diff options
4 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index f4ea01f6..530863f0 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -17,6 +17,24 @@ Quick and dirty setup using Docker
docker exec -ti vndb su devuser -c 'psql -U vndb' # postgres vndb shell
+Development database
+ There's a small database with a few pre-filled entries for testing purposes.
+ It is automatically imported in the Docker image, but you can also manually
+ import it as follows (requires an initialized DB and needs to be run with a
+ superuser account. WARNING: This throws away anything in the current DB):
+ psql -U postgres vndb -1f util/sql/devdb.sql
+ This database includes two user accounts with the following login:
+ admin / hunter2
+ user / hunter1
+ (The development database is still very minimal, feel free to upload an
+ improved DB dump to the forums if you have more data)
Requirements (when not using Docker)
global requirements:
@@ -92,6 +110,7 @@ Setup
- Update the vndb_site password in data/ to whatever you set it in
the previous step.
+ - (Optional) Import the "Development database" as explained above.
- Now simply run:
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
index 8458ef26..b54e513f 100755
--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ pg_init() {
su postgres -c '/var/www/util/ pg_load_superuser'
su devuser -c '/var/www/util/ pg_load_vndb'
+ su postgres -c '/var/www/util/ pg_load_devdb'
touch /var/lib/postgresql/vndb-init-done
@@ -58,9 +59,15 @@ pg_load_superuser() {
# Should run as devuser
pg_load_vndb() {
cd /var/www
+ make util/sql/editfunc.sql
psql -U vndb -f util/sql/all.sql
+# Should be run as the postgres user
+pg_load_devdb() {
+ psql vndb -1f /var/www/util/sql/devdb.sql
# Should run as devuser
devshell() {
@@ -83,6 +90,9 @@ case "$1" in
+ pg_load_devdb)
+ pg_load_devdb
+ ;;
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..466d3f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This script generates util/sql/devdb.sql from the current DB. It assumes that
+# the DB is accessible through a passwordless 'psql -U vndb'.
+# WARNING: This script will throw away sessions and IP addresses from the DB!
+psql -U vndb -c 'TRUNCATE sessions'
+psql -U vndb -c "UPDATE users SET ip = ''"
+psql -U vndb -c "UPDATE changes SET ip = ''"
+cat <<'EOF' >util/sql/devdb.sql
+-- See the README for instructions.
+-- This file was automatically generated by util/
+-- Hack to disable triggers
+SET session_replication_role = replica;
+psql -U vndb -qAtc \
+ "SELECT 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || string_agg(oid::regclass::text, ', ') || ' CASCADE;'
+ FROM pg_class WHERE relkind = 'r' AND relnamespace = 'public'::regnamespace"\
+ >>util/sql/devdb.sql
+pg_dump -U vndb --data-only | grep -Ev '^(--( .*|$))?$' >>util/sql/devdb.sql
diff --git a/util/sql/devdb.sql b/util/sql/devdb.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4c3e4c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/sql/devdb.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+-- See the README for instructions.
+-- This file was automatically generated by util/
+-- Hack to disable triggers
+SET session_replication_role = replica;
+TRUNCATE TABLE chars_vns, chars_traits_hist, staff_hist, tags_vn, vn_anime_hist, sessions, releases_lang_hist, releases_lang, rlists, releases_producers_hist, releases_platforms, releases_producers, releases_vn_hist, tags_parents, screenshots, stats_cache, threads_poll_options, threads_poll_votes, traits_parents, votes, vn_relations_hist, vn_screenshots_hist, vn_hist, vn_relations, releases_vn, releases_media, releases_hist, vn_seiyuu_hist, vn_screenshots, vn_seiyuu, vn_staff_hist, traits, producers_hist, releases_platforms_hist, producers_relations, releases_media_hist, chars_hist, chars, staff, users_prefs, vn, tags_aliases, affiliate_links, vn_anime, releases, login_throttle, relgraphs, tags, staff_alias, traits_chars, threads_posts, threads, threads_boards, tags_vn_inherit, users, vn_staff, vnlists, notifications, chars_traits, producers, anime, staff_alias_hist, wlists, chars_vns_hist, quotes, changes, producers_relations_hist CASCADE;
