path: root/lib
diff options
authorYorhel <>2019-11-27 09:18:21 +0100
committerYorhel <>2019-11-27 14:28:18 +0100
commit4067f0a73a55e898def7320976781a2b8bf6710b (patch)
treea334579a9e0389337238cf13e19851156c2b9fd2 /lib
parent9c4835a94263127f780c0b96db89aa25ceefd960 (diff)
ulist: Add column selection + voted, modified, release date & rating columns
It works pretty well, but is getting *really* ugly now. :(
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 79 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index a9ab5f67..11bfd7f8 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -667,10 +667,11 @@ sub revision_ {
# current page number (1..n),
# nextpage (0/1 or, if the full count is known: [$total, $perpage]),
# alignment (t/b)
+# func
sub paginate_ {
- my($url, $p, $np, $al) = @_;
+ my($url, $p, $np, $al, $fun) = @_;
my($cnt, $pp) = ref($np) ? @$np : ($p+$np, 1);
- return if $p == 1 && $cnt <= $pp;
+ return if !$fun && $p == 1 && $cnt <= $pp;
my sub tab_ {
my($page, $label) = @_;
@@ -694,6 +695,8 @@ sub paginate_ {
$p > 1 and tab_ $p-1, '‹ previous';
+ $fun->() if $fun;
ul_ sub {
my $l = ceil($cnt/$pp)-$p+1;
$l > 1 and tab_ $p+1, 'next ›';
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/ b/lib/VNWeb/
index 10fc3b8d..bf1db2a0 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ sub import {
no strict 'refs';
*{$c.'::RE'} = *RE;
*{$c.'::json_api'} = \&json_api;
+ *{$c.'::in'} = \&in;
@@ -129,4 +130,17 @@ sub json_api {
+# Simple "is this element in the array?" function, using 'eq' to test equality.
+# Supports both an @array and \@array.
+# Usage:
+# my $contains_hi = in 'hi', qw/ a b hi c /; # true
+sub in {
+ my($q, @a) = @_;
+ $_ eq $q && return 1 for map ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? @$_ : ($_), @a;
+ 0
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/User/ b/lib/VNWeb/User/
index 5b78b93d..2c3a82b3 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/User/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/User/
@@ -234,7 +234,6 @@ json_api qr{/u/ulist/rstatus.json}, $RSTATUS, sub {
-# TODO: Filters to find unlabeled VNs or VNs with/without notes?
sub filters_ {
my($uid, $own, $labels) = @_;
@@ -253,9 +252,10 @@ sub filters_ {
my $opt = eval { tuwf->validate(get =>
p => { upage => 1 },
l => { type => 'array', scalar => 1, required => 0, default => [], values => { int => 1 } },
- s => { required => 0, default => 'title', enum => [qw[ title vote added label started finished ]] },
+ s => { required => 0, default => 'title', enum => [qw[ title label vote voted added modified started finished rel rating ]] },
o => { required => 0, default => 'a', enum => ['a', 'd'] },
- )->data } || { p => 1, l => [], s => 'title', o => 'a' };
+ c => { type => 'array', scalar => 1, required => 0, default => [], values => { enum => [qw[ vote voted added modified started finished rel rating ]] } },
+ )->data } || { p => 1, l => [], s => 'title', o => 'a', c => [] };
# $labels only includes labels we are allowed to see, getting rid of any labels in 'l' that aren't in $labels ensures we only filter on visible labels
my %accessible_labels = map +($_->{id}, 1), @filtlabels;
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ sub filters_ {
form_ method => 'get', sub {
input_ type => 'hidden', name => 's', value => $opt->{s};
input_ type => 'hidden', name => 'o', value => $opt->{o};
+ input_ type => 'hidden', name => 'c', value => $_ for $opt->{c}->@*;
p_ class => 'labelfilters', sub {
span_ class => 'linkradio', sub {
join_ sub { em_ ' / ' }, \&lblfilt_, grep $_->{id} < 10, @filtlabels;
@@ -299,7 +300,7 @@ sub filters_ {
sub vn_ {
