path: root/lib/VNWeb/
diff options
authorYorhel <>2019-09-23 11:01:17 +0200
committerYorhel <>2019-09-23 11:01:17 +0200
commit9ccafba60b8de37b0c2a202d22df5c3e25b78026 (patch)
treeae150b0c25282a646e1d71868022ad4a5789e60a /lib/VNWeb/
parent4542d952f782ee193dbf279cd8186cba0e9d87a4 (diff)
v2rw: Convert doc pages + add framework for item fetching & display & revisions
This bumps the minimum Perl version to 5.26 in order to make use of lexical subroutines - a feature I've been wanting for a while. This should be the last version bump, 5.26 is the highest version in Ubuntu LTS at the moment. Not that I use Ubuntu, but it's used by the Docker container and it's a sensible reference. I merged the 'maintabs' and 'hiddenmsg' features into the primary framework_ function; It fits quite well there, removes a little bit of boilerplate from the DB entry page code and reduces the reliance on common "dbSomethingGet()" methods. I was hoping I'd be able to reduce the boilerplate required for defining revisions, but I don't think that's going to happen. What I did do was reimplement the diffing to handle item and text diffs separately, with sensible defaults for the old split/join/diff options. Diffing is now performed on the raw structured data rather than on formatted HTML, which, combined with the db_entry() functions, ought to be less brittle.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNWeb/')
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index e28c7631..1e237a78 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -1,20 +1,32 @@
package VNWeb::HTML;
-use v5.24;
+use v5.26;
use warnings;
-use TUWF ':html5_', 'uri_escape';
+use utf8;
+use Algorithm::Diff::XS 'sdiff', 'compact_diff';
+use Encode 'encode_utf8';
+use JSON::XS;
+use TUWF ':html5_', 'uri_escape', 'html_escape', 'mkclass';
use Exporter 'import';
use JSON::XS;
use VNDB::Config;
+use VNDB::BBCode;
use VNWeb::Auth;
+use VNWeb::Validation;
+use VNWeb::DB;
+use VNDB::Func 'fmtdate';
our @EXPORT = qw/
+ join_
+ user_
+ revision_
# Ugly hack to move rendering down below the float object.
sub clearfloat_ { div_ class => 'clearfloat', '' }
@@ -28,6 +40,29 @@ sub debug_ {
+# Similar to join($sep, map $f->(), @list), but works for HTML generation functions.
+# join_ ', ', sub { a_ href => '#', $_ }, @list;
+# join_ \&br_, \&txt_, @list;
+sub join_($&@) {
+ my($sep, $f, @list) = @_;
+ for my $i (0..$#list) {
+ ref $sep ? $sep->() : txt_ $sep if $i > 0;
+ local $_ = $list[$i];
+ $f->();
+ }
+# Display a user link.
+sub user_ {
+ my($uid, $username) = @_;
+ return lit_ '[deleted]' if !$uid;
+ a_ href => "/u$uid", $username;
sub _head_ {
my $o = shift;
my $skin = tuwf->reqGet('skin') || auth->pref('skin') || config->{skin_default};
@@ -179,12 +214,90 @@ sub _footer_ {
+sub _maintabs_ {
+ my $opt = shift;
+ my($t, $o, $sel) = @{$opt}{qw/type dbobj tab/};
+ return if !$t || !$o;
+ return if $t eq 'g' && !auth->permTagmod;
+ my $id = $t.$o->{id};
+ my sub t {
+ my($tabname, $url, $text) = @_;
+ li_ mkclass(tabselected => $tabname eq ($sel||'')), sub {
+ a_ href => $url, $text;
+ };
+ };
+ ul_ class => 'maintabs', sub {
+ t hist => "/$id/hist", 'history' if $t =~ /[uvrpcsd]/;
+ if($t =~ /[uvp]/) {
+ my $cnt = tuwf->dbVali(q{
+ FROM threads_boards tb
+ JOIN threads t ON = tb.tid
+ WHERE}, { 'tb.type' => $t, 'tb.iid' => $o->{id}, 't.hidden' => 0, 't.private' => 0 });
+ t disc => "/t/$id", "discussions ($cnt)";
+ };
+ # TODO: User lists
+ t tagmod => "/$id/tagmod", 'modify tags' if $t eq 'v' && auth->permTag && !$o->{entry_hidden};
+ t copy => "/$id/copy", 'copy' if $t =~ /[rc]/ && can_edit $t, $o;
+ t edit => "/$id/edit", 'edit' if can_edit $t, $o;
+ t del => "/$id/del", 'remove' if $t eq 'u' && auth && auth->uid == 2;
+ t releases => "/$id/releases", 'releases' if $t eq 'v';
+ t rgraph => "/$id/rg", 'relations' if $t =~ /[vp]/ && $o->{rgraph}; # TODO: Check DB if this field isn't given?
+ t '' => "/$id", $id;
+ }
+# Returns 1 if the page contents should be hidden.
