path: root/lib/VNWeb
diff options
authorYorhel <>2019-11-15 10:29:06 +0100
committerYorhel <>2019-11-15 10:30:17 +0100
commit73f04d94a62d7fc37b524011fda5d65ea466cdc9 (patch)
treeddcad92e3f24293384a9959155de1d9793fd00d4 /lib/VNWeb
parent389fe32c24adce3277548892b5d636c40ac35bc4 (diff)
v2rw: Convert discussion board search
With minor styling improvements and full pagination for thread title search. I did combine a few queries which I initially separated for performance reasons. A few quick benchmarks show that it's fast enough, but I'll have to see how it performs in production.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/VNWeb')
1 files changed, 210 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/Discussions/ b/lib/VNWeb/Discussions/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9c947337
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/Discussions/
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+package VNWeb::Discussions::Search;
+use VNWeb::Prelude;
+sub filters_ {
+ state $schema = tuwf->compile({ type => 'hash', keys => {
+ bq => { required => 0, default => '' },
+ b => { type => 'array', scalar => 1, required => 0, default => [keys %BOARD_TYPE], values => { enum => \%BOARD_TYPE } },
+ t => { anybool => 1 },
+ p => { page => 1 },
+ }});
+ my $filt = eval { tuwf->validate(get => $schema)->data } || tuwf->pass;
+ my %boards = map +($_,1), $filt->{b}->@*;
+ form_ method => 'get', action => tuwf->reqPath(), sub {
+ table_ style => 'margin: 0 auto', sub { tr_ sub {
+ td_ style => 'padding: 10px', sub {
+ p_ class => 'linkradio', sub {
+ join_ \&br_, sub {
+ input_ type => 'checkbox', name => 'b', id => "b_$_", value => $_, $boards{$_} ? (checked => 'checked') : ();
+ label_ for => "b_$_", $BOARD_TYPE{$_}{txt};
+ }, keys %BOARD_TYPE;
+ }
+ };
+ td_ style => 'padding: 10px', sub {
+ input_ type => 'text', class => 'text', name => 'bq', style => 'width: 400px', placeholder => 'Search', value => $filt->{bq};
+ p_ class => 'linkradio', sub {
+ input_ type => 'checkbox', name => 't', id => 't', value => 1, $filt->{t} ? (checked => 'checked') : ();
+ label_ for => 't', 'Only search thread titles';
+ };
+ input_ type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => 'Search';
+ debug_ $filt;
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ $filt
+sub noresults_ {
+ div_ class => 'mainbox', sub {
+ h1_ 'No results';
+ p_ 'No threads or messages found matching your criteria.';
+ };
+sub posts_ {
+ my($filt) = @_;
+ # Turn query into something suitable for to_tsquery()
+ # TODO: Use Postgres 11 websearch_to_tsquery() instead.
+ (my $ts = $filt->{bq}) =~ y{+|&:*()="';!?$%^\\[]{}<>~` }{ }s;
+ $ts =~ s/ +/ /;
+ $ts =~ s/^ //;
+ $ts =~ s/ $//;
+ $ts =~ s/ / & /g;
+ $ts =~ s/(?:^| )-([^ ]+)/ !$1 /;
+ # HACK: The bbcodes are stripped from the original messages when creating
+ # the headline, so they are guaranteed not to show up in the message. This
+ # means we can re-use them for highlighting without worrying that they
+ # conflict with the message contents.
+ my($posts, $np) = tuwf->dbPagei({ results => 20, page => $filt->{p} }, q{
+ SELECT tp.tid, tp.num, t.title
+ , }, sql_user(), q{
+ , }, sql_totime(''), q{as date
+ , ts_headline('english', strip_bb_tags(strip_spoilers(tp.msg)), to_tsquery(}, \$ts, '),',
+ \'MaxFragments=2,MinWords=15,MaxWords=40,StartSel=[raw],StopSel=[/raw],FragmentDelimiter=[code]',
+ q{) as headline
+ FROM threads_posts tp
+ JOIN threads t ON = tp.tid
+ JOIN users u ON = tp.uid
+ WHERE NOT t.hidden AND NOT t.private AND NOT tp.hidden
+ AND bb_tsvector(tp.msg) @@ to_tsquery(}, \$ts, ')',
+ $filt->{b}->@* < keys %BOARD_TYPE ? ('AND IN(SELECT tid FROM threads_boards WHERE type IN', $filt->{b}, ')') : (), q{
+ });
+ return noresults_ if !@$posts;
+ my sub url { '?'.query_encode %$filt, @_ }
+ paginate_ \&url, $filt->{p}, $np, 't';