+SET statement_timeout = 0;
+SET lock_timeout = 0;
+SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;
+SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
+SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
+SET check_function_bodies = false;
+SET client_min_messages = warning;
+SET row_security = off;
+SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
+COPY releases (id, locked, hidden, title, original, type, website, catalog, gtin, released, notes, minage, patch, freeware, doujin, resolution, voiced, ani_story, ani_ero) FROM stdin;
+1 f f Test tesuto complete 0 20140606 18 f f f 14 4 4 4
+2 f f Test tes complete 0 20150711 9 f f f 0 1 1 1
+3 f f BlazBlue: Centralfiction ブレイブルー セントラルフィクション complete 0 20170426 -1 f f f 0 4 3 0
+4 f f BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend - Steam Edition complete 0 20160312 -1 f f f 0 4 3 0
+COPY affiliate_links (id, rid, hidden, priority, affiliate, url, version, lastfetch, price, data) FROM stdin;
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('affiliate_links_id_seq', 1, false);
+COPY anime (id, year, ann_id, nfo_id, type, title_romaji, title_kanji, lastfetch) FROM stdin;
+COPY users (id, username, mail, perm, passwd, registered, c_votes, c_changes, ip, c_tags, ign_votes, email_confirmed) FROM stdin;
+0 deleted 0 \\x 2018-01-04 19:13:32.823908+00 0 0 0 f f
+6 user 21 \\x0001000008013fb73157f3cdcd27990198726e7e083007b307adcc70a4705170acd69e307f5e764e031d28d39eb4 2018-01-04 22:25:42.054632+00 0 3 0 f f
+1 multi 0 \\x 2018-01-04 19:13:32.82486+00 0 3 0 f f
+4 admin 503 \\x000100000801ec4185fed438752d6b3b968e2b2cd045f70005cb7e10cafdbb694a82246bd34a065b6e977e0c3dcc 2018-01-04 19:26:10.731713+00 6 48 3 f f
+COPY changes (id, type, itemid, rev, added, requester, ip, comments, ihid, ilock) FROM stdin;
+1 v 1 1 2018-01-04 22:30:48.928438+00 4 add f f
+2 r 1 1 2018-01-04 22:32:33.447427+00 4 add f f
+3 v 1 2 2018-01-06 21:03:51.765904+00 6 edit f f
+4 r 2 1 2018-01-10 14:32:33.274624+00 4 add f f
+5 p 1 1 2018-02-03 21:31:37.836707+00 4 added f f
+6 v 2 1 2018-02-03 21:34:53.920269+00 4 added f f
+7 r 3 1 2018-02-03 21:37:09.836493+00 4 added f f
+8 v 2 2 2018-02-03 21:39:48.179712+00 4 added ss f f
+9 v 3 1 2018-02-03 21:41:23.272482+00 4 added f f
+10 r 4 1 2018-02-03 21:43:58.827747+00 4 added f f
+11 c 1 1 2018-02-03 21:48:50.156202+00 4 added f f
+12 p 2 1 2018-02-03 21:52:48.107812+00 4 added f f
+13 c 1 2 2018-02-03 21:56:59.201313+00 4 add trait f f
+14 s 1 1 2018-02-03 21:58:23.386769+00 4 added f f
+15 v 2 3 2018-02-03 21:59:12.993416+00 4 add staff f f
+16 v 2 4 2018-02-03 22:01:48.939799+00 4 relation f f
+17 v 3 2 2018-02-03 22:01:48.939799+00 1 Reverse relation update caused by revision v2.4 f f
+18 v 1 3 2018-02-03 22:02:58.404134+00 4 more info f f
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('changes_id_seq', 18, true);
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('charimg_seq', 1, false);
+COPY chars (id, locked, hidden, name, original, alias, image, "desc", gender, s_bust, s_waist, s_hip, b_month, b_day, height, weight, bloodt, main, main_spoil) FROM stdin;
+1 f f Celica A. Mercury セリカ゠アヤツキ゠マーキュリー Antenna Girl, Celica Ayatsuki Mercury 0 Hobbies: Strolls\nLikes: Sister, family\nDislikes: Nothing\n\nCelica Ayatsuki Mercury is the younger sister of Nine, Jubei's sister-in-law and aunt of Kokonoe. She is a playable character in Chronophantasma Extend and Centralfiction. After the Dark War, she watched over the Black Beast's remains and built a church. She was also the previous owner of the Nox Nyctores, Deus Machina: Nirvana, but both she and Trinity sealed Nirvana at some point.\n<hidden by spoiler settings>\n\nCelica is a kind, generous, and sociable person who deeply loves her sister and friends. She is a sentimental individual who maintains a firm stance that all life is precious and will use her healing magic to assist those in need of it, regardless of who or what they are. She is also shown to be selfless to the point that she will shield a person with her own body without any hesitation and is willing to sacrifice herself, believing that her sacrifice will be a small price to pay for the chance to defeat the Black Beast and save the world.