path: root/util
diff options
authorYorhel <>2010-11-02 20:12:14 +0100
committerYorhel <>2010-11-02 20:12:14 +0100
commit73a2ee4403f75e12922486ca1c12b11a74bbeb4d (patch)
treec52466a19a1207cb011dfecfc8b3626ef9e7b494 /util
parentd6cbbc9025ccffae5ec590c692676ac944775eb0 (diff)
Automatically read L10N keys from script.js
This makes a bit easier to maintain, as there's not one reliable source to get the keys from (namely, the JS code itself). Also cleaned up the l10n() function in to be more readable. I had expected the new .js file to be smaller because this trick may remove some keys that were previously present but unused. Unfortunately it seems the file only grew a bit larger and compression seems to be less effective now. No idea why this happened. :-(
Diffstat (limited to 'util')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
index 2235d289..27cbc6da 100755
--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -22,75 +22,73 @@ use LangFile;
use VNDB::L10N;
-my $jskeys_lang = join '|', VNDB::L10N::languages();
-my $jskeys = qr{^(?:
- _lang_(?:$jskeys_lang)|
- _js_.+|
- _menu_emptysearch|
- _vnpage_uopt_(?:10?vote|rel.+)|
- _rlst_[vr]stat_.+|
- _vnedit_rel_(?:isa|of|addbut|del|none|findformat|novn|double)|
- _redit_form_med_.+|
- _vnedit_scr_.+|
- _tagv_(?:add|spoil\d|notfound|nometa|double)|
- _redit_form_vn_(?:addbut|remove|none|vnformat|notfound|double)|
- _redit_form_prod_(?:addbut|remove|none|pformat|notfound|double)|
- _pedit_rel_(?:addbut|del|none|findformat|notfound|double)
- )$}x;
sub l10n {
- # Using JSON::XS or something may be shorter and less error prone,
- # although I would have less power over the output (mostly the quoting of the keys)
+ # parse the .js code to find the l10n keys to use
+ my $js = shift;
+ my @keys;
+ push @keys, $1 ? quotemeta($1) : qr/$2/ while($js =~ m{(?:mt\('([a-z0-9_]+)'[,\)]|l10n /([^/]+)/)}g);
+ # also add the _lang_* for all languages for which we have a translation
+ my $jskeys_lang = join '|', VNDB::L10N::languages();
+ push @keys, qr/_lang_(?:$jskeys_lang)/;
+ # fetch the corresponding text from lang.txt
+ my %lang; # key1 => { lang1 => .., lang2 => .. }, key2 => { .. }
my $lang = LangFile->new(read => "$ROOT/data/lang.txt");
- my @r;
- push @r, 'L10N_STR = {';
- my $cur; # undef = none/excluded, 1 = awaiting first TL line, 2 = after first TL line
- my %lang;
+ my $cur; # 0 = none/excluded, 1 = TL lines
+ my $key;
while((my $l = $lang->read())) {
my $type = shift @$l;
if($type eq 'key') {
- my $key = shift @$l;
- push @r, ' }' if $cur;
- $cur = $key =~ $jskeys ? 1 : undef;
- if($cur) {
- $r[$#r] .= ',' if $r[$#r] =~ /}$/;
- # let's assume key names don't trigger a reserved word in JS
- $key = qq{"$key"} if $key !~ /^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$/i;
- push @r, qq| $key: {|;
- }
+ my $k = shift @$l;
+ $cur = grep $k =~ /$_/, @keys;
+ $key = $k;
- $lang{$l->[0]} = 1 if $type eq 'tl';
if($type eq 'tl' && $cur) {
my($lang, $sync, $val) = @$l;
next if !$val;
+ $lang{$key}{$lang} = $val;
+ }
+ }
+ # generate JS code
+ my $r = "L10N_STR = {\n";
+ my $first = 1;
+ for my $key (sort keys %lang) {
+ $r .= ",\n" if !$first;
+ $first = 0;
+ # let's assume all L10N keys are valid JS variable names
+ $r .= sprintf qq| "%s": {\n|, $key;
+ my $firstk = 1;
+ for (sort keys %{$lang{$key}}) {
+ $r .= ",\n" if !$firstk;
+ $firstk = 0;
+ my $lang = $_;
+ $lang = qq{"$lang"} if $lang =~ /^(?:as|do|if|in|is)$/; # reserved two-char words
+ my $val = $lang{$key}{$_};
$val =~ s/"/\\"/g;
$val =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
- $r[$#r] .= ',' if $cur == 2;
- $lang = qq{"$l->[0]"} if $lang =~ /^(?:as|do|if|in|is)$/; # reserved two-char words
- push @r, qq| $lang: "$val"|;
- $cur = 2;
+ $r .= sprintf qq| %s: "%s"|, $lang, $val;
+ $r .= "\n }";
- push @r, ' }' if $cur;
- push @r, '};';
- push @r, 'L10N_LANG = [ '.join(', ', map qq{"$_"}, VNDB::L10N::languages()).' ];';
- return join "\n", @r;
+ $r .= "\n};\n";
+ $r .= 'L10N_LANG = [ '.join(', ', map qq{"$_"}, VNDB::L10N::languages()).' ];';
+ return "$r\n";
sub jsgen {
# JavaScript::Minifier::XS doesn't correctly handle perl's unicode,
# so just do everything in raw bytes instead.
- my $js = encode_utf8(l10n()) . "\n";
- $js .= sprintf "rlst_rstat = [ %s ];\n", join ', ', map qq{"$_"}, @{$S{rlst_rstat}};
- $js .= sprintf "rlst_vstat = [ %s ];\n", join ', ', map qq{"$_"}, @{$S{rlst_vstat}};
- $js .= sprintf "cookie_prefix = '%s';\n", $S{cookie_prefix};
open my $JS, '<', "$ROOT/data/script.js" or die $!;
- $js .= join '', <$JS>;
+ my $js .= join '', <$JS>;
close $JS;
+ my $head = encode_utf8(l10n($js)) . "\n";
+ $head .= sprintf "rlst_rstat = [ %s ];\n", join ', ', map qq{"$_"}, @{$S{rlst_rstat}};
+ $head .= sprintf "rlst_vstat = [ %s ];\n", join ', ', map qq{"$_"}, @{$S{rlst_vstat}};
+ $head .= sprintf "cookie_prefix = '%s';\n", $S{cookie_prefix};
open my $NEWJS, '>', "$ROOT/static/f/script.js" or die $!;
- print $NEWJS $JavaScript::Minifier::XS::VERSION ? JavaScript::Minifier::XS::minify($js) : $js;
+ print $NEWJS $JavaScript::Minifier::XS::VERSION ? JavaScript::Minifier::XS::minify($head.$js) : $head.$js;
close $NEWJS;