ? @{$self->dbTagGet(id => [ keys %new ], state => 1)} : ());
- # and not-applicable tags
- delete $new{$_->{id}} for(keys %new ? @{$self->dbTagGet(id => [ keys %new ], applicable => 0)} : ());
- for my $t (keys %old, keys %new) {
- my $prev_over = $old{$t} && !$old{$t}{ignore} && $tags{$t}{overruled};
- # overrule checkbox has changed? make sure to (de-)overrule the tag votes
- $overrule{$t} = $over{$t}?1:0 if (!$prev_over && $over{$t}) || ($prev_over && !$over{$t});
- # tag deleted?
- if($old{$t} && !$new{$t}) {
- $delete{$t} = 1;
- next;
- }
- # and insert or update the vote
- if(!$old{$t} && $new{$t}) {
- # determine whether this vote is going to be ignored or not
- my $ign = $tags{$t}{overruled} && !$prev_over && !$over{$t};
- $insert{$t} = [ $new{$t}[0], $new{$t}[1], $ign ];
- } elsif($old{$t}{vote} != $new{$t}[0] || (defined $old{$t}{spoiler} ? $old{$t}{spoiler} : -1) != $new{$t}[1]) {
- $update{$t} = [ $new{$t}[0], $new{$t}[1] ];
- }
- }
- $self->dbTagLinkEdit($self->authInfo->{id}, $vid, \%insert, \%update, \%delete, \%overrule);
- # need to re-fetch the tags and tag links, as these have been modified
- $tags = $self->dbTagStats(vid => $vid, results => 9999);
- $my = $self->dbTagLinks(vid => $vid, uid => $self->authInfo->{id});
- }
- my $title = "Add/remove tags for $v->{title}";
- $self->htmlHeader(title => $title, noindex => 1);
- $self->htmlMainTabs('v', $v, 'tagmod');
- div class => 'mainbox';
- h1 $title;
- div class => 'notice';
- h2 'Tagging';
- ul;
- li; txt 'Make sure you have read the '; a href => '/d10', 'guidelines'; txt '!'; end;
- li 'Don\'t forget to hit the submit button on the bottom of the page to make your changes permanent.';
- end;
- end;
- end 'div';
- $self->htmlForm({ action => "/v$vid/tagmod", nosubmit => 1 }, tagmod => [ 'Tags',
- [ hidden => short => 'taglinks', value => '' ],
- [ static => nolabel => 1, content => sub {
- table class => 'tgl stripe';
- thead;
- Tr;
- td '';
- td colspan => $self->authCan('tagmod') ? 3 : 2, class => 'tc_you', 'You';
- td colspan => 3, class => 'tc_others', 'Others';
- end;
- Tr;
- td class => 'tc_tagname', 'Tag';
- td class => 'tc_myvote', 'Rating';
- td class => 'tc_myover', 'O' if $self->authCan('tagmod');
- td class => 'tc_myspoil', 'Spoiler';
- td class => 'tc_allvote', 'Rating';
- td class => 'tc_allspoil', 'Spoiler';
- td class => 'tc_allwho', '';
- end;
- end 'thead';
- tfoot; Tr;
- td colspan => 6;
- input type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => 'Save changes', style => 'float: right';
- input id => 'tagmod_tag', type => 'text', class => 'text', value => '';
- input id => 'tagmod_add', type => 'button', class => 'submit', value => 'Add tag';
- br;
- p;
- txt 'Check the '; a href => '/g', 'tag list'; txt ' to browse all available tags.';
- br;
- txt 'Can\'t find what you\'re looking for? '; a href => '/g/new', 'Request a new tag'; txt '.';
- end;
- end;
- end; end 'tfoot';
- tbody id => 'tagtable';
- _tagmod_list($self, $vid, $tags, $my);
- end 'tbody';
- end 'table';
- } ],
- ]);
- $self->htmlFooter;
-sub _tagmod_list {
- my($self, $vid, $tags, $my) = @_;
- my %my = map +($_->{tag} => $_), @$my;
- for my $cat (keys %TAG_CATEGORY) {
- my @tags = grep $_->{cat} eq $cat, @$tags;
- next if !@tags;
- Tr class => 'tagmod_cat';
- td colspan => 7, $TAG_CATEGORY{$cat};
- end;
- for my $t (@tags) {
- my $m = $my{$t->{id}};
- Tr id => "tgl_$t->{id}";
- td class => 'tc_tagname'; a href => "/g$t->{id}", $t->{name}; end;
- td class => 'tc_myvote', $m->{vote}||0;
- if($self->authCan('tagmod')) {
- td class => 'tc_myover';
- input type => 'checkbox', name => 'overrule', value => $t->{id},
- $m->{vote} && !$m->{ignore} && $t->{overruled} ? (checked => 'checked') : ()
- if $t->{cnt} > 1;
- end;
- }
- td class => 'tc_myspoil', defined $m->{spoiler} ? $m->{spoiler} : -1;
- td class => 'tc_allvote';
- VNWeb::Tags::Lib::tagscore_($t->{rating});
- i $t->{overruled} ? (class => 'grayedout') : (), " ($t->{cnt})";
- b class => 'standout', style => 'font-weight: bold', title => 'Tag overruled. All votes other than that of the moderator who overruled it will be ignored.', ' !' if $t->{overruled};
- end;
- td class => 'tc_allspoil', sprintf '%.2f', $t->{spoiler};
- td class => 'tc_allwho';
- a href => "/g/links?v=$vid;t=$t->{id}", 'Who?';
- end;
- end;
- }
- }
sub tagindex {
my $self = shift;