path: root/lib
diff options
authorSpaceRanger <>2012-07-02 18:29:12 +0200
committerYorhel <>2012-07-02 18:30:40 +0200
commit61b64af563531fd31eaf0e1ed1ff58f4f9478141 (patch)
tree85fa9854ce50ef1567e1700a2889511ce1886140 /lib
parent32650cb653766d1cf3de6bd7f1719fb554b5e086 (diff)
Handler::VNPage: Added releases tab + comparison table
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
index 06e23c16..731c6fb8 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Handler/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package VNDB::Handler::VNPage;
+use feature qw{ switch };
use strict;
use warnings;
use TUWF ':html', 'xml_escape';
@@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ use VNDB::Func;
qr{v/rand} => \&rand,
qr{v([1-9]\d*)/rg} => \&rg,
+ qr{v([1-9]\d*)/releases} => \&releases,
qr{v([1-9]\d*)/(chars)} => \&page,
qr{v([1-9]\d*)(?:\.([1-9]\d*))?} => \&page,
@@ -42,6 +44,321 @@ sub rg {
+sub releases {
+ my($self, $vid) = @_;
+ my $v = $self->dbVNGet(
+ id => $vid)->[0];
+ return $self->resNotFound if !$v->{id};
+ my $title = mt('_vnpage_rel_title', $v->{title});
+ $self->htmlHeader(title => $title);
+ $self->htmlMainTabs('v', $v, 'releases');
+ my $f = $self->formValidate(
+ { get => 'typ', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # type
+ { get => 'lan', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # language
+ { get => 'pub', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # publication
+ { get => 'pla', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # platform
+ { get => 'med', required => 0, default => '0', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # media
+ { get => 'res', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # resolution
+ { get => 'voi', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # voiced
+ { get => 'ani', required => 0, default => '0', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # animation
+ { get => 'rel', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # released
+ { get => 'min', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # min age
+ { get => 'not', required => 0, default => '1', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # notes
+ { get => 'rwr', required => 0, default => '0', enum => [ '0', '1' ] }, # restrict column width
+ );
+ return $self->resNotFound if $f->{_err};
+ # the order of buttons and columns
+ my @columb_list = ( 'type',
+ 'languages',
+ 'publication',
+ 'platforms',
+ 'media',
+ 'resolution',
+ 'voiced',
+ 'ani_ero',
+ 'released',
+ 'minage',
+ 'notes');
+ # button strings
+ my %button_strings = ( 'typ' => '_relinfo_type',
+ 'lan' => '_relinfo_lang',
+ 'pub' => '_relinfo_publication',
+ 'pla' => '_redit_form_platforms',
+ 'med' => '_redit_form_media',
+ 'res' => '_relinfo_resolution',
+ 'voi' => '_relinfo_voiced',
+ 'ani' => '_relinfo_ani',
+ 'rel' => '_relinfo_released',
+ 'min' => '_relinfo_minage',
+ 'not' => '_redit_form_notes' );
+ # Get the releases
+ # Setup $what_string to use only the bare minimum to reduce database load
+ my $what_string = '';
+ $what_string .= ' extended' if $f->{typ}||$f->{rel}||$f->{voi}||$f->{ani}||$f->{not};
+ $what_string .= ' platforms' if $f->{pla};
+ $what_string .= ' media' if $f->{med};
+ my $r = $self->dbReleaseGet(vid => $vid, what => $what_string);
+ div class => 'mainbox releases_compare';
+ h1 $title;
+ if(!@$r) {
+ # No releases to write in table
+ # End before drawing anything in the table
+ td mt '_vnpage_rel_none' if (!@$r) ;
+ } else {
+ # url generator
+ my $url = sub {
+ my($type) = @_;
+ # create a link, which includes all settings in $f
+ my $generated_url = "/v$vid/releases?";
+ foreach ( keys %$f ) {
+ $generated_url .= ';' . $_ . '='.($type eq $_ ? $f->{$_} ? 0 : 1 : $f->{$_});
+ }
+ return $generated_url;
+ };
+ p class => 'browseopts';
+ foreach ( @columb_list ) {
+ my $short_name = substr($_, 0, 3);
+ a href => $url->($short_name), 0 == $f->{$short_name} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), mt $button_strings{$short_name};
+ };
+ end;
+ p class => 'browseopts';
+ a href => $url->('rwr'), 0 == $f->{rwr} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), mt '_vnpage_restrict_column_width';
