path: root/lib/VNWeb/Releases
diff options
authorYorhel <>2021-01-19 14:55:48 +0100
committerYorhel <>2021-01-19 14:55:50 +0100
commitb35af5ba52f3bceb603e8c7dda10d4abb84c6bd9 (patch)
tree9ec57a1fb9e10da7d3f68d0f4f64afc0e767da11 /lib/VNWeb/Releases
parent776518ed98f6c5ec401438db9571e890d17cd622 (diff)
v2rw: Convert VN releases tab
This is the last page in the old v2 code that hadn't been rewritten yet. It's a fairly direct and ugly conversion as I've not decided what the future holds for this page, but at least this will allow me to clean up a lot of old and ugly code.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNWeb/Releases')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/Releases/ b/lib/VNWeb/Releases/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0c326402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/Releases/
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+# TODO: This code is kind of obsolete. It's not been updated with recently
+# added release fields and all fields are already displayed more concisely in
+# the releases box on the main VN page. The filtering and display options on
+# this page can still be useful, though, so need to figure out what to do with
+# this in the future.
+# Maybe update/modernize this page with the latest fields and icons and
+# shorten/simplify the long list of releases on the main VN page? Or expand the
+# list on VN pages with filters and display options?
+package VNWeb::Releases::VNTab;
+use VNWeb::Prelude;
+use VNWeb::Releases::Lib 'enrich_release';
+# Description of each column, field:
+# id: Identifier used in URLs
+# sort_field: Name of the field when sorting
+# sort_sql: ORDER BY clause when sorting
+# column_string: String to use as column header
+# column_width: Maximum width (in pixels) of the column in 'restricted width' mode
+# button_string: String to use for the hide/unhide button
+# na_for_patch: When the field is N/A for patch releases
+# default: Set when it's visible by default
+# has_data: Subroutine called with a release object, should return true if the release has data for the column
+# draw: Subroutine called with a release object, should draw its column contents
+my @rel_cols = (
+ { # Title
+ id => 'tit',
+ sort_field => 'title',
+ sort_sql => 'r.title %s, r.released %1$s',
+ column_string => 'Title',
+ draw => sub { a_ href => "/r$_[0]{id}", $_[0]{title} },
+ }, { # Type
+ id => 'typ',
+ sort_field => 'type',
+ sort_sql => 'r.patch %s, r.type %1$s, r.released %1$s, r.title %1$s',
+ button_string => 'Type',
+ default => 1,
+ draw => sub { abbr_ class => "icons rt$_[0]{type}", title => $_[0]{type}, ''; txt_ '(patch)' if $_[0]{patch} },
+ }, { # Languages
+ id => 'lan',
+ button_string => 'Language',
+ default => 1,
+ has_data => sub { !!@{$_[0]{lang}} },
+ draw => sub { join_ \&br_, sub { abbr_ class => "icons lang $_", title => $LANGUAGE{$_}, ''; }, $_[0]{lang}->@* },
+ }, { # Publication
+ id => 'pub',
+ sort_field => 'publication',
+ sort_sql => 'r.doujin %s, r.freeware %1$s, r.patch %1$s, r.released %1$s, r.title %1$s',
+ column_string => 'Publication',
+ column_width => 70,
+ button_string => 'Publication',
+ default => 1,
+ draw => sub { txt_ join ', ', $_[0]{freeware} ? 'Freeware' : 'Non-free', $_[0]{patch} ? () : ($_[0]{doujin} ? 'doujin' : 'commercial') },
+ }, { # Platforms
+ id => 'pla',
+ button_string => 'Platforms',