\nIt has also been noted by people that she has no sense of direction, which usually ends with her getting lost. She is also shown to be very stubborn, such as when she ignores her sister's warnings and heads to Japan by herself to search for her missing father and is also unwilling to admit that she has a poor sense of direction.\n\nCelica has the rare ability to use healing Magic. She has been shown to heal most wounds, although she cannot use her magic to remove illnesses such as seithr poisoning. She has also exhibited the latent ability to suppress seithr, and it is for this reason that Celica is the key to Kushinada's Lynchpin, a device created to seal the seithr within the Gate, and thus disrupt the source of the Black Beast's power, although at the cost of her life. This also makes her the ultimate weakness of the Azure Grimoire as Ragna was unable to see through his right eye and move or use his Grimoire as long as he was near her. f 0 0 0 9 8 160 51 a \N 0
+COPY chars_hist (chid, name, original, alias, image, "desc", gender, s_bust, s_waist, s_hip, b_month, b_day, height, weight, bloodt, main, main_spoil) FROM stdin;
+11 Celica A. Mercury セリカ゠アヤツキ゠マーキュリー Antenna Girl, Celica Ayatsuki Mercury 0 Hobbies: Strolls\nLikes: Sister, family\nDislikes: Nothing\n\nCelica Ayatsuki Mercury is the younger sister of Nine, Jubei's sister-in-law and aunt of Kokonoe. She is a playable character in Chronophantasma Extend and Centralfiction. After the Dark War, she watched over the Black Beast's remains and built a church. She was also the previous owner of the Nox Nyctores, Deus Machina: Nirvana, but both she and Trinity sealed Nirvana at some point.\n<hidden by spoiler settings>\n\nCelica is a kind, generous, and sociable person who deeply loves her sister and friends. She is a sentimental individual who maintains a firm stance that all life is precious and will use her healing magic to assist those in need of it, regardless of who or what they are. She is also shown to be selfless to the point that she will shield a person with her own body without any hesitation and is willing to sacrifice herself, believing that her sacrifice will be a small price to pay for the chance to defeat the Black Beast and save the world.\nIt has also been noted by people that she has no sense of direction, which usually ends with her getting lost. She is also shown to be very stubborn, such as when she ignores her sister's warnings and heads to Japan by herself to search for her missing father and is also unwilling to admit that she has a poor sense of direction.\n\nCelica has the rare ability to use healing Magic. She has been shown to heal most wounds, although she cannot use her magic to remove illnesses such as seithr poisoning. She has also exhibited the latent ability to suppress seithr, and it is for this reason that Celica is the key to Kushinada's Lynchpin, a device created to seal the seithr within the Gate, and thus disrupt the source of the Black Beast's power, although at the cost of her life. This also makes her the ultimate weakness of the Azure Grimoire as Ragna was unable to see through his right eye and move or use his Grimoire as long as he was near her. f 0 0 0 9 8 160 51 a \N 0
+13 Celica A. Mercury セリカ゠アヤツキ゠マーキュリー Antenna Girl, Celica Ayatsuki Mercury 0 Hobbies: Strolls\nLikes: Sister, family\nDislikes: Nothing\n\nCelica Ayatsuki Mercury is the younger sister of Nine, Jubei's sister-in-law and aunt of Kokonoe. She is a playable character in Chronophantasma Extend and Centralfiction. After the Dark War, she watched over the Black Beast's remains and built a church. She was also the previous owner of the Nox Nyctores, Deus Machina: Nirvana, but both she and Trinity sealed Nirvana at some point.\n<hidden by spoiler settings>\n\nCelica is a kind, generous, and sociable person who deeply loves her sister and friends. She is a sentimental individual who maintains a firm stance that all life is precious and will use her healing magic to assist those in need of it, regardless of who or what they are. She is also shown to be selfless to the point that she will shield a person with her own body without any hesitation and is willing to sacrifice herself, believing that her sacrifice will be a small price to pay for the chance to defeat the Black Beast and save the world.