diff options
3 files changed, 59 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
index 58cd6299..88e6d7c8 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Handler/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ sub edit {
primary => $s->{aid},
aliases => [
map +{ aid => $_->{id}, name => $_->{name}, orig => $_->{original} },
- sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @{$s->{aliases}}
+ sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} || $a->{original} cmp $b->{original} } @{$s->{aliases}}
my $frm;
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ sub edit {
{ post => 'l_site', required => 0, template => 'weburl', maxlength => 250, default => '' },
{ post => 'l_twitter', required => 0, maxlength => 16, default => '', regex => [ qr/^\S+$/, mt('_staffe_form_tw_err') ] },
{ post => 'l_anidb', required => 0, template => 'id', default => undef },
- { post => 'aliases', template => 'json', json_fields => [
+ { post => 'aliases', template => 'json', json_sort => ['name','orig'], json_fields => [
{ field => 'name', required => 1, maxlength => 200 },
{ field => 'orig', required => 0, maxlength => 200, default => '' },
{ field => 'aid', required => 0, template => 'id', default => 0 },
@@ -220,14 +220,12 @@ sub edit {
if(!$frm->{_err}) {
- my $aliases = [ sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @{$frm->{aliases}} ];
my %old_aliases = $sid ? ( map +($_->{id} => 1), @{$self->dbStaffAliasIds($sid)} ) : ();
$frm->{primary} = 0 unless exists $old_aliases{$frm->{primary}};
# reset aid to zero for newly added aliases.
- $_->{aid} *= $old_aliases{$_->{aid}} ? 1 : 0 for (sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @$aliases);
+ $_->{aid} *= $old_aliases{$_->{aid}} ? 1 : 0 for(@{$frm->{aliases}});
- $frm->{aliases} = $aliases;
$frm->{ihid} = $frm->{ihid} ?1:0;
$frm->{ilock} = $frm->{ilock}?1:0;
$frm->{aid} = $frm->{primary} if $sid;
diff --git a/lib/VNDB/Handler/ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
index 6827557d..8869d1a9 100644
--- a/lib/VNDB/Handler/
+++ b/lib/VNDB/Handler/
@@ -120,18 +120,18 @@ sub edit {
{ post => 'anime', required => 0, default => '' },
{ post => 'image', required => 0, default => 0, template => 'id' },
{ post => 'img_nsfw', required => 0, default => 0 },
- { post => 'credits', required => 0, template => 'json', json_fields => [
+ { post => 'credits', required => 0, template => 'json', json_unique => ['aid','role'], json_sort => ['aid','role'], json_fields => [
{ field => 'aid', required => 1, template => 'id' },
{ field => 'role', required => 1, enum => $self->{staff_roles} },
{ field => 'note', required => 0, maxlength => 250, default => '' },
- { post => 'seiyuu', required => 0, template => 'json', json_fields => [
+ { post => 'seiyuu', required => 0, template => 'json', json_unique => ['aid','cid'], json_sort => ['aid','cid'], json_fields => [
{ field => 'aid', required => 1, template => 'id' },
{ field => 'cid', required => 1, template => 'id' },
{ field => 'note', required => 0, maxlength => 250, default => '' },
{ post => 'vnrelations', required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 5000 },
- { post => 'screenshots', required => 0, template => 'json', json_fields => [
+ { post => 'screenshots', required => 0, template => 'json', json_maxitems => 10, json_unique => 'id', json_sort => 'id', json_fields => [
{ field => 'id', required => 1, template => 'id' },
{ field => 'rid', required => 1, template => 'id' },
{ field => 'nsfw', required => 1, template => 'uint', enum => [0,1] },
@@ -143,34 +143,6 @@ sub edit {
# handle image upload
$frm->{image} = _uploadimage($self, $frm) if !$nosubmit;
- my (@credits, @seiyuu);
- if(!$nosubmit && !$frm->{_err}) {
- # ensure submitted alias IDs exist within database
- my @alist = map $_->{aid}, @{$frm->{credits}}, @{$frm->{seiyuu}};
- my %staff = @alist ? map +($_->{aid}, 1), @{$self->dbStaffGet(aid => \@alist, results => 200)} : ();
- # check for duplicate credits
- my $last_c = { aid => 0, role => '' };
- for my $c (sort { $a->{aid} <=> $b->{aid} || $a->{role} cmp $b->{role} } @{$frm->{credits}}) {
- next unless exists $staff{0+$c->{aid}};
- # discard entries with identical name & role
- next if $last_c->{aid} == $c->{aid} && $last_c->{role} eq $c->{role};
- push @credits, $c;
- $last_c = $c;
- }
- # if character list is empty, any seiyuu data will be discarded
- if (@$chars && @{$frm->{seiyuu}}) {
- my %vn_chars = map +($_->{id} => 1), @$chars;
- my $last_s = { aid => 0, cid => 0 };
- for my $s (sort { $a->{aid} <=> $b->{aid} || $a->{cid} <=> $b->{cid} } @{$frm->{seiyuu}}) {