- my($uid, $own, $n, $v, $labels) = @_;
+ my($uid, $own, $opt, $n, $v, $labels) = @_;
tr_ mkclass(odd => $n % 2 == 0), id => "ulist_tr_$v->{id}", sub {
my %labels = map +($_,1), $v->{labels}->@*;
@@ -322,11 +323,12 @@ sub vn_ {
- td_ class => 'tc2', sub {
+ td_ class => 'tc_title', sub {
a_ href => "/v$v->{id}", title => $v->{original}||$v->{title}, shorten $v->{title}, 70;
b_ class => 'grayedout', id => 'ulist_notes_'.$v->{id}, $v->{notes} if $v->{notes} || $own;
- td_ class => 'tc3', sub {
+ td_ class => 'tc_labels', sub {
my @l = grep $labels{$_->{id}} && $_->{id} != 7, @$labels;
my $txt = @l ? join ', ', map $_->{label}, @l : '-';
if($own) {
@@ -335,19 +337,32 @@ sub vn_ {
txt_ $txt;
- td_ mkclass(tc4 => 1, compact => $own, stealth => $own), sub {
+ td_ mkclass(tc_vote => 1, compact => $own, stealth => $own), sub {
txt_ fmtvote $v->{vote} if !$own;
elm_ 'UList.VoteEdit' => $VNVOTE, { uid => $uid, vid => $v->{id}, vote => fmtvote($v->{vote}) }, fmtvote $v->{vote} if $own;
- };
- td_ class => 'tc5', fmtdate $v->{added}, 'compact';
- td_ class => 'tc6', sub {
+ } if in vote => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_voted', fmtdate $v->{vote_date}, 'compact' if in voted => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_added', fmtdate $v->{added}, 'compact' if in added => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_modified', fmtdate $v->{lastmod}, 'compact' if in modified => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_started', sub {
txt_ $v->{started}||'' if !$own;
elm_ 'UList.DateEdit' => $VNDATE, { uid => $uid, vid => $v->{id}, date => $v->{started}||'', start => 1 }, $v->{started}||'' if $own;
- };
- td_ class => 'tc7', sub {
+ } if in started => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_finished', sub {
txt_ $v->{finished}||'' if !$own;
elm_ 'UList.DateEdit' => $VNDATE, { uid => $uid, vid => $v->{id}, date => $v->{finished}||'', start => 0 }, $v->{finished}||'' if $own;
- };
+ } if in finished => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_rel', sub { rdate_ $v->{c_released} } if in rel => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_rating', sub {
+ txt_ sprintf '%.2f', ($v->{c_rating}||0)/10;
+ b_ class => 'grayedout', sprintf ' (%d)', $v->{c_votecount};
+ } if in rating => $opt->{c};
tr_ mkclass(hidden => 1, 'collapsed_vid'.$v->{id} => 1, odd => $n % 2 == 0), sub {
@@ -378,7 +393,7 @@ sub listing_ {
my $count = tuwf->dbVali('SELECT count(*) FROM ulist_vns uv WHERE', $where);
my $lst = tuwf->dbPagei({ page => $opt->{p}, results => 50 },
- 'SELECT, v.title, v.original,, uv.notes, uv.started, uv.finished
+ 'SELECT, v.title, v.original,, uv.notes, uv.started, uv.finished, v.c_rating, v.c_votecount, v.c_released
,', sql_totime('uv.added'), ' as added
,', sql_totime('uv.lastmod'), ' as lastmod
,', sql_totime('uv.vote_date'), ' as vote_date
@@ -387,11 +402,15 @@ sub listing_ {
WHERE', $where, '
title => 'v.title',
+ label => sql('ARRAY(SELECT ul.label FROM ulist_vns_labels uvl JOIN ulist_labels ul ON ul.uid = uvl.uid AND = uvl.lbl WHERE uvl.uid = uv.uid AND uvl.vid = uv.vid AND uvl.lbl <> ', \7, ')'),
vote => '',
+ voted => 'uv.vote_date',
added => 'uv.added',
+ modified => 'uv.lastmod',
started => 'uv.started',
finished => 'uv.finished',
- label => sql('ARRAY(SELECT ul.label FROM ulist_vns_labels uvl JOIN ulist_labels ul ON ul.uid = uvl.uid AND = uvl.lbl WHERE uvl.uid = uv.uid AND uvl.vid = uv.vid AND uvl.lbl <> ', \7, ')')
+ rel => 'v.c_released',
+ rating => 'v.c_rating',
}->{$opt->{s}}, $opt->{o} eq 'd' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC', 'NULLS LAST, v.title'