\nIt has also been noted by people that she has no sense of direction, which usually ends with her getting lost. She is also shown to be very stubborn, such as when she ignores her sister's warnings and heads to Japan by herself to search for her missing father and is also unwilling to admit that she has a poor sense of direction.\n\nCelica has the rare ability to use healing Magic. She has been shown to heal most wounds, although she cannot use her magic to remove illnesses such as seithr poisoning. She has also exhibited the latent ability to suppress seithr, and it is for this reason that Celica is the key to Kushinada's Lynchpin, a device created to seal the seithr within the Gate, and thus disrupt the source of the Black Beast's power, although at the cost of her life. This also makes her the ultimate weakness of the Azure Grimoire as Ragna was unable to see through his right eye and move or use his Grimoire as long as he was near her. f 0 0 0 9 8 160 51 a \N 0
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('chars_id_seq', 1, true);
+COPY traits (id, name, alias, description, meta, added, state, addedby, "group", "order", sexual, c_items) FROM stdin;
+2 Eyes t 2018-02-03 21:55:40.220142+00 2 4 \N 0 f 0
+1 Tareme Down-turned Eyes This character's eyes are drawn with the top eyelid slanted outwards. This usually produces a weak, gentle look.\n\nDue to it's common usage in anime and games it's often noticeable only in series when other characters don't share the trait or as a contrast to characters with Tsurime. f 2018-02-03 21:55:23.803959+00 2 4 2 0 f 0
+COPY chars_traits (id, tid, spoil) FROM stdin;
+1 1 0
+COPY chars_traits_hist (chid, tid, spoil) FROM stdin;
+13 1 0
+COPY relgraphs (id, svg) FROM stdin;
+COPY vn (id, locked, hidden, title, original, alias, length, img_nsfw, image, "desc", l_wp, l_encubed, l_renai, rgraph, c_released, c_languages, c_olang, c_platforms, c_popularity, c_rating, c_votecount, c_search) FROM stdin;
+3 f f BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma ブレイブルークロノファンタズマ BBCP, BBCPE 4 f 0 The game takes place after the events of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. The Story Mode has three scenarios: Chronophantasma, Sector Seven and Six Heroes. \n\nJanuary, 2200AD \nIt's been over one week since the loop came to an end. \nHaving destroyed the Cauldrons, Ragna had finished his quest.\n\nHowever... \nThere was still unfinished business in his books. \nTo defeat his now-revived nemesis, Terumi.\nTerumi abducts the Successor of the Azure, Noel, and forces the Master Unit, Amaterasu to appear in the human plane. \nHatred and vengeance awaken the Sword of the Godslayer, Kusanagi (Mu -No.12-).\n\nRagna sacrifices his own flesh and blood to save Noel, but even that Terumi had predicted. \nIn a small window of opportunity, Terumi nullifies Takamagahara.\n\nIt was all a part of their— \nThe NOL's highest commanding leader, the Imperator's will. \nLater, Kokonoe restores Ragna's flesh... \n...and he sets his course for the Federation's Hierarchical City: Ikaruga.\nLittle did he know, he would encounter the phantoms of time, the Chronophantasma, at his destination.\n\n[From Blazblue Wiki] Chrono_Phantasma \N 20160312 {en,ja,ko,zh} {en,ja,ko,zh} {win} \N \N 0 \N
+1 f f Minimal Test tes alias 1\nalias 2 3 f 0 This is a description invalid invalid invalid \N 20140606 {ja} {ja} {ps2} \N \N 0 \N
