path: root/lib/VNDB
diff options
authorYorhel <>2020-02-29 10:15:05 +0100
committerYorhel <>2020-02-29 10:15:05 +0100
commit95281f3b63f8bb2f165df452eb8d9d1710f3a36d (patch)
tree51e28e18145e5eada5f31f4e98416ad467749421 /lib/VNDB
parent1f1fbacddf0bdf2d1d530669ebcb39e3ebac5c2d (diff)
parentec1d3df8d42ad3d48ae261de198636b204edf083 (diff)
Merge branch 'reledit'
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNDB')
2 files changed, 106 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/ b/lib/VNDB/
index 332351c1..9f73b51d 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/
@@ -3,9 +3,10 @@ package VNDB::ExtLinks;
use v5.26;
use warnings;
use VNDB::Config;
+use VNDB::Schema;
use Exporter 'import';
-our @EXPORT = ('enrich_extlinks', 'revision_extlinks');
+our @EXPORT = ('enrich_extlinks', 'revision_extlinks', 'validate_extlinks');
# column name in wikidata table => \%info
@@ -54,6 +55,10 @@ our %WIKIDATA = (
# fmt2 How to generate a better url
# (printf-style string or subroutine, given a hashref of the DB entry and returning a new 'fmt' string)
# ("better" meaning proper store section, affiliate link)
+# regex Regex to detect a URL and extract the database value (the first non-empty placeholder).
+# Excludes a leading qr{^https?://(www\.)?} match and is anchored on both sites, see full_regex() below.
+# (A valid DB value must survive a 'fmt' -> 'regex' round trip)
+# (Only set for links that should be autodetected in the edit form)
our %LINKS = (
v => {
l_renai => { label => '', fmt => '' },
@@ -64,26 +69,62 @@ our %LINKS = (
r => {
website => { label => 'Official website', fmt => '%s' },
- l_egs => { label => 'ErogameScape', fmt => '' },
- l_erotrail => { label => 'ErogeTrailers', fmt => '' },
- l_steam => { label => 'Steam', fmt => '' },
- l_dlsite => { label => 'DLsite (jpn)', fmt => ''
- , fmt2 => sub { sprintf config->{dlsite_url}, shift->{l_dlsite_shop}||'home' } },
- l_dlsiteen => { label => 'DLsite (eng)', fmt => ''
- , fmt2 => sub { sprintf config->{dlsite_url}, shift->{l_dlsiteen_shop}||'eng' } },
- l_gog => { label => 'GOG', fmt => '' },
- l_itch => { label => '', fmt => 'https://%s' },
- l_denpa => { label => 'Denpasoft', fmt => '', fmt2 => config->{denpa_url} },
- l_jlist => { label => 'J-List', fmt => '', fmt2 => sub { config->{ shift->{l_jlist_jbox} ? 'jbox_url' : 'jlist_url' } } },
- l_jastusa => { label => 'JAST USA', fmt => '' },
- l_gyutto => { label => 'Gyutto', fmt => '' },
- l_digiket => { label => 'Digiket', fmt => '' },
- l_melon => { label => 'Melonbooks', fmt => '' },
- l_mg => { label => 'MangaGamer', fmt => ''
- , fmt2 => sub { config->{ !defined($_[0]{l_mg_r18}) || $_[0]{l_mg_r18} ? 'mg_r18_url' : 'mg_main_url' } } },
- l_getchu => { label => 'Getchu', fmt => '' },
- l_getchudl => { label => 'DL.Getchu', fmt => '' },
- l_dmm => { label => 'DMM', fmt => 'https://%s' },
+ l_egs => { label => 'ErogameScape'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , regex => qr{erogamescape\.dyndns\.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game\.php\?(?:.*&)?game=([0-9]+)(?:&.*)?} },
+ l_erotrail => { label => 'ErogeTrailers'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , regex => qr{erogetrailers\.com/soft/([0-9]+)} },
+ l_steam => { label => 'Steam'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , regex => qr{(?:store\.steampowered\.com/app/([0-9]+)(?:/.*)?|steamcommunity\.com/(?:app|games)/([0-9]+)(?:/.*)?|steamdb\.info/app/([0-9]+)(?:/.*)?)} },
+ l_dlsite => { label => 'DLsite (jpn)'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , fmt2 => sub { sprintf config->{dlsite_url}, shift->{l_dlsite_shop}||'home' }
+ , regex => qr{dlsite\.com/.*/product_id/([VR]J[0-9]{6}).*} },
+ l_dlsiteen => { label => 'DLsite (eng)'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , fmt2 => sub { sprintf config->{dlsite_url}, shift->{l_dlsiteen_shop}||'eng' }
+ , regex => qr{dlsite\.com/.*/product_id/([VR]E[0-9]{6}).*} },
+ l_gog => { label => 'GOG'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , regex => qr{gog\.com/game/([a-z0-9_]+).*} },
+ l_itch => { label => ''
+ , fmt => 'https://%s'
+ , regex => qr{([a-z0-9_-]+\.itch\.io/[a-z0-9_-]+)} },
+ l_denpa => { label => 'Denpasoft'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , fmt2 => config->{denpa_url}
