diff options
2 files changed, 72 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..351a09bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# all (default)
+# Same as $ make staticdirs js skins www robots
+# staticdirs
+# Creates the required directory structures in static/
+# js
+# Generates the Javascript code
+# skins
+# Generates the CSS code
+# robots
+# Ensures that www/robots.txt and static/robots.txt exist. Can be modified to
+# suit your needs.
+# chmod
+# For when the http process is run from a different user than the files are
+# chown'ed to. chmods all files and directories written to from
+# (including the stylesheets and javascript code, so these can be auto-updated)
+# chmod-tladmin
+# The TransAdmin plugin also needs write access to some files
+# NOTE: This Makefile has only been tested using a recent version of GNU make
+# in a relatively up-to-date Arch Linux environment, and may not work in other
+# environments. Patches to improve the portability are always welcome.
+.PHONY: all staticdirs js skins robots chmod chmod-tladmin
+all: staticdirs js skins robots
+staticdirs: static/cv static/sf static/st
+static/cv static/sf static/st:
+ mkdir $@;
+ for i in $$(seq -w 0 1 99); do mkdir "$@/$$i"; done
+js: static/f/script.js
+static/f/script.js: data/script.js data/lang.txt util/
+ util/
+skins: static/s/*/style.css
+static/s/%/style.css: static/s/%/conf util/ data/style.css
+ util/ $*
+ mkdir www
+robots: www www/robots.txt static/robots.txt
+ echo 'User-agent: *' > $@
+ echo 'Disallow: /' >> $@
+chmod: all
+ chmod a-x+rw static/f/script.js
+ chmod -R a-x+rwX static/{cv,sf,st}
+ chmod a-x+rw static/s/*/{style.css,boxbg.png}
+ chmod a-x+rwX data/lang.txt data/docs data/docs/*\.*
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
deleted file mode 100755
index ac533174..00000000
--- a/util/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# This script should be run after you've somehow managed to fetch
-# all the versioned files from the git repo.
-print "Initializing the files and directories needed to run VNDB...\n";
-# determine our root directory
-use Cwd 'abs_path';
-our $ROOT;
- ($ROOT = abs_path $0) =~ s{/util/init\.pl$}{};
-print " Using project root: $ROOT\n";
-print "\n";
-print "Creating directory structures...\n";
-for my $d (qw| cv st sf |) {
- print " /static/$d\n";
- mkdir "$ROOT/static/$d" or die "mkdir '$ROOT/static/$d': $!\n";
- for my $i (0..99) {
- my $n = sprintf '%s/static/%s/%02d', $ROOT, $d, $i;
- mkdir $n or die "mkdir '$n': $!\n";
- chmod 0777, $n or die "chmod 777 '$n': $!\n";
- }
-print "\n";
-print "Creating /www\n";
-print " You can use this directory to store all files you want to\n";
-print " be available from the main domain. A favicon.ico for example.\n";
-mkdir "$ROOT/www" or die $!;
-print "\n";
-print "Writing robots.txt in /static and /www\n";
-print " You probably don't want your personal copy of VNDB to end up\n";
-print " in the google results, so I'll install a default robots.txt\n";
-print " for you. You're free to modify them as you wish.\n";
-for ('static/robots.txt', 'www/robots.txt') {
- print " $_ exists, skipping...\n", next if -f "$ROOT/$_";
- open my $F, '>', "$ROOT/$_" or die "$_: $!\n";
- print $F "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n";
- close $F;
-print "\n";
-if(!-f "$ROOT/data/") {
- # TODO: create a template config file
- print "No custom config file found, please write one!\n";
-print "\n";
-print "Everything is initialized! Now make sure to configure your\n";
-print "webserver and to initialize a postgresql database (using\n";
-print "dump.sql)\n";