+2 f f BlazBlue: Centralfiction ブレイブルー セントラルフィクション Blazblue CF, BlazBlue 4, BBCF 5 f 0 Ragna and the others were in the Union of Hierarchical Cities, called "Ikaruga". They were rebelling against the ruler "Imperator" by their own reason.\n\nAs an answer for the consequences, the mankind all over the world were decomposed into "Seithr". While the power inside Ragna was forcibly provoked to be out of control by the Imperator.\n\nThereafter, the Imperator has vanished somewhere, leaving the huge black sphere called the "Embryo". And Ragna was lost, after he transformed into his internal existence, the "Black Beast".\n\nHowever... Ragna is still alive. When he gained consciousness at the 13th Hierarchical City "Kagutsuchi", the power of the Black Beast was sedated. Moreover, he was still himself though, he lost all of his memory.\n\n"Now time to rebel against the end."\n\n[From Blazblue Wiki]\n\nThe most notable update in the game is that the Arcade has now three Acts instead of just featuring 8 battles. The first Act is named "Phantom of Labyrinth", while the second one is "Nightmare Memory", and the last and third one is called "The Replacement Blue". \N 20170426 {en,ja,ko} {en,ja,ko} {win} \N \N 0 \N
+COPY chars_vns (id, vid, rid, spoil, role) FROM stdin;
+1 2 \N 0 primary
+COPY chars_vns_hist (chid, vid, rid, spoil, role) FROM stdin;
+11 2 \N 0 primary
+13 2 \N 0 primary
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('covers_seq', 1, false);
+COPY login_throttle (ip, timeout) FROM stdin;
+ 2018-02-04 14:45:01+00
+COPY notifications (id, uid, date, read, ntype, ltype, iid, subid, c_title, c_byuser) FROM stdin;
+1 4 2018-01-06 21:03:51.765904+00 \N dbedit v 1 2 Test 6
+2 4 2018-02-03 22:01:48.939799+00 \N dbedit v 3 2 BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma 1
+3 6 2018-02-03 22:02:58.404134+00 \N dbedit v 1 3 Minimal Test 4
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('notifications_id_seq', 3, true);
+COPY producers (id, locked, hidden, type, name, original, website, lang, "desc", alias, l_wp, rgraph) FROM stdin;
+1 f f co Arc System Works ja Arc_System_Works \N
+2 f f co Mieno Hitomi 三重野 瞳 ja Mieno Hitomi, born in December 21, 1977, is a singer, songwriter and radio personality from Fukuoka.\n\nShe is also well-known as a scenario writer, especially in anime, under the alias "Akao Deko".\n\nBlog: link Akao Deko\t赤尾 でこ \N \N
+COPY producers_hist (chid, type, name, original, website, lang, "desc", alias, l_wp) FROM stdin;
+5 co Arc System Works ja Arc_System_Works
+12 co Mieno Hitomi 三重野 瞳 ja Mieno Hitomi, born in December 21, 1977, is a singer, songwriter and radio personality from Fukuoka.\n\nShe is also well-known as a scenario writer, especially in anime, under the alias "Akao Deko".\n\nBlog: link Akao Deko\t赤尾 でこ \N
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('producers_id_seq', 2, true);
+COPY producers_relations (id, pid, relation) FROM stdin;
+COPY producers_relations_hist (chid, pid, relation) FROM stdin;
+COPY quotes (vid, quote) FROM stdin;
+1 This is a silly quote.
+2 Hello, World!
+COPY releases_hist (chid, title, original, type, website, catalog, gtin, released, notes, minage, patch, freeware, doujin, resolution, voiced, ani_story, ani_ero) FROM stdin;
+2 Test tesuto complete 0 20140606 18 f f f 14 4 4 4
+4 Test tes complete 0 20150711 9 f f f 0 1 1 1
+7 BlazBlue: Centralfiction ブレイブルー セントラルフィクション complete 0 20170426 -1 f f f 0 4 3 0
+10 BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend - Steam Edition complete 0 20160312 -1 f f f 0 4 3 0
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('releases_id_seq', 4, true);
+COPY releases_lang (id, lang) FROM stdin;
+1 ja
+2 ja
+3 en
+3 ja
+3 ko
+4 en
+4 ja
+4 ko
+4 zh
+COPY releases_lang_hist (chid, lang) FROM stdin;
+2 ja
+4 ja
+7 en
+7 ja
+7 ko
+10 en
+10 ja
+10 ko
+10 zh
+COPY releases_media (id, medium, qty) FROM stdin;
+1 dvd 2
+3 in 0
+4 in 0
+COPY releases_media_hist (chid, medium, qty) FROM stdin;
+2 dvd 2
+7 in 0
+10 in 0
+COPY releases_platforms (id, platform) FROM stdin;
+1 ps2
+3 win
+4 win
+COPY releases_platforms_hist (chid, platform) FROM stdin;
+2 ps2
+7 win
+10 win
+COPY releases_producers (id, pid, developer, publisher) FROM stdin;
+3 1 t f
+4 1 t f
+COPY releases_producers_hist (chid, pid, developer, publisher) FROM stdin;
+7 1 t f
+10 1 t f
+COPY releases_vn (id, vid) FROM stdin;
+1 1
+2 1
+3 2
+4 3
+COPY releases_vn_hist (chid, vid) FROM stdin;
+2 1
+4 1
+7 2
+10 3
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('relgraphs_id_seq', 1, false);
+COPY rlists (uid, rid, status, added) FROM stdin;
