path: root/util/
diff options
authorYorhel <>2009-10-07 12:56:20 +0200
committerYorhel <>2009-10-07 12:56:20 +0200
commit2c7b95fb3dc6bb25ac4b4171fb881f9f587bd62f (patch)
tree01d2ddc7a1829f714c7606c85f5ee33e0e770b86 /util/
parente0161bd219a3004a3affdecd04d54a85f5cf9e1d (diff)
L10N/JS: Added small framework for translating the strings in JS
Diffstat (limited to 'util/')
1 files changed, 55 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
index d21f56c7..894fa1b9 100755
--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -2,18 +2,72 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
+use Encode 'encode_utf8';
use Cwd 'abs_path';
eval { require JavaScript::Minifier::XS; };
our($ROOT, %O);
BEGIN { ($ROOT = abs_path $0) =~ s{/util/jsgen\.pl$}{}; }
+use lib "$ROOT/lib";
+use lib "$ROOT/yawf/lib";
+use LangFile;
+# The VNDB::L10N module is not really suited to be used outside the VNDB::*
+# framework, but it's the central location that defines which languages we have
+# and in what order to display them.
+use VNDB::L10N;
+my $jskeys = qr{^_menu_emptysearch$};
+sub l10n {
+ # Using JSON::XS or something may be shorter and less error prone,
+ # although I would have less power over the output (mostly the quoting of the keys)
+ my $lang = LangFile->new(read => "$ROOT/data/lang.txt");
+ my @r;
+ push @r, 'L10N_STR = {';
+ my $cur; # undef = none/excluded, 1 = awaiting first TL line, 2 = after first TL line
+ my %lang;
+ while((my $l = $lang->read())) {
+ my $type = shift @$l;
+ if($type eq 'key') {
+ my $key = shift @$l;
+ push @r, ' }' if $cur;
+ $cur = $key =~ $jskeys ? 1 : undef;
+ if($cur) {
+ $r[$#r] .= ',' if $r[$#r] =~ /}$/;
+ # let's assume key names don't trigger a reserved word in JS
+ $key = qq{"$key"} if $key !~ /^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$/i;
+ push @r, qq| $key: {|;
+ }
+ }
+ $lang{$l->[0]} = 1 if $type eq 'tl';
+ if($type eq 'tl' && $cur) {
+ my($lang, $sync, $val) = @$l;
+ $val =~ s/"/\\"/g;
+ $val =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ $r[$#r] .= ',' if $cur == 2;
+ $lang = q{"$l->[0]"} if $lang =~ /^(?:as|do|if|in|is)$/; # reserved two-char words
+ push @r, qq| $lang: "$val"|;
+ $cur = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ push @r, ' }' if $cur;
+ push @r, '};';
+ push @r, 'L10N_LANG = [ '.join(', ', map qq{"$_"}, VNDB::L10N::languages()).' ];';
+ return join "\n", @r;
sub jsgen {
# JavaScript::Minifier::XS doesn't correctly handle perl's unicode,
# so just do everything in raw bytes instead.
+ my $js = encode_utf8(l10n()) . "\n\n";
open my $JS, '<', "$ROOT/data/script.js" or die $!;
- my $js = join '', <$JS>;
+ $js .= join '', <$JS>;
close $JS;
open my $NEWJS, '>', "$ROOT/static/f/script.js" or die $!;
print $NEWJS $JavaScript::Minifier::XS::VERSION ? JavaScript::Minifier::XS::minify($js) : $js;