path: root/lib/VNWeb
diff options
authorYorhel <>2019-10-16 10:31:24 +0200
committerYorhel <>2019-10-16 15:29:38 +0200
commit678f511619708ba893cb2414eead90cdae685708 (patch)
tree2c79c111805f38454e07d96645f3fdc31fe75860 /lib/VNWeb
parent1fb8a234cf5a455af6d78c893320b21de8347bc4 (diff)
v2rw: Convert staff adding/editing form
This is the first major editing form to be converted, so I'm expecting a little breakage. A good chunk of this code has been copied from v3. In terms of the UI there has been a small change: aliases that are still referenced do not have the 'remove' link and instead have a flag that shows that they are still referenced. This ought to be a bit friendlier than throwing an error message after the user has submitted the form. Some other things I'd like to improve in this form: - BBCode preview - Pasting in external links and letting the form figure out the Pixiv ID, etc. - Or perhaps even: Integrate AniDB/Wikidata search/autocompletion.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNWeb')
5 files changed, 223 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index 27d04b64..1583e731 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ sub _enrich {
return if !keys %ids;
# Fetch the data
- $sql = ref $sql eq 'CODE' ? $sql->([keys %ids]) : sql $sql, [keys %ids];
+ $sql = ref $sql eq 'CODE' ? do { local $_ = [keys %ids]; sql $sql->($_) } : sql $sql, [keys %ids];
my $data = tuwf->dbAlli($sql);
# And merge
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ my $entry_types = do {
# Returns everything for a specific entry ID. The top-level hash also includes
# the following keys:
-# id, chid, rev, maxrev, hidden, locked, entry_hidden, entry_locked
+# id, chid, chrev, maxrev, hidden, locked, entry_hidden, entry_locked
# (Ordering of arrays is unspecified)
@@ -318,10 +318,11 @@ sub db_edit {
while(my($name, $tbl) = each $t->{tables}->%*) {
my $base = $tbl->{name} =~ s/_hist$//r;
- my @cols = sql_comma(map sql_identifier($_->{name}), $tbl->{cols}->$@);
+ my @colnames = grep $_ ne 'chid', map $_->{name}, $tbl->{cols}->@*;
+ my @cols = sql_comma(map sql_identifier($_), @colnames);
my @rows = map {
my $d = $_;
- sql '(', sql_comma(map \$d, $tbl->{cols}->@*), ')'
+ sql '(', sql_comma(map \$d->{$_}, @colnames), ')'
} $data->{$name}->@*;
tuwf->dbExeci("DELETE FROM edit_${base}");
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index e83faf25..1cdfcb88 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -234,6 +234,9 @@ sub write_types {
$data .= def skins => 'List (String, String)' =>
list map tuple(string $_, string tuwf->{skins}{$_}[0]),
sort { tuwf->{skins}{$a}[0] cmp tuwf->{skins}{$b}[0] } keys tuwf->{skins}->%*;
+ $data .= def languages => 'List (String, String)' =>
+ list map tuple(string $_, string $LANGUAGE{$_}),
+ sort { $LANGUAGE{$a} cmp $LANGUAGE{$b} } keys %LANGUAGE;
write_module Types => $data;
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index f11019ca..2223c4cf 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use JSON::XS;
use TUWF ':html5_', 'uri_escape', 'html_escape', 'mkclass';
use Exporter 'import';
use POSIX 'ceil';
+use Carp 'croak';
use JSON::XS;
use VNDB::Config;
use VNDB::BBCode;
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ our @EXPORT = qw/
+ editmsg_
@@ -336,6 +338,15 @@ sub _maintabs_ {
+# Attempt to figure out the board id from a database entry ($type, $dbobj) combination
+sub _board_id {
+ my($type, $obj) = @_;
+ $type =~ /[vp]/ ? $type.$obj->{id} :
+ $type eq 'r' && $obj->{vn}->@* ? 'v'.$obj->{vn}[0]{vid} :
+ $type eq 'c' && $obj->{vns}->@* ? 'v'.$obj->{vns}[0]{vid} : 'db';
# Returns 1 if the page contents should be hidden.
sub _hidden_msg_ {
my $o = shift;
@@ -349,14 +360,13 @@ sub _hidden_msg_ {
WHERE', { type => $o->{type}, itemid => $o->{dbobj}{id} },
- my $board = $o->{type} =~ /[vp]/ ? $o->{type}.$o->{dbobj}{id} : 'db'; # TODO: Link to VN board for characters and releases?
div_ class => 'mainbox', sub {
h1_ $o->{title};
div_ class => 'warning', sub {
h2_ 'Item deleted';
p_ sub {
txt_ 'This item has been deleted from the database. You may file a request on the ';
- a_ href => "/t/$board", "discussion board";
+ a_ href => '/t/'._board_id($o->{type}, $o->{dbobj}), "discussion board";
txt_ ' if you believe that this entry should be restored.';
@@ -669,4 +679,68 @@ sub searchbox_ {
+# Generate the initial mainbox when adding or editing a database entry, with a
+# friendly message pointing to the guidelines and stuff.