+ end;
+ }
+ end 'div';
+ if(!@$r) {
+ $self->htmlFooter;
+ return;
+ }
+ div class => 'mainbox releases_compare';
+ table;
+ my $counter = 0;
+ my @column_types = ( 'title' );
+ foreach ( @columb_list ) {
+ next if not $f->{substr($_, 0, 3)}; # skip columns ubselected in f
+ if (_column_is_in_use($r, $_)){
+ push(@column_types, $_);
+ $counter++;
+ if ($counter == 3) {
+ $counter = 0;
+ push(@column_types, 'legend');
+ # Legend adds a narrow column, which is hardcoded with rowspan => 1
+ # This gives each block the same colour as the titles, which should help read the spreadsheet
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Draw the top/key row based on @column_types
+ # init %height at the same time as it needs to be set for each columbtype anyway
+ my %height = ();
+ Tr;
+ foreach my $column_type (@column_types) {
+ $height{$column_type} = 0;
+ given ($column_type) {
+ when ('title') { td class => 'key', mt '_relinfo_title'; }
+ when ('type') { td class => 'key'; end 'td'; }
+ when ('languages') { td class => 'key'; end 'td'; }
+ when ('publication'){ td class => 'key', mt '_relinfo_publication'; }
+ when ('platforms') { td class => 'key'; end 'td'; }
+ when ('media') { td class => 'key', mt '_redit_form_media'; }
+ when ('resolution') { td class => 'key', mt '_relinfo_resolution'; }
+ when ('voiced') { td class => 'key', mt '_relinfo_voiced'; }
+ when ('ani_ero') { td class => 'key', mt '_relinfo_ani'; }
+ when ('released') { td class => 'key', mt '_relinfo_released'; }
+ when ('minage') { td class => 'key'; end 'td'; }
+ when ('notes') { td class => 'key', mt '_redit_form_notes'; }
+ when ('legend') { td class => 'key'; end 'td'; }
+ }
+ }
+ end 'tr';
+ my %width = $f->{rwr} ? ( publication => 'max-width: 70px',
+ voiced => 'max-width: 70px',
+ ani_ero => 'max-width: 110px',
+ notes => 'max-width: 400px') : ();
+ $counter = 0;
+ my $td_type = 'normal';
+ while ($counter <= $#{$r}) {
+ my $rel = @$r[$counter];
+ Tr;
+ foreach my $column (@column_types) {
+ next if $height{$column}; # already drawn multirow box
+ # assume a height of 1, then add 1 for each following release with identical setting in $column
+ $height{$column} = 1;
+ while ($counter + $height{$column} <= $#{$r} && # end of release array not reached
+ _compare_rel(@$r[$counter + $height{$column}], $rel, $column)) { # $column are identical in both releases
+ $height{$column}++;
+ }
+ td class => $height{$column} > 1 ? 'multi' : $td_type,
+ rowspan => $height{$column},
+ style => $width{$column};
+ _write_release_string($self, $rel, $column);
+ end 'td';
+ } continue {
+ $height{$column}--;
+ }
+ end 'tr';
+ } continue {
+ $counter++;
+ # Toggle td_type
+ # This will provide the same effect as stripe table class,
+ # except rowspan settings will not cause the columns to go out of sync
+ if ($td_type eq 'normal') {
+ $td_type = 'bg';
+ } else {
+ $td_type = 'normal';
+ }
+ }
+ end 'table';
+ end 'div';
+ $self->htmlFooter;
+sub _column_is_in_use {
+ my($r, $column_type) = @_;
+ for my $rel (@$r) {
+ given ($column_type) {
+ # Some types should always be printet. Title is always needed
+ # Some types contains info even when unset (like non-free commercial publications)
+ when ('title') { return 1 }
+ when ('type') { return 1 }
+ when ('languages') { return 1 if @{$rel->{languages}} }
+ when ('publication'){ return 1 }
+ when ('platforms') { return 1 if @{$rel->{platforms}} }
+ when ('media') { return 1 if @{$rel->{media}} }
+ when ('resolution') { return 1 if $rel->{resolution} }
+ when ('voiced') { return 1 if $rel->{voiced} }
+ when ('ani_ero') { return 1 if $rel->{ani_story}||$rel->{ani_ero} }
+ when ('released') { return 1 if $rel->{released} }
+ when ('minage') { return 1 if $rel->{minage} != -1 }
+ when ('notes') { return 1 if $rel->{notes} }
+ }
+ }
+ # No release has data set in the column in question
+ return 0;
+## Compare a specific variable in two releases
+# Returns true if $variable is identical in both releases
+sub _compare_rel {
+ my($last_rel, $rel, $variable) = @_;
+ if ($variable eq 'resolution' || $variable eq 'voiced' || $variable eq 'released' || $variable eq 'minage') {
