diff options
2 files changed, 73 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/elm/Reviews/Comment.elm b/elm/Reviews/Comment.elm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fba37168
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elm/Reviews/Comment.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+module Reviews.Comment exposing (main)
+import Html exposing (..)
+import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Browser
+import Browser.Navigation exposing (load)
+import Lib.Html exposing (..)
+import Lib.TextPreview as TP
+import Lib.Api as Api
+import Gen.Api as GApi
+import Gen.ReviewsComment as GRC
+main : Program GRC.Send Model Msg
+main = Browser.element
+ { init = \e -> ((Api.Normal,, TP.bbcode ""), Cmd.none)
+ , view = view
+ , update = update
+ , subscriptions = always Sub.none
+ }
+type alias Model = (Api.State, String, TP.Model)
+type Msg
+ = Content TP.Msg
+ | Submit
+ | Submitted GApi.Response
+update : Msg -> Model -> (Model, Cmd Msg)
+update msg (state,id,content) =
+ case msg of
+ Content m -> let (nm,nc) = TP.update m content in ((state,id,nm), Content nc)
+ Submit -> ((Api.Loading,id,content), GRC.send { msg =, id = id } Submitted)
+ Submitted (GApi.Redirect s) -> ((state,id,content), load s)
+ Submitted r -> ((Api.Error r,id,content), Cmd.none)
+view : Model -> Html Msg
+view (state,_,content) =
+ form_ Submit (state == Api.Loading)
+ [ div [ class "mainbox" ]
+ [ fieldset [ class "submit" ]
+ [ TP.view "msg" content Content 600 ([rows 4, cols 50] ++ GRC.valMsg)
+ [ b [] [ text "Comment" ]
+ , b [ class "standout" ] [ text " (English please!) " ]
+ , a [ href "/d9#3" ] [ text "Formatting" ]
+ ]
+ , submitButton "Submit" state True
+ ]
+ ]
+ ]
diff --git a/lib/VNWeb/Reviews/ b/lib/VNWeb/Reviews/
index 69af9054..190e317a 100644
--- a/lib/VNWeb/Reviews/
+++ b/lib/VNWeb/Reviews/
@@ -4,6 +4,25 @@ use VNWeb::Prelude;
use VNWeb::Releases::Lib;
+my $COMMENT = form_compile any => {
+ id => { vndbid => 'w' },
+ msg => { maxlength => 32768 }
+elm_api ReviewsComment => undef, $COMMENT, sub {
+ my($data) = @_;
+ my $w = tuwf->dbRowi('SELECT id, false AS locked FROM reviews WHERE id =', \$data->{id});
+ return tuwf->resNotFound if !$w->{id};
+ return elm_Unauth if !can_edit t => $w;
+ my $num = sql 'COALESCE((SELECT MAX(num)+1 FROM reviews_posts WHERE id =', \$data->{id}, '),1)';
+ my $msg = bb_subst_links $data->{msg};
+ $num = tuwf->dbVali('INSERT INTO reviews_posts', { id => $w->{id}, num => $num, uid => auth->uid, msg => $msg }, 'RETURNING num');
+ elm_Redirect "/$w->{id}.$num#last";
sub review_ {
my($w) = @_;
@@ -111,10 +130,10 @@ TUWF::get qr{/$RE{wid}(?:(?<sep>[\./])$RE{num})?}, sub {
review_ $w;
if(grep !$_->{hidden}, @$posts) {
- h1_ class => 'boxtitle', 'Comments'; # XXX: How does this look with pagination?
+ h1_ class => 'boxtitle', 'Comments';
VNWeb::Discussions::Thread::posts_($w, $posts, $page);
- # TODO: "Add comment" form + fix post reporting.
+ elm_ 'Reviews.Comment' => $COMMENT, { id => $w->{id}, msg => '' } if $w->{count} <= $page*25 && can_edit t => $w;