+# Args: $type ('v','r', etc), $obj (from db_entry(), or undef for new page), $page_title, $is_this_a_copy?
+sub editmsg_ {
+ my($type, $obj, $title, $copy) = @_;
+ my $typename = {v => 'visual novel', r => 'release', p => 'producer', c => 'character', s => 'person'}->{$type};
+ my $guidelines = {v => 2, r => 3, p => 4, c => 12, s => 16 }->{$type};
+ croak "Unknown type: $type" if !$typename;
+ div_ class => 'mainbox', sub {
+ h1_ sub {
+ txt_ $title;
+ debug_ $obj if $obj;
+ };
+ if($copy) {
+ div_ class => 'warning', sub {
+ h2_ "You're not editing an entry!";
+ p_ sub {;
+ txt_ "You're about to insert a new entry into the database with information based on ";
+ a_ href => "/$type$obj->{id}", "$type$obj->{id}";
+ txt_ '.';
+ br_;
+ txt_ "Hit the 'edit' tab on the right-top if you intended to edit the entry instead of creating a new one.";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # 'lastrev' is for compatibility with VNDB::*
+ if($obj && ($obj->{maxrev} ? $obj->{maxrev} != $obj->{chrev} : !$obj->{lastrev})) {
+ div_ class => 'warning', sub {
+ h2_ 'Reverting';
+ p_ "You are editing an old revision of this $typename. If you save it, all changes made after this revision will be reverted!";
+ }
+ }
+ div_ class => 'notice', sub {
+ h2_ 'Before editing:';
+ ul_ sub {
+ li_ sub {
+ txt_ 'Read the ';
+ a_ href=> "/d$guidelines", 'guidelines';
+ txt_ '!';
+ };
+ if($obj) {
+ li_ sub {
+ txt_ 'Check for any existing discussions on the ';
+ a_ href => '/t/'._board_id($type, $obj), 'discussion board';
+ };
+ # TODO: Include a list of the most recent edits in this page.
+ li_ sub {
+ txt_ 'Browse the ';
+ a_ href => "/$type$obj->{id}/hist", 'edit history';
+ txt_ ' for any recent changes related to what you want to change.';
+ };
+ } elsif($type ne 'r') {
+ li_ sub {
+ a_ href => "/$type/all", 'Search the database';
+ txt_ " to see if we already have information about this $typename.";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/Staff/ b/lib/VNWeb/Staff/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b3c69db7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/Staff/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+package VNWeb::Staff::Edit;
+use VNWeb::Prelude;
+my $FORM = {
+ aid => { int => 1, range => [ -1000, 1<<40 ] }, # X
+ alias => { maxlength => 100, sort_keys => 'aid', aoh => {
+ aid => { int => 1, range => [ -1000, 1<<40 ] }, # X, negative IDs are for new aliases
+ name => { maxlength => 200 },
+ original => { maxlength => 200, required => 0, default => '' },
+ inuse => { anybool => 1, _when => 'out' },
+ } },
+ desc => { required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 5000 },
+ gender => { required => 0, default => 'unknown', enum => [qw[unknown m f]] },
+ lang => { language => 1 },
+ l_site => { required => 0, default => '', weburl => 1 },
+ l_wikidata => { required => 0, default => 0, id => 1 },
+ l_twitter => { required => 0, default => '', regex => qr/^\S+$/, maxlength => 16 },
+ l_anidb => { required => 0, id => 1, default => undef },
+ l_pixiv => { required => 0, id => 1, default => 0 },
+ hidden => { anybool => 1 },
+ locked => { anybool => 1 },
+ id => { _when => 'out', id => 1 },
+ authmod => { _when => 'out', anybool => 1 },
+ editsum => { _when => 'in out', editsum => 1 },
+my $FORM_OUT = form_compile out => $FORM;
+my $FORM_IN = form_compile in => $FORM;
+my $FORM_CMP = form_compile cmp => $FORM;
+elm_form StaffEdit => $FORM_OUT, $FORM_IN;
+TUWF::get qr{/$RE{srev}/edit} => sub {
+ my $e = db_entry s => tuwf->capture('id'), tuwf->capture('rev') or return tuwf->resNotFound;
+ return tuwf->resDenied if !can_edit s => $e;
+ $e->{authmod} = auth->permDbmod;
+ $e->{editsum} = $e->{chrev} == $e->{maxrev} ? '' : "Reverted to revision s$e->{id}.$e->{chrev}";
+ enrich_merge aid => sub {
+ 'SELECT aid, EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM vn_staff WHERE aid = x.aid UNION ALL SELECT 1 FROM vn_seiyuu WHERE aid = x.aid) AS inuse
+ FROM unnest(', sql_array(@$_), '::int[]) AS x(aid)'
+ }, $e->{alias};
+ my $name = (grep $_->{aid} == $e->{aid}, @{$e->{alias}})[0]{name};
+ framework_ title => "Edit $name", type => 's', dbobj => $e, tab => 'edit',
+ sub {
+ editmsg_ s => $e, "Edit $name";
+ elm_ 'StaffEdit.Main' => $FORM_OUT, $e;
+ };
+TUWF::get qr{/s/new}, sub {
+ return tuwf->resDenied if !can_edit s => undef;
+ framework_ title => 'Add staff member',
+ sub {
+ editmsg_ s => undef, 'Add staff member';
+ elm_ 'StaffEdit.New';
+ };
+json_api qr{/(?:$RE{sid}/edit|s/add)}, $FORM_IN, sub {
+ my $data = shift;
+ my $new = !tuwf->capture('id');
+ my $e = $new ? { id => 0 } : db_entry s => tuwf->capture('id') or return tuwf->resNotFound;
+ return elm_Unauth if !can_edit s => $e;
+ if(!auth->permDbmod) {
+ $data->{hidden} = $e->{hidden}||0;
+ $data->{locked} = $e->{locked}||0;
+ }
+ $data->{l_wp} = $e->{l_wp}||'';
+ $data->{desc} = bb_subst_links $data->{desc};
+ # The form validation only checks for duplicate aid's, but the name+original should also be unique.
