path: root/data/js/dateselector.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'data/js/dateselector.js')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/js/dateselector.js b/data/js/dateselector.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ba12eca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/js/dateselector.js
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* Date selector widget for the 'release date'-style dates, with support for
+ * TBA and unknown month or day. Usage:
+ *
+ * <input type="hidden" class="dateinput" .. />
+ *
+ * Will add a date selector to the HTML at that place, and automatically
+ * read/write the value of the hidden field. Alternative usage:
+ *
+ * var obj = dateLoad(ref, serfunc);
+ *
+ * If 'ref' is set, it will behave as above with 'ref' being the input object.
+ * Otherwise it will return the widget object. The setfunc, if set, will be
+ * called whenever the date widget is focussed or its value is changed.
+ *
+ * The object returned by dateLoad() can be used as follows:
+ * obj.date_val: Always contains the currently selected date.
+ * obj.dateSet(val): Change the selected date
+ */
+function load(obj, serfunc) {
+ var i;
+ var selops = {style: 'width: 70px', onfocus:serfunc, onchange: serialize, tabIndex: 10};
+ var year = tag('select', selops,
+ tag('option', {value:0}, mt('_js_date_year')),
+ tag('option', {value:9999}, 'TBA')
+ );
+ for(i=(new Date()).getFullYear()+5; i>=1980; i--)
+ year.appendChild(tag('option', {value: i}, i));
+ var month = tag('select', selops,
+ tag('option', {value:99}, mt('_js_date_month'))
+ );
+ for(i=1; i<=12; i++)
+ month.appendChild(tag('option', {value: i}, i));
+ var day = tag('select', selops,
+ tag('option', {value:99}, mt('_js_date_day'))
+ );
+ for(i=1; i<=31; i++)
+ day.appendChild(tag('option', {value: i}, i));
+ var div = tag('div', {
+ date_obj: obj,
+ date_serfunc: serfunc,
+ date_val: obj ? obj.value : 0
+ }, year, month, day);
+ div.dateSet = function(v){ set(div, v) };
+ set(div, div.date_val);
+ return obj ? obj.parentNode.insertBefore(div, obj) : div;
+function set(div, val) {
+ val = +val || 0;
+ val = [ Math.floor(val/10000), Math.floor(val/100)%100, val%100 ];
+ if(val[1] == 0) val[1] = 99;
+ if(val[2] == 0) val[2] = 99;
+ var l = byName(div, 'select');
+ for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++)
+ for(var j=0; j<l[i].options.length; j++)
+ l[i].options[j].selected = l[i].options[j].value == val[i];
+ serialize(div, true);
+function serialize(div, nonotify) {
+ div = div.dateSet ? div : this.parentNode;
+ var sel = byName(div, 'select');
+ var val = [
+ sel[0].options[sel[0].selectedIndex].value*1,
+ sel[1].options[sel[1].selectedIndex].value*1,
+ sel[2].options[sel[2].selectedIndex].value*1
+ ];
+ div.date_val = val[0] == 0 ? 0 : val[0] == 9999 ? 99999999 : val[0]*10000+val[1]*100+(val[1]==99?99:val[2]);
+ if(div.date_obj)
+ div.date_obj.value = div.date_val;
+ if(!nonotify && div.date_serfunc)
+ div.date_serfunc(div);
+var l = byClass('input', 'dateinput');
+for(var i=0; i<l.length; i++)
+ load(l[i]);
+window.dateLoad = load;