+COPY screenshots (id, width, height) FROM stdin;
+1 1280 720
+2 1280 720
+3 1280 720
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('screenshots_id_seq', 3, true);
+COPY sessions (uid, token, added, lastused) FROM stdin;
+COPY staff (id, locked, hidden, aid, gender, lang, "desc", l_wp, l_site, l_twitter, l_anidb) FROM stdin;
+1 f f 1 m ja Mori Toshimichi is a Japanese game designer and illustrator working for Arc System Works, especially for the Blazblue series. \N
+COPY staff_alias (id, aid, name, original) FROM stdin;
+1 1 Mori Toshimichi 森 利道
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('staff_alias_aid_seq', 1, true);
+COPY staff_alias_hist (chid, aid, name, original) FROM stdin;
+14 1 Mori Toshimichi 森 利道
+COPY staff_hist (chid, aid, gender, lang, "desc", l_wp, l_site, l_twitter, l_anidb) FROM stdin;
+14 1 m ja Mori Toshimichi is a Japanese game designer and illustrator working for Arc System Works, especially for the Blazblue series. \N
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('staff_id_seq', 1, true);
+COPY stats_cache (section, count) FROM stdin;
+users 3
+vn 3
+releases 4
+chars 1
+producers 2
+traits 2
+staff 1
+tags 6
+threads 1
+threads_posts 1
+COPY tags (id, name, description, meta, added, state, c_items, addedby, cat) FROM stdin;
+1 Duel Most of the fighting in this game is in the form of one on one fights. They can be either of, in the form of a competition, or the classic anime style where everyone else just stops doing anything and watches the fight while discussing and throwing comments.\n\nYou can check the Wikipedia entry for duels for more information. f 2018-02-03 21:50:16.536555+00 2 0 4 cont
+2 Beat 'em Up A game with this tag involves beat 'em up gameplay.\n\nBeat 'em up is a video game genre featuring hand-to-hand combat between the protagonist and an improbably large number of opponents. f 2018-02-03 21:50:51.339121+00 2 0 4 tech
+COPY tags_aliases (alias, tag) FROM stdin;
+one-on-one fight 1
+Brawler 2
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('tags_id_seq', 2, true);
+COPY tags_parents (tag, parent) FROM stdin;
+2 1
+COPY tags_vn (tag, vid, uid, vote, spoiler, date, ignore) FROM stdin;
+1 2 4 3 \N 2018-02-03 21:51:28.308199+00 f
+COPY tags_vn_inherit (tag, vid, users, rating, spoiler) FROM stdin;
+COPY threads (id, title, locked, hidden, count, poll_question, poll_max_options, poll_preview, poll_recast) FROM stdin;
+1 It works! f f 1 \N 1 f f
+COPY threads_boards (tid, type, iid) FROM stdin;
+1 an 0
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('threads_id_seq', 1, true);
+COPY threads_poll_options (id, tid, option) FROM stdin;
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('threads_poll_options_id_seq', 1, false);
+COPY threads_poll_votes (tid, uid, optid) FROM stdin;
+COPY threads_posts (tid, num, uid, date, edited, msg, hidden) FROM stdin;
+1 1 4 2018-02-04 09:58:59.789808+00 \N Congratulations. f
+COPY traits_chars (cid, tid, spoil) FROM stdin;
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('traits_id_seq', 2, true);
+COPY traits_parents (trait, parent) FROM stdin;
+1 2
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('users_id_seq', 6, true);
+COPY users_prefs (uid, key, value) FROM stdin;
+0 notify_nodbedit 1
+1 notify_nodbedit 1
+COPY vn_anime (id, aid) FROM stdin;
+COPY vn_anime_hist (chid, aid) FROM stdin;
+COPY vn_hist (chid, title, original, alias, length, img_nsfw, image, "desc", l_wp, l_encubed, l_renai) FROM stdin;
+1 Test tesuto 3 f 0
+3 Test tes 3 f 0
+6 BlazBlue: Centralfiction ブレイブルー セントラルフィクション Blazblue CF, BlazBlue 4, BBCF 5 f 0 Ragna and the others were in the Union of Hierarchical Cities, called "Ikaruga". They were rebelling against the ruler "Imperator" by their own reason.\n\nAs an answer for the consequences, the mankind all over the world were decomposed into "Seithr". While the power inside Ragna was forcibly provoked to be out of control by the Imperator.\n\nThereafter, the Imperator has vanished somewhere, leaving the huge black sphere called the "Embryo". And Ragna was lost, after he transformed into his internal existence, the "Black Beast".\n\nHowever... Ragna is still alive. When he gained consciousness at the 13th Hierarchical City "Kagutsuchi", the power of the Black Beast was sedated. Moreover, he was still himself though, he lost all of his memory.\n\n"Now time to rebel against the end."\n\n[From Blazblue Wiki]\n\nThe most notable update in the game is that the Arcade has now three Acts instead of just featuring 8 battles. The first Act is named "Phantom of Labyrinth", while the second one is "Nightmare Memory", and the last and third one is called "The Replacement Blue".
