path: root/lib/VNWeb/Misc/
diff options
authorYorhel <>2019-09-27 11:06:56 +0200
committerYorhel <>2019-09-27 11:07:05 +0200
commitda2ee73149aade8bc88bc4f87a424dc60348c7fc (patch)
tree457d8512112c58c45ccb72822e7bc617228db111 /lib/VNWeb/Misc/
parent092158fee02c3516ae08f7efcef8f1774bf823e5 (diff)
v2rw: Convert history listings
And I changed the filter selection into a more form-like thing. It's slightly more powerful, but not sure it's such a huge improvement in terms of UI. Everything should be identical apart from that.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNWeb/Misc/')
1 files changed, 213 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/Misc/ b/lib/VNWeb/Misc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c1fc8bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/Misc/
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+package VNWeb::Misc::History;
+use VNWeb::Prelude;
+sub fetch {
+ my($type, $id, $filt) = @_;
+ my $where = sql_and
+ !$type ? ()
+ : $type eq 'u' ? sql 'c.requester =', \$id
+ : sql_or(
+ sql('c.type =', \$type, ' AND c.itemid =', \$id),
+ # This may need an index on releases_vn_hist.vid
+ $type eq 'v' && $filt->{r} ?
+ sql ' IN(SELECT chid FROM releases_vn_hist WHERE vid =', \$id, ')' : ()
+ ),
+ $filt->{t} && $filt->{t}->@* ? sql 'c.type IN', \$filt->{t} : (),
+ $filt->{m} ? sql 'c.requester <> 1' : (),
+ $filt->{e} && $filt->{e} == 1 ? sql 'c.rev <> 1' : (),
+ $filt->{e} && $filt->{e} ==-1 ? sql 'c.rev = 1' : (),
+ $filt->{h} ? sql $filt->{h} == 1 ? 'NOT' : '',
+ 'EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM changes c_i
+ WHERE c_i.type = c.type AND c_i.itemid = c.itemid AND c_i.ihid
+ AND c_i.rev = (SELECT MAX(c_ii.rev) FROM changes c_ii WHERE c_ii.type = c.type AND c_ii.itemid = c.itemid))' : ();
+ my($lst, $np) = tuwf->dbPagei({ page => $filt->{p}, results => 50 }, q{
+ SELECT, c.type, c.itemid, c.comments, c.rev,}, sql_totime('c.added'), q{ AS added
+ , c.requester, u.username
+ FROM changes c
+ JOIN users u ON c.requester =
+ WHERE}, $where, q{
+ });
+ # Fetching the titles in a separate query is faster, for some reason.
+ enrich_merge id => sql(q{
+ SELECT id, title, original FROM (
+ SELECT chid, title, original FROM vn_hist
+ UNION ALL SELECT chid, title, original FROM releases_hist
+ UNION ALL SELECT chid, name, original FROM producers_hist
+ UNION ALL SELECT chid, name, original FROM chars_hist
+ UNION ALL SELECT chid, title, '' AS original FROM docs_hist
+ UNION ALL SELECT sh.chid, name, original FROM staff_hist sh JOIN staff_alias_hist sah ON sah.chid = sh.chid AND sah.aid = sh.aid
+ ) t(id, title, original)
+ WHERE id IN}), $lst;
+ ($lst, $np)
+sub _filturl {
+ my($filt) = @_;
+ return '?'.join '&', map {
+ my $k = $_;
+ ref $filt->{$k} ? map "$k=$_", sort $filt->{$k}->@* : "$k=$filt->{$k}"
+ } sort keys %$filt;
+sub tablebox_ {
+ my($type, $id, $filt) = @_;
+ my($lst, $np) = fetch $type, $id, $filt;
+ my sub url { _filturl {%$filt, p => $_} }
+ paginate_ \&url, $filt->{p}, $np, 't';
+ div_ class => 'mainbox browse history', sub {
+ table_ class => 'stripe', sub {
+ thead_ sub { tr_ sub {
+ td_ class => 'tc1_1', 'Rev.';
+ td_ class => 'tc1_2', '';
+ td_ class => 'tc2', 'Date';
+ td_ class => 'tc3', 'User';
+ td_ class => 'tc4', sub { txt_ 'Page'; debug_ $lst; };
+ }};
+ tr_ sub {
+ my $i = $_;
+ my $revurl = "/$i->{type}$i->{itemid}.$i->{rev}";
+ tr_ sub {
+ td_ class => 'tc1_1', sub { a_ href => $revurl, "$i->{type}$i->{itemid}" };
+ td_ class => 'tc1_2', sub { a_ href => $revurl, ".$i->{rev}" };
+ td_ class => 'tc2', fmtdate $i->{added}, 'full';
+ td_ class => 'tc3', sub { user_ $i->{requester}, $i->{username} };
+ td_ class => 'tc4', sub {
+ a_ href => $revurl, title => $i->{original}, shorten $i->{title}, 80;
+ b_ class => 'grayedout', sub { lit_ bb2html $i->{comments}, 150 };
+ };
+ }
+ } for @$lst;
+ };
+ };
+ paginate_ \&url, $filt->{p}, $np, 'b';
+sub filters_ {
+ my($type) = @_;
+ my @types = (
+ [ v => 'Visual novels' ],
+ [ r => 'Releases' ],
+ [ p => 'Producers' ],
+ [ s => 'Staff' ],
+ [ c => 'Characters' ],
+ [ d => 'Docs' ]
+ );
+ state $schema = tuwf->compile({ type => 'hash', keys => {
+ # Types
+ t => { type => 'array', scalar => 1, required => 0, default => [map $_->[0], @types], values => { enum => [(map $_->[0], @types), 'a'] } },
+ m => { required => 0, enum => [ 0, 1 ] }, # Automated edits
+ h => { required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ -1..1 ] }, # Hidden items
+ e => { required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ -1..1 ] }, # Existing/new items
+ r => { required => 0, default => 0, enum => [ 0, 1 ] }, # Include releases
+ p => { page => 1 },
+ }});
+ my $filt = tuwf->validate(get => $schema)->data;
+ $filt->{m} //= $type ? 0 : 1; # Exclude automated edits by default on the main 'recent changes' view.