+ , regex => qr{denpasoft\.com/products/([a-z0-9-]+).*} },
+ l_jlist => { label => 'J-List'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , fmt2 => sub { config->{ shift->{l_jlist_jbox} ? 'jbox_url' : 'jlist_url' } }
+ , regex => qr{(?:jlist|jbox)\.com/(?:.+/)?([a-z0-9-]*[0-9][a-z0-9-]*)} },
+ l_jastusa => { label => 'JAST USA'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , regex => qr{jastusa\.com/([a-z0-9-]+)} },
+ l_gyutto => { label => 'Gyutto'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , regex => qr{gyutto\.com/i/item([0-9]+).*} },
+ l_digiket => { label => 'Digiket'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , regex => qr{digiket\.com/.*ITM([0-9]{7}).*} },
+ l_melon => { label => 'Melonbooks'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , regex => qr{melonbooks\.com/.*products_id=IT([0-9]{10}).*} },
+ l_mg => { label => 'MangaGamer'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , fmt2 => sub { config->{ !defined($_[0]{l_mg_r18}) || $_[0]{l_mg_r18} ? 'mg_r18_url' : 'mg_main_url' } }
+ , regex => qr{mangagamer\.com/.*product_code=([0-9]+).*} },
+ l_getchu => { label => 'Getchu'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , regex => qr{getchu\.com/soft\.html\?id=([0-9]+).*} },
+ l_getchudl => { label => 'DL.Getchu'
+ , fmt => ''
+ , regex => qr{dl\.getchu\.com/i/item([0-9]+).*} },
+ l_dmm => { label => 'DMM'
+ , fmt => 'https://%s'
+ , regex => qr{((?:dlsoft)?\.dmm\.(?:com|co\.jp)/[^\s]+)} },
s => {
l_site => { label => 'Official website', fmt => '%s' },
@@ -235,4 +276,45 @@ sub revision_extlinks {
+# Turn a 'regex' value in %LINKS into a full proper regex.
+sub full_regex { qr{^(?:https?://)?(?:www\.)?$_[0](?:\#.*)?$} }
+# Returns a TUWF::Validate schema for a hash with links for the given entry type.
+# Only includes links for which a 'regex' has been set.
+sub validate_extlinks {
+ my($type) = @_;
+ my($schema) = grep +($_->{dbentry_type}||'') eq $type, values VNDB::Schema::schema->%*;
+ +{ type => 'hash', keys => {
+ map {
+ my($f, $p) = ($_, $LINKS{$type}{$_});
+ my($s) = grep $_->{name} eq $f, $schema->{cols}->@*;
+ my %val;
+ $val{int} = 1 if $s->{type} =~ /^int/;
+ $val{func} = sub { $val{int} && !$_[0] ? 1 : sprintf($p->{fmt}, $_[0]) =~ full_regex $p->{regex} };
+ ($f, $s->{type} =~ /\[\]/
+ ? { type => 'array', values => \%val }
+ : { required => 0, default => $val{int} ? 0 : '', %val }
+ )
+ } sort grep $LINKS{$type}{$_}{regex}, keys $LINKS{$type}->%*
+ } }
+# Returns a list of sites for use in VNWeb::Elm:
+# { id => $id, name => $label, fmt => $label, regex => $regex, int => $bool, multi => $bool, default => 0||'""'||'[]' }
+sub extlinks_sites {
+ my($type) = @_;
+ my($schema) = grep +($_->{dbentry_type}||'') eq $type, values VNDB::Schema::schema->%*;
+ map {
+ my($f, $p) = ($_, $LINKS{$type}{$_});
+ my($s) = grep $_->{name} eq $f, $schema->{cols}->@*;
+ +{ id => $_, name => $p->{label}, fmt => $p->{fmt}, regex => full_regex($p->{regex})
+ , int => $s->{type} =~ /^int/?1:0, multi => $s->{type} =~ /\[\]/?1:0
+ , default => $s->{type} =~ /\[\]/ ? '[]' : $s->{type} =~ /^int/ ? 0 : '""' }
+ } sort grep $LINKS{$type}{$_}{regex}, keys $LINKS{$type}->%*
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
index 589a685b..ef277f15 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Handler/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ our @EXPORT = ('releaseExtLinks');
- qr{(v)([1-9]\d*)/add} => \&edit,
+ qr{old/(v)([1-9]\d*)/add} => \&edit,
qr{r} => \&browse,
- qr{r(?:([1-9]\d*)(?:\.([1-9]\d*))?/(edit|copy))}
+ qr{old/r(?:([1-9]\d*)(?:\.([1-9]\d*))?/(edit|copy))}
=> \&edit,
qr{r/engines} => \&engines,
qr{xml/releases.xml} => \&relxml,
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ sub edit {
sub _form {
my($self, $r, $v, $frm, $copy) = @_;
- $self->htmlForm({ frm => $frm, action => $r ? "/r$r->{id}/".($copy ? 'copy' : 'edit') : "/v$v->{id}/add", editsum => 1 },
+ $self->htmlForm({ frm => $frm, action => $r ? "/old/r$r->{id}/".($copy ? 'copy' : 'edit') : "/old/v$v->{id}/add", editsum => 1 },
rel_geninfo => [ 'General info',
[ select => short => 'type', name => 'Type',
options => [ map [ $_, $RELEASE_TYPE{$_} ], keys %RELEASE_TYPE ] ],