@@ -413,7 +432,18 @@ sub listing_ {
# TODO: Thumbnail view?
# TODO: Add/remove columns (start/finish date; VN rating, etc?)
- paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [ $count, 50 ], 't';
+ paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [ $count, 50 ], 't', sub {
+ elm_ ColSelect => undef, [
+ [ vote => 'Vote' ],
+ [ voted => 'Vote date' ],
+ [ added => 'Added' ],
+ [ modified => 'Modified' ],
+ [ started => 'Start date' ],
+ [ finished => 'Finish date' ],
+ [ rel => 'Release date' ],
+ [ rating => 'Rating' ],
+ ];
+ };
div_ class => 'mainbox browse ulist', sub {
table_ sub {
thead_ sub { tr_ sub {
@@ -421,14 +451,18 @@ sub listing_ {
input_ type => 'checkbox', class => 'checkall', name => 'collapse_vid', id => 'collapse_vid';
label_ for => 'collapse_vid', sub { txt_ 'Opt' };
- td_ class => 'tc2', sub { txt_ 'Title'; sortable_ 'title', $opt, \&url; debug_ $lst };
- td_ class => 'tc3', sub { txt_ 'Labels'; sortable_ 'label', $opt, \&url };
- td_ class => 'tc4', sub { txt_ 'Vote'; sortable_ 'vote', $opt, \&url };
- td_ class => 'tc5', sub { txt_ 'Added'; sortable_ 'added', $opt, \&url };
- td_ class => 'tc6', sub { txt_ 'Start date'; sortable_ 'started', $opt, \&url };
- td_ class => 'tc7', sub { txt_ 'Finish date';sortable_ 'finished', $opt, \&url };
+ td_ class => 'tc_title', sub { txt_ 'Title'; sortable_ 'title', $opt, \&url; debug_ $lst };
+ td_ class => 'tc_labels', sub { txt_ 'Labels'; sortable_ 'label', $opt, \&url };
+ td_ class => 'tc_vote', sub { txt_ 'Vote'; sortable_ 'vote', $opt, \&url } if in vote => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_voted', sub { txt_ 'Vote date'; sortable_ 'voted', $opt, \&url } if in voted => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_added', sub { txt_ 'Added'; sortable_ 'added', $opt, \&url } if in added => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_modified', sub { txt_ 'Modified'; sortable_ 'modified', $opt, \&url } if in modified => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_started', sub { txt_ 'Start date'; sortable_ 'started', $opt, \&url } if in started => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_finished', sub { txt_ 'Finish date'; sortable_ 'finished', $opt, \&url } if in finished => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_rel', sub { txt_ 'Release date';sortable_ 'rel', $opt, \&url } if in rel => $opt->{c};
+ td_ class => 'tc_rating', sub { txt_ 'Rating'; sortable_ 'rating', $opt, \&url } if in rating => $opt->{c};
- vn_ $uid, $own, $_, $lst->[$_], $labels for (0..$#$lst);
+ vn_ $uid, $own, $opt, $_, $lst->[$_], $labels for (0..$#$lst);
paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [ $count, 50 ], 'b';
@@ -475,11 +509,11 @@ TUWF::get qr{/$RE{uid}/ulist}, sub {
p_ class => 'center', sub { b_ class => 'standout', style => 'font-size: 30px', '!BETA BETA BETA BETA!'; };
p_ class => 'center', sub {
txt_ 'Menu links: ';
- a_ href => '?l=1&l=2&l=3&l=4&l=7&l=-1&l=0', 'My Visual Novel list';
+ a_ href => '?l=1&l=2&l=3&l=4&l=7&l=-1&l=0&c=vote&c=added&c=started&c=finished', 'My Visual Novel list';
txt_ ' - ';
- a_ href => '?l=7', 'My Votes'; # TODO: Show and sort by date cast, hide start/end date columns
+ a_ href => '?l=7&c=vote&c=voted&s=voted&o=d', 'My Votes';
txt_ ' - ';
- a_ href => '?l=5', 'My Wishlist'; # Hide start/end date columns
+ a_ href => '?l=5&c=added', 'My Wishlist';