+ # For compat with old URLs, 't=a' means "everything except characters". Let's also weed out duplicates
+ my %t = map +($_, 1), map $_ eq 'a' ? (qw|v r p s d|) : ($_), $filt->{t}->@*;
+ $filt->{t} = keys %t == @types ? [] : [ keys %t ];
+ # Not all filters apply everywhere
+ delete @{$filt}{qw/ t e h /} if $type && $type ne 'u';
+ delete $filt->{m} if $type eq 'u';
+ delete $filt->{r} if $type ne 'v';
+ my sub opt_ {
+ my($key, $val, $label) = @_;
+ input_ type => 'radio', name => $key, id => "form_${key}{$val}", value => $val,
+ $filt->{$key} eq $val ? (checked => 'checked') : ();
+ label_ for => "form_${key}{$val}", $label;
+ };
+ form_ method => 'get', action => tuwf->reqPath(), sub {
+ table_ style => 'margin: 0 auto', sub { tr_ sub {
+ td_ style => 'padding: 10px', sub {
+ p_ class => 'linkradio', sub {
+ join_ \&br_, sub {
+ input_ type => 'checkbox', name => 't', value => $_->[0], id => "form_t$_->[0]", $t{$_->[0]}? (checked => 'checked') : ();
+ label_ for => "form_t$_->[0]", ' '.$_->[1]
+ }, @types;
+ }
+ } if exists $filt->{t};
+ td_ style => 'padding: 10px', sub {
+ p_ class => 'linkradio', sub {
+ opt_ e => 0, 'All'; em_ ' | ';
+ opt_ e => 1, 'Only changes to existing items'; em_ ' | ';
+ opt_ e =>-1, 'Only newly created items';
+ } if exists $filt->{e};
+ p_ class => 'linkradio', sub {
+ opt_ h => 0, 'All'; em_ ' | ';
+ opt_ h => 1, 'Only non-deleted items'; em_ ' | ';
+ opt_ h =>-1, 'Only deleted';
+ } if exists $filt->{h};
+ p_ class => 'linkradio', sub {
+ opt_ m => 0, 'Show'; em_ ' | ';
+ opt_ m => 1, 'Hide'; txt_ ' automated edits';
+ } if exists $filt->{m};
+ p_ class => 'linkradio', sub {
+ opt_ r => 0, 'Exclude'; em_ ' | ';
+ opt_ r => 1, 'Include'; txt_ ' releases';
+ } if exists $filt->{r};
+ input_ type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => 'Update';
+ debug_ $filt;
+ };
+ }};
+ };
+ $filt;
+TUWF::get qr{/(?:([upvrcsd])([1-9]\d*)/)?hist} => sub {
+ my($type, $id) = (tuwf->capture(1)||'', tuwf->capture(2));
+ my sub dbitem {
+ my($table, $title) = @_;
+ tuwf->dbRowi('SELECT id,', $title, ' AS title, hidden AS entry_hidden, locked AS entry_locked FROM', $table, 'WHERE id =', \$id);
+ };
+ my $obj = !$type ? undef :
+ $type eq 'u' ? tuwf->dbRowi('SELECT id, username AS title FROM users WHERE id =', \$id) :
+ $type eq 'p' ? dbitem producers => 'name' :
+ $type eq 'v' ? dbitem vn => 'title' :
+ $type eq 'r' ? dbitem releases => 'title' :
+ $type eq 'c' ? dbitem chars => 'name' :
+ $type eq 's' ? dbitem staff => '(SELECT name FROM staff_alias WHERE aid = staff.aid)' :
+ $type eq 'd' ? dbitem docs => 'title' : die;
+ return tuwf->resNotFound if $type && !$obj->{id};
+ my $title = $type ? "Edit history of $obj->{title}" : 'Recent changes';
+ framework_ title => $title, index => 0, type => $type, dbobj => $obj, tab => 'hist',
+ sub {
+ my $filt;
+ div_ class => 'mainbox', sub {
+ h1_ $title;
+ $filt = filters_ $type;
+ };
+ tablebox_ $type, $id, $filt;
+ };