+ my %names;
+ die "Duplicate aliases" if grep $names{"$_->{name}\x00$_->{original}"}++, $data->{alias}->@*;
+ # For positive alias IDs: Make sure they exist and are owned by this entry.
+ validate_dbid
+ sql('SELECT aid FROM staff_alias WHERE id =', \$e->{id}, 'AND aid IN'),
+ grep $_>=0, map $_->{aid}, $data->{alias}->@*;
+ # For negative alias IDs: Assign a new ID.
+ for my $alias (grep $_->{aid} < 0, $data->{alias}->@*) {
+ my $new = tuwf->dbVali(select => sql_func nextval => \'staff_alias_aid_seq');
+ $data->{aid} = $new if $alias->{aid} == $data->{aid};
+ $alias->{aid} = $new;
+ }
+ # We rely on Postgres to throw an error if we attempt to delete an alias that is still being referenced.
+ return elm_Unchanged if !$new && !form_changed $FORM_CMP, $data, $e;
+ my($id,undef,$rev) = db_edit s => $e->{id}, $data;
+ elm_Changed $id, $rev;
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index eb29a52c..ee3bc386 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -3,14 +3,18 @@ package VNWeb::Validation;
use v5.26;
use TUWF;
use PWLookup;
+use VNDB::Types;
use VNDB::Config;
use VNWeb::Auth;
+use VNWeb::DB;
+use Carp 'croak';
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw/
+ validate_dbid
@@ -22,6 +26,20 @@ TUWF::set custom_validations => {
upage => { uint => 1, min => 1, required => 0, default => 1 }, # pagination without a maximum
username => { regex => qr/^(?!-*[a-z][0-9]+-*$)[a-z0-9-]*$/, minlength => 2, maxlength => 15 },
password => { length => [ 4, 500 ] },
+ language => { enum => \%LANGUAGE },
+ # Sort an array by the listed hash keys, using string comparison on each key
+ sort_keys => sub {
+ my @keys = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_[0]} : $_[0];
+ +{ type => 'array', sort => sub {
+ for(@keys) {
+ my $c = defined($_[0]{$_}) cmp defined($_[1]{$_}) || (defined($_[0]{$_}) && $_[0]{$_} cmp $_[1]{$_});
+ return $c if $c;
+ }
+ 0
+ } }
+ },
+ # Sorted and unique array-of-hashes (default order is sort_keys on the sorted keys...)
+ aoh => sub { +{ type => 'array', unique => 1, sort_keys => [sort keys %{$_[0]}], values => { type => 'hash', keys => $_[0] } } },
@@ -88,6 +106,24 @@ sub form_changed {
+# Validate identifiers against an SQL query. The query must end with a 'id IN'
+# clause, where the @ids array is appended. The query must return exactly 1
+# column, the id of each entry. This function throws an error if an id is
+# missing from the query. For example, to test for non-hidden VNs:
+# validate_dbid 'SELECT id FROM vn WHERE NOT hidden AND id IN', 2,3,5,7,...;
+# If any of those ids is hidden or not in the database, an error is thrown.
+sub validate_dbid {
+ my($sql, @ids) = @_;
+ return if !@ids;
+ $sql = ref $sql eq 'CODE' ? do { local $_ = \@ids; sql $sql->(\@ids) } : sql $sql, \@ids;
+ my %dbids = map +((values %$_)[0],1), @{ tuwf->dbAlli($sql) };
+ my @missing = grep !$dbids{$_}, @ids;
+ croak "Invalid database IDs: ".join(',', @missing) if @missing;
# Returns whether the current user can edit the given database entry.
sub can_edit {
my($type, $entry) = @_;