+ default => 1,
+ has_data => sub { !!@{$_[0]{platforms}} },
+ draw => sub {
+ join_ \&br_, sub { abbr_ class => "icons $_", title => $PLATFORM{$_}, ''; }, $_[0]{platforms}->@*;
+ txt_ 'Unknown' if !$_[0]{platforms}->@*;
+ },
+ }, { # Media
+ id => 'med',
+ column_string => 'Media',
+ button_string => 'Media',
+ has_data => sub { !!@{$_[0]{media}} },
+ draw => sub {
+ join_ \&br_, sub { txt_ fmtmedia $_->{medium}, $_->{qty} }, $_[0]{media}->@*;
+ txt_ 'Unknown' if !$_[0]{media}->@*;
+ },
+ }, { # Resolution
+ id => 'res',
+ sort_field => 'resolution',
+ sort_sql => 'r.reso_x %s, r.reso_y %1$s, r.patch %1$s, r.released %1$s, r.title %1$s',
+ column_string => 'Resolution',
+ button_string => 'Resolution',
+ na_for_patch => 1,
+ default => 1,
+ has_data => sub { !!$_[0]{reso_y} },
+ draw => sub { txt_ resolution($_[0]) || 'Unknown' },
+ }, { # Voiced
+ id => 'voi',
+ sort_field => 'voiced',
+ sort_sql => 'r.voiced %s, r.patch %1$s, r.released %1$s, r.title %1$s',
+ column_string => 'Voiced',
+ column_width => 70,
+ button_string => 'Voiced',
+ na_for_patch => 1,
+ default => 1,
+ has_data => sub { !!$_[0]{voiced} },
+ draw => sub { txt_ $VOICED{$_[0]{voiced}}{txt} },
+ }, { # Animation
+ id => 'ani',
+ sort_field => 'ani_ero',
+ sort_sql => 'r.ani_story %s, r.ani_ero %1$s, r.patch %1$s, r.released %1$s, r.title %1$s',
+ column_string => 'Animation',
+ column_width => 110,
+ button_string => 'Animation',
+ na_for_patch => '1',
+ has_data => sub { !!($_[0]{ani_story} || $_[0]{ani_ero}) },
+ draw => sub {
+ txt_ join ', ',
+ $_[0]{ani_story} ? "Story: $ANIMATED{$_[0]{ani_story}}{txt}" :(),
+ $_[0]{ani_ero} ? "Ero scenes: $ANIMATED{$_[0]{ani_ero}}{txt}":();
+ txt_ 'Unknown' if !$_[0]{ani_story} && !$_[0]{ani_ero};
+ },
+ }, { # Released
+ id => 'rel',
+ sort_field => 'released',
+ sort_sql => 'r.released %s, %1$s',
+ column_string => 'Released',
+ button_string => 'Released',
+ default => 1,
+ draw => sub { rdate_ $_[0]{released} },
+ }, { # Age rating
+ id => 'min',
+ sort_field => 'minage',
+ sort_sql => 'r.minage %s, r.released %1$s, r.title %1$s',
+ button_string => 'Age rating',
+ default => 1,
+ has_data => sub { $_[0]{minage} != -1 },
+ draw => sub { txt_ minage $_[0]{minage} },
+ }, { # Notes
+ id => 'not',
+ sort_field => 'notes',
+ sort_sql => 'r.notes %s, r.released %1$s, r.title %1$s',
+ column_string => 'Notes',
+ column_width => 400,
+ button_string => 'Notes',
+ default => 1,
+ has_data => sub { !!$_[0]{notes} },
+ draw => sub { lit_ bb_format $_[0]{notes} },
+ }
+sub buttons_ {
+ my($opt, $url, $r) = @_;
+ # Column visibility
+ p_ class => 'browseopts', sub {
+ a_ href => $url->($_->{id}, $opt->{$_->{id}} ? 0 : 1), $opt->{$_->{id}} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), $_->{button_string}
+ for grep $_->{button_string}, @rel_cols;
+ };
+ # Misc options
+ my $all_selected = !grep $_->{button_string} && !$opt->{$_->{id}}, @rel_cols;
+ my $all_unselected = !grep $_->{button_string} && $opt->{$_->{id}}, @rel_cols;
+ my $all_url = sub { $url->(map +($_->{id},$_[0]), grep $_->{button_string}, @rel_cols); };
+ p_ class => 'browseopts', sub {
+ a_ href => $all_url->(1), $all_selected ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'All on';
+ a_ href => $all_url->(0), $all_unselected ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'All off';