+ $last_rel->{$variable} == $rel->{$variable}
+ } elsif ($variable eq 'ani_ero') {
+ $last_rel->{ani_story} eq $rel->{ani_story} &&
+ $last_rel->{ani_ero} eq $rel->{ani_ero};
+ } elsif ($variable eq 'media' || $variable eq 'platforms' || $variable eq 'languages'){
+ if (scalar @{$last_rel->{$variable}} != scalar @{$rel->{$variable}}) {
+ # last_rel and rel can't be identical if they even fail to have the same length of arrays
+ # No need to check anything else
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (scalar @{$last_rel->{$variable}} == 0) {
+ # Both are empty
+ return 1;
+ }
+ # check for each item in last_rel to find an identical item in rel
+ for my $item_a (@{$last_rel->{$variable}}) {
+ my $test_var = 0;
+ for my $item_b (@{$rel->{$variable}}) {
+ if ($variable eq 'media') {
+ if ($item_a->{medium} eq $item_b->{medium} &&
+ $item_a->{qty} == $item_b->{qty}){
+ $test_var = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($item_a eq $item_b){
+ $test_var = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($test_var == 0) {
+ # no match
+ # $item_a from $last_rel is not present in $rel
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ # everything from last_rel is found in rel
+ return 1;
+ } elsif ($variable eq 'type') {
+ $last_rel->{type} eq $rel->{type} &&
+ $last_rel->{patch} == $rel->{patch}
+ } elsif ($variable eq 'publication') {
+ $last_rel->{patch} == $rel->{patch} &&
+ $last_rel->{freeware} == $rel->{freeware} &&
+ $last_rel->{doujin} == $rel->{doujin}
+ } elsif ($variable eq 'notes') {
+ $last_rel->{notes} eq $rel->{notes};
+ } else {
+ # Any line reaching this has no code to compare.
+ # Treat everything as unique and return 0.
+ # Note: certain types like title ends up here by design
+ return 0;
+ }
+## Draw the text/icon for a release
+# Draw the string for $variable in release $rel
+# No code to tell where to draw. Caller is responsible for setup of Tr, td and similar
+sub _write_release_string {
+ my($self, $rel, $variable) = @_;
+ given ($variable) {
+ when ('title') { a href => "/r$rel->{id}", shorten $rel->{title}, 60 }
+ when ('original') { txt $rel->{original} }
+ when ('type') { cssicon "rt$rel->{type}", mt "_rtype_$rel->{type}";
+ txt mt '_vnpage_rel_patch' if $rel->{patch};
+ }
+ when ('languages') { for (@{$rel->{languages}}) {
+ cssicon "lang $_", mt "_lang_$_";
+ br if $_ ne $rel->{languages}[$#{$rel->{languages}}];
+ }
+ }
+ when ('publication'){ txt mt $rel->{patch} ? '_relinfo_pub_patch' : '_relinfo_pub_nopatch', $rel->{freeware}?0:1, $rel->{doujin}?0:1 }
+ when ('platforms') { for(@{$rel->{platforms}}) {
+ cssicon $_, mt "_plat_$_";
+ br if $_ ne $rel->{platforms}[$#{$rel->{platforms}}];
+ }
+ }
+ when ('media') { for (@{$rel->{media}}) {
+ txt $self->{media}{$_->{medium}} ? $_->{qty}.' '.mt("_med_$_->{medium}", $_->{qty}) : mt("_med_$_->{medium}",1);
+ br if $_ ne $rel->{media}[$#{$rel->{media}}];
+ }
+ }
+ when ('resolution') { if($rel->{resolution}) {
+ my $res = $self->{resolutions}[$rel->{resolution}][0];
+ txt $res =~ /^_/ ? mt $res : $res;
+ }
+ }
+ when ('voiced') { txt mt '_voiced_'.$rel->{voiced}; }
+ when ('ani_ero') { txt join ', ',
+ $rel->{ani_story} ? mt('_relinfo_ani_story', mt '_animated_'.$rel->{ani_story}):(),
+ $rel->{ani_ero} ? mt('_relinfo_ani_ero', mt '_animated_'.$rel->{ani_ero} ):();
+ }
+ when ('released') { lit $self->{l10n}->datestr($rel->{released}) }
+ when ('minage') { txt minage $rel->{minage} }
+ when ('notes') { lit bb2html "$rel->{notes}"; }
+ }
sub page {
my($self, $vid, $rev) = @_;
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Util/ b/lib/VNDB/Util/
index 3d43a338..4a5bc789 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Util/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Util/
@@ -88,6 +88,12 @@ sub htmlMainTabs {
+ if($type eq 'v') {
+ li $sel eq 'releases' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
+ a href => "/$id/releases", mt '_mtabs_releases';
+ end;
+ }
if($type =~ /[vp]/ && $obj->{rgraph}) {
li $sel eq 'rg' ? (class => 'tabselected') : ();
a href => "/$id/rg", mt '_mtabs_relations';