- next unless $staff{0+$s->{aid}} && $vn_chars{0+$s->{cid}}; # weed out odd credits
- next if $last_s->{aid} == $s->{aid} && $last_s->{cid} == $s->{cid};
- push @seiyuu, $s;
- $last_s = $s;
- }
- }
- }
if(!$nosubmit && !$frm->{_err}) {
# normalize aliases
$frm->{alias} = join "\n", map { s/^ +//g; s/ +$//g; $_?($_):() } split /\n/, $frm->{alias};
@@ -184,6 +156,13 @@ sub edit {
my $anime = { map +($_=>1), grep /^[0-9]+$/, split /[ ,]+/, $frm->{anime} };
my $relations = [ map { /^([a-z]+),([0-9]+),([01]),(.+)$/ && (!$vid || $2 != $vid) ? [ $1, $2, $3, $4 ] : () } split /\|\|\|/, $frm->{vnrelations} ];
+ # Ensure submitted alias / character IDs exist within database
+ my @alist = map $_->{aid}, @{$frm->{credits}}, @{$frm->{seiyuu}};
+ my %staff = @alist ? map +($_->{aid}, 1), @{$self->dbStaffGet(aid => \@alist, results => 200)} : ();
+ my %vn_chars = map +($_->{id} => 1), @$chars;
+ $frm->{credits} = [ grep $staff{$_->{aid}}, @{$frm->{credits}} ];
+ $frm->{seiyuu} = [ grep $staff{$_->{aid}} && $vn_chars{$_->{cid}}, @$chars ? @{$frm->{seiyuu}} : () ];
$frm->{ihid} = $frm->{ihid}?1:0;
$frm->{ilock} = $frm->{ilock}?1:0;
$frm->{desc} = $self->bbSubstLinks($frm->{desc});
@@ -192,8 +171,6 @@ sub edit {
$frm->{vnrelations} = join '|||', map $_->[0].','.$_->[1].','.($_->[2]?1:0).','.$_->[3], sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} @{$relations};
$frm->{img_nsfw} = $frm->{img_nsfw} ? 1 : 0;
$frm->{screenshots} = [ sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @{$frm->{screenshots}} ];
- $frm->{credits} = \@credits;
- $frm->{seiyuu} = \@seiyuu;
# nothing changed? just redirect
return $self->resRedirect("/v$vid", 'post') if $vid && !form_compare(\%b4, $frm);
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
index 3ca6604f..99f15367 100755
--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ use lib $ROOT.'/lib';
use TUWF ':html', 'kv_validate';
use VNDB::L10N;
-use VNDB::Func 'json_encode', 'json_decode';
+use VNDB::Func 'json_decode';
use VNDBUtil 'gtintype';
use SkinFile;
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ TUWF::set(
uname => { regex => qr/^[a-z0-9-]*$/, minlength => 2, maxlength => 15 },
gtin => { func => \&gtintype },
editsum => { maxlength => 5000, minlength => 2 },
- json => { func => \&json_validate, inherit => ['json_fields'], default => [] },
+ json => { func => \&json_validate, inherit => ['json_fields','json_maxitems','json_unique','json_sort'], default => [] },
TUWF::load_recursive('VNDB::Util', 'VNDB::DB', 'VNDB::Handler');
@@ -134,22 +134,66 @@ sub logformat {
+# Figure out if a field is treated as a number in kv_validate().
+sub json_validate_is_num {
+ my $opts = shift;
+ return 0 if !$opts->{template};
+ return 1 if $opts->{template} eq 'num' || $opts->{template} eq 'int' || $opts->{template} eq 'uint';
+ my $t = TUWF::set('validate_templates')->{$opts->{template}};
+ return $t && json_validate_is_num($t);
+sub json_validate_sort {
+ my($sort, $fields, $data) = @_;
+ # Figure out which fields need to use number comparison
+ my %nums;
+ for my $k (@$sort) {
+ my $f = (grep $_->{field} eq $k, @$fields)[0];
+ $nums{$k}++ if json_validate_is_num($f);
+ }
+ # Sort
+ return [sort {
+ for(@$sort) {
+ my $r = $nums{$_} ? $a->{$_} <=> $b->{$_} : $a->{$_} cmp $b->{$_};
+ return $r if $r;
+ }
+ 0
+ } @$data];
# Special validation function for simple JSON structures as form fields. It can
# only validate arrays of key-value objects. The key-value objects are then
# validated using kv_validate.
+# TODO: json_unique implies json_sort on the same fields? These options tend to be the same.
sub json_validate {
my($val, $opts) = @_;
my $fields = $opts->{json_fields};
+ my $maxitems = $opts->{json_maxitems};
+ my $unique = $opts->{json_unique};
+ my $sort = $opts->{json_sort};
+ $unique = [$unique] if $unique && !ref $unique;
+ $sort = [$sort] if $sort && !ref $sort;
my $data = eval { json_decode $val };
$_[0] = $@ ? [] : $data;
return 0 if $@ || ref $data ne 'ARRAY';
+ return 0 if defined($maxitems) && @$data > $maxitems;
my %known_fields = map +($_->{field},1), @$fields;
+ my %unique;
for my $i (0..$#$data) {
return 0 if ref $data->[$i] ne 'HASH';
# Require that all keys are known and have a scalar value.
return 0 if grep !$known_fields{$_} || ref($data->[$i]{$_}), keys %{$data->[$i]};
$data->[$i] = kv_validate({ field => sub { $data->[$i]{shift()} } }, $TUWF::OBJ->{_TUWF}{validate_templates}, $fields);
return 0 if $data->[$i]{_err};
+ return 0 if $unique && $unique{ join '|||', map $data->[$i]{$_}, @$unique }++;
+ $_[0] = json_validate_sort($sort, $fields, $data) if $sort;
return 1;