+ div_ class => 'mainbox browse postsearch', sub {
+ table_ class => 'stripe', sub {
+ thead_ sub { tr_ sub {
+ td_ class => 'tc1_1', 'Id';
+ td_ class => 'tc1_2', '';
+ td_ class => 'tc2', 'Date';
+ td_ class => 'tc3', 'User';
+ td_ class => 'tc4', sub { txt_ 'Message'; debug_ $posts; };
+ }};
+ tr_ sub {
+ my $l = $_;
+ my $link = "/t$l->{tid}.$l->{num}";
+ td_ class => 'tc1_1', sub { a_ href => $link, 't'.$l->{tid} };
+ td_ class => 'tc1_2', sub { a_ href => $link, '.'.$l->{num} };
+ td_ class => 'tc2', fmtdate $l->{date};
+ td_ class => 'tc3', sub { user_ $l };
+ td_ class => 'tc4', sub {
+ div_ class => 'title', sub { a_ href => $link, $l->{title} };
+ div_ class => 'thread', sub { lit_(
+ TUWF::XML::xml_escape($l->{headline})
+ =~ s/\[raw\]/<b class="standout">/gr
+ =~ s/\[\/raw\]/<\/b>/gr
+ =~ s/\[code\]/<b class="grayedout">...<\/b><br \/>/gr
+ )};
+ };
+ } for @$posts;
+ }
+ };
+ paginate_ \&url, $filt->{p}, $np, 'b';
+sub threads_ {
+ my($filt) = @_;
+ my $where = sql_and
+ 'NOT t.hidden',
+ 'NOT t.private',
+ $filt->{b}->@* < keys %BOARD_TYPE ? sql(' IN(SELECT tid FROM threads_boards WHERE type IN', $filt->{b}, ')') : (),
+ map sql('t.title ilike', \('%'.($_ =~ s/%//gr).'%')), grep length($_) > 0, split /[ -,._]/, $filt->{bq};
+ my $count = tuwf->dbVali('SELECT count(*) FROM threads t WHERE', $where);
+ return noresults_ if !$count;
+ my $lst = tuwf->dbPagei({ results => 50, page => $filt->{p} }, q{
+ SELECT, t.title, t.count, t.locked, t.poll_question IS NOT NULL AS haspoll
+ , }, sql_user('tfu', 'firstpost_'), ',', sql_totime(''), q{ as firstpost_date
+ , }, sql_user('tlu', 'lastpost_'), ',', sql_totime(''), q{ as lastpost_date
+ FROM threads t
+ JOIN threads_posts tf ON tf.tid = AND tf.num = 1
+ JOIN threads_posts tl ON tl.tid = AND tl.num = t.count
+ JOIN users tfu ON = tf.uid
+ JOIN users tlu ON = tl.uid
+ WHERE }, $where, q{
+ });
+ enrich boards => id => tid => sub { sql q{
+ SELECT tb.tid, tb.type, tb.iid, COALESCE(u.username, v.title, AS title, COALESCE(u.username, v.original, p.original) AS original
+ FROM threads_boards tb
+ LEFT JOIN vn v ON tb.type = 'v' AND = tb.iid
+ LEFT JOIN producers p ON tb.type = 'p' AND = tb.iid
+ LEFT JOIN users u ON tb.type = 'u' AND = tb.iid
+ WHERE tb.tid IN}, $_[0], q{
+ ORDER BY tb.type, tb.iid
+ }}, $lst;
+ my sub url { '?'.query_encode %$filt, @_ }
+ paginate_ \&url, $filt->{p}, [ $count, 50 ], 't';
+ div_ class => 'mainbox browse discussions', sub {
+ table_ class => 'stripe', sub {
+ thead_ sub { tr_ sub {
+ td_ class => 'tc1', sub { txt_ 'Topic'; debug_ $lst };
+ td_ class => 'tc2', 'Replies';
+ td_ class => 'tc3', 'Starter';
+ td_ class => 'tc4', 'Last post';
+ }};
+ tr_ sub {
+ my $l = $_;
+ td_ class => 'tc1', sub {
+ a_ mkclass(locked => $l->{locked}), href => "/t$l->{id}", sub {
+ span_ class => 'pollflag', '[poll]' if $l->{haspoll};
+ txt_ shorten $l->{title}, 50;
+ };
+ b_ class => 'boards', sub {
+ join_ ', ', sub {
+ a_ href => "/t/$_->{type}".($_->{iid}||''),
+ title => $_->{original}||$BOARD_TYPE{$_->{type}}{txt},
+ shorten $_->{title}||$BOARD_TYPE{$_->{type}}{txt}, 30;
+ }, $l->{boards}->@[0 .. min 4, $#{$l->{boards}}];
+ txt_ ', ...' if $l->{boards}->@* > 4;
+ };
+ };
+ td_ class => 'tc2', $l->{count}-1;
+ td_ class => 'tc3', sub { user_ $l, 'firstpost_' };
+ td_ class => 'tc4', sub {
+ user_ $l, 'lastpost_';
+ txt_ ' @ ';
+ a_ href => "/t$l->{id}.$l->{count}", fmtdate $l->{lastpost_date}, 'full';
+ };
+ } for @$lst;
+ }
+ };
+ paginate_ \&url, $filt->{p}, [ $count, 50 ], 'b';
+TUWF::get qr{/t/search}, sub {
+ framework_ title => 'Search the discussion board',
+ sub {
+ my $filt;
+ div_ class => 'mainbox', sub {
+ h1_ 'Search the discussion board';
+ $filt = filters_;
+ };
+ posts_ $filt if $filt->{bq} && !$filt->{t};
+ threads_ $filt if $filt->{bq} && $filt->{t};
+ };