+sub _hidden_msg_ {
+ my $o = shift;
+ die "Can't use hiddenmsg on an object that is missing 'entry_hidden'" if !exists $o->{dbobj}{entry_hidden};
+ return 0 if !$o->{dbobj}{entry_hidden};
+ my $msg = tuwf->dbVali(
+ 'SELECT comments
+ FROM changes
+ WHERE', { type => $o->{type}, itemid => $o->{dbobj}{id} },
+ );
+ my $board = $o->{type} =~ /[vp]/ ? $o->{type}.$o->{dbobj}{id} : 'db'; # TODO: Link to VN board for characters and releases?
+ div_ class => 'mainbox', sub {
+ h1_ $o->{title};
+ div_ class => 'warning', sub {
+ h2_ 'Item deleted';
+ p_ sub {
+ txt_ 'This item has been deleted from the database. You may file a request on the ';
+ a_ href => "/t/$board", "discussion board";
+ txt_ ' if you believe that this entry should be restored.';
+ br_;
+ br_;
+ lit_ bb2html $msg;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ !auth->permDbmod # dbmods can still see the page
# Options:
-# title => $title
-# noindex => 1/0
-# feeds => 1/0
-# search => $query
-# og => { opengraph metadata }
+# title => $title
+# noindex => 1/0
+# feeds => 1/0
+# search => $query
+# og => { opengraph metadata }
+# type => Database entry type (used for the main tabs & hidden message)
+# dbobj => Database entry object (used for the main tabs & hidden message)
+# Recognized object fields: id, entry_hidden, entry_locked
+# tab => Current tab, or empty for the main tab
+# hiddenmsg => 1/0, if true and dbobj is 'hidden', a message will be displayed
+# and the content function will not be called.
# sub { content }
sub framework_ {
my $cont = pop;
@@ -197,11 +310,210 @@ sub framework_ {
div_ id => 'header', sub { h1_ sub { a_ href => '/', 'the visual novel database' } };
div_ id => 'menulist', sub { _menu_ \%o };
div_ id => 'maincontent', sub {
- $cont->();
- div_ id => 'footer', sub { _footer_ };
+ _maintabs_ \%o;
+ $cont->() unless $o{hiddenmsg} && _hidden_msg_ \%o;
+ div_ id => 'footer', \&_footer_;
+sub _revision_header_ {
+ my($type, $obj) = @_;
+ b_ "Revision $obj->{chrev}";
+ if(auth) {
+ lit_ ' (';
+ a_ href => "/$type$obj->{id}.$obj->{chrev}/edit", $obj->{chrev} == $obj->{maxrev} ? 'edit' : 'revert to';
+ if($obj->{rev_requester}) {
+ lit_ ' / ';
+ a_ href => "/t/u$obj->{rev_requester}/new?title=Regarding%20$type$obj->{id}.$obj->{chrev}", 'msg user';
+ }
+ lit_ ')';
+ }
+ br_;
+ lit_ 'By ';
+ user_ @{$obj}{'rev_requester', 'rev_username'};
+ lit_ ' on ';
+ txt_ fmtdate $obj->{rev_added}, 'full';
+sub _revision_fmtval_ {
+ my($opt, $val) = @_;
+ return i_ '[empty]' if !defined $val || !length $val;
+ return lit_ html_escape $val if !$opt->{fmt};
+ return txt_ $val ? 'True' : 'False' if $opt->{fmt} eq 'bool';
+ local $_ = $val;
+ $opt->{fmt}->();
+sub _revision_fmtcol_ {
+ my($opt, $i, $l) = @_;
+ my $ctx = 100; # Number of characters of context in textual diffs
+ my sub sep_ { b_ class => 'standout', '<...>' }; # Context separator
+ td_ class => 'tcval', sub {
+ join_ $opt->{join}||\&br_, sub {
+ my($ch, $old, $new, $diff) = @$_;
+ my $val = $_->[$i];
+ if($diff) {
+ my $lastchunk = int (($#$diff-2)/2);
+ for my $n (0..$lastchunk) {
+ my $a = join '', @{$old}[ $diff->[$n*2] .. $diff->[$n*2+2]-1 ];
+ my $b = join '', @{$new}[ $diff->[$n*2+1] .. $diff->[$n*2+3]-1 ];
+ # Difference, highlight and display in full
+ if($n % 2) {
+ b_ class => $i == 1 ? 'diff_del' : 'diff_add', sub { lit_ html_escape $i == 1 ? $a : $b };
+ # Short context, display in full
+ } elsif(length $a < $ctx*3) {
+ lit_ html_escape $a;
+ # Longer context, abbreviate
+ } elsif($n == 0) {
+ sep_; br_; lit_ html_escape substr $a, -$ctx;
+ } elsif($n == $lastchunk) {
+ lit_ html_escape substr $a, 0, $ctx; br_; sep_;
+ } else {
+ lit_ html_escape substr $a, 0, $ctx;
+ br_; br_; sep_; br_; br_;
+ lit_ html_escape substr $a, -$ctx;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif(@$l > 2 && $i == 2 && ($ch eq '+' || $ch eq 'c')) {
+ b_ class => 'diff_add', sub { _revision_fmtval_ $opt, $val }
+ } elsif(@$l > 2 && $i == 1 && ($ch eq '-' || $ch eq 'c')) {
+ b_ class => 'diff_del', sub { _revision_fmtval_ $opt, $val }
+ } elsif($ch eq 'c' || $ch eq 'u') {
+ _revision_fmtval_ $opt, $val;
+ }
+ }, @$l;
+ };
+sub _revision_diff_ {
+ my($type, $old, $new, $field, $name, %opt) = @_;
+ # First do a diff on the raw field elements.