+ a_ href => $url->('cw', $opt->{cw} ? 0 : 1), $opt->{cw} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), 'Restrict column width';
+ };
+ my sub pl {
+ my($row, $option, $txt, $csscat) = @_;
+ my %opts = map +($_,1), map $_->{$row}->@*, @$r;
+ return if !keys %opts;
+ p_ class => 'browseopts', sub {
+ a_ href => $url->($option, $_), $_ eq $opt->{$option} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), sub {
+ $_ eq 'all' ? txt_ 'All' : abbr_ class => "icons $csscat $_", title => $txt->{$_}, '';
+ } for ('all', sort keys %opts);
+ }
+ };
+ pl 'platforms', 'os', \%PLATFORM, '' if $opt->{pla};
+ pl 'lang', 'lang',\%LANGUAGE, 'lang' if $opt->{lan};
+sub listing_ {
+ my($opt, $url, $r) = @_;
+ # Apply language and platform filters
+ my @r = grep +
+ ($opt->{os} eq 'all' || ($_->{platforms} && grep $_ eq $opt->{os}, $_->{platforms}->@*)) &&
+ ($opt->{lang} eq 'all' || ($_->{lang} && grep $_ eq $opt->{lang}, $_->{lang}->@*)), @$r;
+ # Figure out which columns to display
+ my @col;
+ for my $c (@rel_cols) {
+ next if $c->{button_string} && !$opt->{$c->{id}}; # Hidden by settings
+ push @col, $c if !@r || !$c->{has_data} || grep $c->{has_data}->($_), @r; # Must have relevant data
+ }
+ div_ class => 'mainbox releases_compare', sub {
+ table_ sub {
+ thead_ sub { tr_ sub {
+ td_ class => 'key', sub {
+ txt_ $_->{column_string} if $_->{column_string};
+ sortable_ $_->{sort_field}, $opt, $url if $_->{sort_field};
+ } for @col;
+ } };
+ tr_ sub {
+ my $r = $_;
+ # Combine "N/A for patches" columns
+ my $cspan = 1;
+ for my $c (0..$#col) {
+ if($r->{patch} && $col[$c]{na_for_patch} && $c < $#col && $col[$c+1]{na_for_patch}) {
+ $cspan++;
+ next;
+ }
+ td_ $cspan > 1 ? (colspan => $cspan) : (),
+ $col[$c]{column_width} && $opt->{cw} ? (style => "max-width: $col[$c]{column_width}px") : ();
+ if($r->{patch} && $col[$c]{na_for_patch}) {
+ txt_ 'NA for patches';
+ } else {
+ $col[$c]{draw}->($r);
+ }
+ end_;
+ $cspan = 1;
+ }
+ } for @r;
+ }
+ }
+TUWF::get qr{/$RE{vid}/releases} => sub {
+ my $v = dbobj v => tuwf->capture('id');
+ return tuwf->resNotFound if !$v->{id};
+ my $opt = tuwf->validate(get =>
+ cw => { anybool => 1 },
+ o => { onerror => 'a', enum => [0,1,'d','a'] },
+ s => { onerror => 'released', enum => [ map $_->{sort_field}, grep $_->{sort_field}, @rel_cols ]},
+ os => { onerror => 'all', enum => [ 'all', keys %PLATFORM ] },
+ lang => { onerror => 'all', enum => [ 'all', keys %LANGUAGE ] },
+ map +($_->{id}, { anybool => 1, default => $_->{default} }), grep $_->{button_string}, @rel_cols
+ )->data;
+ # Compat with old URLs
+ $opt->{o} = 'a' if $opt->{o} eq 0;
+ $opt->{o} = 'd' if $opt->{o} eq 1;
+ my $r = tuwf->dbAlli('
+ SELECT, r.type, r.patch, r.released, r.gtin
+ FROM releases r
+ JOIN releases_vn rv ON =
+ WHERE NOT hidden AND rv.vid =', \$v->{id}, '
+ ORDER BY', sprintf(+(grep $opt->{s} eq ($_->{sort_field}//''), @rel_cols)[0]{sort_sql}, $opt->{o} eq 'a' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC')
+ );
+ enrich_release $r;
+ my sub url { '?'.query_encode %$opt, @_ }
+ framework_ title => "Releases for $v->{title}", type => 'v', dbobj => $v, tab => 'releases', sub {
+ div_ class => 'mainbox releases_compare', sub {
+ h1_ "Releases for $v->{title}";
+ if(!@$r) {
+ p_ 'We don\'t have any information about releases of this visual novel yet...';
+ } else {
+ buttons_($opt, \&url, $r);
+ }
+ };
+ listing_ $opt, \&url, $r if @$r;
+ };