+8 BlazBlue: Centralfiction ブレイブルー セントラルフィクション Blazblue CF, BlazBlue 4, BBCF 5 f 0 Ragna and the others were in the Union of Hierarchical Cities, called "Ikaruga". They were rebelling against the ruler "Imperator" by their own reason.\n\nAs an answer for the consequences, the mankind all over the world were decomposed into "Seithr". While the power inside Ragna was forcibly provoked to be out of control by the Imperator.\n\nThereafter, the Imperator has vanished somewhere, leaving the huge black sphere called the "Embryo". And Ragna was lost, after he transformed into his internal existence, the "Black Beast".\n\nHowever... Ragna is still alive. When he gained consciousness at the 13th Hierarchical City "Kagutsuchi", the power of the Black Beast was sedated. Moreover, he was still himself though, he lost all of his memory.\n\n"Now time to rebel against the end."\n\n[From Blazblue Wiki]\n\nThe most notable update in the game is that the Arcade has now three Acts instead of just featuring 8 battles. The first Act is named "Phantom of Labyrinth", while the second one is "Nightmare Memory", and the last and third one is called "The Replacement Blue".
+9 BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma ブレイブルークロノファンタズマ BBCP, BBCPE 4 f 0 The game takes place after the events of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. The Story Mode has three scenarios: Chronophantasma, Sector Seven and Six Heroes. \n\nJanuary, 2200AD \nIt's been over one week since the loop came to an end. \nHaving destroyed the Cauldrons, Ragna had finished his quest.\n\nHowever... \nThere was still unfinished business in his books. \nTo defeat his now-revived nemesis, Terumi.\nTerumi abducts the Successor of the Azure, Noel, and forces the Master Unit, Amaterasu to appear in the human plane. \nHatred and vengeance awaken the Sword of the Godslayer, Kusanagi (Mu -No.12-).\n\nRagna sacrifices his own flesh and blood to save Noel, but even that Terumi had predicted. \nIn a small window of opportunity, Terumi nullifies Takamagahara.\n\nIt was all a part of their— \nThe NOL's highest commanding leader, the Imperator's will. \nLater, Kokonoe restores Ragna's flesh... \n...and he sets his course for the Federation's Hierarchical City: Ikaruga.\nLittle did he know, he would encounter the phantoms of time, the Chronophantasma, at his destination.\n\n[From Blazblue Wiki] Chrono_Phantasma
+15 BlazBlue: Centralfiction ブレイブルー セントラルフィクション Blazblue CF, BlazBlue 4, BBCF 5 f 0 Ragna and the others were in the Union of Hierarchical Cities, called "Ikaruga". They were rebelling against the ruler "Imperator" by their own reason.\n\nAs an answer for the consequences, the mankind all over the world were decomposed into "Seithr". While the power inside Ragna was forcibly provoked to be out of control by the Imperator.\n\nThereafter, the Imperator has vanished somewhere, leaving the huge black sphere called the "Embryo". And Ragna was lost, after he transformed into his internal existence, the "Black Beast".\n\nHowever... Ragna is still alive. When he gained consciousness at the 13th Hierarchical City "Kagutsuchi", the power of the Black Beast was sedated. Moreover, he was still himself though, he lost all of his memory.\n\n"Now time to rebel against the end."\n\n[From Blazblue Wiki]\n\nThe most notable update in the game is that the Arcade has now three Acts instead of just featuring 8 battles. The first Act is named "Phantom of Labyrinth", while the second one is "Nightmare Memory", and the last and third one is called "The Replacement Blue".