+ # (if the field is a scalar, it's considered a single element and the diff just tests equality)
+ my @old = ref $old->{$field} eq 'ARRAY' ? $old->{$field}->@* : ($old->{$field});
+ my @new = ref $new->{$field} eq 'ARRAY' ? $new->{$field}->@* : ($new->{$field});
+ my $JS = JSON::XS->new->utf8->allow_nonref;
+ my $l = sdiff \@old, \@new, sub { $JS->encode($_[0]) };
+ return if !grep $_->[0] ne 'u', @$l;
+ # Now check if we should do a textual diff on the changed items.
+ for my $item (@$l) {
+ last if $opt{fmt};
+ next if $item->[0] ne 'c' || ref $item->[1] || ref $item->[2];
+ next if !defined $item->[1] || !defined $item->[2];
+ next if length $item->[1] < 10 || length $item->[2] < 10;
+ # Do a word-based diff if this is a large chunk of text, otherwise character-based.
+ my $split = length $item->[1] > 1024 ? qr/([ ,\n]+)/ : qr//;
+ $item->[1] = [split $split, $item->[1]];
+ $item->[2] = [split $split, $item->[2]];
+ $item->[3] = compact_diff $item->[1], $item->[2], \&encode_utf8;
+ }
+ tr_ sub {
+ td_ $name;
+ _revision_fmtcol_ \%opt, 1, $l;
+ _revision_fmtcol_ \%opt, 2, $l;
+ }
+sub _revision_cmp_ {
+ my($type, $old, $new, @fields) = @_;
+ table_ class => 'stripe', sub {
+ thead_ sub {
+ tr_ sub {
+ td_ ' ';
+ td_ sub { _revision_header_ $type, $old };
+ td_ sub { _revision_header_ $type, $new };
+ };
+ tr_ sub {
+ td_ ' ';
+ td_ colspan => 2, sub {
+ b_ "Edit summary for revision $new->{chrev}";
+ br_;
+ br_;
+ lit_ bb2html $new->{rev_comments}||'-';
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ _revision_diff_ $type, $old, $new, @$_ for(
+ [ hidden => 'Hidden', fmt => 'bool' ],
+ [ locked => 'Locked', fmt => 'bool' ],
+ @fields,
+ );
+ };
+# Revision info box.
+# Arguments: $type, $object, \&enrich_for_diff, @fields
+# The given $object is assumed to originate from VNWeb::DB::db_entry() and
+# should have the 'id', 'hidden', 'locked', 'chrev' and 'maxrev' fields in
+# addition to those specified in @fields.
+# \&enrich_for_diff is a subroutine that is given an earlier revision returned
+# by db_entry() and should enrich this object with information necessary for
+# diffing. $object is assumed to have already been enriched in this way (it is
+# assumed that a page will need to fetch and enrich such an $object for its own
+# display purposes anyway).
+# @fields is a list of arrayrefs with the following form:
+# [ field_name, display_name, %options ]
+# Options:
+# fmt => 'bool'||sub {$_} - Formatting function for individual values.
+# If not given, the field is rendered as plain text and changes are highlighted with a diff.
+# join => sub{} - HTML to join multi-value fields, defaults to \&br_.
+sub revision_ {
+ my($type, $new, $enrich, @fields) = @_;
+ my $old = $new->{chrev} == 1 ? undef : db_entry $type, $new->{id}, $new->{chrev} - 1;
+ $enrich->($old) if $old;
+ enrich_merge chid => sql(
+ 'SELECT AS chid, c.comments as rev_comments,', sql_totime('c.added'), 'as rev_added
+ , c.requester as rev_requester, u.username as rev_username
+ FROM changes c LEFT JOIN users u ON = c.requester
+ $new, $old||();
+ div_ class => 'mainbox revision', sub {
+ h1_ "Revision $new->{chrev}";
+ a_ class => 'prev', href => sprintf('/%s%d.%d', $type, $new->{id}, $new->{chrev}-1), '<- earlier revision' if $new->{chrev} > 1;
+ a_ class => 'next', href => sprintf('/%s%d.%d', $type, $new->{id}, $new->{chrev}+1), 'later revision ->' if $new->{chrev} < $new->{maxrev};
+ p_ class => 'center', sub { a_ href => "/$type$new->{id}", $type.$new->{id} };
+ div_ class => 'rev', sub {
+ _revision_header_ $type, $new;
+ br_;
+ b_ 'Edit summary';
+ br_; br_;
+ lit_ bb2html $new->{rev_comments}||'-';
+ } if !$old;
+ _revision_cmp_ $type, $old, $new, @fields if $old;
+ };