+16 BlazBlue: Centralfiction ブレイブルー セントラルフィクション Blazblue CF, BlazBlue 4, BBCF 5 f 0 Ragna and the others were in the Union of Hierarchical Cities, called "Ikaruga". They were rebelling against the ruler "Imperator" by their own reason.\n\nAs an answer for the consequences, the mankind all over the world were decomposed into "Seithr". While the power inside Ragna was forcibly provoked to be out of control by the Imperator.\n\nThereafter, the Imperator has vanished somewhere, leaving the huge black sphere called the "Embryo". And Ragna was lost, after he transformed into his internal existence, the "Black Beast".\n\nHowever... Ragna is still alive. When he gained consciousness at the 13th Hierarchical City "Kagutsuchi", the power of the Black Beast was sedated. Moreover, he was still himself though, he lost all of his memory.\n\n"Now time to rebel against the end."\n\n[From Blazblue Wiki]\n\nThe most notable update in the game is that the Arcade has now three Acts instead of just featuring 8 battles. The first Act is named "Phantom of Labyrinth", while the second one is "Nightmare Memory", and the last and third one is called "The Replacement Blue".
+17 BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma ブレイブルークロノファンタズマ BBCP, BBCPE 4 f 0 The game takes place after the events of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. The Story Mode has three scenarios: Chronophantasma, Sector Seven and Six Heroes. \n\nJanuary, 2200AD \nIt's been over one week since the loop came to an end. \nHaving destroyed the Cauldrons, Ragna had finished his quest.\n\nHowever... \nThere was still unfinished business in his books. \nTo defeat his now-revived nemesis, Terumi.\nTerumi abducts the Successor of the Azure, Noel, and forces the Master Unit, Amaterasu to appear in the human plane. \nHatred and vengeance awaken the Sword of the Godslayer, Kusanagi (Mu -No.12-).\n\nRagna sacrifices his own flesh and blood to save Noel, but even that Terumi had predicted. \nIn a small window of opportunity, Terumi nullifies Takamagahara.\n\nIt was all a part of their— \nThe NOL's highest commanding leader, the Imperator's will. \nLater, Kokonoe restores Ragna's flesh... \n...and he sets his course for the Federation's Hierarchical City: Ikaruga.\nLittle did he know, he would encounter the phantoms of time, the Chronophantasma, at his destination.\n\n[From Blazblue Wiki] Chrono_Phantasma
+18 Minimal Test tes alias 1\nalias 2 3 f 0 This is a description invalid invalid invalid
+SELECT pg_catalog.setval('vn_id_seq', 3, true);
+COPY vn_relations (id, vid, relation, official) FROM stdin;
+2 3 preq t
+3 2 seq t
+COPY vn_relations_hist (chid, vid, relation, official) FROM stdin;
+16 3 preq t
+17 2 seq t
+COPY vn_screenshots (id, scr, rid, nsfw) FROM stdin;
+2 2 3 f
+COPY vn_screenshots_hist (chid, scr, rid, nsfw) FROM stdin;
+8 2 3 f
+15 2 3 f
+16 2 3 f
+COPY vn_seiyuu (id, aid, cid, note) FROM stdin;
+COPY vn_seiyuu_hist (chid, aid, cid, note) FROM stdin;
+COPY vn_staff (id, aid, role, note) FROM stdin;
+2 1 scenario
+COPY vn_staff_hist (chid, aid, role, note) FROM stdin;
+15 1 scenario
+16 1 scenario
+COPY vnlists (uid, vid, status, added, notes) FROM stdin;
+COPY votes (vid, uid, vote, date) FROM stdin;
+2 4 50 2018-02-03 21:37:44.946845+00
+1 4 50 2018-02-03 22:03:18.419115+00
+COPY wlists (uid, vid, wstat, added) FROM stdin;